Do n ' t T o u c h _ _ _ __________________________________________________ _ _ _
Deszeld @deszeld I am hungry.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @deszeld but you have questionable tastes in food... Someone should cook for you.
Deszeld @deszeld @daiseandnights Holly.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @deszeld that is a diminutive some people have called me, yes.
Deszeld @deszeld @daiseandnights Yes I know, because I call you this.
Deszeld @deszeld @daiseandnights You are here at school?
Deszeld @deszeld @daiseandnights What room are you in, Hollandaise.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @deszeld why do you wish to know my dorm? I will let you know I'm in the same dorm as you.
Deszeld @deszeld @daiseandnights Because I want to see what things you have, Hollandaise.
Deszeld @deszeld @daiseandnights Do you have many things? Do you have plants? I have plants. If you are nice to me I will let you see them.
Deszeld @deszeld @daiseandnights But do not touch them, Hollandaise.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @deszeld I do not have many things. I miss plants. Maybe I'll take some of yours.
Deszeld @deszeld @daiseandnights No you cannot take my things, they are mine. But if you are nice I will let you look at them. But you cannot take them.
Deszeld @deszeld @daiseandnights You would not take my things, because that would make me very angry.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @deszeld can I touch?
Deszeld @deszeld @daiseandnights No.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @deszeld then you cannot touch my things. It is hardly fair.
Deszeld @deszeld @daiseandnights Yes I can.
Deszeld @deszeld @daiseandnights I will show you.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @deszeld you cannot touch if you cannot find me.
Deszeld @deszeld @daiseandnights I will find you. Is this a game? I am very good at games. When do we begin?
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @deszeld it is not a game!
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @deszeld and never!
Deszeld @deszeld @daiseandnights I am coming.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @deszeld you will not find me.
Deszeld @deszeld @daiseandnights I like these games, I am very good. Do not forget how many things I gave you already, during the carnival. Many things.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @deszeld you did not have to give me things. Do you want them back now?
Deszeld @deszeld @daiseandnights No, I will take other things from you. Is this your room?
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @deszeld I am not in my room. Do not go into my room!
Deszeld @deszeld @daiseandnights Someone who is not you answered that door. I will try the next one.
Van @SoMostVicious @daiseandnights @deszeld hey if u guys don't want your stuff can i have it
Van @SoMostVicious @daiseandnights @deszeld wait is it edible
Van @SoMostVicious @daiseandnights @deszeld if its not edible i don't want it
Up t i g h t P o s s e s s i o n s _ _ _ __________________________________________________ _ _ _
Hollandaise @daiseandnights I don't think I seem like a possession.
Zar @monochromacy @daiseandnights Maybe a stick in the mud..
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @monochromacy Mr. Arrogance himself is calling me uptight?
Zar @monochromacy @daiseandnights Absolutely. You are very uptight.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @monochromacy You live up to your rude nature I see. And I am not uptight.
Zar @monochromacy @daiseandnights You sooo are.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @monochromacy I am not! I just don't get along well with certain boils who call my friends names.
Zar @monochromacy @daiseandnights No you are just uptight, so uptight. The most uptight.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @monochromacy I am not! I have fun, make jokes, break into creeple's dorm rooms. Besides, someone said being tight was good.
Zar @monochromacy @daiseandnights Nothing at all.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @monochromacy Clearly it is not nothing. First Junko and now you brushing my inquires off neutral
Slaughter @TouchMyTail @daiseandnights @monochromacy even i am not this stupid biggrin
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @TouchMyTail rude :c
Zar @monochromacy @daiseandnights Well it is good to be tight. It is a desirable quality. But you are a little too tight.
Zar @monochromacy @daiseandnights You should relax. It helps.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @monochromacy I feel like there is a joke I'm missing here. I don't like it :c
Zar @monochromacy @daiseandnights If I explained it Hel would complain
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @monochromacy Who's Hel? Would they be mad because it was another mean joke?
Zar @monochromacy @daiseandnights No, they would be irritated because I keep talking about inappropriate things.
Merry @Merrywild @daiseandnights @omnomnahm omj, ghoul. Are you for real?
