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[GRO] Mahmud Seshat - Teen Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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Magical Bro

23,000 Points
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PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2017 10:41 am
        "FU---MMMPH!" Slamming his face into the gravel, Mahmud was trying so hard not to scream at the top of his lungs. "MMMMM... HMFMF" A drone, armor and all, was stomping onto his hand and it freaking hurt. Just how much did this person weigh?! Why he even cared about being loud, seeing as at this point it was clear he was under here, was beyond him.

        Instinctively, he tried to jerk his hand out from beneath the heavy boot. Bad idea; soon as he did the searing pain and popping feeling made him regret it. <********> Mahmud writhed on the ground a bit, sending gravel all over, and then finally gave a roar of a scream as he managed to flip over slightly. The traincar bottom got a good, swift kick, the dull thump against metal barely satisfying him at all. Brown tears welled in his eyes. Oh gog, he was going to dry heave again if he concentrated too hard on the pain.

        Panting as he tried to calm down, he made eye contact with the little girl staring at everyone. <********> Why the ******** was she just SITTING there?! "DO. SOMETHING." Each word came out as a gasp. Judhas wasn't going to get out of that drone's grip without some help and uh well, he was kind of preoccupied. Another jolt of pain spiked up his arm. Again, he screamed and kicked the metal above him repeatedly.

        Fingers fumbled with his big pockets, his hand shaking far too much to be particularly efficient. The hammer. Mahmud, get the gog damned hammer. Most his other tools had, stupidly, been left at home. But hammers could take nails off of crates. Hammers were a good idea to bring, depending on what sort of difficulties he encountered picking up the cargo. Finally, he managed to grasp it with his one free hand and yank it out of his pants, tearing the pocket a bit in the process. Man, was Ommy going to be pissed once he got home.

        "LET ME GO" he warned, squirming a bit again to try and get good leverage. "LET HIM GO!" That last sentence came with a very uncomfortable position that left him gasping in pain again, bad arm twisted with the palm facing down as he lay on top of it. Good arm was free to swing. Swinging to the side, laying on his stomach wouldn't have been efficient. Wouldn't have gotten enough of an arc. Couldn't do anything. But maybe this...

        Screaming once more, Mahmud started beating at the side of the other drone's ankle with his hammer in fast, furious swings. Metal against metal cracked in the air, finally being something louder than his pain. It sent shockwaves up his good arm, but still he kept beating.


full permission granted to ******** MY CHILD UP OR DRAG HIM
PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2017 9:26 pm
The drone ground his heel into the bolt cutters in a crude attempt to wrench them from Mahmud's grip.

Talema's eyes whipped back to Mahmud. They were filled with coppery tears. Still, the command was enough to snap her from her trance. The spindly girl vaulted over her downed assailant and into the remaining drone. Talema bounced off the drone's torso. The wall of muscle would have been unfazed, but Mahmud's hammer hit its mark. The drone's leg slipped out from underneath them and they tumbled to the ground. Judhas was dragged into the gravel, but freed from the drone's grip. He rolled away and scrambled back immediately. The drone struggled against Mahmud's continued assault.

All four trolls were writhing about the ground between the train cars. The drone with the crushed tendon had recovered their wits. They could only watch dumbstruck as their partner fended off the small rustblood. The partner in question grabbed Mahmud from their leg. The size of their grip captured Mahmud's entire neck, as well as the back of his shoulder. In a jagged arc, Mahmud was pulled up and smashed against the dirt. Almost as an afterthought, the drone lifted Mahmud several inches off the ground. They then dropped him again. And again. And again. For every time Mahmud swung the hammer, the drone swung Mahmud.

On the final swing, the drone shoved Mahmud especially hard into the gravel. They used the momentum to push themselves back into a standing position. Mahmud too was pulled up and left to dangle from the drone's unyielding grip. The drone's chest heaved in exertion, but their attention was held elsewhere.

Several paces away stood Judhas and Talema. They appeared to have run a short distance off, only for Judhas to stop. Talema tugged futilely at her wrist clenched tight in the tealblood's hand. Judhas seemed transfixed by the scene.

The drones were the first to regain their bearings. Their movements to collect themselves were enough to break Judhas of his trance. He looked Mahmud in the eyes.

"Guess that luck of yours had to run out sometime."

And Judhas smiled.

And Judhas ran.

