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Should Rape/sexual assult charges be the same as murder charges?
  Depends on the situation
  who cares?
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 2:05 am
I think we are missing an important point about the idea of castration for rapists/*****.
Rape isn't about sex. It's about power. There have been rapes where the rapist used an inanimate objects and not themselves. Usaully because they were either women or unable to get erections.

I think when it comes to ***** though I think the chemical castration they use is a good thing. But I don't think they should be allowed out. They should be put in jail and taken away from the rest of society forever. There's no cure, there's no fixing them. I think it's kinda like being gay or straight. Although theres obvious difference of being wanted and the other unwanted. It's what turns them on and they can't control that. They can only surpress it.
If someone went around killing people and not being able to control the urges to do so, we would lock them up and never let them out. I think the same should happen for *****. Society isn't safe if we let them out.

Just a clarification. ***** and child molestation are not the same thing. Generally one will exclude the other. The molestation is about power, not sex.

While people are often called ***** when they rape children, it is rarely true.

P.S. Murderers do get rehabilitated. If it is something truly uncontrollable, they generally end up in psych for the rest of their lives, but sometimes they do get better.

True child molestation and ***** are not always the same thing. But when a ***** touches a child sexually, it's molestation. Although Molestation is not limited to *****. It means sexual activity between an adult and a child.

I agree most murders can probably be rehabilitated. I was merely using it as an example.  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:30 am
thank you for bringing up that point there are too many false charges it isn't taken as seriously as it should and thats a big thing that pisses me off because the charges are already basicaly a slap on the wrist

I'll second that. It is good that more people now a days feel comfortable coming forward and bringing their violator to justice, but there is also the increasing trend in manipulative people crying crocadile tears and claiming that someone raped them when in actuallity it was fully consentual.

The bad part about it is rape is a crime where there are usually only two witnesses, the victem and the person who commited the act. It's especially difficult to prove one way or another on cases like date rape where it is a person they know well and get along with. Because it's based almost entirely upon testimony on whether it was consentual or not (unless there are defensive scratches, deep bruising, or drugs found in the vitcems system) it can be just as scary for the wrongly accused because their reputation is dragged through the mud whether they commited the act or not.

I still feel that rapists do deserve a harsher punishment than they do, and I despise the fact that too many guilty people are not convicted due to lack of evidence to support the case.  

Vice Captain


PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:04 pm
Personally, I know what it's like to be a victim of a child molester. My adoptive brother molested me from the time that I was 8 until I was 14. The only reason that it took so long to end is that when I threated to tell someone, he almost killed me by strangulation. The damage was extensive enough so that I was in the hospital for 2 days afterwards and I still have trouble breathing sometimes.

He has been convicted, but he only got 6 months in prison and 12 years of probation.....even though I have not seen him for over 3 1/2 years now, I still sometimes see someone on the street that looks like him, which sends me into a panic attack and therapy has never really helped.

So, I do believe that rape/molestation should be punishable by death for the fact that for a lot of victims, they would rather die them to ever have to know that there is a possibility that the same person could come after them again  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:49 pm
i'm really happy that you can openly talk about your experience and my heart truly goes out for you and that really isn't much of a sentence i must say though  


Kupo Ikari

PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:16 pm

He has been convicted, but he only got 6 months in prison and 12 years of probation.....even though I have not seen him for over 3 1/2 years now, I still sometimes see someone on the street that looks like him, which sends me into a panic attack and therapy has never really helped.

So, I do believe that rape/molestation should be punishable by death for the fact that for a lot of victims, they would rather die them to ever have to know that there is a possibility that the same person could come after them again

As much as I am against violence, I agree that rape/molestation should be punishable by death. That poor victim will constantly live in fear until the rapist is dead and they know it.

Also, that's not much of a sentence at all! He should have had at LEAST 7 years in prison. Child molestation is, or at least used to be, a major felony. It's completely wrong to do things like that to a child. Not to mention the attempted murder charge in itself could get him 15 years or more.

It's apalling to hear a story like yours, but it happens far too often. So far I know, personally, of six people that were molested as children. That number is far to high statisically. Normally you should hear of none to maybe one or two. But six? What's the world coming to now?

