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[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 12:08 pm
A smile rested on Aurora's maw as she took in a slow breath of the silence of the moment. One could say she was rather amused as she took a glance over to Sir Sigfried Schtauffen, of our Lord's Templar order, she could only wonder what was in that pretty head of his. No doubt he was curious, and perhaps a bit unsettled to the fact that she had become quiet. Releasing a soft breath, her careful eyes watched as her breath evaporated into the air, turning into a visible cloud before dispersing into nothing.

The temperature of the night was getting colder by the moment, with each step and passing moment. What was more interesting was the condensation that seemed to have been floating in the air. It caused her white and black fur to start to feel heavy with water. She had no doubt in her never unending thoughts that if she where to groom herself her maw would be filled with a drink of water. Well, lucky for her she had wonderful grooming habits-so it wasn't too much of a bad idea.

The quill that floated in the air with the journal went onto scribble a few more of her paddled thoughts. Her written words, could be more or less gibberish to any one else that tried to read the pages of her worn and tattered journal.

Aurora's attentive ears turned toward Sir Sigfried Schtauffen, of our Lord's Templar order, as his words broke the silence of the night. A thoughtful humm left the Nahtlil as she agreed with the Tahtll, she nodded to help clarify the sound that came from her.

"Oh, yes." Aurora answered brightly, her eyes turned back to the night sky. She too was aware of their guest and it was the main reason why she had become rather quiet. She wouldn't praddle on needlessly when focus was needed.

"Understood." The Nahtlil responded simply with another nod, it was a reasonable request. One that was indeed advisable as well. As Sir Sigfried Schtauffen, of our Lord's Templar order, called out to the winds the Nahtlil turned her ears about.

Oh, this was all rather exciting. Aurora couldn't help but wonder if the guest was going to be friend or foe. A part of her thrilled the idea of this new Tahtll being foe, she had yet to meet someone that was unfriendly. She of course have heard of it, but never experienced it for herself. Was it so wrong for it to be on a 'list' of things she wished to experience. No, but perhaps a bit....insane? Was that the right word? Hmm.

As the now visible dark triber landed heavily before them, Aurora's eyes widened with wonder and fascination. He was much larger then any other dark triber she had a chance to place her eyes on. Why, he was as big as a-

"A magus..." Aurora gasped with awe, taking a glance over to Sir Sigfried Schtauffen, of our Lord's Templar order, she dared to take a step closer. Yes, Sir Sigfried Schtauffen, of our Lord's Templar order, requested for her to say close-but this magus didn't seem to mean no harm and was rather polite.

Taking a step closer, the Nahtlil let her mismatched gaze dance about the Tahtlil. The quill that floated by her, started to scribble her thoughts down like mad. She had never seen another Magus outside of a tribe leader. She was quickly going into detail of the Tah that was before her.

Her quill paused as the magus before her, Chronos, spoke to her. Dark ears angled and perked to the Tahtll. Her head turned a little and a gasp left her maw at the question.

"Oh, My." Aurora let out in a amused chuckle. A wind tahtll? "Are you referring to the fact that we are Yoliliztli?" The nahtlil asked with a amused smile as she made a glance over to Sir Sigfried Schtauffen, of our Lord's Templar order.

"Flattering. However, no." The Nahtlil answered and as a more curious smile twisted on her maw. " And to answer your question, I have not acquired a disinterested to any tribe as of yet. " Aurora spoke, and smiled.

"Though, perhaps a name would be rather be requested then a Interested, Tah Chronos?" She then suggested, however-perhaps since he didn't ask for their names-maybe he already knew them. Being a magus, the Weaver could more easily heard...or so she could assume.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 4:17 pm
Siegfried's eyes widened a bit to the rather abrupt introduction and inquiry he had ever heard from any b'alam before. The tips of his ears perked forward as far as they could go before his features settled back from the shock of the question. He had no intentions of soul mating to the nan standing next to him. Though, he could see why someone would think such a thing by just glancing at them. It must have been odd to see two b'alam of the same tribe conversing together at night alone. In addition to the surprising question it was odd to see a dark magus playing match maker.

Siegfried turned his head slightly while the Nan Aurora moved closer to the dark b'alam. His maw cracked open to call her back, but it was too late. There was no point in calling her back to his side, she was already fascinated by the 'strange' creature. Aurora was full of wonder. Siegfried couldn't help but wonder if that would be her downfall at some point though. Chronos did not seem threatening, he gave off no air of menacing intent. Still, not all b'alam did before they became hostile. Sometimes they even started off as charming creatures only to turn ferocious within moments of the other dropping their guard.

