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[FIN] My arnt you a handy B'alam.(Chronos X Hook x XixLaxTL) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 4 [>] [»|]

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[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 10:43 am
Killian's ears turned and flicked back as Chrono's only grinned, to his question. The dim lighting that only seemed to personify his long fangs didn't help in the curious case of what he ment by that answer.

Swollowing tightly. Jolly onlt raised a eyebrow at the Dark B'alam. What were they waiting to see? Killian's tail shifted and twitched in a uncommited tail bob.

As Chrono's questionec if there was anythign they could get him, Killian's eyes moved about the hold. Better question, was there anything there that was 'safe' for him to have? Blue eyes looked about the dim surroundings....

Jolly didn't see anything....That was B'alam 'consume me' friendly. Well, that he knew off, there was mystrious bottles here and there....but he doubt it would be wise to have any of those.

"I think I am fine, mate." Killian stated. It would be safer...After all, he was a guest, it would be rude to impose-well, not as rude as thinking about stealing stuff. But could that be truely considered 'rude'? After all it was their nature. If so, it 'rude' to exsist.

And that is just silly...
PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 1:10 pm
"Thought processes can often be so misleading..." Chronos hummed before he walked past a pile mishappen wood.

There was something he had collected the other night. Something odd he had found growing on a tree. It stood out so brightly! Yet, it was not to his tastes. Surely it was too sweet to mix with the fowl substance now sitting in the water-filled jar. It had only crossed his mind briefly. No, these tree jems were not to be mixed with that goo. They were a treat.

"I suppose, I trust you enough to be in my treasure room, I should at very least share some of my treasures. As a good host..." Chronos paused to laugh at the thought. "Not that I would care about proper eddiquate. You, however, I believe to be someone who appriciates nice things. That I like about you Jolly one."

With a flick of his tail, mindful of the lanturn still hoocked on the end, he found the basket he had covered well with cloths he had been working on. Using his telekinesis he pulled the basked out from under the wooden bench (another of his fine constructions) and pulled it closer to Jolly.

"Now, these I found in a tree the other night. Of all places to find such a sweet thing. Gabriel found them to be... alright... but I must disagree with him. These are treasures that shine brilliantly and taste just as sweet."

He pulled back the purple cloth to reveal a basket full of vibrant red sphereical objects. Some with a stem from the top. Not all of them were the same shape, or size... but each one had a wonderful sheen to them.

" Take a bite of one, it is as sweet as a flower!" Chronos hummed while he offered up one of the plump fruits.

It may have been wise to think of this earlier, however, Chronos was not one to dwell. Now was the perfect time, because that is when it happened.

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 4:25 pm
Killian only answered Chonos with a raised eyebrow. Thoughts being misleading? Never. Jolly's thoughts where as stright as a course plotted, clear as night in a sea of stars!

Ears twitched as Chrono's words turned timely to 'trust' and 'friendship'. Curiosity, and that laughter.

Aye, 'good host'. Jolly couldn't help but wonder, since he had a taste of his blood If that ment they could inturn taste the doner's thoughts.

Frightening...to say the least.

Shaking off disturbing thoughts, Killian turned his head to look at the basket as it was revealed. Deep red gems, sparkled in even the dim lighting.

Curious, wide blue eyes followed the offered fruit and it was received.

Catching it with a paw, jolly looked at the item. Sniffing It smelled sweet, almost as sweet as the sugercane. It however had a 'moist' and crisp smell to it.

"Cheers." Jolly wordlessly thanked his friend with a nod.

Taking a bite, curious maw turned upward in sweet amazement. Ears perked, and widened eyes stretched in wonder.

The taste was -amazing- crips, refreshing and sweet!

Swallowing, eyes shifted and his face relaxed.

"Not bad, mate."
PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 5:40 pm
Chronos threw his head back in a fit of laughter to Jolly's response. 'not bad'? By the look on his face, one would have assumed it was the best thing this world had to offer! At least that was one thing that he could use to keep his belly filled down here.