The trek back to the main offices of the train yard was laborious and hazy for everyone involved. Backup had been called to assist the hobbled drones. The one that had grabbed Mahmud had refused to release him. They instead used their limp as an excuse to "trip" and bash Mahmud into the nearby train cars.

The van ride from the train yard to the Civil Disorder Processing and Containment Station was longer, but quieter. Different authorities had taken Mahmud from the drones. They were less brutish, but more heavily armed. They handcuffed his damaged wrists and bodily lifted him into the back of their transport vehicle. They didn't bother speaking to him. They didn't have anything to say.

Skyli Peep


Alien Datemate


Magical Bro

23,000 Points
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 12:07 pm
        Not a single word of protest was uttered. Not a single beatdown was resisted. Even when he was thrown against boxcars, or manhandled into the van in handcuffs, Mahmud did not try and defend himself. He had no drive to, no will. Any ounce of strength he could have used to oppose his arrest was gone. Everything was gone.

        Everything was gone, and it mocked him on the way out.

        And the sick thing was? Even as he was loaded into the van, and forced to sit with nothing to stare out except a small window on the back door... even if he didn't have the willpower to resist his own fate, he had the mind to worry about everyone else's. After all that had happened, as he emptily gazed at the place they were leaving behind, those boxes came to mind. He had thrown them under the box car. Did they find them? Were the kids going to be okay? Judhas would have to act fast---


        Both thinking of his name and feeling the wheels jerk into motion made Mahmud snap out of his trance, if only for a moment. Only a moment. That moment was spent scooching closer to the door to the van's door to try and peak outside (a laughable notion given how he could barely see anything with his busted face). Maybe if he looked hard enough he'd still be there. Maybe if he tried hard to escape, Judhas wouldn't be mad at him anymore... That was it. Judhas was just upset from earlier. Mahmud's pumpbiscuit made no distinct flutter, like it used to. Those thoughts were just... lies. Lies to make him feel better. He stopped craning his neck to look out the window and instead turned his head to face the wall separating himself from the authorities. That feeling of being somewhat lucid slipped away again. Voices could be heard from the grated half-panel that separated him from his drivers. Talking. Laughing. But what they were saying, he couldn't understand a damn word despite being fairly close.

        Pain still radiated from his arm but... was it his pain? It hurt, according to his brain, but said pain felt detached. So was the ground moobeast chuck that was his face at the moment. Every feeling didn't belong to him, and yet it did. Physical. Emotional. Spiritual.

        He tried to wiggle his good hand, and it wasn't his good hand. It was some meat hand he was borrowing at that moment. Mahmud clenched the fist and felt a sick shivver going up his spine. That wasn't his hand. But it was. Gross. Unnatural.


        For some time he lay on his side on the long prison transport-bench, and closed his eyes. After some time the sick feeling of detachment went away, and once it did he regretted it. Now all Mahmud could feel was pain radiating all over his body. Honestly, it was unbearable... beyond the point of screaming about it. Instead he'd feel it shoot up him and he'd curl up, tighten, and relax as it passed back into just being regular painful. He was just so tired by this point, so worn down, that there wasn't much else he could do.

        While the van rattled along, and the guards prattled on, Mahmud stared out the window of the door the best he could again. Small pinpricks of light shown through and traveled as he did. Once in a while one particularly stood out, and it'd feel like a familiar face... and eventually it would fade out of view, not to be seen again. It had been a perfect night for a train heist. Judhas must have been so disappointed with how it turned out.

        ... Why?

        Finally something broke, and he felt every organ in his little body sink. Tears rolled down his cheek and blended with blood and scrapes, stinging his face the whole time like his body was trying to punish him, too. Punish him for the stupid life mistakes he made leading him to this goddamn vehicle. Mahmud's urge to thrash and scream came back, and he couldn't do anything. His heart begged for release, and his body could not comply.

        So it compromised the best it could and granted his little body achy sobs. Ugly crying that would win no prizes were it a movie, or sympathy had another person been there. In fact, there was a fairly decent chance the annoyed shouting from the front was geared towards him for sure. But once the well broke, Mahmud couldn't stop.

        Everything was changing... and all he could do was cry.

muffled linkin park playing in the distance
PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2017 9:30 pm
Attempted theft on Alternia wasn't uncommon. Brawls weren't uncommon by a long shot. Under the right circumstances, either could be actively encouraged. Trolls were violent, but they were survivalists. Trolls didn't cull what they saw had potential.

