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And The Tsun Shines

Aged Rabbit

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 12:19 pm
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COMPANY 」Ai, Mirin, Brody, & Cassius xxx WORDS 」2,113 xxx OOC 」I'm half tempted to have us form a makeshift crew and claim Ridus haha. xxx

                                The young bartender seemed to be handing out refills like candy by this point, even she herself was beginning to get a little tipsy, not really good behavior for an owner/bartender but this was a cheat day- the first time this place has been officially opened in a very long time. Plus she couldn't exactly stop herself, surrounded by such great company between the three others in her establishment. She smiled at all of them, her eyes seeming glazed from the booze by this point, however she probably wasn't as badly inebriated as some of her company given her tolerance. "Ai, Brody, got it." she repeated their names as they spoke them, trying desperately to cling on to them although she wasn't exactly the best with names, it took her months just to remember her regulars names back before she had died. Still this didn't stop her from picking up on something with Mirin, her name seemed familiar to her and despite her muddled memories she was desperately trying to pull pieces of her past back together to figure out what it was with this woman that interested her so much. "You're a Kirinzawa, huh? Do you have a brother- I think I remember a young Kirinzawa boy from before when I was alive and a lot younger. Goodness he was such a handsome guy, I think I remember having the biggest crush on him." something seemed to click with Nima as she recalled bits and pieces from her past life. Unaware that the person she was currently thinking of was actually the woman right in front of her, not like it would've mattered to her. The ghoul wasn't exactly the most judgmental person in the world, and it wasn't as if she could be seeing as she had literally died and been brought back to life. It'd be kind of silly for someone like her to be the one judging others in any circumstance. Besides she had been relatively close with the young Kirinzawa boy during her own youth. The amount of trouble they ended up in together with their small group of friends was bordering criminal. Her memory was still foggy and thanks to this she couldn't remember why they ever stopped seeing one another. It was likely thanks to the fact that in her mid teens Nima seemed to fully engage herself in the lifestyle of a mercenary and was rarely the one tending the bar or behind the counter. Much of her teenage years and early twenties were spent at sea hunting down criminals and the likes for beli.

                                "For those of you who didn't know, or can't remember- my name is Nima."

                                The undead woman gave a curt and rather clumsy bow as she introduced herself, the alcohol working through her system slightly. She was warming to the small group rather quickly, and was half convinced if she traveled together with them they might keep her out of trouble. Or at least the trouble would be a lot more innocent than what she had in mind. Ai seemed deadset on traveling together, she seemed like she really wanted a little close knit group of her own. Brody was along for the ride, the two of them trying and so far succeeding on coaxing Nima to join them. Brody mentioning how much fun it could be, sailing around together drinking and slacking off. Didn't sound like there was much money in it but she wasn't exactly sure what money meant to her anymore, she still loved the concept of being rich but somebody who was dead didn't need the many amenities of the flesh. "You two drive a hard bargain alright, but I'm beginning to come around. I could probably travel with all of you, so long as we can convince Mirin to come along. She seems good with her hands, I'll need her to build me a floating bar. Something like a seaworthy Satan's Den sounds like it could be amazing." Nima looked to the other woman with a pleading glint in her eye. The mention of her family working the docks had given the zombie some hope, however they had all just met so she wasn't really sure what would happen between them all yet.

                                Her attention was momentarily pulled away from the makeshift crew in progress, noticing a rather unforgettable figure enter the bar and take a seat a little ways away from the main group. Her smile remained on her face as she pulled a glass from underneath the counter and a strange bottle. This wasn't the same hooch she had been serving her current company. A lighter mixture that wouldn't put the sharkman into a frenzy, she always had something tucked away for him and luckily whoever had ransacked her bar wasn't interested in the weak stuff. She cut the distance between herself and the man down in only a few steps. She nearly matched him in build so he wasn't very intimidating to her, that and she remembered him to well, he was harmless. It actually surprised the mercenary that she could remember him so clearly compared to others. "Only here for pleasure I hope, I just got back Cas. I don't think the long arm of the law has any reason to nab me yet." she teased before placing the drink into his large hands. Her oceanic blues softening at the man, for a woman who had never seen eye to eye with the law she had never really had a problem with the shark before, he tipped well and was relatively easygoing. There had been a time or two where his horrible drunk side had beat up her bar but she wasn't too worried about that right now seeing as the whole place was a dump. She was among good people right now, but she remembered when she was younger the marine was something of a comfort to her, whenever he was in the bar she had felt more secure, nobody would lay a finger on her with this guardian watching over her.

                                She placed a hand on one of his broad shoulders and squeezed gently. She wasn't really sure how he'd react to her current state. They had a teasing friendship in the past but he was always good to her despite their differing occupations and her close resemblance to that of the human race. With that realization she turned her neck almost a hundred and eighty degrees once again to look at the others, most importantly toward Mirin as she was likely the reason Cassius was so distant. The stitches holding her head to her neck stretched inhumanly for a moment before she turned her attention back to the man. "I know you won't believe me but she's good people Cas, so don't cause any trouble for her or me alright?" she whispered kindly in his ear, asking him to trust her although she wasn't sure how much good that would do for her. The shark had a disposition towards humans and for good reason. From what she had heard around town and from what little information she was able to rip away from the man it seemed humans were responsible for much tragedy in his life. Nima had done a considerable amount of digging on the man before she had died, information was something of a side business for her and it was surprisingly easy to come by when you were a pretty woman working a bar full of horny drunk men. Still even the eldest of sea dogs knew very little of Cassius and his reasoning for coming to Ridus so often, besides his visits to her bar. Satan's Den coupled as a bar and a place of information, she had deduced that the shark came by so often in order to learn anything he could about a certain crew, and a certain man as well. Something that she had news about, although she was nearly reluctant to tell him.

                                Tightening her grip and narrowing her bright blue gaze toward him she leaned in further and whispered even more quietly. She had information for him finally although it was dated, and tragic as well. Nima was very protective of her regulars here and did what she could for them. So naturally when a tip came in about a certain pirate and crew that Cassius had interest in she followed up on it. Certainly he was interested in her current condition and the reasoning behind her death, however he wouldn't be happy with the answer. A solemn look covered her face as she spoke lowly to the man, her mood shifting drastically as an undertone of anger filled her throat. "I got a tip a few months ago, I found them Cassius. I found him. Up in the north, I tracked them down- I hunted and fought him in hopes that I could help lessen your burden..." she spoke slowly, nearly choking on her own words before they trailed off. She had died in the north a few months ago, fighting the man that Cassius had spent much of his life looking for. She almost felt guilty for not bringing him with her, it was his fight after all. Yet what she had told the group previously was true, she wasn't good with people- they always got in her way so she couldn't bring herself to inform the marine at the time. How she regretted it now, taking a step back and removing her hand from his shoulder she scanned his face and the tenseness of his body language before taking a deep breath and motioning to her body with her hands. Pointing out the mismatching limbs and the loose stitching piecing her together, he had probably already realized what she had become, but only now would he know the reason why.

                                "He got me, up in the north a few months back. I'm sorry I almost added to your list of guilt- but the good doctor pieced me back together, even if he did leave me a little scrambled.. I'm still the same girl, just a little more grotesque." she tried to give a smile but it came out only half sincere as she spoke. Exhaling a large breath she bowed to him before awkwardly turning on her heel not sure if he would need a moment to himself in order to process everything. She probably could have been a little more tactful with her approach but the wholesome mercenary had always been a little too honest for her own good, and she had a big mouth as well. With a few long strides she was back behind the counter and smiled solemnly at her previous company, pulling a few more glasses from underneath the counter and filling each up to the brim with the strong hooch from earlier. Downing hers in a flash attempting to drown out the strange unhappy feeling in her gut and the awkward tension now seeping into the room. "Sorry everyone, he's a regular and we had some business! Anyways, back to travelling. I say let's do it, but don't make me take the lead, I don't know where to go or what to do, and I doubt anyone else wants to lead so I say democracy rules." her smile slowly creeping back, between the booze and her fun new friends she couldn't stay down for too long. Besides the idea of traveling as a group and voting together on what to do sounded rather nice, they were like a makeshift crew of misfits and rascals. Lots could go wrong, but even that could be fun if it were the four of them. Nima bit at her lower lip expectantly, she was really feeling down and had half a mind to start an orgy over it all. Nothing helped patch up the void in ones non-beating heart than meaningless sex and ecstasy after all. Still despite her going back to the others her abrupt confession to Cassius caused her to send the odd glance his way every couple of seconds, wanting to make sure he was doing okay although she wasn't sure how he could be. She felt horrible, all Nima wanted was to help a customer and friend reach some kind of peace and she ended up adding to his current unrest more than likely. She could be quite the fool at times, she was always reckless although since her death caution was no longer just thrown to the wind like before. She could see now the way her disappearance and death could effect people and wasn't proud of herself.