With a heavy sigh Siegfried moved closer as well. Just in case he did not want to be too far off. Without realizing it he had puffed his own stature and held his head higher. It was a way to seem more intimidating even if the other out weighed and stood him by a significant margin. Aurora couldn't have put it better herself, magus. The fact she knew what one was was impressive. Siegfried himself was slightly confused and unsure if he was one. He had never seen one before from the Dark Tribe. Suppose there really wasn't much of a difference between the tribe's magus. They all became stronger and much taller than any adult b'alam.

"It is as she says, we are not soul bound." He confirmed after taking his place at Aurora's side.

Even if that were the case, he still did not want to give any more details out. What an odd b'alam this one was though. Was he stalking them to find a nan for some wind bound b'alam? It was interesting. He also did not appear to be craving their blood. So what was he observing?

Without realizing it Siegfried begun to observe the other and the strange decor he had about his neck and hair. He was clad in gold and fine silks. He seemed regal. This couldn't be the Dark Tribe's lead magus? There were many rumors Siegfried had heard about him and his piecing crimson eyes. This one had piecing eyes, but they were more like a playful magenta than a fiery blood color. He a;so heard that the lead magus had black hair, deeper than a starless night. Again, quite the opposite affect. Oh, and bigger clue, the Dark Tribe's magus was named Gabriel... or called "Dracul". This one was Chronos the playful it seemed.

Seeing as there were no questions aimed at him from either Chronos or Aurora Siegfried held his tongue and listened to the conversation. There was no need for him to speak at the moment, so he opted to be respectful and silent.


Chronos chuckled to the cleverness and the unease of the other b'alam. He was cautious and there was nothing wrong with that. In fact it was more amusing than he had thought. The amusement only grew as the light Nan opened her maw for a response. She was quite a peach.

"Fascinating!" He explained with delight. "Oh, but I do believe that it would be my good friend who should introduce his name. It is some gentleman's code. And I believe that a name should only be given if the other is willing. There is power in knowing one's name I think. Surely you can call them out in a crowed at least." Chronos mused.

"I suppose it should also be up to him to find a beautiful nan. A brother should try though."

His wings shifted a little before he turned his attention to the quill and her making quick notes on her feet. That was quite impressive!

"Now, that is a wonderful skill you have! Are you by chance from the water tribe than? Oh, and may I ask what you are writing?" He hummed with delight.

He should have come down to talk to them sooner. Even if watching their scales in different angles of snow and light was interesting...

[ Radical Dreamer ]

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 2:16 pm
Aurora's dark ear turned as Sir Sigfried Schtauffen, of our Lord's Templar order, spoke. Her head then shifted a little to see him at her side once more. What a wonderful escort he was; It was just darling. It would be something to worth mention to their leader when she was to meet them finally. At their request, of course...

Nodding to Sir Sigfried Schtauffen, of our Lord's Templar order, words. Her ever curious attention turned back to Tah Chronos. Who was simply 'Chronos', and not anything as extravagant as Sir Sigfried Schtauffen, of our Lord's Templar order, name. Aurora was sure that there was more to his title, however he seemed too humble to bring it up. There was an air about him that suggested he had a grander title past just 'Chronos'. There was also the matter of his attire. He had a golden cuff with a royal blue silk scarf around his neck. The craftsmanship and elegance of the items were of the likes she had never seen before. He also had a beautiful cuff of gold binding his white hair. The more she looked at them the more she felt that regal presence. The more she thought about it the more she wanted to find out about his strange attire and his position in the dark tribe. Obviously he was a magus and had accomplished something great, but there absolutely had to be more about that to him. Aurora made a mental note to try any figure that one out through conversation. Actually, something else about this b'alam suggested that he would rather appreciate the effort of what was to be a game of conversation. Now, back to the mater at hand. Aurora had quietly tried to figure out this dark b'alam that she had almost missed his error in speech.

"Oh Silly Magus." Aurora let out as she listened to Chronos as he went on to explain his reasons and spoke of some 'gentleman' thing. It really was curious how the other spoke, it was a lot like her-so naturally she could fallow along easily, like a well rehearsed dance. " I meant for what I am called, Tah." She chuckled, the quill in all this time didn't start working once more.

"And My! You do sound like a wonderful brother." She added, making a genuine observation to the stranger. Her skin under her fur curiously didn't warm with blush as she picked up on the comment of her being beautiful, nor was she unfazed by the comment. For the simple reason, she was fully aware of her beauty and it would be silly to try and convince another that she wasn't, when clearly she was. So in short it was a needless waste of time. Though, she could tell that this B'alam was not one to toss around flattery for the simple purpose of making one warm inside. In fact he gave off the impression of being brutally honest. Had there been something negative she would have known it by now. That made this encounter even more interesting. also, it was good to hear affirmation in something that she already knew. It wasn't that she needed it, but that it was nice to hear. She could go without it being repeated. There were other grander things to dwell on.