That potential was buried under a mess of lacerations and swollen bruises. The faculty of the local Civil Disorder Processing and Containment Station was impassive as it handed Mahmud through its various checkpoints. His symbol and blood were both drawn upon unloading him from the truck. His wounds were cleaned, sprayed with a noxious, stinging liquid, and sewn shut. His arm was wrangled back into its proper position and sealed into a cast. No one spoke save for simple directions, both to Mahmud and each other. Nothing was out of the ordinary. The situation spoke for itself.

The damning state of affairs for Mahmud offered some small relief. There was no need for a trial or debate or legislacerators. The bureaucracy only took a few days of waiting in a cramped cell. Such was the amount of time it took to fit Mahmud with a tracking bracer and a work order.

Two Sweeps Supervised Community-Enrichment Labor

The bracer was a thick, unwieldy thing that clamped onto Mahmud's entire forearm. It placed a light but focused pressure on the arteries within. Every once in a while it would beep. The beeps would increase in frequency and volume whenever Mahmud would reach the outskirts of his district. The bracer would also tighten--almost imperceptibly, but not quite. The locals recognized the item enough to avoid looking at it, and Mahmud too if they could get away with it.

Mahmud's world was reduced to his hive, and work. The work was varied, but difficult. Construction. Trash collection. Cleaning vandalism. Patrolling for daywalkers. And of course, low priority security detail.

Skyli Peep


Alien Datemate


Magical Bro

23,000 Points
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  • Nudist Colony 200
PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2017 6:56 am
        Mahmud Seshat stepped out of a nightclub, fiddling with his coat pockets. Tonight had been pay night, and thank gog. This wasn't the weather to have a jacket too small, and Mahmud felt far too awkward asking Cerpin to do yet another favor for him.

        Cerpin, who still let him work at the club despite his criminal record, and who even let him crash there when he'd pull off 16 hour nights, running between community service and Underworld...

        No, asking for more would really be too much. His boss already did so much for him, and he was thankful for it. Best not take advantage of someone. As he let those thoughts run through his mind, Mahmud started walking down the streets towards the central hubbub. All that noise, all those people would bother him normally. Being in the nightclub all night though, this was quiet by comparison. Could it snow in Chittentown, the weather would have been just right. It was chilly, clear, crisp. The sort of weather that made a troll draw their coats in closer, or find a warm building to take shelter in. Mahmud took a moment in the busy sidewalk to look up at the hazy sky and just think... there weren't any stars out tonight. Polair would be disappointed.

        Polair, who made a boy with a criminal tracking bracer cry at a festival because she treated him like a person, because she ruffled his hair...

        Maybe it was more starry outside the city? He'd have to see. There were a couple things to do first, though. For one there was grocery shopping, and another he need a new coat. Mahmud stood on a street corner, out of the way, watching the people pass for a moment as he tried to catch his bearings. Obviously grocery shopping was important, and really he should go there first. However, the thrift store was closer to where he was. He and Static were supposed to go try out those motorbikes they got around Perigee's...

        Static, who he cherished, who he'd tug his oversized coat sleeve down when nearby, just so he wouldn't see his tracker and leave...

        Again Mahmud tried to tug down the sleeves of his coat, to no avail. It was just a bit too short for him now. It had been a pretty old coat to begin with, but dang. It hadn't been too long ago that the sleeves dangled off him, and that stupid bracer filled said sleeve like he had one big mutant, meaty arm. Eyebrows furrowing at that, he made a small click with his mouth and turned towards the thrift store. If all else failed, they had a small stockpile just for the winter weather back at home. Coat was first priority. There wasn't much in ways of heating for his house yet, and he depended on his coat to keep him warm. He could even get a coat that fit him properly! After all...

        As Mahmud tugged his coat sleeve up a little bit, to stare at his bare forearm, he couldn't help but smile. One quarter sweep a free troll.

        Sure, there had been some irreparable damage done. There were still places here in Chittentown that wouldn't allow for Mahmud to come inside, recognizing his face after two sweeps worth of sulking around with that stupid thing. But for the most part, he found that he really only cared more when he was... little. Younger. A sniveling child who cried when the other prisoner workers wouldn't sit with him at lunch (because he was, indeed, crying) or who would apologize for being a minute too late bringing supplies to someone bigger and stronger. Over those two sweeps, being around other prisoners so much, one thing became glaringly obvious: He shouldn't care as much as he did. And in some ways, he didn't anymore. But...

