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[FIN] Trust Building Exercises (Pyr/Cey) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 2:35 am
Painted Moose

Ceylinae gave a little whistle as the arrow landed in the center of the target. That was exactly what she was hoping to do herself, not wanting to look as though she wasn't as good as her other sisters. Just as she was starting to worry about looking bad in front of not only Pyrrha but the others an argument reached her ears. Turning slowly to look in the direction of the sisters that were having at one another now.

She blinked slowly before cocking her head to one side, antennae twitching. That sure was a sight that nobody wanted to behold she thought to herself, a bit disappointed in her sisters. They should really be working harder instead of fighting, such a waste of time was just going to make them weaker, not stronger.

Turning her attention back to Pyrrha she said, "It's a waste of time for us to be fighting one another like bunch of younglings. As such I wouldn't treat you in such a manner, sister." Holding out her hand Pyrrha she waited for her to hand over the blindfold, feeling that they should just continue with their lesson. Now that Pyrrha had landed a perfect shot she felt that she had to do the same... or else she'd have to redouble her personal training to make up for if she failed.  
PostPosted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 8:06 pm
Orpheus Solon

Pyrrha quirked her mouth into a smirk. They did seem like a group of younglings to her, though she was apt to treat everyone like little ones, but maybe that was because they were closer to the children in age than their elders. They weren't so far removed yet; she more so than the older elarian, but even she wasn't that much older.

She handed over the blindfold and as much as she'd rather just leave, the younger archer knew that her partner deserved her shot as well. So, in preparation, Pyrrha moved to stand just behind Ceylinae, almost as if she herself were making the shot, but not close enough to touch the other. "Okay, when you're ready, cover your eyes and raise your bow, but don't shoot."  

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2017 5:04 am
Painted Moose

Ceylinae gave a nod of her head as she put the blindfold into place. The moment her eyes were covered and her vision taken her antennae all set to twitching. This was definitely something she didn't care for, not in the least, especially with the other sisters arguing nearby. Giving a slight twitch of one ear she said in a hushed tone, "Make sure that none of them shoot me." They were messing up, arguing, and otherwise not paying enough attention and Ceylinae didn't want all of that to result in her taking an arrow that was meant for a target. Best that Pyrrha kept an eye out and made sure such a thing didn't happen. Ceylinae would rather not get into a fight with one of her sisters after all.

Turning back toward where she assumed the target to be, her body still pointing face forward in its direction, she lifted the bow as instructed but didn't draw back the string. Instead she waited for directions while also trying to keep an ear out for those around her, deciding to remain cautious for now.  
PostPosted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 1:08 pm
Orpheus Solon

Pyrrha giggled. "I will keep both eyes open." She stepped closer, closing the space between them and pressed her torso against Ceylinae's back. "I'm not as good at giving vocal directions so-" She nudged Ceylinae's right leg over a little by tapping at the elder elarian's calf with her foot. "-move over a bit, and-" She brought her arms around, placing her open palms just under Ceylinae's arms, slowly bringing them around so that they would hit the target.

"It might be cheating, and I can stop whenever you wish, but if you fire now, you won't miss." She turned her head slightly, just enough to watch the squabbling pair, allowing her dreads to brush up against Ceylinae's bare shoulder. "I think they've stopped trying; one is chasing the other with her bow now, and the elder's are in a panic, trying to separate them."

To her, it was perfectly natural to be so close to another and carry on a normal conversation. After all, Pyrrha had no boundaries, so even after she'd helped point Ceylinae in the correct position she still hadn't moved.

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 6:10 am
Painted Moose

Ceylinae gave a bit of a jump as Pyrrha set to using more physical instruction then vocal, something that caught her especially off guard since she couldn't see it coming. After a moment she composed herself and said, "Alright." If it helped them to finish this strange task in a manner that let her make a good shot then she was happy. Not that she said as much, feeling that it might sound a little petty.

"I don't know about cheating, I don't recall them saying such things weren't allowed." Had she? Not that Ceylinae could recall. No matter, they would get this done regardless. Drawing back the string of her bow she prepared to take her shot when Pyrrha commented on how their sisters were now chasing each other around, causing panic among the elders. She gave a sigh, shaking her head, "Fools... is it safe to shoot? I'd rather not accidentally shoot one of them anymore then I want them to shoot me."