Shiro no Kitsune


Naomi Tenkou

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 5:19 pm
User Image Brody's gasp of flirtatious resistance elicited a small giggle from Mirin's soft inebriated lips. He might have been a shark but so far as it seemed right now, Mirin was the alpha predator of the two. Or at least she would have been if it had been her intent to cause such a reaction. No in this case it was just chance, but it did open up the floor for some fun. Her pink eyes glanced back to his solid body in time to catch that most pointed grin of his. Though at first she'd taken him for human that apparently wasn't the case at all. No he was a tad more interesting than first assumed, his physique becoming all the more interesting as she realized that he was a fishman. His follow up comment had her smiling with lustful fantasy at just what this fine young man could do for her. Tantalizing as those thoughts were so to was the idea of seeing him squirm again like when she'd brushed up against him. It was just way too cute to resist trying to see that expression once more. She'd make that move later though, best to catch him by surprise again rather than to play into his posturing. Despite her young age, Mirin was no stranger to this dance. Next to drinking, it was her favorite hobby. The opportunity soon came when he'd apparently taken a moment to check out her rear end, and apparently liked what he'd seen before giving up his own name as well. "So then Brody, I'm gonna let you in on a small secret. This babe ain't scared to get a little wet in shark infested waters~"

That comment of course was perhaps incredibly well timed, or quite poorly timed depending on how you looked at it. For Brody it was sure to be as enthralling as blood in the water is to a regular sharks but it might have been seen as highly inappropriate to the new hulk of a sharkman that had taken up residence at the bar. Either way it didn't matter all that much since she had a refill on that drink and could stop awkwardly hanging her pert a** out in the air to reach Nima. Which speaking off, now that she'd heard the name Nima it brought back a bit of info about those childhood days. She was somewhat older by a few years but not by a whole lot, and yeah they used to play together with some of the other merc children. However those thoughts were largely shoved aside by a much more pressing comment that the sultry zombie had bombed Mirin with. The boy she was asking about, the one she'd crushed on and thought of as handsome... was in a certain sense sitting right there in front of her. Despite the quite proficient game that had been displayed earlier against Brody it seemed that Nima had found what appeared to be a hole in Mirin's defense as a flush of red colored her cheeks. "Um well it's actually kinda funny that you'd bring that up... the handsomeness and um the big crush part..." With how awkward she was being you'd think the boy in question was like her husband or something. Now normally Mirin was actually quite chill about her past but to know that all those years ago Nima had thought of her that way? Well it was pretty embarrassing and also a huge hope of Mirin's that she'd feel that way again now. In essence it was their childhood bond of friendship that was making the woman feel so vulnerable in an arena that she usually felt was within her dominion of control. "A lot's changed since you died... that handsome boy kinda became a shipwright's apprentice, um and then became a... well a teenage girl. So um guess this is a good time to mention that I always looked up to you cause you were the kinda girl I had always wanted to be." Back then Mirin had never been able to confess such a thing to Nima. Having been tossed out of her home for telling her parents about such desires the pain was still raw and the wound still bleeding. By the time she'd grown strong enough to confess such a thing the other woman had become scarce from mercenary work while Mirin had become bogged down by learning the old man's trade. However now it was out on the table and hopefully such a thing didn't kill the fun train that seemed to be the express run to Orgy Village. That'd be a damn shame.

Of course if anyone was curious about said transformation she wasn't opposed to telling the story, it was actually a rather okay one. Kind of entertaining really, though perhaps not as much as some of the other stories she had to tell but it was also her story so that made it kinda special. However that tale seemed to only be the prologue of much large epic as tonight in a drunken round of merriment a greater story seemed to be forming. One of a rag tag multicultural bunch going out and looking to achieve great things in the face of adversity. That story was known as Rogue One... only kidding but no really such a grand adventure was taking shape in the minds and hearts of those four youngsters. The idea itself certainly intrigued Mirin. Particularly so when it involved building a one of a kind vessel. Something that could easily be her signature creation, her intellectual child. Designed by her, and built by her. "Oh I'm good with my hands alright, and my ship building skills ain't bad either. But if you guys can get the money together I'm sure I can craft such a thing." That wasn't a joke, with the proper resources she could definitely make Satan's Barge or maybe like the Titanic.... no that last one was a dumb name. Well whatever she'd figure it out later. Point was, she could build it.

Words: 1,015 | Total Words: 2,214


Shiro no Kitsune



Over Yandere

Obsessive Lover

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Friendly Friend

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:38 am
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ѕιngle and ready тo мιngle~

Str:13 II Spd: 30 II Acc: 35 II Int: 30 End: 25

In the pursue of somewhere he could get his...stress released. A drunken Thaddeus managed to stumble is way into Ridas village. While being a man with a near 65 million beli bounty on his head he would be easy money for bounty hunters nearby, If they could identify him. Which no one alive could do, atleast not yet. With their drunken captain going off on another one of his adventures again, his crew would have no other choice but to follow him and look after the lovable oaf. With a semi-chub, and his semi-automatic he would begin strutting around town looking for all kinds of mischief to get himself into. Making his way up a hill Thaddeus' drunk a** managed to find a piece of s**t bar, they were usually his favorite. While being almost otherworldly clever, it was a fun fact, the ginger marksmen couldn't read for s**t. Standing infront of the beat down old shake Thaddeus attempted to read the sign in a pathetic display, just like how Lenny attempted to tend the wabbits.

"Sa-ss! Sa.... Satin Den... Lmfao Den what?"

He said walking into the bar. Stepping inside from the harsh outside world Thaddeus was momentarily blinded as his eye adjusted to the room. Scanning with his famous scowl. From where he was standing it was a bit surprising that such a place would be so packed. If he didn't know any better which he didn't, he would have swore this was a Pirate's hangout. Without any words The gunslinger dressed in black would silently march over to the bar. His cowboy boots clanking with each step, his ginger hair fluttering in the non-existent wind. Taking a seat on an old wooden stool the Outlaw would place a fatass cigar between his lips lighting it as he please. He cared not for the commotion around him and he did his best to actually mind his own business but the overbearing chatter would swing his attention elsewhere in the tavern. Especially the chatter of the Bartender whom peaked his interest. Tapping his side of the bar top trying to call her over.

"Bourbon. One for you... and one for me."

He said placing 40 beli on the counter top. Turning his gaze from the undead beauty to her fishy consort. Suspicious of each individual in the bar, from the Hollister model in the back to his PVT Vasquez girlfriend. With such a colorful cast, he was thankful that the rest of his crew would be trekking not far behind him. With the final sentence of Vasquez's speech forced the gunslinger to turn right round and face her.

"So you build ships aye? Well I've got plenty coin baby, I need me a vessel that can transport at least 8 men. Could a youngin like yourself craft such a thing?"

The Pirate Captain would say being every careful in choosing his words. As a pirate you spent your whole life hiding your true identity. In fact Thaddeus didn't even use his real name when conducting business, and nor would he be using it here. Already the most wanted man in the blues Thaddeus was more amused by the thought of getting a bigger vessel for his growing crew. The only question would be if the young lady would accept his offer.


Mister Trotter

Naomi Tenkou




Cor Contritum

Light Gun 1

Bullet 3

Bullet 2

Bullet 1

Light Gun 2

Bullet 3

Bullet 2

Bullet 1

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 8:54 pm
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“Straight Outta West Blue, Bro...”

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPoolside Identity

                                                            Absentmindedly, the bohemian's cranium dabbed lightly on the wooden counter top. On either side of him his elbows had poised themselves well enough that he wouldn't... I don't know, convince someone who'd believe the surfer wasn't slushed? Loosely hung tufts of raven hair were rogue, one would notice he'd grown completely relaxed. Whereupon, the shape of his frame rose sharply before he'd exhale, but only interrupting that with a staggered yawn. The hunk's maw probably stretched itself a few inches further wide then it should've. A slight involuntary wince escaped him shortly after his ears did perceive him of what Ai said. Noisily slapping the countertop with the bud of his palm, “Exactly, Ai babe, why would you be?” a slight cant of his head made a line through rogue stands for his eyes to spy. Peekaboo, Ai, greenish-blue orbs scanned the beauty to no end before a smile curved along his countenance. It'd be a question of if she could see it over his shoulder or not, “So that it is.” the way those words rolled off his tongue, the coolness. The bohemian's shoulders hunched themselves as he'd slowly lift his head from the counter top. Had the bronobi heard that right? Say it ain't so, were both babes out for him? Who wasn't about the bullshit? That bodacious babe Mirin, apparently nobody here lost their nerve swimming with sharks. s**t, that'd been just fine, hell, Brody didn't want anyone scared.