        Mahmud could feel something start to dangle out of his hair, and he took the time to stop in front of a store window to fix it. He fished out the silver, oddly shaped clip from a dangling curl, and slipped it back into his hair with a smile. Wouldn't want to lose that. Poe gave it to him.

        Poe, who instead of commenting on his bracer at the Chittentown Space Tower, greeted him with puns... who shared his own deep, dark secret with him when they were together...

        Thinking about Poe made Mahmud smile at his reflection a little bit... he really had grown, hadn't he? Not just physically, but... but now he had friends. Had a support system. It wasn't like before, when he was so dependent on one person. There were still days that were tougher than others, loathe as he was to admit it. But now there were options, were people who genuinely gave a crap if he lived or died.

        Smiling broadly, he tugged his sleeves again and kept walking. No sense in thinking about the past anymore. There was only right now, and right now needed a somewhat new coat.

Calm before the Storm <3
PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2017 10:39 am
Chittentown was an enormous city about as dense as it was large. Still, it was a desert town, and morning was fast approaching. The canyon walls could only offer so much protection from the searing Alternian sun. The outdoor street traffic thinned as the surrounding shadows subtly began to lengthen and darken.

It was the lighter streets that allowed the small cluster of trolls to stand out like they did. They were hanging near the mouth of an alley positioned between two restaurants, just chatting and laughing. The orange slivers of their horns reflected in the shop windows across the street.

"No, no, but you gotta tell him what happens next."
"Wait, you're telling me there was more!?"
"Dude, you have no idea. The guy's lusus was like-"
"Hey, who's story is this? You want me to tell it or not?"
"Ha! Sorry man. Get on with it then!"

Skyli Peep


Alien Datemate


Magical Bro

23,000 Points
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  • Sausage Fest 200
  • Nudist Colony 200
PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2017 2:29 pm
        Aaah drat, he had gotten there far too late! Shivering, he glared at the 'closed' sign. Shoot. It had taken far too much time for him to get here, too... the sun was starting to rise. Hopefully he'd be able to at least make it back to Cerpin's place before it was up too high. With a short little sigh Mahmud drew his coat further around him and began walking back. Ommy'd have to understand he was working late again, tonight... and tomorrow was a night off. So there'd be time to do chores then.

        For a short while he walked back towards Underworld, watching as the streets began to empty. Even the noises that there'd usually be were dimmed, hushed, slowly dissipating to the brightening atmosphere... except one group of trolls who were talking nearby.

        Now normally this wouldn't really bother Mahmud, wouldn't phase him in the least.Trolls could talk wherever they wanted after all; he wasn't going to be the one that got all crispy and junk once the sun came up. Yet there was something so... off. Something didn't feel quite right. One of those voices set alarms off in his mind, and made him stop a little bit away, closer to the stairs of the now closed whatever-this-place-served. These trolls... whatever they were talking about, it had piqued his interest. He checked the edge of the cliff quickly. There was still time before the sun came out fully. Still time for him to listen to a good story.

        So Mahmud sat on the steps nearby, trying to be nonchalant, and listened in to the trolls speaking. Maybe if he stayed long enough he could figure out what was making him feel so... off.

PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2017 4:55 pm
Upon closer inspection, the group was of four trolls around Mahmud's age. They all looked normal enough. They were nicely dressed, clean-cut. The lowest color of the four was a yellowblood, the other three consisting of a greenblood, a tealblood, and a blueblood. The tealblood was animatedly telling his story, his back to Mahmud.

"So I said to him, 'I didn't know ungulate neckbeasts were amphibious,' and this guy, he just looks at me for a whole thirty seconds before he figures out what's going on. And by that time-"

"Hey, Jude, you know that guy?" The greenblood standing opposite the tealblood interrupted the latter's story. The blueblood too, looked up and made a subtle gesture with their chin over the tealblood's shoulder.

Judhas turned around. He looked annoyed at being made to put his story on-hold. Aside from that however, he looked... nice. He was taller, older. His horns were longer, but he was still clearly a fresh-faced youth. His hair was cut neatly around his eyes and his clothes were clean, stylish even. He didn't look much like the orphan Judhas that slept in a derelict warehouse.