Though she did feel that it deserved some gratitude from her. It was nice and she did not want to give off the impression of being a prude. only because this Tah seemed so nice. Other's opinions of herself were irrelevant, but she did believe in being nice in return to a nice character.

"Thank you, Tah." Aurora added once more with a nod, as her writing and beauty was complimented on. "I have visited there, its where I picked up the lovely skill. " She went on to add, her paw lifted and flopped in the air deliceltly to add motion to her words and the side comment she was a bout to make.

"They are Such a friendly and wise culture, you know. "

Ears perked, as the Dark-triber spoke of her writings. She could feel another sense of excitement well up within her as another subject she enjoyed was brought up. Writing was something she had come to enjoy, and to get to talk about it was a treat. Still, it was odd he would ask of it. How curious, he was the first to actually ask what she was writing about. Meany had been obviously interested, but never actually asked, let alone-knew what she was doing. Even Sir Sigfried Schtauffen, of our Lord's Templar order, had yet to ask what she was writing about. That gained this Tah even more respect in her book. For one to show such interest in who they were talking to was a good quality. perhaps she could share with him some of this knowledge.

Perhaps, she could....

"Oh they are just little notes and observations, that is all." The Nahtll went on to brush off what in fact she was writing. Her tail shifted behind her as if to mindlessly show she was brushing off the comment. It would surely take up the whole night, if she went on to detail what was in the journal. And as much as she would have loved to spend the whole night prattling on to someone who was obviously so interested in what she had to say, there was still her other company to keep in mind. Seigfried of our lord's Templar order had been so quiet and uninvolved in the conversation so far, he must not have been interested. And Aurora was quite thankful to Seigried or our lord's Templar order to take time from his life to escort her safely back to their homeland of the light tribe. Not that she had ever thought that there would be danger on the way back, but there always could be a chance. That and with a sensible guide it insured her that she would not loose her way. Which, may not have been so bad, Aurora was up for an adventure, but that could wait. She was so ready to get home and bask in the light of her tribe's homeland.

Oh, here she was prattling on again mentally! aurora flicked her tail again before looking from Seigfried of our Lord's templar order and Chronos while she waited for a response. Despite being unable to prattle on all night about her readings and writings, she was happy with the present company. It was a pleasant company... even if Seigfreid of our Lord's templar order was not much of a conversationalist.. Darn she needed to figure out Chronos' real title!


PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 6:12 pm
Seigfried remained quiet durring the entire exchange of the Dark and Light B'alam. He obviously meant no harm to either of them. In fact he was quite entergetic and enthusiastic. Even so, a good guard always kept his eyes open. Trouble can arise even when it appeared to be absent.

His ears remained perked forward while he listened to the conversation and was alert to the possibility of a sudden change in peaceful demeanor.

Though, the more Aurora spoke the more amused the dark B'alam seemed to be. Quite the jolly fellow...

Chronos released a blissful laugh to his own error.

"Oh! Dark, please excuse me Nah Aurora! Well, I hope at least that it provided you with some entertainment." He chuckled.

Though it was a little dissapointing to not hear the full story of her writing,m he could understand. Chinos nodded and continued to smile. Perhaps one day he will figure out all these secrets. There was an infinite amount of time.

"That is truely facenating! I hope one day we can discuss it further. " He voiced his thoughts.

Chronos turned to to Siegfried. "And you, so quiet. Apologies, I tend to run my mouth when I find something interesting. Do you write as well? You do not seem the type to carry a quill.. But rather, one who can pack a serious punch."

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 7:28 pm
Aurora offered a respectful and understanding nod to Chronos as he begged her forgiveness for the mistake. It really wasn't that bad of a mistake, but merely a simple misunderstanding.

"A little." Aurora chuckled lifting a paw she covered her maw politely. It was a little entertaining.

"Perhaps, one day." The Nahtll answered and gave a little nod, turning her head she gave a glance over to her protector.

"When we have the time, it's not that I don't want to share, but I just worry it might take all night." She went on to detail, with a smile. Aurora didn't mind sharing her writings, it was just that poor Sir Seigfried of our Lord's Templar order might be force to stand there all night while she going in to details of her work.

As chronos spoke to Sir Seigfried of our Lord's Templar order, Aurora turned her head and looked over to the protector. Her dark tail tip shifted pleasantly behind her, letting Sir Seigfried of our Lord's Templar order answer for himself. He was plenty capable in doing so himself.

[ RP Zone ] The Northern Tundra

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