Eyzaak shook his head slightly. "It's okay if it's like...Vrem...or Akko but ugggh. I don't like it even then!" He confessed with a wrinkle of his nose slightly. "Ha! You are on. Soon as I can I'ma battle you too watch."

Seeing the other look confused he merely tilted his head. "What's a Tekekmom....okay I'll make sure Sundry is with me no worries!" He pumped his fist in the air for emphasis even if she couldn't see it. Nodding his head he hummed thoughtfully. "Okay. I live on the other side of the village passed a walk way. It's up in a tree." He explained. "We will figure it out." Eyzaak decided to work out the details later.

Fascinated as she used her weird sword thing to find her way back the boy watched with wide eyed fascination. Impatient he bounced to her side as his lusus scampered over to them. "Okay gang let's roll!" He turned them towards the direction he saw some of the older trolls go before setting off to head for the festival grounds walking beside his new friend. "That's cool based on sound you can do that!" He complimented as they vanished into the tree line headed towards the Busthind festival grounds. While there was a variety of places celebrating this one was closest at least.