Balance just isn't pragmatic. We've already invoked MTG and Xenogears so why the hell not D&D? I mean those alignment descriptions. Lawful evil and all that s**t. The only guy in that mess that believes in balance in an ideological, unbiased way is True Neutral or at least I think that's what they called it. This guy is so off his gourd that if his friends have the advantage in a fight, he'll turn on them.

The thing is that alot of philosophers have pretty much forced themselves to take the stance that there's a great deal of evil around, more than good, which justifies doing so much good. You need to try to balance things out because there's so much evil. CS Lewis was all about that in Mere Christianity with all that caught behind enemy lines stuff, and the gnostics seem to like that idea too, demiurge and all that.

Don't talk to me about balance, I'm into chaos. It's what works. You can't roll with the punches and adapt if you're always pushing against some opposing force to achieve that equilibrium. It's like Bruce Lee says, you have to flow like water.