"Not bad hmn?" Chronos shook his head. "Indeed. Well, if you would like, help yourself to as many as you would like.... though, do leave some for me. I may have to remove your tongue if you take all of them."

A joke? It was spoken as if it were one, yet, at the same time, given Chronos' demeanor it could have been a full threat. Not many could read the stage master aside the lead Magus himself.

"While we wait for the goo to gain it's life sustanance, would you like to see my stage? Or mayhaps you have something you would love to see?"

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 5:58 pm
Jolly's ear's perked once more as his 'not bad' wasn't recived as just 'not bad'. Hmm, had he been too obvious?

At any case, Rodger's eyes looked down to the basket as he was told he could have as much as he would like. Taking another bite of the fruit, his chewing slowed as the 'joke' reached his eager ears.

Eyes looked back up at Chronos...slowly.

Swallowing. Jolly blinked.

"Savvy, mate..." Killian answered, don't take all the red fruit.

Got it.

"Anything, at your leisure Tick-tok." Jolly rodge gave a smile, he was really up to seeing anything Chronos had to show him. He had the distinction, that it would not be wise to wonder....
PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 6:35 pm
Chronos' ears bounced to his given nickname. Tic-toc. It was just as glorious as it sounded. A wild grin crossed his muzzle before he turned back toward the hallway.

"Come along than. I'll show you more of my displayed work." He flicked his wings toward the exit.

"It will be where many gather to watch creative productions of music and dance and puppetry! I must say, that last bit is my favorite. It has been a joy to construct so many puppets with as much detail as a real b'alam. In particualr their expressions."

A soft sigh left the coilorful b'alam as he mused about his 'children'. Or, as close to cubs as he would have. Ah, the world was so young still...
Anyways, their expression! It took quite a while of watching a mirror and other B'alam within the tribe to understand even the most minesquel of expressions. (And by others he meant that one female, the other black dark-tribe member, and Gabriel when he could stand being watched).

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 10:46 am
Jolly fallowed after Chronos as he lead the way to the stage, stepping past the basket of fruit, Killian helped himself to a few more jewels as he moved. Each one slipped under his 'collar' for safe and later keeping. (Too bad, he could only grab a few.) Jolly really needed to find something better to carry his treasures in...

"Aye,That's grand and all well extravagant mate..." Killian went on to say, except on thing though...

"But what are these 'puppets', exactually?" The wind kin, asked as his attention fallowed after the dark kin, keeping on path by the help of the lantern on his tail. Lighting the way like a stage ghost light.

The workings and almost creepy crafts could dimly be noted as they passed. The features and carves where so lifelike. So much so, even A dark winged cloaked figure that hung, by what looked to be a tail. Killian passed by it just as easily, as mistaken for just another 'puppet'.

Jolly's fur started to stand on end as he heard what sounded like wings unfolding themselves. Except it sounded like shifting leather and not feathers.

Stopping, Killian's laturn like tail rose to light where her heard the sound behind him.

What was revealed to him was something that wasn't much bigger then him but was black as Night...and upside down?

Hackles rose on Killian as paws carried him backwards as his tail raused to keep the light on the creature. His back arched slightly in alarm, his claws out. His maw twitched to show pointy white teeth.

Slowly, the dark creature shifted from it's hanging bat-like perch. A ebony leathery wing rose to sheild it's bright yellow-green gaze from the annoying light. The puppet wasn't a puppet at all, but rather a full grown dark Tahtil, that had been taking a upside down nap amoung some of his favorite toys.

Talk about Rude, Toothless was only sleeping to be woken by the scent of a friend and another, only to have a light cast on his sensitive gaze. It was like someone turning the light on a particular room mate to wake them up. actually-that is exactually what it was!