I despise child molestation. It's a horrible thing. The child usually doesn't know what's going on, and thus doesn't know it's wrong. A lot of them grow up thinking it's normal and so they do it to children and so on... Kinda like that Offspring song, Way Down the Line.

And then there's the others, with your story. They knew it was wrong, but couldn't tell anyone due to fear or, in your case, attempted murder. So they live with that for the rest of their lives. I personally was never molested as a child, so I won't even pretend to be an expert on how children who were molested feel afterward, but I assume it's something like rape.

Is it?
PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:08 pm
I suppose it's safe to indulge my entire story here, considering A.) you are all mature and B.) I do not know any of you personally so I feel no connection what-so-ever.

I must say that my 'story' is a homosexuality rape... so if you are uncomfortable with that, I don't suggest continuing.

Alrighty... Here I go.

7th grade... I met Mike (I will keep the last name to myself). Me and him became best of friends and we were inseperable. Halfway through the year he started showing jealous tendacies. If I was talking to someone else, he would glare at them. If someone touched me, he wanted to kick their a**. So one and so forth. He become increasingly more violent, but never towards me.

8th grade... He told me that he had feelings for me, but I told him I didn't return the feelings. (I was gay at this time, I just didn't like him like that.) He was angry, but kept it to himself for the most part. He became more and more possessive and continued to ask me out. I finally relented after 3 months. We went out, had a great time, so I agreed to go out with him again. On the second date we went to his house. (I had been there many times and was comfortable there.) His parents weren't home (they almost never were.) We sat down and watched some Gravitation. During it, however, he started feeling me up. I politely pushed his hand away and said that I wasn't in the mood... and that I was saving myself. Evidently that was the wrong thing to say. He blew up at me, screaming about how he waited so long and that I was just a slutty tease. I tried to denounce that, and he hit me. One thing led to another, and I found myself on the recieving end of a particularly brutal rape.

I somehow got home (I really have no clue how...) and got in the shower, where I proceeded to scrub my skin raw. I don't remember doing it, but I woke up with bleeding, red, and raw skin... so I put two and two together.

The next time I saw him in school he tried to apologize. He said that he was just really horny. He also said that he had done some exstacy earlier and that's why what happened, happened. I refused to believe him. But of course he kept at it... so I caved after a week. I completely forgave him and we went to being as normal as possible. After another month he convinced me to another date. (by this time I had developed feelings for the b*****d.) He took me out to dinner, and went back to my place. Sadly, my parents also went out to dinner that night. We were watching The Ring when he tried to put an arm around me. I knew it was a nonviolent guesture, but I still flinched and shyed away. I had been doing that everytime he touched me ever since the incident. This particular time, he got pissed. And... You can guess what happened... AGAIN.

After that I felt completely useless. The first time I figured it was partially my fault, and partially his. I was beginning to get over it too. But the second time I felt weak. I couldn't tell anyone becasue who would believe that I couldn't even fight off my boyfriend... And because he was my boyfriend, they would just say it was consensual that got a little out of hand. So I kept quiet.

He, again, tried to apologize to me. This time it took a month for me to cave.

9th grade... I refused to go out with him again... That made things worse. One day after a choir concert, my mother forgot to pick me up afterwards... So needless to say I was a wreck. My slef esteem was already shattered, and this made me feel as if my own mum didn't want me.

So I walked home. I lived about 4 miles away, so it wasn't that bad. And if I cut through the woods, it was only 2 and half miles. So I did.

Big mistake. I didn't realize that Mike and his friends were following me until the got closer. I started to get uncomfortable at the way they were looking at me. And then they started to touch me. Everything went by as a blur after that. I kinda had a detached feeling. It was like I was off floating somewhere else and it really wasn't me that stuff was happening too...

But alas... I woke up an hour later. And it was me... It was real. Somehow I got home. Somehow I got into the bathroom... and that's where I woke up the next morning.

This is when I took up cutting. I felt so weak, stupid, useless and worthless.

I stayed home from school very often, weeks at a time. My 'parents' never even noticed. Which, of course, made me feel even worse.

