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[FIN] Out of the Good, Out of the Evil ( Riot and Nikita) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 ... 10 11 12 13 [>] [>>] [»|]

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[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 1:21 am
Riot's ears angled back as Nikita's tone turned on him. His paws shifted as she refused to even look at him as she bristled her fur.

Raising to his full height, his tail flicked and curled strictly behind him.

"Wrong." Riot told her, his voice boomed past his maw however it didn't raise in volumes. He was noticeably disturbed that she would displace that he was forcing her to do something.

"You are free to do what you please. It -will- however be my choice not to leave you." Ears angled back, a paw rised and then lowered to grip the ground. His tail whipped behind him.

"Unlike you, I am giving you a choice." Riot told her, taking in a breath he released it.

She wouldn't even look at him.

"I am sorry that hasn't been a option for you," His voice turned soft, as he felt his heart start to race as words left his maw before he could stop them.

"but you have no right, Nikita to tell me what to do-or insult me with your claims of being my prisoner. Espically when you can't even look me in the eyes." His words though feirce and pointed, didn't leave his maw harshly. His paws gripped the ground, as if to stop himself from shaking-he admittly was a little scared she would run off, or worse hate him forever and never trust him.

"It's hard, but you have to trust me when I say: 'I will -never-, ask you to do something you don't want." Riot told her, wanting her to understand where he was comming from. He wanted nothing more to comfort her and help her find what she had seemed to lost...  
GunSniper rolled 1 20-sided dice: 11 Total: 11 (1-20)
PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 1:27 am
Each word Riot spoke was as another heap of coal upon her heart. Her ears docked back while her head seemed to slink further between her shoulders in adition to turning further away from him. Once again she could hear him sifting.

Her own claws begun to grip and mindlessly tear at the ground while her thoughts continued to combat each other. One might have assumed it would be so easy to so simply turn about and appologise and admit to being at fault, and leap into a nuzzle of her childhood friend. It should have been. However, it was not so in this case. Nikita could not bring herself to look at him any more. Such dedication he had, and she had given up on the both of them. Not only that, but she allowed what she was taught by a good mentor to be replaced in her mind by some false teachings.

No right? No, she had none. Her nose wrinkled and continued to do so until he spoke his last word.

"I have no room for trust anymore." Was all she could think to say. Her tone had slid back down to be just above a soft whisper and was spoken between clenched teeth.

With tht said, Nkita rose to stand in a near beaten stance and begun to walk back toward the lake. This time, the crystal was left behind.

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 1:59 am
Riot watched, and waited for his friend, for the one he cared so deeply for to look back at him.

Yet, his breath-if it hadn't been racing, would be held-and shouldn't have been...because she never did.

And as sorry as he was for it....

"Then, that is your choice Nikita..." Riot answered just a softly, his word echoed a fell with a deep mourning. Those dark brown ears, remained flatten. Burning eyes dropped to see the red rock left behind as her paw prints slinked away from him, and her gift. The burning eyes, only caused him to think back to the last time had felt such a sensation....he had lost her then too...

Riot's whole towering form seemed to slump as she turned her back and walked away from him.

It hurt....

To think not seconds ago, he felt like the happiest kitten in the world to wake looking at her...

Swallowing felt like a rough rock, as Riot wet his dry maw. Tilting his head down, his maw picked up the red and pink rock.

True to his words, Riot followed after his friend-but kept the distance she wanted from him.  
PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 2:21 am
Nikita could hear the heavy footsteps of the walking mountain behind her. It was literally moments ago he was purring like a young cub again, sharing his sweet words and full of color. Nikita could tell the melancholy in his tone and step without looking back toward him. He really was going to follow...

Her eyes narowed forward while she continued to walk away with no set destination. Perhaps it was merely to try and walk away from her own thoughts. Sorrow, of course, anger, more so. She couldn't settle her mind, she couldn't simply walk back and nuzzle up to her friend she had two days ago thought was dead. Why? It should have been so easy for her to do so. He was sincere. It wasn't him she didn't trust, it was herself. She didn't trust this mishapen 'ghost' she had become and this did not trust herself around others.