It caused toothless to hiss at the light. Heavily flopping from the rafters the larger B'alam showed fangs at the smaller one. Clawless paw reached out to swat and attack the light with a few hopping strikes toward Killian. Eyes glanced to Chronos as if to tell him to warn the smaller b'alam to cast the light away.

It was such a unpleasant thing, and would be mauled....
PostPosted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 9:25 pm
Chronos was more than ready to explain puppets and their function, a deep breath had already filled his lungs in preparation. However, as his maw barely parted to begin the story, Jolly's hackles went up and the speech was lost.

"Oh! Toothless! My dear, did we wake you from your nap -again-?" Chronos cooed.

A name with a story behind it... Chronos had taken a liking to this mute b'alam. He made for a playful model for the basic functions of the puppets, and one of the many reasons Chronos had become so good at reading others. Studying facial expressions in depth was a superb way to appear as if he were reading another one's mind.

"It's alright Jolly, this is one of my finest models. He would rather appreciate it if you stopped pointing the light in his eyes. It's not a wonderful thing to wake up to for a dark one..."

Attention turned back to the ceiling dwelling creature. Crimson ears bounced forward as a playful grin tugged at his maw. A signature expression all his own.

"This is Jolly, a fine being to know. You have no worry with this one."


Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 11:17 am
Killain's paw stretched out as his his lantern was assulted, tail and item whipped back behind him. His ridge and back arched as claws unsheifted themselves. It had been only by Chronos' greeting that he halted the assulted. Turning his head he looked over to his friend as he advised of no threat yet, if he was to put the light away.

Moving his tail around him, his thoughts closed the lantern. Raised paw dangled their for a moment, taking a slow breath he released it. Setting his paw down, he lowered to his hunches, letting his body calm from it's puffed state.

"Apologizes, Mate." Killian was polite to state as he huddled the warm lantern close to his body, as if to make sure it wasn't taken.

What was his name, Toothless? That was an odd name, after all Jolly was pretty sure he had seen nice long fangs harked at him.

"A pleasure. I am sure, Toothless." Killian spoke after he was intruduced, bobbing his head he gave a greeting nod.

There was no need to be rude, after all Jolly was known to be cranky after waking unexpectantly from a nap.


Strange place for a nap, though.

Fangs hid themselves from their warning open state as Jolly took back the light, the bigber-but not so bigger then the Wind B'alam (for he was smaller then the other Darks) flopped down rather suddenly on his hunches and looked back at Jolly. Bright green eyes blinked and watched the Wind B'alam siliently.


Dark ears swiviled back as his head tilted to the side as he listened to Killian's words, or rather slight accent...

Tail raised and in a instant, Toothless hopped to all fours and greeted his friend, Chronos. Paws carried himself closer to the other B'alam, Much closer...space had never beeen a concept for the mute Tahtil. The closer he got the more he felt he could express he liked or hated another.It was hard to commuincate without words sometimes. But that is what he liked most about Chronos, he seemed to understand him reguardless of being able to say so...

Stopping infront of Chronos, his tail tip crooked into a delightful 'c'.

Nodding to His friend his ears lowered expressionatly, and his bottem lip exaguarated a frown. In a instant, a smile snapped back on his maw as he bound around Chrono's and back over to Killian, and nodded to his nod...

Watching him, Ears perked forward, and he nodded once more. His maw opened and nodding once more, making a jaring little bob out of it.

It was a fun game for him...

PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 12:48 pm
At first Chronos watched the exchange as if he were the spectator to a performance. That signature amused smile of his remained present. It was a simple mistake, Chronos gathered, not many were aware if the Dark Tribe's sensitivity to light and how much of a pain it was to have a directed candle's glow aimed at such delicate eyes. Well, not many likely had the device to do that.

"See there, I think he is amused by you Jolly." Chronos noted with a thoughtful hum. "Yes yes, Toothless dear, it is amusing."

His ears twitched before he turned about face and continued down the hallway toward the stage. They did still have a tour to attend to after all. And he would have to explain puppets and the stage to Jolly. Chronos was sure it would be something enjoyable. So far they seemed to be kindred in their tastes.

