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Engrav Setlar

"That's... not gonna happen, Caiden." Engrav pinched his sniffnode between two electronic fingers, shaking his head slightly. "I don't wanna lie to you, brownblood, but I need to know what happened before I start making any promises I'm not sure I'm gonna keep." His tone softened some, started to sound a little more reasonable now that the truth was beginning to come out, now that he was actually starting to get a little something from his Moirail. "I just... I need to know the facts. What happened between the two of you. And then I'll decide what happens, ok? Probably, I'll just sit down with her, have a friendly chat. Nothing as extreme as you're saying. I can be reasonable, Caiden."

Inside, the yellowblood was seething. How dare she. How could anyone possibly spend time with the brownblood and decide to stab him in the back? Caiden was the purest troll Engrav knew, never even sparing a thought to protecting himself from those who might not wish him well. If this... this Autumn had taken advantage of that, he would... well.

He would bring everything crashing down around her horns.

"Just... just tell me what happened. In your own words. Don't leave anything out."
