Guns of Navarone
Guns of Navarone
streetlight > all bands at that show.
you didn't miss much. rbf doesn't put a decent show on like they used to, the kids would go crazy. now.. bleh it's not even worth a mention.

Maybe your town just sucks, cuz RBF is still great live, I mean they didn't get their usual like 2 hours or anything, but whatever. LTJ plays all their good music live, and they put on a fun show. and AAA is awesome. streetlight, they pretty much just stand there and just play, so if you'd miss anyone, it should be them because you can just listen to the cd.


It's hard to compare RBF to Streetlight when talking about live performances. RBF goes for the comical, fun approach, Streetlight goes for the serious, energetic approach. It's obvious that Streetlight takes their music much more seriously, so you wont get the same feeling from a Streetlight performance than from a RBF performance.

yeah, thats pretty much my point. to me, a shows not supposed to be all serious and just be a replay of your cd recordings, its in order to have fun.

I enjoy both sides. Although Kalnoky has joked around at the concerts I've been to, he's clearly not up to par comedy-wise with some of the other ska bands out there.