I think doctors are an absolute must, but you have to know how to handle them. A lot of people treat their doctor's word like THE DECREE OF GOD HIMSELF, and then are surprised when doctors turn out to be people like anyone else.

On the other hand, plenty of people think they know better than their doctors, then call the physician a fraud when they haven't even tried his recommendations.

My friend's father died at 53 for this reason. He was a huge man, over 300 pounds. He ate two enormous meals a day (i.e. two four-egg omelettes, a stack of toast, plus a pile of greasy bacon ends -cringe-), then blamed his weight on Agent Orange from when he served in Vietnam. stare That was bull. After the war, he was a county sheriff for twenty years. It was after his first heart attack that he decided to become a living experiment in human decay. Only moved from his couch about once a week to buy food or to shower, ate more the other three members of the household -combined- (we only ate one meal a day, usually a couple hot dogs or a bowl of cereal). Finally, the VA assigned him a nutritionist. He basically told her to go to hell, that he did the best he could on his finances. Sure, that's why he only bought $3 packages of 12 pork sausages when he wanted hot dogs, or why he bought six dozen eggs at a time then let them freeze as they sat against the fridge's cooling unit.