And what she refused to aknowledge was her own conviction in giving up so easily on them. Her own mistrust was forged from guilt and the realization that her path she had so quickly adopted as a hurt cub was a false one.

Nikita glanced up to the emerald canopy above. The birds had become more active in singing their songs now. She wished they would shut up... or that she had the determination to make them. For now, they would continue their song and she would have to endure. The lake wasn't too far off.

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 2:40 am
Riot, tried to keep his steps quite as he followed after Nikita, blue eyes watched her angry saunter.

Eyes lowered to the grass, maw adjusted on the orb in his maw. His thoughts turned inward, as he replayed eveything that happened in his mind. Trying to regrasp what happened while he was dazed.

Nikita had been happy to have to rock, that now rested safely in his maw. So easily she left it behind.

Brown tail hung only a inch from the ground as it swayed with each step. Looking back up to Nikita, Riot let a breath heavily passed the ruby in his maw. He would follow her, and Bob would just have to wait, Just like he would have to wait....

The Tahtill was determind to wait-as painful as it would be-forever if she deemed it so. Riot hated the idea of being with out her-espically when she told him she didn't want to be alone....

If only she would look up from herself, and see what was around her. Bob wanted to see her, just as much as Riot wanted to be around her.

If only there was something more he could do to help...there was moments, but mostly anything he did-seemed to only cause her to advert her gaze and snarl at him....  
PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 2:56 am
Nikita would have liked to have had that precious stone back. It was a wonderful reminder of Riot, but it was also more apparent now that it was also a reminder of a promise she didn't keep. More so of what truth was just spoken. It had brought her comfort before, now, like Riot, she couldn't look at it. She did not feel worthy to possess such an icon.

Once the lake broke into view, Nikita begun to skirt around the edge, toward the side she had never seen before, oposite where they had come from the other day.

Her breaths deepened as she thought to dive in, if only to catch a moment in her peaceful place. But, like the stone, was that something she was entitled to anymore?
Her nose wrinked as her teeth flashed to the water. What did that matter?! The ridge along her back bristled fully.

It was at that moment an unfortunate creature scampered from the bushes along the lake. A rabbit? Nikita didn't care. It was as good as a stress relief meat sack now! Within the blink of an eye Nikita took off after the creature, claws and teeth bared for the hunt.

Her muddled mind worked to fuel her steps as she closed in on this white fured creature.

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 7:12 am
Riot still followed after Nikita, as her pace started after what might have been a poor unfortant creature. What ever it was, he didn't care. His pace, picked up to a trot as he drew close, he paused to watch the chase.

Tail turn and twisted in the air, blue eyes watched without a shred of judgment like they always had, when placed on her.

A breathes released from the B'alam, a apart of him wondered what would have happened if he just would have kept his maw shut. Well, this. This was bound to happen, it only seemed that she was looking for every moment to pull and push him away. She didn't want to be alone, yet here he was playing distract stalker.

The red orb, floated from his maw and slipped away where it had first been kept safe, in the small bundle of belongings he did have with him. Liking his maw, after he freed the precious jewel, Riot just watched the hunt and waited.

He didn't know what to do, to help his friend-he just knew he didn't want to leave her....  
PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 8:02 am
Nikita pursued the small creature through the woods. Her ghostly frame darted between the trees, keeping up with whatever game that this thing was trying to play. Not Die. It wwas about to loose that game.

Finally. as it was now within range, Nikita lept atop of it. The small creature released a loud shrill, perhaps hoping something woud come to its aid. Or perhaps it was a final wish? Nikita ignored the noise completely and within moments of the small rabbit's capture, its neck was detatched.

At first Nikita stood there baring her jaw down on the poor thing until her teeth almost meet through the creatures flesh. She heaved each breath she drew in deeply, her eyes had narrowed upon nothing in particular. Whelp, she had the thing. She could feel the warmth of its blood running down her chin and covering the front of her maw.

She growled. Wouldn't it have been lovely if that was Morning Star in her mouth now? Even Cain. That would have been glorious. So WONDERFULLY glorious! Nikita released a quiet growl to respond to the thought.

