Once the flight stewardess saw that no one else was boarding the plane, she goes to Liada to confirm that all were accounted for. The fox demon skims over doing a head check and satisfied that all were there she lets the girl know that they are ready to take off and to make sure everyone gets anything they need, but then leans the stewardess down to whisper to her. But ignore the green elf if he tries to make a pass at ya, he has a dysfunction and just really can't help himself. Anything like food, drinks, blankets etc of the norm is fine but if he gets too much just let me know. twisted Nodding in understanding the stewardess goes to speak with the pilot while a male steward comes to take her dinner order and refresh her drink. After a few moments the pilot comes up on the speaker to go through the normal safety talk and that their next stop would be Manor Town. Shortly after strapping in the crew feel the normal shaking and grumbling of the plane preparing to move and take off. Home sweet home was soon upon them.