"No prob. Just hit me up on the listserv or wherever." He waved up at Chester, "And thanks! Jamie would be so totally thrilled, holy ********. Maybe bunnies? No no, fish, he loves fish, especially goldfish." Shiloh nodded, "Or ocean-y stuff."

    "Shiloh, goldfish don't mix well with the ocean." Ollie sounded exasperated for a second, "Are you sure though? This... you put a lot of work into this, I can tell." He was cradling the music box with his hands like it was a precious object, "Iā€”Thank you." His eyes were wide.

    "Aw, you hit a sentimental nerve." Shiloh had a s**t-eating grin on his face that earned him a hard whack from his twin as he wholloped him in the arm. It just made him laugh.

    Ollie was glaring at him, but when he looked back to Chester, his expression was thoughtful and sincere. "Have a good one, Chester."

finnNNnNNnnNNn?? ty much 4 the rp!