And with that thought, the caracs became like a ragdoll in the hands of a wild child. Thrown down to the ground and pulled and clawed apart by tooth and claw. Some of it became nurishing food, but it more so ended up a shreded lump of rage aftermath.

With a flick of her head she tossed the thing aside. As she did so, she glanced around the woods briefly, perhaps for something else to 'share' her problems with. Her crimson eyes seemed to brighten as they narrowed viciously upon the woods. Her shoulders remained hunched while her head remained slightly lowered. Even her ghostly fur was still bristled from the moment's event and her breaths were, though silent, deep with each she drew in and out.

That, that felt wonderful. That is what she needed to do to her former captors. If this felt so relieving, imagine what their blood must feel like. Perhaps that was the only relase she would truely get. It was a combination of everyone's teachings, right? No one would be let down...

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 10:33 am
As Nikita lifted her head, to look around the the woods for perhaps another victim. She would easily see Riot's form not to far from her. His blue eyes silently watched her, as his head remained lowered past his shoulders. Nikita had been quick and deadly, but Riot simply just moved while she took out her wild aggression on the lump of meat.

Unmoved, his own frame was frozen as he quitely watched her with an observant studying intrigue. His emotional gaze, was quite and calculating. A stepped paw, only shifted to pull and pick up the earth under his toes. Lifting it, he let it drpped, replaced his paw and repeated the motion. Still watching, Nikita vary carefully.

What was going thiugh his mind?

Well, he toyed with the idea of egging on being her next 'oppenent', he had learned enough to know-that if not dealt with such anger and frustration-could easily be turned on him in the heat of the moment, and would only be worse...  
GunSniper rolled 1 20-sided dice: 6 Total: 6 (1-20)
PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 11:23 am
At first glance around, Nikita had not noticed Riot had moved any closer. Her mind was more in tuned to anything that could have a possible target for her agression to be worked on. It had become a mission now. The relief that adrenaline brught was like honey to the mind and senses. She wanted to headbutt something now, so perhaps the prey should be larger.

Finally eyes meet with cool Azure eyes watching her carefully. At first the brown pelt reminded her of a deer, an abnormally large deer, but flesh all the same. Her frame tensed and lowered while her lips drew back. Her tail stiffened, ready to be used as a counter-balance to what crazed manuvers she would have to do to headbut this thing. She had yet to lick her muzzle clean of the blood from her former kill, allowing this and the look in her sharp eyes to give illusion to a loss of mind. The shame in her eyes had been covered by a heated-wall of anger that she had created in the mere moment she had come to her new revelation.


Thankfully, however, she caught sight the pink tuft atop the meat "deer". That was no mere meat sack. Her ears perked forward than docked back against her skull before she turned around with a soft hiss to resume the hunt. Of course she wanted to go back, deep down she wanted to return. But whatever had hold of her mind now would not permit that. She couldn't. She was not worthy of it, no matter how much she longed to not be alone any more and be with her childhood friend. To see that goofy smile and join in those silly antics...

NO, not yet... she was not worthy of any of it.

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 11:56 am
As Riot's gaze met, Nikita's lost one. His sight took in carefully how she wanted to pounce instinctively for the kill. Riot's own frame tensed, and his tail curled and angled. His ear docked, as he remained unmoved by the subtle 'waking' and the warning hiss.

That was it.

When she turned away, Riot in a snap bound infront of her cutting her off from her prowl.

His body stiffed, paws apart and his tail ached. The new pink ridge on his back seemed to stand on end.

"COME ON!" Left Riot in a roar, as he challenged the ghost.

'You want it so bad, let's do it.' Eyes growled hawked on the other. She was wild and crazed, she didn't feel worthy to be his friend-then why show hindrance of advoiding him. He might as well, had been a deer....a vary large deer that could control earth?  
GunSniper rolled 1 20-sided dice: 10 Total: 10 (1-20)
PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 12:22 pm
Nikita's hunt was very suddenly interrupted by a shifting of a great mountain. Her fur bristled and claws readied to blindly tear into whatever dare block her path and stop her task. The bridge of her nose wrinkled while her bloodied teeth made themselves known. A sharp hiss followed by a crazed roar sounded instantly as she leaned away, far enough for some momentum in a headbutt.

