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Yu Yu Hakusho When Parody takes over

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What happens when Yu Yu Hakusho and Parody mix? Many Fun Stories 

Tags: Parody, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yusuke, Kurama, Hiei 

Reply Spirit-Human-Demon...::: Role play Area:::...
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Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2018 7:34 pm
" They are a little sore, my right one can't be straighten at all and needs all the rest it can be but it hurts more to hide them all together, so there just gonna be out I guess." He said and smiled messing up Jen's hair. " I have a knight coming into the medical to be with Jen, alright? Did you want to come downstairs with me?" Kazu asked looking toward Isuna.

Hiei shifted rolling over in the bed and pulled on the blanket more. He heard and felt Neko but only tried to get more comfy. " I dont care about this ball. I'm sure being a few minutes late won't kill me." He grumbled into his pillow before he let out a sigh and slowly moved to sit up in the bed, Eyes still closed as he moved a hand to rub his face trying to wake up. He waited a second and fell back onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling.

Kidd chuckled and messed up her hair. " Well you said you didn't have a dress and that's all I had soo brought you to choose from. She smiled and stretched a bit. " I don't have to wear dresser anymore. I ain't royalty anymore!" She added.  
PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2018 8:02 pm
Isuna smiled and nodded. "That's fine, Jencho I picked up some comics from human world for you, they're on the desk." Isuna explained. She had picked them up on a past trip and kept them handy incase a distraction was needed. She looked up at Kazu and nodded. "Sure, I'm not sure if Akuro had stuff to finish up or not, but I think he might be down there already." She explained.

Neko sighed, she finished applying her lipstick, going for a stunning red. She moved to stand up and promptly yanked the blankets off Hiei. "Up damnit. I didn't get all gussied up for no good reason." She stood, hands on her revealed hips, visible eye staring at him a moment. "Though, if I ho out there looking like this without escorting King Tear, I'm probably far more likely to be asked to dance." She pointed out.

Kana smiled. "Thanks, I think this will be perfect. What time is the ball?" She asked, moving to hang the dress up, and going to the closet to find some shoes  

Vice Captain

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2018 8:21 pm
Hiei moved as he felt the blanket off him and he let out an annoyed sigh as he sat on the bed. Looking at the woman as he rubbed his eyes he tried to keep from drooling. " You can't go like that, How Am I'm suppose to behave myself when you look like that? You are a ******** tease." The fire demon said he moved off the bed and looked toward his Tear out which was trashed from a job he had done.

" ******** I forgot to get that fix." He rolled his eyes and walked into his closet with annoying mumbles and grumbles he walked out also in a tux. ' No fighting gi for me.' He thought in his head before he moved walking out of the closet wearing black dress pants, a black over coat with black dress shirt and tie with a gold vest under it. The sleeves of the over coat had gold around the wrists. Normally he would always wear black on black or crimson but he wasn't himself. " This is ******** stupid." He grumbled as he glanced at the mirror for a second and grabbed his mask off the dresser. " Alright, let's go I guess. I suspect your gonna tease me all night?" He asked looking at her outfit as he played with the mask in his hand. Hiei dressed up pretty damn well when he needed too.

Jen smiled and nodded heading toward the desk. " you know what I love." Jen said with a chuckle and got comfy at the desk to start reading.

Kazu moved heading down the hall. " I think I saw him downstairs when I was coming up. Just finishing the last bit of things." Kazu explained and shifted his wings as he played with his tie making sure it was straight. " I hate these events. I didn't think Tear would settle on something so lame."

" We have an hour or so to get ready. I don't have to be there right away. So don't rush." Kidd said digging in her bag for an outfit. She moved pulling out her stuff and a small make up bag and tilted her head. " Can I use your shower and what not?" She asked.  
PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2018 8:36 pm
Neko smiled, happy he was up finally and she was able to see his reaction. "You told me to go with my first choice." She said, finishing her make up as Hiei changed. She looked up at him once he finished, her cheeks going pink a bit. As he asked if she was going to tease him all night she smirked and put the make up away. "No more than your going to tease me." She confessed. "Say the word if it gets to much for you to handle. I have a back up outfit." She winked and moved to follow him out, holding her hand out. "Shall we?"

Isuna shrugged her bare shoulders, slipping her shoes on. "I dont think it's that bad. It's kinda fun to get dressed up." She admitted, heading for the door. "Have fun Jen, if you get tired, you can sleep on one of the medical beds." She called ln ed, waiting by the door for Kazu.

Kana looked over her shoulder and nodded. "Yep, last door on the left. Help yourself, towels are in the closet next to the bathroom." She offered, finally pulling a black pair of shoes out.  

Vice Captain

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2018 8:44 pm
Hiei moved holding the mask with his free hand before using the other one to pull Neko into his and gave her a kiss. he didn't even care if he had lipstick on his mouth, he'd wipe it off after. He moved his arm onto her hip and chuckled dropping his mask to use his other hand to fix the lipstick off his lips and then cleaned up Nekos. " You know....we could be late." He said with a chuckle before he pulled away from her and picked up his mask pulling it on his face. " Let's go amuse the sublords." He said and walked out of the room.