                                                            Grinning stupidly, “Then like, swim that luscious—” abruptly the bohemian's muscular arm would do well snagging the babe around the hip. Instinctively, the beach bum hugged closer, “a** out here! No such thing as a little wet, babe, Brody doesn't prowl shallow waters.” she didn't want this problem, Brody couldn't have been the right'er one. The bohemian's masculine arm rounded Mirin's lithe frame well enough. Matter of fact it'd only now just been cuffed with a neat wedge, pinned on either side of her was his growing bicep and anabolic forearm. Brody's fingers did rounds around her navel, “You oughta know now, I do not ******** off.” the bareness of his chest caressed made itself known to what all had been exposed on her. There she'd stay till otherwise. Slushed or not, Brody had the charisma of musician, but the hard-boiled spirit of a fishermen. Odd combination, sure, but a man was only what they made of themselves. That's what it meant to be, bronobi, not every bro could be one. Again, turning an ear to the conversation happening around him. Brody often learned more about the people around him when slushed or wasted. He mulled over that wasted part, alright maybe not wasted, but slushed for certain. An eyebrow quirked whereupon Nima's jogged memory of days amongst the living.

                                                            Reminiscence of a handsome bro of the Kirinzawa family, a younger Nima's crush and Mirin's kid brother? Rad, the bronobi clasped the empty glass running his index around the rim. Not sooner then later, Nima finally got around introducing herself and Brody would raise a half-assed toast to her. The bro ushered the empty glass overhead, “Here's to the hot zombie babe, Nima, we wouldn't be all here if it weren't for your outstanding service.” a slight reddening of his countenance said enough. However, out of all the good which came of Nima's reminiscing, a rather awkward confession escaped from Mirin. That aforementioned handsome bro of a brother, found passion as a shipwright's padawan, radical. Annnnnnnd that apprentice became the woman he'd been swabbing up on. There'd been a momentary lapse inside the bro's brain, an ear wouldn't ever turn itself from their aspiring conversation, not ever. But, Brody couldn't help the sidelong stare, he'd eventually be seen giving the him who'd now been known as a her. The sheer look on his face, down right quizzically challenged. Borderline dumbstruck of what she'd confessed “S-So like... You were a bro?” one would notice a short attempt to clear his throat. Before Brody shown how much of a open mind he'd had, and that meant doing what a bronobi does. Naturally, “You're only what you make of yourself, bro, a real bronobi respects those who are honest with themselves first.” the bro went total sage mode, all said before a solemn nod and closed lids.

                                                            Truthfully, Brody couldn't help but to respect those who respected and accepted who they were. Unless, they were total losers. Shoulders hunched themselves as the bohemian relaxed his chin on the butt of his fist, elbow still on the counter top. Nima said what they all needed to hear, the babe was all in, what more needed to be said? Mirin without a doubt came along with the package, right? Ohshit, another bro came through the door? Brody turned his head over his shoulder and tossed a inebriated look, “What's good, bro, a shark bro? Radical, like you're a cousin or sumthin'.” he said bullshittingly. An obvious joke not to be taken serious. Brody hadn't even noticed the other fishmen till now. The raven-haired bohemian's attention span had long since been shot th' ******** out, he'd missed Nima's coming and going. You'd have to argue with him that she didn't just miraculously wash up on the shore of his now inquiring mind. Damn the whole awkward tension sthick, Brody couldn't have been more righteous, the bro had an exception by the hip and a empty glass. The beach bum had plenty to entertain himself. For the life of him though he couldn't recall a time where he'd even devised a plan to getaway. Here, Brody had a babes who'd been more then ready for a life of fun and adventure. Hell, the raven-haired bum couldn't wait to get the show on road. There was only so much you could say at a time like this, “Awesome..” he said with his usual surfer ascent.

979 Words
Shiro no Kitsune

The lateness.

Naomi Tenkou
There was traffic?


  • Strength: 25 ( +15 Fishmen ) ( +5 Gladiator )
  • Endurance: 40 ( +15 Fishmen ) ( +5 Gladiator ) ( +10 Anti-Devil )
  • Speed: 10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Accuracy: 0
  • Spirit: 0
  • Dexterity: 0





Sex Symbol

9,000 Points
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  • Married 100
PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 10:38 pm
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As the hefty man awaited his serving, the woman across the bar with the ears, the uh, the furry one called over to him, inviting him over to join them, though the meaning of the invitation was lost to Cassius. Join their drinking circle, or perhaps to join their crew? Were they pirates? Or, maybe join whatever odd orgy they were seemingly planning, oogling at each other with runny mouths. He looked to the girl, with no response, before turning back, awaiting his serving. In the end, that girl seemed too energetic, or happy, to be seen in Cass' company.

She approached him, long legs, stitched. Her aroma was not friendly, it was different, and her skin, a bit pale. Maybe she was sick, though it wouldn't explain stitches, nasty fight with blood loss perhaps. She made her way over to him, and spoke words about being nabbed by the Marines "Yet...Don't give me a reason" he teased, having a smirk peer over his face, damn you Nima, don't make me smile. The glass was handed to him, it was light, almost clear even, it took watered down to a new meaning. But it was fine for Cass on a work day, not a time to get hammered. She pulled him a bit closer mumbling about the human, her head did turn a good 180 degrees around, that wasn't normal. Cass sighed to her as he pulled away "Can't believe you still serve them, you'll learn..." he said, again mocking her a bit.

Though, her grip tightened, pulling him closer once again, whispering some of the hardest words Cass had ever had to swallow, she had found him. There was one man who had caused so much distress in Cassius' life, the only reason he'd ever consider the side of justice, and the sole reason He'd never trust a Human in his life. He could feel himself growing in anger, his hand tightening around the glass in his hand, shattering beneath the weight of his grip as she spoke her final words. He took her life, Cass knew this girl for such a long time, and he dared to take someone else from him, he blacked out. He could see him, the man who dared to turn Cass' life into shambles, and every time He pieces it back together, the man just tore it all apart.

Blinking a few times, he snapped back to reality, Nima was walking away, s**t, he'd broken another glass, she should've expected this reaction by now. The human girl said some s**t, Cassius didn't care really. Too much was just dropped on him to even pay her any mind, she was however speaking of knowing Nima from back in the day, Cassius was fading in and out of the woman's speech, but she sure didn't ring any bells, not any initial bells anyway.The Bromeister, Bromego, Broken fishman in the same bar was going on and on about the girls, What a disgrace to the race. He took a deep breath before speaking up "What would drive a man, how low must you have gone...nothing should ever..." he sighed, releasing his breath, he should respect this place, no, no! He had to speak up "To lay with an Infi!" he said, standing up, slamming his hands on the counter, laying in and making a new indent on the bar.

But again, like many times before in this sacred place, a new person would enter before the current people would finish their conversations. His boots would clank across the floor with each step, approaching the bar, a silence fell over Cass as the man entered, he had realized his place, he would sit back down at the bar. Not that this man intimidated Cassius, but his appearance would remind Cass that this place was Nima's, and he would respect her rules. The new man apparently would also make a move on the bartender, buying her a drink. He then proceeded to initiate into the others' conversation, ordering a boat fit for at least 8 men. Cassius Spoke up, calmly "A Boat for eight men? I don't suppose Mercenaries sail in groups of eight, being a greedy folk..." he said, nodding to Nima "No offense", then directing his speech back to the man "...They tend to sail smaller, more bounty for themselves, right?" he said, inviting the man to bring his work of choice to conversation. The man would have to choose his words carefully, Cassius was obviously in no awareness that the man was a pirate, but it wouldn't be a bad thing to force that out of a stranger, even if it were a joke, Cass could use it alone as incentive to bring a man in, and gain a capture on his name. It would just take a few words of confession from this man, to trigger the entire room

Word Count: 815
Total: 2,361
Other Words:
Training Grounds - 500 Words (Solo)
Ridus Village - 1,046 Words (Interaction)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 11:32 am
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HєαƖтн Ƥσιηтѕ: 100