Everything was ready, everything was in place, and everything was not okay. Her eyes that had narrowed so venomously on this new target begun to advert again.

She already had tried to kill him, and nearly did as he refused to fight. No, she did not want to fight this target. Had it been any other B'alam she would have already been at their throat. But this wasn't just any other B'alam. This was Riot. Her mind was still functional enough to at least see that.

Her ears remained docked while she begun to back away from him.

"No." She managed past the forming lump in her throat.

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 12:49 pm
As Nikita bare her teeth at him, Riot's head only turned slighty as his gaze narrowed on her own. She roared, and he answered-his paw threw itself heavy on the ground. The Earth groaned and shuddered as if mistreated and echoed his own dislike.

"Why. not." Riot challanged, as his paws approched every step she took away from him. He slowly gained.

"You come this far, and it you keep it up-you're going to anyways." He told her his tone dark as his claws gripped the earth. His own maw tightened, and looked menacing, as his teeth clinched. His lip raised, baring his teeth partly toward her-only because of the sheer terror, he was refusing to let her see.

He was bullying her, pushing her to do what she thought she wanted-to help show her, it wasn't something she really wanted.

Riot didn't want to fight her, not like this-but Better this now. Then disaster later.

"So why the hell not, Nikita!?" He roared at her, once more-not at her, but in his own want to shake her from the haunts she had of herself.  
GunSniper rolled 1 20-sided dice: 15 Total: 15 (1-20)
PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 12:54 pm
Nikita continued to back away from Riot, despite the earth groaning in respopnse to his rage. Why? She culdn't fight him. Not again, she didn't want to try and kill him agaun. It had almnost happened, she was almost the cause of his death, and she was going to wear his pelt proudly... or present it to ensure she was accepted into a lie. A lie she would have continued to believe.

Once again she dare try to advert her gaze away from him. She wouldn't do it. She couldn't do it. Why was he still here?

Her frame begun to shutter. 'Why the hell not?'.. 'why'... why? Why was this happening? Because it -wasn't- Riot before her. That pink ridge. Yes, it wasn't Riot. This, this beast before her was none other than Cain. Cain had that ridge, and he used it to gain her trust. He knew its color reminded her of her friend. He KNEW that he could manipulate her with that familiarity. He. KNEW!

Each breath she drew in was deeper and quicker than the last. Her heart begun to race. All the while her mind worked double the pace of her heart to try and sort everything out. Every inch of her frame begun to reflect her mind being on the brink of panic. Than...

Her back paw landed on a light twig, causing it to strain and very quickly...


Nikita's eyes widened to the subtle sound of the twig under her foot. Never mind she saw the figure with clarity moments before. It had to have been one of Cain's tricks. He knew how to work with shadow, he knew how to lie.

In the blink of an eye Nikita propeled herself forward with bloody claws poiesed to grip at his face. A loud war cry roared from her maw as she violently lashed out, as a sudden storm overtakes a serene beach. Where once her crimson eyes were averted from him, they were now locked onto his frame, watching for his movements with an intense blood-lust.

She culdn't fight Riot, but she sure as hell could kill Cain.

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ] rolled 1 20-sided dice: 18 Total: 18 (1-20)

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 10:02 pm
Nikita's own roar, caused Riot to bare his teeth at her. In a flash of white lightning, Riot felt her paws on his maw, and like a timed dance he reared up on his hind legs. Dropping on his back purposely, forepaws moved to guard his face as his hind legs launched at Nikita's underside. Hoping to propel her up and off of him.

Perhaps he had pushed her too much, and revealed too much anger. What ever it was, he reacted and now had to respond accordingly to what he caused. (Good luck, Riot.)

Riot just wanted his cubhood friend back! They had been doing so well, then again-he hadn't lost his temper with her when his mind wasn't clear....

Perhaps, he had went too far....

Funny how things happen, when one is caught in the emotion of passion. Once this was all over, and settled he would have to do better. Nikita and his life depended on it.  
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