Easing off on the string she waited for more instruction, wanting badly to make her shot but not until she was reassure that it was safe.  
PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 7:23 pm
Orpheus Solon

"It's easier for me to know where your arms are comfortable being this way. Now, when your'e ready to fire again, I can help by just saying it instead of," she strummed her fingers against Ceylinae's bare arm, "touch." When she was sure about the other elarian's aim, Pyrrha stepped away, enough so that she wouldn't get caught in the recoil, anyway.

"Shoot whenever you want. I'll make sure to keep them away from you; for everyone's peace of mind."
She tried to keep the smirk out of her tone, but honestly, the whole situation was highly amusing for Pyrrha. It was the most fun she'd had in the camp in a long time, and thanks to Ceylinae, she got to participate as well. Today truly was a grand day.

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 2:59 am
Painted Moose

"I see." So that was the reason? She supposed that it wasn't so bad and she hadn't gotten called out for it. That was either because the one in charge was alright with Pyrrha's method or it was because she had her hands full with the others that were now playing around. Ceylinae shifted her stance slightly to get a bit more comfortable and forced herself to focus on the task at hand. Knowing that her sister was keeping an eye out for the others thus making it safe to shoot helped a lot.

Drawing back the string again she waited a two count, making sure that Pyrrha had nothing to warn her over and then let her arrow fly. After a moment she gave a sigh and muttered, "Thank Elzira." The sound the arrow made when it landed was a thud that went along with hitting the target and not a sound that was echoed by a scream because she'd hit someone that got in the way of her shot. Tilting her head, antennae lifting a little she asked, "How did I do?"  
PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 6:12 pm
Orpheus Solon

Pyrrha was tempted to goose Ceylinae, but that would have been a breech of trust. It wouldn't have helped matters if the elder elarian fired at someone, nor would it help if her one 'friend' in this activity turned on her. Still, the idea was there, wedged in her brain like mud. Maybe she could do it later? Ceylinae would be in the village, same as she, so she could just-

"Hrm?" Ah, had she fired already? Pyrrha looked to the target, passively passing over moving leaves and the sounds around her to get a better view. "Close, but not dead center. If you shift a little to the left and aim lower you should be able to hit it." It would have been a fatal shot, either way, but Pyrrha knew Ceylinae would want it 'perfect'. She was so much like her own twin in that regard. "Would it help if I stand behind the target? I could make a lot of noise and draw your attention."

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 6:25 pm
Painted Moose

"A little left and down, got it." Ceylinae said, drawing another arrow from her quiver so that she could take aim once more. This was something that she was determined to get right even if she felt the entire exercise wasn't the best thing they could be doing at the moment. Shaking her head to clear such thoughts she drew in a deep breath, let it out slowly, and prepared to fire another arrow at the target.

Just as she was about to loose it her sister offered up a not exactly helpful suggestion and her antennae all gave a twitch, "Excuse me? No... no, I don't need you to do that. Sounds far too dangerous and I am already worried enough about hitting one of our sisters as it is." At least it seemed like they were calming down? There wasn't as much noise, not as much yelling, so maybe they had made up... or knocked one another out? She supposed she'd figure it out for sure when she took the blindfold off.

First and foremost, her shot. After she was certain that Pyrrha wasn't going to wander toward the target she released her arrow, letting it fly at the target once more.  
PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 6:41 pm
Orpheus Solon

"Warriors generally like scars, so I'm sure they'd be fine. Stop worrying so much, Cey Cey."
Several of the other sisters had already finished with their leg of the exercises, or rather, over half had given up. Between those that were feuding among themselves to others that found it too bothersome to keep going, the pair of them were...somewhat unique. As far as Pyrrha could tell there were only three of them that were actually working like teams and in that, she felt pretty proud.

Pride was a strange emotion for her, but it felt...kinda good.

She waited...and when Ceylinae fired....Pyrrha screamed. It was sharp and spontaneous enough to cause the elder to shriek as well, then quickly admonish her. Not that the younger elarian seemed to care; she closed the distance between herself and Ceylinae by throwing her arms around the older girl's neck. "You did it! Good job!"

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 12:26 am
Painted Moose

"I suppose." Though one would think that scars would just point out ones shortcomings. One didn't get scars with getting hurt or failing in some way after all. Unless it was some sort of honorable battle in which you got them? To be honest she wasn't really sure one way or the other, she just knew what she felt and that it was better to not have scars. At the same time if she had none would people then think that she wasn't a good warrior? Being told not to worry seemed to only make her that much more anxious, something she tried her best to hide behind her normal, stoic expression.