His eyes scanned the area behind him before landing on Mahmud a little ways back. It wasn't exactly the time of night for trolls to be loitering in the open to begin with, much less alone, seemingly without purpose. Judhas's eye narrowed in suspicion, but not recognition. He gave a brief glance back to his companions and smirked.

"Hey there, pal! I know I'm a real treat on the spongeclots, but if you keep hangin' around like this I'm gonna have to start charging admission!" He called.

Skyli Peep


Alien Datemate


Magical Bro

23,000 Points
  • Invisibility 100
  • Sausage Fest 200
  • Nudist Colony 200
PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2017 6:22 pm
        By comparison to the other four trolls, Mahmud was far from presentable. He was sweaty from a hard day's work, covered in small scars wherever it was visible, and as for his clothes... it was clear that even if he hadn't been outgrowing his coat, he couldn't afford much that was new. The newest, shiniest thing on Mahmud were probably those screwdriver hairclips Poe had given to him for the past season, and the boots on his feet. Even so, those boots were clearly used, worn.

        What a shame they stopped talking about the story though. Unfortunately though, they didn't seem so keen on a stranger peeping in. Under normal circumstances, maybe he would have apologized but something caught his attention.

        "Hey, Jude, you know that guy?"

        He had been getting up from his seat when Mahmud heard that name, and he just... froze. Jude. Jude. It... it couldn't be... All the blood in his body went icy cold, and his limbs refused to cooperate. Jude. Jude Tealblood. Jude. It couldn't be... just couldn't be...

        "Jude" called out to him, and still he couldn't move. Mahmud couldn't move any of his limbs the way he wanted to. Even if he wanted to, there was no way to escape. The city itself felt as if it was betraying him, squeezing him too tight to move. His lips struggled to move, to let him eek out a sound.

        There were moments when he had been working where he thought about what he'd say, what he'd do to Judhas had he ever seen him again. All the questions, all the screaming... And yet now here he was, unable to do anything again. But who was to say this was even him? Chittentown was a huge place. There... there could have been other tealbloods with that nickname. That wasn't an impossibility. It couldn't have been his Judhas, <********> Judhas... the same name he spat at, cried at, screamed at.

        "Hey." Finally he was able to speak, able to muster a throaty call out to the other trolls. As if the spell had been lifted, Mahmud found himself able to stand straight again, and he turned to look at the group of trolls. Something wasn't right. He looked too nice to be Judhas, too put-together... and yet those were really similar horns, too similar to be a coincidence. A million thoughts screamed in his mind as he turned to look at those trolls in the alleyway, but only one question came out.

        "Jude... short for Judhas?"

        Something was steering him to the group, despite his better instincts screaming to just get out of here. Four trolls, all a higher caste than him. Who the hell could take on four trolls by themselves, strong or not? Yet he needed this answer, demanded an answer. A strange laugh bubbled out from inside him, partially nerves and partially something he couldn't quite place a finger on. "''Cuz ooooooh boy, if you guys are talkin' stories... I've got one about at tealblood named Judhas." Against his will, his feet stopped squarely next to the other four trolls, as if he had been part of their group all along. It was a ballsy move, considering the circumstances, and truth be told he was starting to tremble. Yet there was a darker impulse keeping him there.

        His eyes scanned all the trolls around him, ending at 'Jude'. "Well? We're sharing stories, right? Can I share mine?" Mahmud's tone dropped on that last sentence as he locked eyes with the last troll, the tealblood. "Sorry to be rude about it, but its a real good one."

PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2017 6:58 pm
The other trolls' eye-rolling and snickering trailed off as Mahmud approached them. Clearly the group had been expecting the orangeblood to turn tail upon being called out. Judhas in particular looked displeased about the intrusion. His expression changed quick enough upon being called by name. The other trolls looked equally surprised, if not further intrigued by the development.

Judhas opened his mouth to retort, but was overridden by Mahmud's continued speech. He'd become visibly unsure of how the scenario was progressing, but used his inability to respond to look at Mahmud closer. First the face and horns, then the symbol, then finally, the tracking bracer.

If Judhas looked concerned before, now he looked horrified.

"Heeeey, Mahmud. Long time, no see. You seem... Well 'well' might not be the most apt description, but hey, It's been... sweeps, even..."

Judhas hovered in place. He seemed to want Mahmud as far away from the trolls standing behind him as possible. At the same time, he didn't want to cause a scene. It was too late for that, though. The greenblood was practically gleeful as they watched Judhas sweat. The blueblood was comparatively impassive, but watching closely. The yellowblood, meanwhile, had gone so far as to take several steps away from Mahmud and Judhas.

