..::Member FAQ::..

[Q] Why in the world must we have a poll in every thread that we make?
[A] As most people in this guild are tekteking for free, there is a limited chance to earn gold within the guild other than guild contests. By having a poll in each thread, you are guarenteed to make a little extra gold each time you visit a thread.

[Q] Why are there so many subforums within the guild?
[A] It gives members their own little area to be in. Same reason there are so many forums on Gaia. Because so many people have different interests, and if all the threads were to be placed in the main forum, the guild would be moving too quickly for anyone to even keep their thread on the main page.

[Q] I was invited to the guild. But I don't know you. Why did you choose to invite me?
[A] Don't worry. The TekTek Society does not send out random invitations to random people like some guilds do. We either saw you tekteking or being tekteked in one of the forums around Gaia. (most likely in Avatar Talk) You could have also been asked by a friend to invite you who is in the guild as well. Or, there are some people that just have amazing style, and I believe would make a wonderful addition to the guild.

[Q] Do I have to post in the member introduction area, or my picture?
[A] No, not at all. Those are just there for people who want to. The only thing that you have to do in the guild is follow the rules.

[Q] I want to be a mod in the guild too. How do I become one?
[A] Every now and then, as the guild grows, I will host a thread and accept applications from guild members. Occasionally, if I see someone who would make a good mod, I will simply upgrade them to crew, but that rarely happens. Just stay active in the guild and who knows what time may bring.

[Q] I’m being harrassed by a member of the guild or I’ve seen someone breaking the rules, what should I do?
[A] PM me, or any other mod of the guild with the username of that person, what they were doing wrong, and a link to the thread in which it happened, and we will take care of it.

[Q] Why do all contests with entry fees have to be approved by you first?
[A] Because a lot of the time, if there are many contests, people will join them and send in their entry fee, and over time will completely forget about the contest, they will have lost their hard earned gold for nothing.


..::Mod FAQ::..

[Q] What do I do if a thread does not have a poll?
[A] You click on the thread, go to the first post, click the "Edit" button and add a poll to the thread. Then place a friendly reminder to the person in a post in the thread saying something like: "Please make sure to read the rules of the guild. You need a post in every thread that you make."

[Q] When I’m reviewing requests for the guild, who should I accept?
[A] Everyone. No matter what they write, whether it’s a long explanation, or simply a “I love tektek” or “Hi.” Accept everyone who wants to be a part of the guild.

[Q] What if a member has a question that I can’t answer?
[A] Tell them to PM me.

[Q] I have found a thread in the Contests Sub Forum that has an entry fee but it was not approved by you first, what do I do?
[A] You need to post in the thread:
”Post This”

This contest was not first approved by MoonGlint.
Thread Locked.

Then you go down to the bottom of the thread and click on the little padlock (this will lock the thread so that no one can post in it). Then you delete the subject line of their thread and type LOCKED.

[Q] What do I do if someone has posted a thread in the wrong forum?
[A] You go to the bottom of their thread and click the little arrow, choose from a drop down box which sub forum it belongs in, then you need to make a post in the thread saying: “This thread has been moved to the _____ forum.” Then you need to PM the creator of the thread to let them know where their new forum is (so they don’t complain about not being able to find their forum)
The PM should look like this with the subject line: “Your Thread In The Guild

”Your Thread In The Guild”

Your "THREAD TITLE" Thread was originally placed in the main forum.
This is a PM to let you know that your thread has been moved to the ____ Sub-Forum and can be found there.
Thank you for posting in the guild!

[Q] What do I do if there is a member harrassing a mod/member or disobeying the rules of the guild?
[A] You need to notify that member what they are doing wrong either by posting or PMing them. If they continue to do so PM me with their username, what they were doing wrong, and a link to the/a forum in which it happened.