Jeremiah's lips twitched a little but at least he could understand her questions and her need to learn, to grasp that which she was coming into. "If you had asked me months ago, I would have told you that it was a place to be wary of, to not trust, but now ... It's where the answers are, where we are more free than we are in Ashdown."

His eyes glowed brighter, the older man having found his balance for the most part with the magic that was within him and other ashdown. "Not everyone is willing to share," he told Juniper, "because it often means you need to take responsibility for what they might do with that knowledge. Even my helping you with magic, aiding you in learning how to control it better, could result in something dire."

Shoulders rolled, stretched and he closed his eyes briefly before opening them back up after he listened to her speak of Renard and Liam. "It is ... a difficult situation. What would you be willing to do to save your friends? A loved one? How far would you go, Juniper?" Jeremiah was in an odd place where he did not necessarily view them as bad or evil. "Yet I can confirm that this was not the intent, what we're stuck in, but ... so far as I know the cage remains sealed. It's ours as much as theirs but when it comes to killing-"

There was fire flickering around his fingers once more, being bounced from finger to finger. "We do not know. Who are we to be judge, jury, and executioner? When we might have made the same mistakes. To strike someone down is the last option, the avenue approached if nothing else is available."

girl writing u tags back is not always easy XD <3 gotta think for these.