          Ai was having trouble following all the different lines of conversation between everyone, eyes wandered to Nima as she spoke up repeating names in what she would assume was hopefully attempting to memorize them. She didn't have any particular trouble with other people because she named them by scent. The earthy smell that now lingered with peach and liquor was a unique one to Nima, it might change later but for now thats how she recognized it, Mirin smelled of hard work and fresh wood which wasn't bad in the slightest to her. Brody had the smell of a fish and the sea with a peculiar underlying smell she couldn't put a name too, but it was recognizable to her so that was all that mattered in the end to the young lass. As the conversation continued on Nima would state that she was coming around and seemed like she would enjoy coming with, as long as Mirin was along for the ride as well. Hope and excitement sparked in the young minkman's eyes as she would smile brightly before nodding in affirmation, "Yes! That sounds like fun, maybe we can help her build the ship? Er..." she realized she jumped the gun as she immediately assumed that Mirin would do so, "Sorry! I got excited, I mean...it's up to you if you want to come with...or even build a ship...I mean." she mumbled her ears going backwards as a sign of embarrassment and possible sorrow at the fact she might have just chased off Mirin for being so forward, the minkman sulked a little, but she still felt hope dwelling in her. Mirin would seem to not mind it too much as she continued conversing with Brody and Nima as she would normally, Ai would try to chill out her anxious thoughts of upsetting the young lady as she would listen with interest to the trio. Blinking as Mirin revealed she used to be a man, the questions that bubbled up on her tongue were easily dropped completely as she figured that there wasn't much to ask. It must be nice being able to be who she was and what she wanted without any judgement, it just made her happy that Mirin was so relaxed about saying it out loud. As Nima would wander back after briefly speaking to the fishman and easily apologized before explaining, as mentions of her not wanting to take the lead she'd look curious, "Whats 'democracy'?" she wondered out loud clearly being lost on such a word. Though her confusion and curiosity were easily replaced by joy at Mirin's mentions of being able to build the ship, but she still wanted Mirin to go with them.

          Slowly drawing out a small bundle from one of the side pouches on her hips she'd easily place down a good stack of beli easily being able to total out to one hundred thousand, "This is the currency you guys use right?" she asked indicating the scraps of paper, "I traded some of the stuff my family gave me for this paper, I mean thats what they told me to do so that I could pay for stuff. I don't know how much a ship would cost down here though." she'd state her hand still placed on the beli just in case there were swindlers. She already dealt with one or two of those and wasn't willing to deal with anyone jacking her money again. Brody was still apparently getting over Mirin's past as he would be mentioning a few words that Ai wasn't particularly paying attention too, she was still thinking about what kind of additions they would need on a ship. A bar for Nima, probably someplace to work out for herself because she couldn't imagine not running around like crazy figuring out ways to spend her abundant energy, a big workshop for Mirin if she decided she wanted to go and she didn't know what Brody could possibly want extra on a ship, the most she knew was he liked to surf. Shock rippled through her when the fishman suddenly smacked the bar causing Ai to jump up her ears fluffed out and her teeth bared while her pupils receded into pin points clearly ready to attack as she practically knocked the stool she was just sitting on over. It should have been an amazing feat in terms of grace and control over herself due to the position she was sitting in, a growl was building in her throat as she immediately felt threatened, but as the fishman sat down again when a newcomer entered she would carefully smooth down the fur on her ears. Money was snatched off the counter quickly as she packed it into her side pouch again as a newcomer entered, her immediate thought was he didn't look all to friendly and she wasn't particularly keen on his smell. It was a bit acrid, not like the stench of sweat and such, but like the smell of chemicals and something strong of herbs, not a welcoming smell to her. Amber eyes narrowed as he would hardly say hello to Nima and just ordered from her, the small blunt claws on her fingers etched into the top of the counter as she felt like the man was being rude to her new friend.

          Gray ears remained perked up as she waited for some form of signal for the man to leave, instead he butted into the conversation effortlessly after having heard about ship building. Ai would look to Mirin and simply inch a little closer to the woman, a hand easily sliding over to touch the woman's arm gently in a sign of having Mirin's back if she didn't want to do something. Ai wouldn't look particularly hostile, but it would be obvious she was on edge due to the sudden preceding events, she'd look over to the fishman who initially caused her sudden protective mood as he spoke to the man who suddenly offered work to the shipwright. Ai still wasn't sure about all this business, but she soaked up the information like the sponge she was when it came to this world, "What is he implying?" she whispered quietly to Mirin blocking her lips just in case the man could lip read, even with a single eye one could easily tell what someone was saying by observation. She'd stare at the man afterwards, "You have an odd and uncomfortable smell sir. Should I be concerned about what you do?" she'd state loudly sounding a little on the stupid side, but the smell he gave off really was throwing her senses into confusion. Ai never smelled anything akin to what he smelt like, once again, it wasn't an awful disgusting smell, it just didn't have anything natural to it which made it odd all and all to the wolf woman.


Words: 1,149

  • Strength: 25 ( +10 Anti-Devil ) ( +5 Brawler )
  • Endurance: 20 ( +10 Minkman ) ( +5 Brawler )
  • Speed: 15 ( +10 Minkman )
  • Intelligence: 5
  • Accuracy: 0
  • Spirit: 0
  • Dexterity: 0



Naomi Tenkou


Cpt Gucci Suit

Cor Contritum


And The Tsun Shines

Aged Rabbit

6,600 Points
  • Little Bunny Foo Foo 100
  • Noble Shade 100
  • Bunny Spotter 50
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 2:50 pm
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COMPANY 」Ai, Mirin, Brody, & Cassius xxx WORDS 」1,695 xxx OOCxxx

                                Nima's full attention was captivated by the young shipwright before her, the undead woman's surprisingly bright smile nearly captivating as she nodded her head. Listening carefully to the story unfolding, wanting to hear more of her childhood crush. Stopping only momentarily to smile and wave off the goofball remark of Brody who had cheered her on for the excellent service received thus far before focusing back upon the woman. Glad to know the young man she had adored was able to make something of himself, however she was a little taken aback at the latter part of the statement. Her large blue orbs blinked a few times in a stunned manner before her smile became lighter. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to recognize you right away, it seems the handsome little boy turned into an attractive young woman. You're on par with this sack of meat haha, maybe a little better seeing as you've got a beating heart in your chest, and your skin is flawless." The ghoul almost felt bad, they had been considerably close friends when they were younger but she had never once realized that Mirin wanted to become like this. She remembered the odd glance in her direction, a certain awe and admiration in her gaze whenever the younger male version of herself seemed to gaze upon Nima, now it was all starting to make much more sense. She hadn't been interested in her as a woman, Mirin was admiring her features, her female frame and body. Although perhaps it could've been both, judging by the way the young lady acted now. Using her long legs to arch her body over the counter she placed a hand upon Mirin's chin around the same time Brody began getting friendlier with her. Raising her face to meet the cool dead gaze of the zombie woman Nima gave a cocky grin in her direction. "You've got a much bigger chest than me though, I'm not sure I can forgive that!" she teased in a friendly manner, releasing the chin of the young woman and placing both of her hands upon her modest chest. The bumps were rather small compared to the younger woman, Nima was all a** and always had been. Both a blessing and a curse, luckily for her she didn't care overly so because asses were always her interest as well, at least when it came to women. Men were easier for her, she was pretty much able to readily flirt with anyone who walked through that door, it was all business. Nima only really got flirtatious with women when she actually carried an interest in them sexually or otherwise. Brody was alright, she actually kind of warmed to him and would genuinely enjoy going further with him. Mirin was somewhere inbetween male and female, plus she had liked her prior to becoming a woman so going further with her was also a possibility. Then there was Ai who was adorable, the cute little minkman had Nima fawning over her already, it was hard to believe such a cutie could also be so deviant as well.

