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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[HH] Unlikely Reunion (Jake/Sherry/Aki) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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Dangerous Hunter

PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 9:28 pm
Had he heard what Sherry was thinking, he would have objected. He was always nice okay. Well, he felt exceptionally nice right now, but it was a good pleasant feeling, nothing to be worried about, nope.

But the mention of a mirror perked his interests, and he turned to Aki, giving the boy a curious look.
"So you entered the haunted house through a mirror? Is that how all Halloween students enter?"


PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 9:41 pm
Is was too bad no one was voicing any of this. Aki would have been happy to explain they were both always super nice. And that Jake was a fabulous Teddy Bear. ...and Sherry's wings were very pretty. But things might have just gotten weirder if they had. So instead the conversation turned to portals and mirrors.

And something he hadn't heard of before. He might have inquired about the neat Portal Sherry was talking about from their home until Jake mentioned where they were. The sparkling white mansion didn't seem like much of a haunted house. Were they SURE they had the right location? "Wahs ah hantehd hohwahs?" Was what he managed, still smiling and looking between the two. "Naht gahn therh bafahr." He was curious, since apparently it was normal for students to go to this place? Or at least it had happened before, so..?

"Ehs et nahs therh?" How did halloween students get to the haunted house anyway?



Kawaii Shoujo



Deus Sherry

PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 4:13 pm
Hmm. Traveling through mirrors? Sure. Why not? It probably worked something like a portal did. That would make sense. It also made Sherry think of Disney, but that was neither here nor there.

Jake's question seemed like a good one, but Aki's response led to a very curious look crossing Sherry's face. "You don't know about the haunted house, Aki? It's that house, there." She pointed to the house of nightmares itself. If she knew what Aki saw when he looked at it, she'd be very worried, but she didn't. "It's, um, not a very nice place at all."


PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 3:08 pm
Magic mirrors and such. It certainly sounded like something out of a fairy tale, but alas, Jake didn't have much acquaintance with such in his past life. Not that it mattered much now anyways.

Akakios' question also made Jake express surprise, which then turned to concern.
"Sherry's right. The Haunted House is no place for a child, especially since fights often happen here. It's quite dangerous, and if you're not careful, you'll find yourself ambushed."

Of course... it didn't help that HE was the one supposedly doing the ambushing, but thanks to a mishap, the boy was safe.
At least... until whatever he drank wore off.





Dangerous Hunter


Kawaii Shoujo

PostPosted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 7:25 pm
He shook his head at Sherry's words. Nope. He didn't know about it at all. Though as she pointed he followed the direction to stare at that glorious white mansion sparkling a ways off. "Das hahntehd?" He chimed thoughtfully, tilting his head to one side a bit. It looked really out of place for anything related to Halloween, so maybe that's why it was called haunted? Then again, most of the world seemed to not fit so well.

Not that he minded much.

He looked back to the winged angel and the teddy bear curious as they chimed in about how it wasn't a nice place, brow furrowing a bit. Fights? Dangerous? It really didn't seem that way, but he didn't think they'd like either. "Oh... ded nah no taht..." He'd been so close to such a place that was so bad, he'd have to avoid sparkling white buildings in the future as well then? His ears drooped a bit before he looked back to the building briefly, then at the hunters again. "Wah yah herh tehn?" Why would they be at such a dangerous place? Shouldn't they have stayed away too?

Actually, now that he was thinking about it, wouldn't it have been a good idea to go away from the house? But they didn't look that scared..?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 7:38 pm
Sherry was nodding. "Yes, haunted." She pointed at the house again. And Jake was right, it wasn't a place for sweet little dears like Aki. It was dangerous, with it's crazy rooms and hunters lurking about. "But it's ok! You know now."

And then she blinked. "Well, I'm here because it seemed like a fun thing to do." Which, she realized, was exactly the opposite of what she'd just told her little friend. Aki was a friend right? "I mean, someone back home was telling me it would be fun, especially after being stuck at home for so long." It had been a very long time since they'd been allowed off the Island.

"So I decided to go patrolling for monsters to get some fresh air." It had been a good idea, hadn't it? Surely it was.





Deus Sherry



Dangerous Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 7:57 pm
Jake nodded at Aki's question, though it didn't look like he had to, considering Sherry had already answered him.