Then one day while I was out walking (skipping school) I went to my safe house. It was just a place where I went when I needed to get away. I could live there for awhile if need be.

And there was Mike. He was sitting on my cot with a gun. I freaked out and tried to leave, but he got up and blocked my exit. He set the gun down and tried to hug me, muttering apologies. By this time I gave in. I just gave up. I believed him when he said he loved me, because I believed that no one else did. And then he tried to rape me again. I was tired of being worthless... So... I picked up his gun (which to this day I don't know why he brought it...) and I shot him... Once.. in the head. And that was that.

I went to court and it was horrible. They tried to make it look like I murdered him in cold blood. We tried to explain that it was in self-defence, but Mike was a football player... He had never done anything wrong before. I, on the other hand, was a loner. I often skipped school. They said I had a self-destructive attitude. They said I had a short temper. They tried to say it was my gun.

It was completely horrible. I was so afraid that I'd be going to jail... and so this made it even worse. I committed suicide once. I actually died for two minutes, but they brought me back. After that I was pretty much dead inside.

Luckily, the jury was on my side, and they ruled it self-defence and that I was free to go. I was still afraid though. Just a little bit. That was all I felt those days because of Mike's friends. I never said anything about them, because they threatened me. At that time I felt worthless, so when they told me that no one would even notice if I just suddenly 'dissapeared' I believed them.

Luckily, we moved after 9th grade. All the way to New York, where I am now. Somehow I managed to reabilitate myself.. (I didn't seek couseling.) And now I'm here.

I'm not perfect. A lot of times I feel worthless and stupid and weak. I flinch violently when people try to touch me. I can't take crowded places. I easily have panic attacks and flashbacks. I have nightmares. I'm an insomiac. I constantly am wearing a mask of happiness and lightheartedness. I can't be completely by myself. I can't even look at woods without having a panic attack. I have horrible scars covering my body, some self-inflicted.

I'm grateful that the story didn't follow me. I got a fresh start here, and only told three people. My ultimate best friends. (2 girls, 1 guy)

I'm still gay, though I've only done things with my ex-boyfriend, and a lot of times they were uncomfortable.

So that's ruined my life... But I'm trying not to let it continue to ruin my life. Thought it's really, really hard...

And there you are...


Kupo Ikari


PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 1:28 pm
that is definately a lot to swallow and a lot to go through..especially going through that and ended up being accused of cold blooded murder when all along you were the victim. i Highly honor you for moving on and taking control of your life. You did something that most people can never do is actually face up to your problem. Even though i'm sure you didn't ever expect or want that to happen but in my eyes it's for the better. I personally have never been raped but i have been followed by creeps and followed by trucks full of guys and it's just horrible. I personally know 9 Victims 1 of which is a guy and it pisses me off when i hear people say rape only happens to girls...it's bogus, it might not happen as often but it damn well happens and the effects are the same. Thank you for telling your story.  
PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 12:44 pm

He has been convicted, but he only got 6 months in prison and 12 years of probation.....even though I have not seen him for over 3 1/2 years now, I still sometimes see someone on the street that looks like him, which sends me into a panic attack and therapy has never really helped.

So, I do believe that rape/molestation should be punishable by death for the fact that for a lot of victims, they would rather die them to ever have to know that there is a possibility that the same person could come after them again

As much as I am against violence, I agree that rape/molestation should be punishable by death. That poor victim will constantly live in fear until the rapist is dead and they know it.

Also, that's not much of a sentence at all! He should have had at LEAST 7 years in prison. Child molestation is, or at least used to be, a major felony. It's completely wrong to do things like that to a child. Not to mention the attempted murder charge in itself could get him 15 years or more.

It's apalling to hear a story like yours, but it happens far too often. So far I know, personally, of six people that were molested as children. That number is far to high statisically. Normally you should hear of none to maybe one or two. But six? What's the world coming to now?

I despise child molestation. It's a horrible thing. The child usually doesn't know what's going on, and thus doesn't know it's wrong. A lot of them grow up thinking it's normal and so they do it to children and so on... Kinda like that Offspring song, Way Down the Line.