Kazu moved walking out with Isuna and shrugged. " It's just not my thing. I could be testing stuff or having a nice strong drink. Instead Tear got my on duty here." Kazu said with a sigh and walked out of the room and then bowed holding his hand out. " Shall I escort you downstairs?" He asked with a sly smile.

Kidd moved heading to bathroom and had a shower before getting out and changing. She moved pulling on tight pair of black pants and slipped on black boots that went to her knees with no heel and then pulled on a long sleeve dress top and pulled on a black tight vest and added a bowtie. She did light pink makeup and fixed her short blond hair to be a little spiky and wild before she walked out of the bathroom and attached her puppet stick to the back of her pants and headed downstairs. " You ready?" She asked.  
PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2018 9:14 pm
Neko blinked a moment, suprised by the kiss. She smirked as Hiei mentioned them being late. "Oh, so mean." She laughed, following him out and closing the door behind her. She followed him down the hall, heels clicking lightly on the floor. "So, rules for this party? Assuming someone does something stupid?"

Isuna giggled, moving to take Kazus hand. "Just this once." She smiled, walking with him down stairs. She glanced around, looking for Akuro as they walked.

Kana turned to the door, the dress spinning with the motion. She had replaced her large framed glasses with a thinner metal frame, and put on black hose with her Mary Jane style shoes. A simple necklace and a couple gold bangles dressed up the dress, and opted to keep her makeup natural. "You look good." She offered, looking at Kidds outfit.  

Vice Captain

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2018 9:34 pm
" Other then my staff no weapons. Once you enter the hall all powers are gone due to the spell that I had Hisayuki set up for me. " He started and moved pulling a ring from his pocket and passed it to Neko. " Put this on, this is going to null the barrier so you'll be able to access your powers still." Tear said as he walked and with his free hand put one on himself and held a few others in his hand. " Like I said only my staff will have access to power and weapons."

" This needs to be civil. I don't want sub lords talking about the new rules set out or war. I don't care what else they talk about. " Tear said and moved standing at the top of the stairs in the shadow with Neko so they could talk before heading downstairs. He could already see all the guest and he just wanted to scan the room.

Kazu smiled and walked with Isuna and got into the ball before being pulled back lightly. " Watch it bat boy. That's my lovely fox" Akuro said and nodded at Isuna. " You look amazing like always." He said and looked at Kazu who chuckled. " Just wanted to make sure she got here safe. I'll mingle" He said and waved.

" Oh..wow..you look stunning" Kidd said and rubbed the back of her head slightly and then held her hand out. " Ready to mingle into my world a little?" Kidd asked with a smile.  
PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2018 10:06 pm
Neko took the ring and smirked, slipping it on her right hand. "Ask me to help raise your kid, sharing your bed, offering me a ring. You know you could really give a girl the wrong idea." She teased, keeping her voice hushed. She looked out at the crowd, making a mental note of who was here. No one looked armed luckily. She counted out the guards in her head, then noticed Akuros red hair, along with Isuna and Kazu. "Looks like the gangs all here. Dont see Mukuro anywhere."

Isuna turned to look at Akuro, smiling as he complimented her. "Thanks, you look rather dashing yourself." She looked back to Kazu and nodded. "Thanks for walking with me Kazu, have fun." She turned back to Akuro, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and grinned. "I'm glad you like the dress. Yukina though" you might."

Kana nodded, grabbing a small black clutch to take with her, just incase. Taking Kidds hand she smiled a little. "Ready."  

Vice Captain

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2018 10:25 pm
Tear rolled his eyes standing up in the shadows and looked at her. " Seriously? " He said and shook his head and turned his head a bit. " You know, you are the one who said they didn't want to get into one of those relationships. . . but you seem to be enjoying it so far" Tear said and chuckled before holding his hand out as he took a step down the stairs. " Mukuro will be late. " Was all he said before moving to take Neko down the stairs after all she was his escort and guard for the night.

Akuro watched the bat boy leave before he turned and looked toward Isuna and smiled. " My jaw is dropping every time I see. This is gonna be a wonderful night" He smiled and moved looking toward Tear and Neko. " s**t look at those two. I noticed Tear took a liking to your friend."

Kidd moved holding a small knife in her hand before slashing the air and glanced at Kana with a smile and walked in the portal with the girl. " Just stay close to me and you'll be safe" Kidd said coming up just outside the castle.  
PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2018 10:41 pm
Neko clicked her tongue. "Yeah, domestication isnt my thing is all. What can I say." She moved, taking his hand and walking with him down the stairs. Given the dress, it was easy to assume Neko wasnt armed, but as she walked down the stairs, and the slit in the side of her dress shifted, the lace garter holding a thin bladed dagger could be seen on her thigh.