                                Nima was distracted by the loud crash behind the group, focusing back on Cassius and giving a disappointed stare in his direction. She knew he was upset, and her bar was already in disrepair so she wasn't too worried about it being trashed. Still she wasn't exactly fond of the fishman and his attitude toward her friends. She knew that Cassius meant well but he just couldn't put things behind him, believing all humans to be the scum of the earth despite only a handful of them destroying the things important to him. One couldn't judge an entire race on the actions of a minority of said race. "Tut, tut! You're not drunk enough yet to be destroying my bar, officer!" she scolded, half serious and half joking in her approach. A small friendly smile on her lips as she tried her best to silently reassure the fishman that everything was alright. She enjoyed his company and presence within the bar but he could be difficult to work with, he wasn't exactly good at playing with others. Nima was about to go have a chat with him when the familiar sound of coins upon the counter caught her attention. Turning to Ai and eyeing the hefty bag of coin she laid upon the table. "Yes that's our currency, we'll all pitch in to make sure our adventuring vessel is a beauty." she reassured Ai, not bothering to get into democracy and politics as much of it would likely be lost upon the minkman, her way of life being so drastically different compared to current company. She was a sweet girl and Nima was happy to have her just the way she was. The mercenary had to stop herself from snatching the bag of beli while it was still within arms reach, old habits dying hard. Still all of them would be using the money for something greater, which excited her dearly. Having a new group of friends to explore with, and a ship where she can carry her passion along with her no matter where she decided to go. It'd be a great time for all company involved.

                                She had been so captivated by the canine's cuteness that Nima hadn't heard the new arrival upon entering. Her attention was only brought to him by the sound of money on the counter to which she almost instinctively shifted full body and attention to the shady man. Not thinking much of him given the fact she dealt with shady types almost exclusively in her line of work. She fished around under the counter for some bourbon as requested. It was pretty crappy stuff compared to the homemade hooch she had been serving but she would give the customer what he asked for. Pouring two glasses she slid one across the counter to the fiery haired gentleman. Putting her own glass to the cool dead lips and draining it rather anticlimactically. When you worked a bar all your life you became accustomed to drinking, a lot. Especially when you were a rather attractive young woman, back when she was still a living breathing being Nima was the type of girl to pull in customers and line up free drinks for herself like crazy. "Such a gentleman..." she breathed wistfully toward the man. Her long legs allowing for her to bend over the counter and lean against it only a few inches from his face, the smell of alcohol thick on her breath, blue bulbs for eyes seemed glazed over by inebriation. She didn't feel horribly drunk, her tolerance intensifying thanks to her barely functioning organs. Still it was always smart to play with the heart strings of the customer, more business, more freebies for her, maybe a nice tip out at the end of the night. Nima was really getting back into the swing of things by this point. The amount of business she was pulling in tonight was making a killing, she was glad to see the bar she thought would be on it's last legs doing so well the first night it re-opened. Assuming her advances were enough to keep him around Nima pulled a few more glasses, pouring a couple more drinks in anticipation for him to order more than one round. She needed to milk as many of her customers as possible if she wanted to help pitch in for this boat and a remodeled, mobile, Satan's Den. She was sure her father would be proud, dragging the old family bar out into the world and letting others experience real alcohol. Plus the amount of pirates she could trap in her floating bar wouldn't hurt, catch a few flies with honey and deliver them right to the doorstep of the marine corps. Being sure only to stay long enough to get paid before moving on to bluer waters.

                                When Ai spoke her mind and Cassius followed it caused Nima to take a step back and really examine the man she was currently playing host for. The question Cassius posed to her also confusing the woman, why a mercenary would need a large ship like that and be traveling in eights made little sense to her, she had always been greedy and likely the type to kill the other hunters after her mark than share with them. The canine minkman was being cautious and it concerned Nima to see Ai on the defensive so much, animals were rumored to have a nose for danger after all. As for Cassius he was normally a grump and wary of most within her bar but he was making some sense in his accusations. "Excuse my bluntness officer but I'd sooner run my sword through the gut of another mercenary before sharing the spoils." she confirmed his suspicions. Nima wasn't much of a liar, she prided herself on honesty and was usually able to keep that pride. Her blunt way of dealing with things sometimes caused her trouble but it had never stopped her before. She wasn't by any means condemning her customer, she had no issues with the man so long as he wasn't trying to cause trouble, or so long as he wasn't walking around with a bounty on his head. Still Nima wanted to believe no pirate would be foolish enough to saunter into Ridus so carelessly, and especially not into her bar and company. Coming to a place like this and acting like you owned the entire village wasn't really a good impression, it'd take a pirate with a deathwish to do something like that. Still judging by this man and his inability to even read out the sign of the bar, something even most of her idiotic mercenary customers could do made her believe perhaps he wasn't all that bright after all. A sick smile creeping up on her features as she awaited the mans response. Her left hand clutching the katana at her waist, the motion hidden behind the counter. Anxiously waiting for any sort of trouble to arise from this suddenly hostile situation.

Cor Contritum


Naomi Tenkou


Cpt Gucci Suit
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 6:48 pm
User Image At first Mirin became uneasy as her old friend's pretty blue eyes seemed to blink at the revelation of a long kept secret. What if she thought it was weird? Not everybody got it like the old codger did, hell her parents had tossed a four year old out onto the streets rather than deal with it. That kind of pain led her to keep her true self a secret, held against the heart and told to nobody else. Right now it'd hurt quite a bit to feel the sting of rejection caused by Nima not getting Mirin's greatest wish. To be denied her life's wish by her oldest friend and one of the two people she actually respected. The smile from her current crush and role model did much to assuage her worried heart.

Though the words Nima spoke did much more to put Mirin off her game, further pushing her into revealing the emotional immaturity and vulnerability that hid behind a hyper sexual exterior. Despite the jump start on experience in the world of sex and romance the girl might have gotten, she was only a teenager still. Barely even a woman by most standards. That meant that her brain was still developing and thus she was still pretty childish. Her cheeks remained flushed with pink as she smiled back at Nima. The compliments weren't exactly helping the situation with how much weight the teen ascribed to the other woman's opinions. As the adorable zombie's pale hand gently caressed her chin, the owner of said appendage would be able to feel the younger woman's heart skip a beat as she reacted to the room temperature touch. The words uttered, were entirely unexpected and thus even more effective against the younger of the pair. Her face fully flushed with embarrassment in response. Nima... senpai, thinks my breasts are... waaaaa I can't! Her pink eyes now matching the color of her cheeks was quite the sight to behold and unfortunately for Mirin she wasn't going to be able to recover from the one two punches since Brody decided to pounce at that moment too. Effectively Mirin had just fallen from a player to pet.

With Brody now giving her some sweet physical attention her heart was pounding, and she was like pudding in his arms. The hug pulling her into him so that he was able to encircle her body, those fingers of his tracing along her stomach and naval while his muscular arms rubbed against her sides. "Mmm.... not fair you guys," she muttered with a hint of restraint in her voice, the pitch of which was a tad higher than earlier. It seemed that the tag team maneuver had really gotten to her. It didn't help that she could feel his abs against her back, or the growing fantasy of him just bending her drunken form over the counter while Nima watched. Damn Mirin had a dirty mind, no doubt from years of poor adult supervision and working non stop with muscular guys down at the shipyard.

The disbelief from the bronobi at her revelation gave her slight cause to worry since she was in a rather vulnerable position. With her face still flush from a combination of booze, comment, and touch she turned it to the side to face him. "Well it's more like I was a girl with an outtie who everyone thought was a bro... and if you're really curious Brody why don't you send those hands a little further south?" she tried to hit back with a flirtatious joke of her own but still feeling pretty vulnerable prompted her to add, "I don't wanna ruin the surprise but I'm no different from Nima or Ai now. Gotta worry about making lil' Brody's n everything. I'll tell you guys the story sometime but it's like I was born this way now." The extent to which Mirin had been changed was actually pretty astonishing. It was as if somebody had literally changed her DNA and then forced all of her cells to rearrange themselves in accordance to the new codes. For all intents and purposes it was like she got an entirely new body while keeping the memories of the old one. Obviously this gave her the full shebang, all the positives and all of the negatives about womanhood. But Mirin would rather die than be transformed back however, she wouldn't change herself for the world now. Of course it didn't hurt that she was smoking hot, with an a** of a caliber that matched her tits the marines might of even classified her as a deadly weapon.

The sudden outburst from Cassius startled Mirin pretty badly. causing her to jump in her skin and more specifically rub her ample a** against Brody's shorts. As her nerves settled she shot a glare Cassius' way, indicating that she knew full well what he meant by Infi. Having grown up by the sea and spent a lot of time in bars she'd heard the term before. Not everyone was fond of humans dominating much of the planet. "Kisama! Why don't you go harp on some kids grandpa!" she drunkenly yelled back before sticking her tongue out at him. While she unintentionally thrust her a** back against Brody again due to her rowdiness.