And then there's the others, with your story. They knew it was wrong, but couldn't tell anyone due to fear or, in your case, attempted murder. So they live with that for the rest of their lives. I personally was never molested as a child, so I won't even pretend to be an expert on how children who were molested feel afterward, but I assume it's something like rape.

Is it?

Not really, rape and molestation are two completely different things. What he did was humiliate me, but he never attempted to have intercourse with me.

But I just found out some really good news, his former best friend and I have been talking through Myspace for the last month or so and he's going to start a petition on my behalf to get him a longer sentence. Basically the only reason that he only got 6 months was because I wasn't allowed to testify for myself and I had a really shitty lawyer working for me. But this guy Sean, feels really bad for not being able to stand up for me the first time around so he's going to try to get it back into court and convince his family to pay for my air fare out there if it goes to trial.  



PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 2:49 pm
that is amazing, good luck with that  
PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 11:38 pm
I'm really hoping that everything goes well, but I'm not all that sure that it will. Because even though Sean is a really nice guy, he's in college full time and he told me that he barely has any spare time to talk to me as often as he does. So if anything does happen, it won't be until the summer, but considering that I've kind of been in love with Sean since I was 11, I'm definintly willing to wait......s**t, even seeing him again would be great, let alone in the context of him standing up for me and gelping me get some closure on everything that happened. biggrin  



PostPosted: Wed May 03, 2006 7:25 pm
kill the person.

theres your closure.  
PostPosted: Wed May 03, 2006 9:43 pm
I saw something on the news today while I was on my lunch break that was intersting and kindof relivent to this topic. There was a girl who was adopted from a russian orphanage by a ***** here in the united states of america when she was around 5 years old. He started molesting her the day she came to live with him and posted the pictures on the internet. He would malnurish on purpose to keep her small, keep her locked up in the basement, and sometimes dress her in "adult clothing" as well. This continued on until she was about 10 years old before she was rescued from the situation and he was put in jail. She's about 13 now and was speaking before congress about her ordeal in order to persuade them to have stiffer penalities for online ***** pornography, as well as *****. From the looks on the faces of the people in congress of shock, horror, and almost disbelief I have a good feeling that her story has touched them enough that they will (hopefully) enact new laws to come down much harder on the heads of those people who not only create this kind of pornography by raping small children, but all those people who view it.  

Vice Captain


PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2006 5:41 pm
By all means, no, the penalty shouldn't be the same. Murder victims only suffer a short while, whereas rape victims suffer for their entire lives. I, personally, would make rapists suffer, then kill them. Unfortunately, torture is considered "cruel and unusual," so that's out of the question. Makes a person want to get all "vigilante" on rapists. In fact, a guy I know and respect from where I live did just that. Of course, I don't know the details of what he did to the rapist, but I don't imagine it was pretty. I do know the person who was raped, and my blood wouldn't stop boiling for several days.
She acts a lot differently now, and thankfully leads a much more safe lifestyle. I suppose the fact that she was drugged helped her forget the details, and therefore lessened the emotional impact.

I suppose I should throw in my story as well, shouldn't I?

I've technically never been raped, but I was taken advantage of. You see, I live in the south, so certain people are comfortable with certain things here that I'm not so comfortable with(Though it's rare, some people here see nothing wrong with incest). When I was young and naive, I agreed to do something (I believe he used the term "play doctor") with an older cousin of mine. It didn't have a devastating effect on me, mainly because my memories are so vauge of it; I was only 8 at the time. I never really did anything about it, since by the time I realized what had happened, he had already profusely appologized for "certain things he did in the past that he should never have done". I believe his appology was heartfelt, as he was almost as naive as I was; he was only a few years older than me. Of course, I haven't seen him since I was thirteen, and honestly, good riddance.

CeciliaPhoenix-- Best of luck to you. Looks like you've gotten yourself a knight in shining armor.  
PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 6:30 pm

my girlfriend has told me she wants to dress me up in plate armor and put me on a horse so i can be her knight in shining armor.

she said this after i have stated a desire to kill the last guy who anally raped her if he doesnt die in jail.  



PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2006 9:05 pm
lmao this is why there should be stricter rape laws.....TO AVIOD MURDER lol  
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