"Let's see, puppets.. Oh! yes, the marvel above you, those wooden beings, those are my puppets. Well, mine and the Toy Maker's Assistant. What a hard working fellow that one is. We use them to mimic life! It is much more rewarding to see than to explain. The fun part is making them look as life-like as possible. Learning the mechanics of a b'alam has been a real treat..."

Chronos nodded his head toward the ceiling where Toothless had been resting among the lifeless wooden b'alam. Their grand detail and shimmering paint was concealed by the thin curtain of shadow, but somehow the whiteness in their eyes penetrated such a cover. It made an eerie sense of being watched.

(Word count Chronos: 6415)  

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 10:22 am
Jolly's attention was pulled slowly back to the other, Dark -Darker- B'alam. How his head boggled in a weird bouncing nod. Killian's ears flicked back, was this Toothless fellow...mocking him? It didn't help that the other Dark tahtil, didn't seem to want to say anything, let alone greet him back with words...

Slowly, and almost hypnotically Jolly's own skull started to move to follow the same jaring motion. Stopping himself, Rodger...mindful of his tail and lanturn slowly slinked away and around Toothless as Tick-Tock contuined on his grandiose tour.

The Darkone behind him, Jolly's blue and hard at seeing eyes turned to the corner of his gaze to just take a peak at how Toothless was to proceed. Chrono's said that he seemed 'amused' by him...

But in what manner?

Lowering himself closer too the cavework, Killian shuffled in a low hustle to Chronos' side. Arching his head over closer to the Darkkin, his voice lowered.

"Did, one of your 'puppets' happen to snatch his tongue while he was up there, mate?"

Toothless' maw remained parted as it widened to see Jolly's own skull start to boggle. If he could laugh, it would have gained one from the mute Tahtil. So instead, Toothless hopped a little in his step and followed after the two other Tahtill's as the walked away.

Following behind, Toothless' tail was raised curiously and with a hop he passed the glow of the lanturn at Jolly's tail. Walking along side them both, Toohless' head turned and tilted as he listened carefully to the spoken words. Dark leather wings remained siliently pinned at his back.

They where talking about Puppets, Oh How Toothless did enjoy puppets, after all...most where modeled after him. To see the cub's eyes light up with wonder to see such toys be brought to life.

The red flag in his tail swished around as he made a shap flick of his tail...

(Word Count Hook: 5017
Toothless: 55 cool  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 3:11 pm
Chronos watched the bobbling exchange with great amusement. It seemed things were getting along swimmingly. That is, at least no one was dead.

With a smile, or perhaps another hidden grin, Chornos shook his head.

"Oh, no. Toothless has never been able to form proper words. He does have a knack for getting into trouble though. That little ability earned him his wonderful name." Chronos hummed as he blissfully recalled the event.

"Even though he cannot form proper words, he does make wonderful animal noises. He can also play beastly roles in my plays. We have been working on the trick."

Chrions shuffled his wings a bit as he mused. Hook would make a wonderful actor. He had such style in his speech, movements... perhaps someday. There was always the option to just make a puppet of him. That would be a magnificent puppet indeed.

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 3:59 pm

Killian's head rose a little to see Toohtless walking along side him, though he seemed unfazed by the comment made about the puppets.

"That so, mate." Jolly spoke, not really knowing what more could be sause about such a thing. The wind B'alam had never met another that couldn't speak, but toothless could make noises-but under not form words...what was up with that? It was something that was hard for him to grasp, after all his kin where really gifted in the means of speachcraft, sounds...music and just over all tomfoolery.

Jolly's stance strightened and he walked a bit more soundly. His tail he halted to raise to keep the lantern at a reasonable distance from the Darkkin's gaze. He didn't want to hinder his new friend's sight, or hurt it. Ears carefully listened to the sounds around him as he had to relay in following after Tick-tok on sounds more then sight.