Before she could continue that argument a newcomer entered the bar. His shoes called attention to himself like he was some kind of drama queen and he of course tried to steal the room as he hit on Mirin's role model with a flashy move. This of course landed him squarely on the teen's bad side as she looked the one eyed man over. Seeing as he was now on her bad side being addressed as baby, and youngin did little to win her over when his attention moved to her. "Sorry but I just signed on to a different project, you're gonna have to talk to old man Yamazaki down at the shipyard if you want something like that." Her voice might have come off as a little stern but she was being honest. A single shipwright could only get so much work done and since she'd be designing and leading the construction of this lots ship that left little time for her to make some sketchy stranger one.

Words: 1,054 | Total Words: 4,268


Shiro no Kitsune



Cpt Gucci Suit

Over Yandere

Obsessive Lover

9,150 Points
  • Beta Citizen 0
  • Beta Gaian 0
  • Beta Contributor 0


Friendly Friend

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 11:08 pm
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ѕιngle and ready тo мιngle~

Str:13 II Spd: 30 II Acc: 35 II Int: 30 End: 25

His attention turning back to his new special friend. Perhaps it was after his own death that became a necrophiliac but living life as a wanted man, you take what you can get in the love department. With her face inches from his own dirt and grime covered skin his singular eye would be locked onto both of hers. Much more of a thinker then he let off Thaddeus found himself questioning the motive behind her action. Rationally she was probably just trying to suck all the money straight out of his pen!s, but in Thaddeus' mind he was just that goddamn smooth. Deciding what the hell, he'd make a move of his own. Noting that her left hand was out of sight, the outlaw took his own right hand. Taking his shot glass up into the air, then quickly down his throat.

"Bwuah! Wooo!"

He would gag, choking up a bit. Just from the taste he would tell that her bourbon was old, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing. The older the bourbon the more tasteful it was. Slamming his glass back on the counter top, chills would go down his spine as the alcohol settled. Now with a bit of liquid courage within him, Thaddeus' left hand would find a way onto Frankenstein's bride's right hand. Hopefully Frankenstein wasn't around. Between the moment Thaddeus would get nothing he didn't expect. Her touch was cold and lifeless, he couldn't feel any warmth in her at all. Synonymous with the gunslinger's own soul, but as he felt her hand, as he stared at the stitching that aligned her body. Smiling Thaddeus' hand would phase straight through his new unnamed girlfriend's. Rather horrifying that a zombie and a ghost would get along so swimmingly.

"Oh no no, I'm no mercenary my good man. I'm a merchant. I sail cross the blues for the East India trading company."

Pulling his meta-physical hand away from the bartender he would completely change the topic. Offering her no explanation to his otherworldly abilities. Addressing the questions as they came Thaddeus would find himself spinning a web of lies that was impossible to trace. He could tell suspicion surrounded him as per usual. And as per usual they would just have to sit back a believe what he told them. Dismissing the fishman's question. Like rapid fire another one would be sent his way, from a young furry girl, one he'd not seemed to notice as he walked in. Just as suspicious of her as she was of him Thaddeus knew to play nice, and that's just what he would do.

"Oh sorry! I just came to port, It's been some time since me or my associates might have bathed, I'm also a huge chain smoker so the nicotine doesn't help either hehe."

He said scratching the back of his head nervously. While his inner self staring down the Mink girl. Smarter then he let off Thaddeus could detect a threat when he saw one, and she was definitely on to him. As he spoke from behind he Thaddeus would overhear the bartender call the Fishman that he'd previously spoken too 'Officer' making a mental note of this their would be no reason for him to act on it, especially with so many witnesses that just wasn't his style.

Now speaking to the shipwright girl, whom seemed to be getting rather chummy with the shirtless man his face would droop into a saddened state as she rejected is offer, welp life would go on.

"This is actually my 2nd or 3rd time in the west. I'm don't know this Old man Yamazaki yee be speakin on. But the company usually pays for my expenses so I'll just find someone else at some other time."

He would reply not really taking it personally, he knew their would be a thousand other shipwrights who would jump at the opportunity to take his money. Turning back to the bartender Thaddeus was craving another shot, taking out more of his coin he would order another.

"Can I get another doll?"

Waiting on his shot. Thaddeus' mind would be brought back to the pursuit that initially brought him here. Determined to keep that a secret even from you the reader he would smirk, his eye focusing on the bartender. Leaning in the freckle faced b*****d would focus all his attention on getting his whistle wet.

"You wouldn't know anywhere me and my companions could lay our head? You wouldn't believe how long it's been since I've seen a bed. You wouldn't believe how long it's been... Since i used one."

The cowboy would say raising his eyebrow. Sometimes he was so funny he'd crack himself up. However this time round he was dead serious. Beginning to wonder what was taking Trotter and Olivia so long he would begin idly spinning his hat on his index finger. Eagerly waiting to hear the bartender's response. Funny, thinking to himself If they had sex would either of them really feel it? Could a ghost even get an erection? Yes. Yes he could.


Mister Trotter

Naomi Tenkou




Cor Contritum

Light Gun 1

Bullet 3

Bullet 2

Bullet 1

Light Gun 2

Bullet 3

Bullet 2

Bullet 1

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 7:11 pm
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“Straight Outta West Blue, Bro...”

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPoolside Identity

                                                            A opportunity paused the bohemian's flirtatious wave of pre jovial satisfaction. Right before he'd taken Mirin up on her more generous offer to hit the surf. A crook of his left eyebrow stretched well along as did his now jovial smile. All but what did his eyes capture? Nima, the beach bunny's fancy apparently got tickled. No, aroused, maybe. Greenish-blue orbs scanned the she'd touch Mirin, a handle of her chin and the way she'd watched over the babe. Ouuuu, the bro immediately buttoned his lip as his whole frame ran from the spine up. Tingling sensation, bro. Could these babes, not? Conflicted interest.. Kiss her, a little bit. That tongue of his ran along the brim of his lips. A tipsy a** look about his countenance, the bud of his fist still cushioning his chin. Magician's hand, like magic the bohemian's fingers twinkled eccentrically from a key hole view, marionettes he'd played them. As if miraculously twisting, flipping and bending their will to resist no longer. Kiss her! Yes, you want too, the bro's inner monologue. What, what! Brody's mouth sponged witnessing the sudden groping, no! Fondling of Mirin's bountiful breast, the raven-haired beach bum withdrew his neck as his eyes bulged.

                                                            How'd the muscles tighten up his countenance, the bastards jaw was lockin'. Maintain your cool, bro! Immediately, Brody rolled his wrist quick, watch it flick, pressing his index and middle finger into temple. Hope there wasn't no confusion. His left eye snaked with a quiver under his orb, the bronobi's power switched to psychic. In his head the bohemian imagined all that happened was his doing. Dropping the facade, the bronobi humbly bowed his head slightly to Nima. One would swear the bohemian's awe snagged right then and there by the beach bunny. One would say the way those greenish-blues glazed over her said enough. She could hop up on this deck, he cheesed. Brody'd cut straight to the point if the bro saw the opportunity. Dead or alive. He closed them eyes about a second before canting his head to match looks with Mirin. Eager aren't we? And so did that ever crook his left eyebrow further then last night? What'd she say? O-Okay, eying her made what came next all that much better. s**t, there wasn't nothing like it, the way Brody's digits fumbled purposely along the ridge of her navel down. Confidently grinning while chasing the feeling of his touch into her eyes. Using nothing but the trio to invade her private area. Index, middle and ring finger slipping underneath what had kept secret.

                                                            It was short lived though, relatively short matter of fact, we'd all be better off. That's coming from Brody's writer and producer. !!! Metal Gear Solid Style, a untimely distraction broke the law of positive or otherwise good vibes. Needlessly to say the least, those curious fingers of his stopped... Where they left off maybe? That's a strong maybe. Brody tossed his head leftward, and then rightward slightly bobbing either way. Awhile rolling his eyes sarcastically, “Seriously bro--?!” before the beach bum could finish, propped up on his slowly rising seam came the posterior of startled Mirin. Trade the noise for a piece of divine? Eyes trained on the belligerent fussing brunet— Righteous! Again, yet still somewhat unsuspectedly Mirin's high caliber a** let itself back again but now with a thrust. Too high, can't calm down. Losing his head, spinning around, and round Brody's eyes spun. Oh! But hadn't them jaws of his showed themselves. Seemingly without further warning! The bronan would toss his masculine arm comfortably around her collar. Pressing himself forward on Mirin before he'd pedal her backwards slowly. Laughter let itself loose from him, “Hauhahaaha!!” the raven-haired surfer blurted out. Much too inebriated himself for the serious s**t, maybe. Much went over his head though. For a moment of silence for himself he'd just smile stupidly, eyes glazed. Random, “Y-Yeah! Witcho' stupid a**!” just the usual surfer ascent. Oh, he said this to nobody in particular. ******** was just drunk. Stupid, too..