Isuna turned to watch them and smirked at Akuros comment. "To be fair, most guys take a liking to Neko, especially when she dresses like that. The two of them sure do know how to command the attention of a room, huh?" She laughed softly and took Akuros hand.

Kana moved, following Kidd and looking around once they got to Makai. She kinda stared a bit before moving closer to Kidd. "Is it bad I'm hoping my invisibility works as well here as it does at home?"  

Vice Captain

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2018 10:55 pm
" you seem to be enjoying it right now." Tear said and whispered into her ear before slowly moving his arm from hers and waved slightly at some sub lords before moving and handing the rings to Neko. " I'm going to mingle with some sub lords. Please gives these to the group. " He said and slowly closed her hand before moving to walk away for now.

Akuro shifted a little and nodded. " True, your friend is hot as hell." Akuro said and looked around the room again. " There are a lot of new sub lords..I haven't met some of these ones yet...Look puppet leaders are here too. You think Kidd will show up?" He asked.

Kazu moved walking toward Neko and pulled on her hand slightly. " Teasing our king already?" Kazu asked.

Kidd held her hand and headed inside and looked around. "Everyone has strong sight, they'll notice you but I'll keep you safe. I promise you." Kidd said and waved as she saw Akuro and Isuna and looked around for her boss.  
PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2018 11:08 pm
Neko smirked. "Yeah, maybe a little. The company makes it tolerable." She joked, stepping away from him after he handed her the rings. She moved the toe of her heel, tapping his shadow as he walked away. Feeling a tug she looked at Kazu and smiled. "He makes it so easy." She joked, moving to walk with Kazu. "Here, I was told to give you this. Akuro and Issy need one too." She explained, handing him a ring.

Isuna looked over at the puppet leaders. A tall burly man built like an ox, and beside him a petite girl with curly pink hair wearing a black gothic lace dress, carrying a stuffed rabbit. "I'm not sure. Kidd kinda freaked out when I mentioned the puppet lords showing up." She scanned the crowd, looking for Kidd. Spotting her by the door finally. "Oh, there she is. Looks like she brought a friend."

Kana nodded, fixing her glasses, and staying next to Kidd as they entered. She had to remind herself not to stare as they walked in, seeing all the different demons.  

Vice Captain

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2018 11:35 pm
" You have him wrapped around your fingers.." Kazu said shaking his head as he pulle' d the ring on and blinked feeling his power come right back to him and smiled. " Fancy, where did he get these made?" He said outloud and looked around. " Make sure you keep an eye on him. I have a bad feeling.." Kazu finally said.

" Oooh Kidd has actual friends beside us...this is amazing..." Akuro said staring at the two girls. " Hey I never hear Kidd talking about boys...is she you know?" AKuro asked curious about it.

Kidd moved holding Kanas hand as they walked and kept the woman close as she walked toward ' Akuro and Isuna with a small smile and she stopped and saw the young girl. " Cillia..." Kidd said staring at the two people.  
PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2018 7:20 am
"I think he said Hisa made them to counter act the barrier around the area." She explained, walking with him toward Isuna and Akuro. Her ears swiveled every once in awhile, listening to the guest as the walked. She gave a slight nod at Kazus warning. "I tapped his Shadow before he stepped away. I can port him if something goes south." She waved as they reached Akuro and Isuna. "Aw you guys look cute together. Here, I have present for you both." She handed them both their rings.

Isuna slipped her ring on, flexing her fingers once she felt the barrier release. "Well that's nifty." She looked over at Kidd and shrugged her shoulders. "I asked once about a boyfriend, but she said he died. That's all I know about it...looks like she noticed the Puppet lords."

Kana paused with Kidd, following her line of sight over to the girl with the stuffed rabbit. "Someone you know?" She asked, wondering who it was.  

Vice Captain

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2018 7:43 am
"Probably the best idea." Kazu said and stood with Neko and the others. Moving slowly he yawned and looked toward the girl with Kidd. " She's human and shes cute. What a treat." That was that small bit of silver bat showing in him. Human. The best damn thing in the world.

Akuro clenched his hand and looked at the ring. " That mage is useless most of the time but for once did something handy for us? I guess thats why Tear keeps him on payroll." Akuro joked and glanced at kidd. " I think she;s into girls." He finally said.

Kidd stopped walking toward Isuna and the others and stared for a second and held her hand out. " those are my friends over there. Go to them. You'll be safe. I'll be right back. That's my little sister." Kidd said staring at the girl. " I won't be long."

Tear shifted in a crowd of Sub lords with a glass of wine in his hand. trying to play the nice demon king part for sure. A small fake laugh and nods as he talked. He hated all of this already. He moved putting his hand back in his pocket and nodded and moved the hand holding a glass a little explaining something as the other laughed and he chuckled with them. His eyes slowly looked around the room and once he spotted Neko he went back to speaking to the sub lords.  
Spirit-Human-Demon...::: Role play Area:::...

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