"Yes, just as Sherry said. The Haunted House can be a scary place, not just for hunters, but for students, and I suppose horsemen too. A lot of unexpected things can happen, and you need to always be on your guard."

As for why he was here...
He frowned at Sherry's reason. Have fun? That didn't seem... safe.

"Sherry, I don't think patrolling monsters is something that's supposed to be fun. It's an important task for us hunters. You must take it seriously!"


PostPosted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 10:06 pm
Strange. That wasn't his idea of what something haunted should look like, but perhaps he was wrong. Maybe he'd missed something important somewhere, so instead he merely nodded and took the words to mind. "Yeh, ahl steh aweh." He offered it with a smile, to show he truly did understand their good will and wanting to keep him safe. They really were a nice pair. But what was a hunter... and a horseman? Jake got a perplexed look at the mention of those, one that swept back to Sherry as she went on about it being fun.

It was dangerous, but also fun? And what island? And he had friends who were monsters? Or was he a monster too? No, wait... he was a demon. But apparently it wasn't fun, because... Jake was telling Sherry it wasn't now? To take it seriously? And apparently teddy bears and angels were hunters? And now... now he was getting a bit dizzy from looking back and forth between the pair. He didn't get it at all.

"Huhntah? Horsahmehn?" He knew what a student was at least, but...? Though at that point he gave Sherry something of a sad look, seeming a bit hurt at her statement. "Ah havh frens tat arh mahnstah..." Which he did. And then he deflated a bit further, ears drooping as well as his tail. "Or ahr weh ahl mahnstah?" Because the pair seemed to be talking like monsters were a bad thing, and maybe not just a type of being. But... something bad? Was he one too?



Kawaii Shoujo



Deus Sherry

PostPosted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 10:53 pm
“Well…” Aki wasn’t the only one confused. She looked at Jake. “It shouldn’t be fun, no. But getting off the island was, and this had to be more fun that staying.” Her reasoning made perfect sense. This was fun, she’d been told it was fun. “And…and I am taking it seriously, aren’t I?” At least as seriously as Jake was. He had been the one to start chatting with Aki, after all.

Who, speaking of, was adorable. Sherry was glad to hear he’d avoid the house. Nothing but an infinite set of traps in there. But then the little pup was looking sad. And sadder, and it was breaking Sherry’s heart. He looked so sad and confused. “Hunters are…what we are.” She pointed at herself and Jake. “Horsemen are very bad and… monsters…” Sherry looked at Jake.

Horsemen were bad, no question (except for that one time when they’d been in the desert). Monsters were bad… usually. All students were. Except for a handful she’d known who helped hunters out. Aki wasn’t a monster (or was he?) and he certainly wasn’t bad. Even Jake was talking with him in a friendly manner. Sherry…. Sherry hadn’t wanted to think about such things too hard.

She looked from Jake to Aki, then back again. “Monsters… might not all be bad. Maybe… it wasn’t the best choice of words.”


PostPosted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 12:18 am
Perhaps he spoke too much also.
He gave Akakios a sympathetic smile before returning Sherry's look, nodding.

"Well, I suppose being cooped up on the island isn't much fun, but I wouldn't really call patrol, um, fun."
Actually, he wasn't quite sure what to call it.

"Yes, hunters are humans who have the ability to use..."
He probably shouldn't say they used weaponized students.
"... special weapons with magic powers, and yes, horsemen are bad. They're kinda like you.. made of FEAR and stuff, but they don't like humans and are always trying to hurt us, and we hunters fight back."

Students were definitely a gray area (which he suppose was an improvement from "kill on sight"), and he crossed his arms, frowning. How to explain this...

"Well, um, not ALL monsters are bad, and I know there's different factions to Halloween students, but there are MONSTERS monsters, like... insanity."





Dangerous Hunter


Kawaii Shoujo

PostPosted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 12:27 pm
Apparently this haunted house business was a pretty big deal, but it meant getting to go out and see things? "Soh... ahlahn es lahk ah cehgeh?" He tilted his head, seeming to have at least pieced together they couldn't leave unless they came to do something? "Cahn ohnleh seh yah herh?" Which was a bit sad really, he didn't like the thought they, or he, would have to come to such a dangerous place to see each other. And that they had to come here to get let out of that cage place. That was really bad. He could leave the school anytime he wanted... well aside from during class. He just... didn't. He had nowhere else to go really, so why leave?

