Green Minuet
Are we gonna call this good?

"Leaves nothing to be desired in the confidence department, I see," Even he could tell she was taking this praise way further than it really needed to be. But, to see such a confident and strong troll, well he could definitely see a good reason for maybe a tiny bit of inflated ego. He'd definitely have to try her skills again some time or at least visit.

Azrael released her hand. "I think... the tree would do more damage to me if I punched it again, it happens to be more solid than my fist," he reached into his satchel and pulled out a sketchbook and a pencil. "You are welcome to observe, though I cannot guarantee entertainment in the least," He was just drawing, was there really anything for someone outside his head to be entertained by. He pat some ground nearby inviting the lowblood to sit with him.