Bartholomew Mudd @brbsleep @daiseandnights @monochromacy Zar was advocating the myriad importance of relaxation.
Merry @Merrywild @brbsleep @daiseandnights @monochromacy I am positive that is not what he is advocating. smilies/icon_wink.gif
Bartholomew Mudd @brbsleep @daiseandnights @monochromacy If you need any tips or advice on the matter, let me know.
Zar @monochromacy @brbsleep No
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @brbsleep @monochromacy if this is about the NAP club last time I went there was no relaxation.
Bartholomew Mudd @brbsleep @daiseandnights …I’m afraid you came at a bad patch, although working out frustrations is important to complete and total relaxation.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @brbsleep Perhaps I will give the club a second chance
Zar @monochromacy I am just asking myself why I irritated her off so much when I could be fixing this situation.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @monochromacy Fixing it how exactly? I doubt you could improve my view of you.
Zar @monochromacy @daiseandnights In the way I do best.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @monochromacy You're the best at what? Being arrogant?
Zar @monochromacy @daiseandnights I am actually not very good at being arrogant. I am better at other things.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @monochromacy If there's something that you're better at than arrogance, I'd like to see it
Zar @monochromacy @daiseandnights I would love to show you it.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @monochromacy somehow that seems threatening
Zar @monochromacy @daiseandnights Only if you wanted it to be.
Zar @monochromacy @daiseandnights No though, in all seriousness I can't show you until you stop being so uptight. Till then it is a mystery.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @monochromacy I am not uptight.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @monochromacy But I'm not sure I would want you to show me anything anyway.
Zar @monochromacy @daiseandnights It would relax you, and I am good at what I do, even if I am not as good at socialising evidently.
Zar @monochromacy Relaxing is over-rated.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @monochromacy If relaxing is overrated, why are you suggesting I relax with you?
Zar @monochromacy @daiseandnights Bartholomew endorses a certain type of relaxing. My type is far more thrilling.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @monochromacy Thrilling relaxation.... This is an oxymoron.
Zar @monochromacy Mine is anticipatory.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @monochromacy I anticipate nothing but disappointment where you are concerned, Zar
Zar @monochromacy @daiseandnights Then one day you will be surprised.
Merry @Merrywild @daiseandnights @monochromacy Zar is very fun.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @Merrywild @monochromacy Zar does not seem fun. I hope you continue to enjoy him, however.
Merry @Merrywild @daiseandnights @monochromacy Oh, I will.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @Merrywild @monochromacy And I will continue to question certain creeple's choice of company
Merry @Merrywild @daiseandnights @monochromacy I make perfectly good choices. They are all fun.
Zar @monochromacy @daiseandnights Non uptight people enjoy my company, you are just so hostile and defensive.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @monochromacy But you were incredibly rude and mean when I met you. I am justified
Zar @monochromacy @daiseandnights To be fair you met me wanting a fight.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @monochromacy You had insulted my first friend.
Zar @monochromacy @daiseandnights They are kind of rude, they warranted it.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @monochromacy Not to the level you took it.
Zar @monochromacy @daiseandnights They weren't even that mad.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @monochromacy They forgive and forget, I do not forget. c:
Zar @monochromacy @daiseandnights That must be very exhausting. You will end up very miserable if you never let anything go.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @monochromacy I can forgive, but a tree's memories run long.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @monochromacy I am remarkably not miserable c:
Zar @monochromacy @daiseandnights If you never let go of slights its just a matter of time.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @monochromacy If I ever become miserable, I'll be sure to let you know. I'm sure your own misery would love company.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights My room is sadly sparse :c It feels empty.
Zar @monochromacy @daiseandnights That was quick.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @monochromacy That was not misery, but a fleeting sense of how my room is not like forest. I assume your room is ostentatious.
Zar @monochromacy @daiseandnights No actually. I have some pillows. And not much else besides.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @monochromacy Only pillows? Well, I suppose it's at least comfortable. You should put some plants in your room.
Zar @monochromacy @daiseandnights I would not know how to begin to care for plants. I had one on my windowsill once in my old room. It died.
Hollandaise @daiseandnights @monochromacy Oh my Jack, how could you??? You should learn how to care!