675 Words
Shiro no Kitsune


Naomi Tenkou

Cpt Gucci Suit


  • Strength: 25 ( +15 Fishmen ) ( +5 Gladiator )
  • Endurance: 40 ( +15 Fishmen ) ( +5 Gladiator ) ( +10 Anti-Devil )
  • Speed: 10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Accuracy: 0
  • Spirit: 0
  • Dexterity: 0





Sex Symbol

9,000 Points
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Partygoer 500
  • Married 100
PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 8:59 pm
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Cass had cooled down a bit, he had a checklist for these sorts of things. He had respect for this bar, he had respect for the owner, no trouble unless someone goes too far down his checklist. Three strikes, it was simple, no one had tread that far yet right? scanning the scene after his outburst was odd, a slew of mixed reactions. First of all was the mink girl, who jumped out of her seat, ready to rumble with the large fishman. Like calm down kitty cat. Cassius rolled his eyes at the comments Nima sent his direction in reaction to his outburst, then again with the 'officer' nonsense later. Her constant teasing of Cass was annoying, easily. Though he was struck with insult, that Infi from the other side of the bar called him grandpa. That b***h. "Please Infi, if I was your grandfather, I'd have offed myself far before this age." he stood up and placed his Iron knuckle over his right fist before addressing her again "Merely speaking with you has me disgusted, I need a shower. I can only imagine how the-" his speech suddenly slowed, losing all power, and turning into more of a comedic low tone "-surfer with his hand down your pants..." he continued, then stopped, this bar was hell, a fitting name to go along with it. Never mind that conversation, he turned away, it wasn't worth getting into.

"Merchant.." he addressed the new man in the room calmly before approaching him "Before I leave, I'd like to offer apologies. As you can tell from the scene of the bar, I was on edge." he said, before leaning in closer for a whisper "The shipwright is easy, if you can knock back her mate..." he said lowly, before looking to the girl and back to the merchant "I take that back, she'd probably be up for both at once." he said, attempting to stir maybe a little drama on his way out.He moved away and proceeded towards the door, but stopping just before leaving "Oh, the uh-" he said, turning back to look at the man, but speaking more generally this time, to everyone in the room "The Bartender is easy too, but if you touch my property, I'll have to come back for you" He added, moving quickly out the door after his final comment. A little more stirring of the pot before leaving of course.


Word Count: 406
Total: 2,361
Other Words:
Training Grounds - 500 Words (Solo)
Ridus Village - 1,046 Words (Interaction)
Ridus Village - 815 Words (Interaction)

Cor Contritum

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 10:09 pm
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Olivia followed the red haired man as instructed to a location she had never been to before. Somwhere along the way the man managed to get drunk and wonder off. This didn't really work out in her favor. Olivia has a had time finding her way around placed by herself, and being she's never been here before she really has no idea where anything is. Lucky for her however, Mr. Man was with her.
"Mr. Man, where do you think he went?" Her question being directed to the man she meant just briefly a little bit ago. With no response Olivia stopped and looked around."Huh? Where did he go?" Just like her brother Olivia had a habit of wondering off where ever she wanted, most of the time it was because she wasn't paying attention. Just like now, Olivia wasn't making attention to Mr. Man when they were walking together. She couldn't help it! She just couldn't keep her mind on one task for too long. Her mind probably wondered off and Mr. Man took a turn and Olivia being Olivia didn't notice it and kept going straight.

One foot after the other she danced her way through the streets getting herself more lost. It didn't take her long until she found her way into some alley ways. Hands clasped behind her back her stuffed bunny bounced behind her to the motion of her step.
"Maaaaaybe they went dancing?" She asked herself innocently. The gears in her head started to spin. Tilting her head to the side she tried to come up with any places."If I were to go dancing, where would I go?" The conversation with herself just continued to grow as she wondered the streets alone.

By this point they had probably been wondering the street for a hot minute before they found themselves a whole in the wall place. Stopping in front Olivia read the sign creaking on the metal pole it hung from.
"Satan's din?"Strange name for a place."Sounds fun! Let's go in!" She had no idea what this place was but she sure did like the name. Making her way into the building she stopped and looked around."Ahhh it's a stupid bar." Olivia was disappointed. She thought for sure with a place with a name like Satan's den it would be some what fun inside. Instead it was full of drunks. And speaking of which There the one eyed man was drinking his heart away. Getting excited Olivia ran straight across the room. The sound of the heels of her little black shoes clicking the wood flooring could be heard before she nearly tackled the one eyed man."I found you!" She declared, wrapping her arms around his torso her bunny nearly wacked the man in the face. The girl had no idea she had just irrupted a conversation in fact, she didn't even notice anyone else in the room. A large smile was seen on her face as she felt she had just won a gave of hide and seek. "Why did you walk away? I've been looking everywhere for you." Letting go of the man she would take a seat on the other side of him. Her small legs would dangle in the air while she clicked the sides of her shoes together. Placing her stuffed bunny in her lap she started to move the arms up and down."Oh! I should probably tell you, I lost Mr. Man. He's gone." She said surprisingly cheerful.

Words in Post: 579

Naomi Tenkou



Cor Contritum

Cpt Gucci Suit

Mister Trotter



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Cor Contritum


PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:29 am
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HєαƖтн Ƥσιηтѕ: 100

          Ai would become very aware of everyone as the subtle changes in the atmosphere would start to afflict her senses and easily start telling her that there was some severe sexual tension starting to rise up from everyone. Still on the buzzed side as she would look between everyone easily picking up on their current needs despite not having any herself currently, maybe it was because she was still riled up over the whole thing with the shark man. Ears would swivel from laying back and then perking up as she would have issues settling on one mood or the other, a horrible tug o war between what her body sensed and what her mind said. The minkman would look to Mirin when she heard her name, nothing was being said directly to her and at this point she was more like an observer which left her feeling a little ousted, but she took it with a grain of salt considering she wasn't up in everyone's business. Grimacing as she would glance up to hear the newcomers explanation, she seemed to visibly relax considering he did explain, but the smell of not bathing wasn't what bugged her, she was used to smelling people like that. Chain smoker didn't make sense to her, but she assumed that's what cause the other confusing and weird smell that invaded her senses, she'd breath out and nod as she would start to stifle the need to move out of the area. It was weird being in a small group but at the same time not being really apart of the sudden tensions and everything. The condescending racism that emitted from the shark's maw made her growl slightly, 'I guess humans can't be the only things that are racist...' she thought mildly not knowing what infi was, but she could sense the hatred rolling off the shark man's body like a hot tide. It was suffocating to her, what's more was the rising tension in the bar was starting to put her back on edge, ears would lean half back as she felt her fangs start to throb with a need to literally draw blood from someone, just to ease her temper. Breathing in she'd easily place a small amount of beli on the counter and look to Nima, "Well if we all still want to get together I'm up for it! I'll be around here and there, if anything we could always meet up at Mirin's shipyard." she offered with a forced cheerful tone. Amber eyes looked like they were blazing with a harsh fire, mainly due to the growing agitation rising up in the young minkman, she liked these people a lot, but the shark man had ruined her mood greatly. Waving lightly to the others as a young child would walk in and brazenly yell that it was a stupid old bar, she'd stop behind the child, her eyes narrowed and looked extremely fierce as if it wasn't going to be trouble to rip the girl's throat out, "How insolent..." she muttered viciously before turning and pulling her hoodie up over her ears. It was taking as much self control as she could muster not to go and hurt someone at the moment, her mood was far too afflicted by a single strong feeling in the room, lust was definitely not enough to break anger and hatred on her.

