Ohhh yes. Only 'twasn't random.
So basically I've been in this couple-of-months-long struggle with unsympathetic doctors and psych meds which I don't need, and one day I came to school and ended up hit with some pretty severe withdrawalish symptoms from something I'd just gone off and so I went home. I missed the next day as well because I still felt like s**t.

Day I come back apparently someone had the brilliant idea to go tell everyone in the school that I'm some kind of crack addict. And everyone decides to believe said person (and if I ever find out who they were their lives will be unceremoniously cut short) - including friends I've had all through high school.

There is now only one person left who I can even speak to - my ex-girlfriend (we're still on good terms however) who's unaware of all this because she goes to a different school.

But I'm graduating in about a week so expletive it all anyway.
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