At this point Judhas seemed to realize Mahmud wasn't backing down. The orangeblood seemed all-too keen on telling his "story" for Judhas's comfort. His gaze threatened to dart back to the blueblood behind him, but he kept his attention on Mahmud. "What do you want, Mahmud?" He said, practically growled. Judhas's shoulders squared. Finding himself cornered, he met Mahmud's eyes.

Skyli Peep


Alien Datemate


Magical Bro

23,000 Points
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  • Sausage Fest 200
  • Nudist Colony 200
PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2017 7:48 pm
        "Yeah." Mahmud replied, slightly breathy, definitely miffed. "Yeah I'd say... oh, two? Two and a quarter sweeps? Buuuut who's counting. Judhas". Not once did he take his gaze away from Judhas the whole time he had been talking, not even when Judhas was looking elsewhere. No this was the guy... this was the ******** that got him in jail. It was.

        Mahmud fiddled with his hair a little bit, and finally broke his gaze to look at the other three trolls watching. "OH! Context guys! Important! THIS sack of bodily excrement." A thumb jabbed at Judhas' direction as he continued his tyrade. "Wiggled off like a grub at some gog forsaken train depot, leaving me for some drones to smash my face in! And what I want" he continued on, turning his gaze back to Judhas. "Is to know. Why." Despite a grin forming on Mahmud's face, there was an undeniable aura of malice about his actions. From the way he casually smiled to the way he raised his hands up in a limp shrug, there was very little Mahmud could do to disguise his inner rage. "I came to help you, to save you... and you smiled, and you ran. And you said my luck ran out. Why. That's it. That's all I want." He took a half step forward, already too close for comfort to his former 'friend'.

PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2017 8:21 pm
Judhas was busted. Judhas knew he was busted. The trolls surrounding him also knew that he was busted, though they may not have known what it was exactly he was being busted for. Luckily for them, and unluckily for Judhas, Mahmud was more than happy to fill them in.

Judhas was pinned with Mahmud standing before him in all his fury and all his pain. Behind him was a veritable wall of sneering, grinning faces positively eating this s**t up. s**t that Judhas had undeniably stepped in. Judhas steeled himself. Mahmud wasn't the only one who'd had a chance to think over the past.

"Why? Why not, Mahmud," Judhas snapped with a tone one would use on an exceptionally frustrating child. "Why would I stick around and get my face inverted so, so WHAT, even? That the drones would punch you less? You think they've got some kind of limited quantity of brutality?! It wouldn't have done anyone there any sort of good 'cept maybe give the drones somethin' extra to work their frustrations out on."

For as pathetically as Judhas had tried to wriggle from the confrontation initially, he was all momentum now. He sneered and hazarded a half-inch forward in Mahmud's direction. "And you. Sweet lil spongecake-headed Mahmud and his 'Ommy,'" He spat that word like a curse, "Deigning to visit us, us gutterfilth us leftover bucket slime, parading around like you were doing us all such a favor bestowing your presence us dirtlickers. Like you thought your magic fairy fortune bullshit could somehow rub off on us via rope and roofing materials. Musta been a real kick for you. Made you feel real warm inside. You're a shitblood, Mahmud! You're nothing! There's a billion of you gucking up this sewer of a city! I had to work to get where I am! I didn't get a damn thing handed to ********, just the opposite! My lusus, my hive, my ******** hatchright. It should have been ME!"

Skyli Peep


Alien Datemate


Magical Bro

23,000 Points
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  • Sausage Fest 200
  • Nudist Colony 200
PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2017 9:04 pm
        As Judhas laid into Mahmud, he shrunk back in shock.For a while that cool rage he had been holding onto dissolved into disbelief. And then... despair. The only word that seemed to fit how he felt was despair. A deep sinking that he couldn't come out of, as if he'd fall away and be absorbed by the pavement below him. Again his blood ran cold, his body froze... and this time, his limbs didn't feel like his anymore. Just like that time in the transport van. Just like those times he had begged for an answer why. While Judhas finished barking at him, a few tears involuntarily ran down Mahmud's face. Instinctively, those shaking hands that didn't belong to him went and touched the clips on his head. "I..." Was this how Judhas had felt about him this whole time? Every second they spent together? Every laugh, every serious moment, every time? Did he really... hate him this much? This whole time he hated him? Was this what hate was?