          Opening the door she would easily breath in a lungful of fresh air and relax her shoulders, the tension would very steadily start to ebb as she would breath in and out and focus on the natural scents of nature. The smell of sweat and chain smoker was still lingering heavily in the air and it made her gag for a second due to the acrid scent of chain smoker, "Ugh...." she'd grumble before rubbing the back of her neck, she'd be able to see the sharkman still leaving and she'd decide she wanted nothing to do with something that couldn't have respect for another's life. It was a little sad she couldn't enjoy the lust filled room considering she could have joined in on something extremely great, but she didn't have the need at the moment, she was upset and feeling a little closed in at that point. People she didn't know with strange smells rolling off them, little children being obnoxious and the heavy scent of libido seemed to choke her to the point where she couldn't figure out what she wanted to do. Ai would start to shove all the thoughts off her shoulders as she would look about and wonder what to do with herself, it only took moments for her to wander back out into the streets and end up in a small amount of a crowd. It wouldn't take her long to make her way towards the smell of the ocean and easily move into a crouch on the edge of the boardwalk leading outwards towards the ocean itself. Easily looking down into the waters as the stench of fish and the smell of salty sea waves easily cleansed her nose, she'd breath out slowly after awhile and then feel the tension truly ease off her back. She really did wonder if they would meet up again, everyone seemed interested in travelling together but people could be fickle and change their minds. Her chest ached slightly at the thought of losing people she honestly felt a little bonded with, it was like leaving her pack again before she was even part of the pack, it upset her just a little bit. Grumbling softly as she would soon take a seat on the edge of the boards and continue her solemn gaze out into the distance as she wondered what to do with her short amount of time. Waiting at the shipyard wouldn't be an awful idea, but that made her feel antsy, she hated waiting. Ai wanted to do something that stretched her muscles and made her sweat, not sit around and dink around. Grumblind in displeasure as she would find little to do with herself, "This place is boring!" she'd suddenly yell while raising her arms and breathing out, "No one to fight...nothing to do but sit around and wait..." she grumbled some more agitating herself further as she would now switch from being sad to once again aggravated.


Words: 1,063

  • Strength: 25 ( +10 Anti-Devil ) ( +5 Brawler )
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Naomi Tenkou


Cpt Gucci Suit

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 11:29 am
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COMPANY 」Ai, Mirin, Brody, & Boonesxxx WORDS 」711 xxx OOCxxx

                                Her bar began to empty rather quickly with the disappearance of both Cassius and Ai in a single blow. It was slightly upsetting to see them go but judging by the earlier conversations had she would surely see them both again. Watching the shark leave was a little easier to do after his evacuating comment, which earned a pouting face and a tongue sticking out of her mouth in response. Followed by a small smile, she quite enjoyed her friendly banter with the marine despite his and her not exactly seeing eye to eye much of the time they were together. Once the two of them made their escape Nima drew her attention to the current struggle and sexual tension being shared between the gorgeous Mirin and the great broseidon king of the brocean. Watching the man snake his hands downward in an attempt to feel out the secrets between the womans legs. She folded her arms and huffed, half out of jealousy and envy and partly because she wasn't sure how appropriate the two drunks were being inside of her bar. Unfortunately for her it seemed every time she drank she was inebriated for a few short minutes before losing the buzz and returning to normal again. Her ragged body wasn't exactly human anymore and as of such she carried a higher tolerance for just about everything.

                                Nima turned her focus upon the newest customer as he had asked her for another drink. With a sly smile she nodded and poured another for the man. Walking around the counter she carried the full glass between her lips and straddled the lap of the merchant. Wrapping her long legs around the chair, her arms reaching around his shoulders as she brought her pale dead features closer to his once again. Pressing their faces together the only thing stopping their lips from meeting was the full glass of bourbon which she tipped forward in a fluid motion allowing the liquid to pour into the mans mouth and down his throat. Remaining in her seated locating for a few moments allowing her pale blues to analyze the man before she was distracted by yet another entrance. "There isn't much of anywhere to lay ones head around here. Most people just pass out drunk in the streets and alleyways honestly." she explained with a laugh as she pulled herself to her feet, calmly heading behind the counter again as if nothing had just happened. She was probably being so playful due to Mirin and Brody's lewd actions. Still it was her bar, she would do as she wished to whoever she wished, if they were customers they would need to deal with her strange behavior or get out.

                                Nima was slightly surprised at the new arrival, she looked far too young to be inside of a bar, or a place like Ridus entirely. Serving alcohol to Ai was one thing but having this toddler in her establishment was a little too iffy for her. She carried the air of a ten year old around her where the minkman from earlier seemed much more mature and grounded in her way of doing things. Nima's decision on what to do with the little girl was made easily enough as her comments on the bar leaked through the air. "Mister Merchant you're going to have to get rid of the mouthy toddler. I may be a scummy mercenary but I've still got rules and I won't be having underage children inside my bar." she retorted flatly, the scowl on her face and the glare now being produced betrayed her displeasure with the young one and her flapping gums. Folding her arms across her chest she was beginning to let her foulness show in front of her new friends which wasn't very good. She hoped the two sloshed drunks at her counter were too far gone to remember anything that was happening or may happen in the future. Not that Nima wanted any trouble but she had killed people for far less than insulting her family business. As a mercenary her moral compass was way off as well, sticking a little pig like this young lass wasn't below her and she would do it if it were necessary.

Cor Contritum


Naomi Tenkou


Cpt Gucci Suit

And The Tsun Shines

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:41 pm
User Image Several minutes prior to the time of current events something occurred which left Mirin to do little other than softly bite her lower lip and glance with embarrassment emblazoned in red on her face to her childhood crush Nima. To be touched in her most private garden like this in front of strangers was quite demeaning when it happened right in front of the one woman to which she gave respect. Sure the barely legal vixen had taunted the bronobi to do such a dirty thing, but had she really ever expected him to go underneath her clothes for such an exploratory mission? Not at all. That's not to say that the experience wasn't pleasant, quite the contrary in fact. From the tantalizing way that he crawled his fingers downward teasingly, to before surprising her by slipping underneath her body suit and bikini bottom. to just barely giving the briefest of exchanges with the top of the flower it left her wanting oh so much more and frankly the fact that it had occurred in front of a racist fishman old enough to be her father, just made it oh so much hotter. Not that the other eyes in the room, particularly Nima's, didn't add to that satisfaction as well because they very much did. Mirn was apparently a glutton for public debasement. Because of that teasing pleasure the bromeister was now pretty firmly in her bang book, also known as the mental library of people she was down for getting to know in a rather horizontal manner. Brody's chances of scoring today were looking pretty high, and Mirin's chances of getting one of the best times she had in a long time were looking pretty snazzy too.

As for that racist sharkman mentioned earlier well apparently he had far more to say than merely calling Mirin an infi. He was apparently disgusted with being "subjected" to her speaking, and found it to have dirtied himself. However Brody's very public display did far more to silence the man than any insults the young girl could have flung his way. That was good because it sounded like the man was a marine and long time friend of Nima's. Neither wishing to go to jail or upset Nima, the bronoichi was left feeling thankful that the a*****e was getting up and leaving. However his final statement pissed of the rather large firecracker of a girl that was Mirin. Nima isn't easy! She's exactly how she's meant to be! she drunkenly fired back in her head before Brody was suddenly pulling himself in closer and then dragging the both of them out onto the floor of the bar. Despite being quite drunk Brody clearly had something to say in defense of his comparatively smol human companion which left her giggling and occasionally sticking her tongue out at Cassius while making a face by pulling on her lower eyelid with a single finger. Once Cassius was gone she pushed Brody off herself with a teasing smile before turning to glance in Boone's direction.

The disrespect he was showing Mirin was beyond belief. First with how he had addressed her and now by claiming he ain't ever heard of the old man. Everybody in Ridus knew of Takahashi Yamazaki, he owned the shipyard on the island and did lots of work with all kinds of mercenaries and "traders" to the point where he probably was at least heard of in other parts of West Blue. So the man was either lying or disrespecting the old man and by extension he was disrespecting Mirin because she'd learned everything she knows from the old man. "Doesn't sound like you'd value either of our work anyway." Her voice was surprisingly stern given that a man had a hand down her pants all of a minute ago. Of course his companion pissed her off too. Who the ******** was she to talk so much s**t Nima's bar? Naturally Nima spoke up for herself and told the merchant man to toss the brat. However Mirin was starting to feel pretty pissed between the sharkman and the merchant but had no way to release that anger until her attention returned to Brody.

Pink eyes narrowed in on Brody's muscular form, it's sensuous muscles. They of course peeked her interest greatly. Oh he'll do for both I think! Suddenly she kind of half ran at the king of bro and threw a held drunken punch at this chest that wasn't meant to hurt him but rather grab his attention. "Yo Brody let's rock! These out of towners got me all pissed off and besides," she paused while looking to push him towards the door, "I wanna fight you to let off some anger before any more fun stuff happens. Plus it'll give Nima some time to get the outsiders out of here." The implication of course being that she still wanted to have a three way. It was disappointing that Ai had left but it couldn't be helped.

Words: 836 | Total Words: 5,104


Shiro no Kitsune



Cpt Gucci Suit
Wᴇsᴛ Bʟᴜᴇ

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