"I am sure it is a interesting tale to be heard" Jolly answered then added. "And some thing to see." Rodger spoke interms of hearing about how Toothless got his name, and seeing the acting on stange.

Toothless's brow rose as Killian spoke about him to Chronos, an ear flicked and remained posied as he followed along side.

As the conversation turned to his story, Toothless became increasingly more excited. His chest puffed and his wings started to stretch out. With a quick Bob of his head he nodded and with a coe the Tahtil bound ahead. Quickly turn around the B'alam flopped infront of Chronos and Killian. His heavy dark paws landed on the ground and just as he did his maw opened and released with the 'boom' of his landing a Roar. It rattled and echoed out in volume. So much so, it didn't sound anything like a Balam's roar, and his 'fanned' and 'scratched'. Dark wings had lifted and rose to show the midnight glory that his wings curtained the light around him. His tail rattled behind him in a rattlesnake like fashion.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 4:22 pm
"It is- Oh." Chronos drew in a deep breath as he stopped midstep. His paw was still suspended in the air as he looked down to Toothless' sudden display of playfulness.

"Yes, just like that." He hummed than looked over to Jolly.

"He likes you." He whispered in a hushed tone before returning his full gaze to Toothless and his antics.

"I'll be working on a new set up with the stage. I would want our next performance to include fire. Without setting the stage on fire. Just imagine hor spectacular it would be if I could make it appear as if my friend here could breath this fire. That would be a magnificent sight. "

The thought caused Chronos to puff proudly. He had been working on the mechanics for a while now. So far none of the test puppets had survived. Making a flame resistant puppet was also on his list of things to do.

The tip of his tail flicked while he reached forward to give toothless a gentle pat on the head.

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 6:15 pm
whee Jolly listened carefully to Tick-tock as he followed in stride with the Dark B'alam. Tail and newly obtained lanturn, swayed gently in listening thought. The fine Lanturn was wonderful gift, worth more in the WindKin's thoughts, for what he traded. Chronos seemed to disagree with the charm he found in the male shift light, he was given in trade. All in all, both B'alam did get what they want. So, it was a fair trade.

Suddenly and lost in his train of thought, Jolly was startled by the surprisement that was Toothless.

The wind Balam's fur stood on end, and tail rose to a point. The lantern, that had dangled so carefully, almost slid down and smacked the Tahtil in the bum. Sensing this movement, Jolly quickly straightened his tail. Blue eyes widened as he stared at Toothless, claws dugged into old stone under him. Heart pounded with quicken breath, and thoughts tried to pounder why the beast would do such a alarming thing!

Blinking, hung jaw slowly closed as Jolly looked back to Chronos. His perked and alarmed ears twisted and turned to his friend. With a swallow, Jolly released a breath.

Oh, Good. He liked him...

"Would that be such a good idea, mate?" Jolly thought to ask as eyes turned back to Toothless, he partly smiled. Only partly joking about the fire...

However, the idea of using fire on stage. Perhaps once that was figured, more could be done with it...off of stage.

"It would be magnificent, alright..." Rodger answered, his back leg and tail shifted as he worked the lantern further from his bum to a more comfortable sitting range.

"Well at any case, I think you have the mind to do it, mate." Jolly concluded looking from Toothless in a nod, to speak back fully at Chronos.

Toothless' ears perked as he watched the amusing reaction he got from the two other B'alam. (More so The wind one, Chronos was use to his antics) flopping his hunches down, wide green eyes, that where bright with fascination. His head tilted. Jolly, seemed to be rather alarmed to the acton.

That was even more amusing.

Tail curled around his proper and upright sit. Listening to the Wind B'alam it was obvious that he had a lot to say, be it actually needed or not. Unlike, Chronos. Perhaps, he felt he always needed to say something in the silence.

Head tilted forward and his chin lowered to be closer to the ground to receive the given pat by Chronos. Tail unwrapped, and angled behind him for balance.

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