        "I... I pitied you, Judhas."

        Quiet as could be, Mahmud admitted the thing he came to realize at the New Sweeps Eve party, the thing that he had desperately tried to avoid recognizing. "I pitied you... you stupid. ********. IDIOT." Clenching his hand around those hairclips now, he tugged them out of his hair to play with in one hand. That feeling he had felt... had been pity, for someone born in such horrible circumstances. "I PITIED YOU! You who... who ******** brought people together, who watched after people who... who had nothing! Who treated me like I was part of you, even though I clearly wasn't, because I ******** more Mahmud stepped forward, trembling in rage, voice picking up in volume. "Do you know just how much s**t you put me through?! When all I wanted, was to be LIKE you?" Now he was practically nose-to-nose with the other troll, screaming his head off. "I thought "Hey! This guy must be really nice, really good, trying to ******** help himself and others and I wanted to help because I..." Because he what? What did he want? Fingers fidgeting with his hairclips, the hairclips Poe gave him... Poe....

        "I was alone. I live, in a shithole. I build on my own hive, I eat ******** bugs I'm so shittastically poor. I worked my ******** a** off even before I met you, and I was alone because I was so ******** scared a troll would hurt me and TADA." On that note, Mahmud threw his hands up in the air. "CONGRATS. You proved me right, asscake! And it took me two ******** sweeps to get the hell over it." There was a very brief pause as Mahmud tried to catch his breath, tried to hold himself back... and it failed. Spectacularly.

        "And if you even thought outside yourself for one. ********. SECOND, and ASKED, you would have realized you had your head up your rear. So SUCK ON THAT BULGE, NOOKSNIFF."

PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2017 10:03 pm
Judhas's face twisted into something unreadable and ugly. They boys seemed to gravitate towards each other in direct correlation with the amount of disgust felt between them.

"All I hear is some s**t-for-blood came crawling down to the warehouse district to feel better about his s**t-for-life." Judhas's voice was cold. His face was still flushed teal with fury, but the building tears had long since receded. "I don't want your pity. I'm worth more than some dust-scraped cesspit, and I'm worth a hell of a lot more than you, lowblood."

It was by far the least dramatic name Judhas had called Mahmud that night. It was also the most impassive. The other three trolls had taken a generous step back from the conversation--the greenblood more than the blueblood, and the yellowblood more than that. None of them looked keen on intervening, from various degrees of fear and intrigue. Judhas only just then seemed to remember they were still there.

"You said your piece, Mahmud. Got a damn audience, ********> you were always so embarrassing. If you're finished then hurry up and get out of my life. Doesn't that thing put you on a curfew?" He twisted his lip in the direction of Mahmud's bracer.

Skyli Peep


Alien Datemate


Magical Bro

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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2017 7:48 am

        Judhas was right, there was a curfew to how long he could be out... how far he could be out... and he was starting to feel the tightening that said it was time to go. Starting to hear the beeping that suggested he was too far gone. Yet that word... no, two words kept reverberating in his mind.


        Again, Mahmud took a step back, yet his eyes didn't break Judhas' gaze. His fingers kept playing with the hairclips in his hand. "Embarrassing..." Something inside him broke at that word, a connection that kept him tied to something positive. "Lowblood." Within an instant that distance was closed, and Mahmud was grabbing at the other boy's horns. "Call Ecille a lowblood, you slurry sucking sack of s**t."


        Pain shot up through his face again, as his horns collided straight into Judhas' forehead in a smooth, forceful motion. Despite his better judgement, decidedly absent at this time, Mahmud kept gripping onto those horns, the hairclips in his hand being pressed against them. "Call Addeus and Talema lowbloods!" He pulled away a hand, his right, the one with the hair clips, far back and slammed it hard into Judhas' jaw. "HYPOCRITE. The ******** did you do to all those kids you took care of?!" Mahmud now had a death grip on Judhas' horn and was yanking his head forward by it, bringing him closer to his face. "Were THEY embarrassing too?! How long before you ******** ditched THEM?" More questions were swimming in Mahmud's mind but his mouth lacked the grace to ask any more. Instead he jerked hard on Judhas' horn once more.

        "You ain't worth Gl'bgolyb's' flatulence. Your blood doesn't make you better than me!"

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