Magic dosen't fall under the 'can't be controlled' category, though.
Empathy sometimes does. Empathy could let you know what your opponent's up to just as much as reading someone's body language can. And nobody's going to call you a cheater because you can read poker faces better than others can...

I would be inclined to agree with Fiddler on this. Depending on what sort of game you're playing, what skills you're using and who you're playing with, magic could be a possibility. Playing cards with my pagan friends it's fine. Playing gin with my mother I wouldn't use magic because I want to see if I can beat her at her own game on her level. Then I'm even more proud of myself if I succeed.

If I were playing to win all the time I would probably use magic all the time. But that isn't the case. Sometimes you can learn a lot more by losing.