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. Baxter .

Baxter was born one Halloween night, beneath the dim flickering lights of a candle burning with age.
So natually Halloween is his favorite day of the year, though Baxter is not just your average Halloween Silky Slime...

Baxter is a mild manner slime that loves sun bathing... and moon bathing... and shadow bathing...
Actually, Baxter loves any time when he's not doing anything.
In short, Baxter's a lazy little slime, a lazy little slime that loves to lounge around and do nothing.
Don't let that discourage you from talking to him though... for if you can understand his mildly sedative droll, you'll soon see that this little slimes actually have some very deep and philosophical thoughts that he would love to share with you.
But you should go now... you are disturbing Baxter's peace... this is supposed to be his idleness time, you know.