Telling herself to focus on the task at hand. Just as she was trying to do just that though it seemed as though things all went topsy turvy and upside down as she heard a scream from the one that she was partnered up with. Cey dropped her bow to her side, hands lifting so she could yank off the blindfold, "I told you not to... to..." She found herself starring at Pyrrha who was not only not shot but also getting scolded by the elder. That was... that was... good? Maybe? She should be mad, right? She should be but she wasn't, instead relieved that she wasn't hurt.

"I... huh?" The other girl was hugging her, complimenting her, telling her that she'd done it. All well and good if a bit on the confusing side since it seemed as though Pyrrha had screamed just to mess with her?  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 2:53 pm
Orpheus Solon

Why was Ceylinae so tense? She'd dropped her bow in such a hurry that it was almost like she'd given up on the exercise entirely and- Oh, wait. "Don't worry! I'm okay, I'm just happy for you!" She gave the older elarian one more big, heartfelt squeeze before letting go.

"PYRRHA, for goddess' sake girl, you almost stopped my heart!"

"Sorry elder, I was just proud, is all. Don't you think Ceylinae did a good job?"

"Well, yes, but you did too and she wasn't screaming like that!"

"I just thought that...well, maybe we ought to celebrate? To lighten the mood."

Several more things were said between the two, most of which were directed at Pyrrha and none were overly 'kind'. She knew she was being scolded, but that didn't mean she had to pay attention. Instead, her eyes kept drifting back to Ceylinae, and while she should have been quiet, she didn't regret it.

Ceylinae was just like the rest; so stoic, so stiff. It must have been nice to shook up every once in a while.

Even when the elder took her leave Pyrrha was still smiling. "I don't think she likes me very well."

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 5:28 am
Painted Moose

A squeak of surprise escaped from Ceylinae's lips, a sound that instantly had her cheeks going a bit red, "Ah! Yeah... alright..." She muttered, not thinking that squeaking needed to be done but no matter. What was done was done and at least Pyrrha hadn't gotten hurt in the whole exercise. Now that they were done with it she felt that it was time for them to step back and let the rest of their sisters try their hands at the terrible exercise.

Glancing over at the elder that was currently scolding her she gave a shrug then set about moving out of the way, letting another pair step forward to attempt to hit the target. She looked over at her sister, hands resting on her hips, and said, "Seems like it... or maybe she was just worried too?" She gave a half shrug.

"Now that we are done I wonder if we have to keep watching or if we can leave and do training on our own." She'd rather run some laps then just stand here watching others go about the task. It was one thing to participate and yet another to just watch, though there was a bit of fun to be had in knowing she'd succeeded while some others weren't having as much luck. Not something she'd speak out loud though, not wanting to appear as being too smug.  
PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 8:08 pm
Orpheus Solon


"Were you worried? ...or were you just mad at me? It's okay if you were; I'm used to it." It was easy enough for someone to say they were 'concerned' but truthfully, very little meant it. Her family had tried to play nice with her for years, saying what they thought they should to keep from hurting her feelings, but that went away fast enough. Pyrrha just...found herself hoping it was a little different with Ceylinae. The other elarian was quickly becoming someone Pyrrha thought high of, and in all honesty, it would be nice if the other thought the same.

"I think we can leave. The others are still practicing and they won't be giving out the dagger for a while now." Surely if they won they would be contacted? Not that Pyrrha really cared; she wasn't much of a close range fighter. "Where will you go, after this?"

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 4:59 am
Painted Moose

Was she worried or was she mad? She found herself thinking on it for a moment, all of her antennae giving a rapid twitch in sync before she finally said, "I suppose that I would have to say that it was a little of both. Worried that I'd somehow shot you and angry because I thought you scream to scare me on purpose." The older Elaria gave a half shrug, "If you honestly had it then I suppose it was all worry and no me being mad."

Giving a nod she said, "Good, let's head out then. Best to leave the targets for those that still need them." They had been either highly skilled enough or lucky enough, maybe both, to get their shots done and now had a chance to ditch. As she started forward Ceylinae gave a humming sound, "Where will I go? Likely for a run around the village, maybe climb a few trees. I prefer the sort of exercise that works up a sweat as opposed to to much standing around."  
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