I think it's LOL that people are saying "omfg the person u r talking 2 cud turn out to be a rapist or child molester or a serial killer!!1" Oh, and you wouldn't get tricked into it so easily if you met that person in real life? rolleyes People fall for that kind of crap in real life too, you know. Hell, some kids even trust someone they KNOW is in their 40's, and that person turns out to rape them or something. How many times have you heard someone say "He (or she) wasn't who they said they were..."

As if seeing someone in person is somehow going to tell you that such a person is definitely not a serial rapist. As if people can't lie and deceive you in a real life relationship rolleyes

and again, I still think it's not that difficult to figure out if someone is who they say they are, online. It doesn't take a damn scientist to get someone to prove that they're a 16 year old girl and not a 30+ year old child molester. The only people who get duped into that crap, are morons. Plain and simple.