Though then they were explaining hunters a bit, and his expression just turned to utter bewilderment. They were humans? They didn't look human. They... looked like an angel and a teddy bear. But Jake had said they were humans that used weapons, and... he didn't think they'd lie. And that horsemen were bad, and hunters fought the bad things. That he could understand, that was good. It was definitely good to protect people from the evil things. But... "Yahr nah a tedeh behr?" And yes, he was looking at Jake as he said that, squinting a bit as he tilted his head. He really, REALLY looked like a teddy bear. "Wahr yah ehn ah cahstoom?" Sherry might have just... had wings because of that special weapon thing. He could understand that, but... was the teddy bear suit a weapon? That was a strange weapon, but maybe humans fought in really weird ways.

Maybe. But at least he was briefly distracted from all that with some better news. "Yeh, bahd crehpahl." He nodded a bit at that, then paused. "Ah yeh, fahteh-" There was a pause. Nope. That one wasn't going to work. "Whel, ahm ah cehbahrahs. Dehmahn." He nodded a bit more, smiling as if that made more sense to the factions bit. That's what he'd been told he was anything. Some sort of demon hell hound thing that... didn't really sound like him when it was explained. He didn't have three heads or anything like that. "Sah yah duhn hahrt thah guhd wahns." Which, was definitely a plus. Because that meant they could be friends. This, of course, was very good news. Very good indeed.

...even if Jake was wearing a teddy bear suit for some reason. At least the somewhat simple boil was once more happy and cheerful. Even if the pair probably thought he was wrong in the head now.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 4:39 pm
Sherry frowned lightly in thought. “It… can be like a cage, I suppose, especially recently. We had no real way to get off the island,” she said, as much to herself as to Aki and Jake. She knew there were boats and helicopters at their disposal, but there was also the issue of power and saving it… and having no idea how many of those modes of transport were available. “Which is why getting of it seemed like it would be fun.” Even if it were to the haunted house.

In agreement with Jake, she nodded as he explained what hunters were. That was a good way to put it. ‘Special weapons and magic powers.’ That was what they had, wasn’t it? Kinda neat, actually. But then she blinked in surprise. A teddy bear? She looked from Aki to Jake, wondering just what she was missing here. “A… costume?” Had she heard him right? Or was she not understanding his accent as well as she thought?

She shook her head as the student went on to explain about what he was. A demon? A Cerberus? That would explain why he reminded her of a puppy. The little cutie. “The good ones?” Sherry looked to Jake again. “I… uh… I’d rather not hurt the good ones.” That made sense right?





Deus Sherry



Dangerous Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 5:21 pm
It was amazing how Sherry was able to make out what the young boy was saying, as he himself was having trouble from time to time. He had thought the speech impediment was due to his young age (not that, he really knew exactly how old all these "Halloween students" were), but he began to wonder if it was some form of dyslexia. The child had no trouble understanding them, he supposed, and, well, was it even possible for creatures of FEAR to even get human disorders or diseases? Did they even get sick?

Well, he supposed the island WAS kinda like a cage, and asides from external missions of HH patrols, they weren't really allowed to leave. Well, there were vacation leaves on occasion, but those were usually quite limited, and with power running low on the island, those weren't too feasible either. Though finding patrols fun... he was going to need to have a talk with Sherry.

Apparently, that would have to wait, as Aki mentioned something about... a bear? Costume? What was even...
"Ah, n-no, I'm quite human..."
Asides from abnormal hair colour, he didn't think he had any extra appendages growing out of him. Though, just to be sure, he raised a hand tentatively, patting his head to see if there was anything protruding from the top.

"Um, yes..." he said, in response to the boy's latest question. "At least, it's not our priority." He probably didn't need to know that they were supposed to fight them regardless, but the more dangerous ones definitely were priority.


PostPosted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 1:37 pm
So it wasn't a very happy place then. The idea of being trapped, even on something as big as an island, didn't really sit with him. He really did like the freedom he had to go around the school and explore. Even if some places were off limits, the majority of the time they even encouraged trying to explore and understand things more. It was nice and refreshing. He wasn't sure why, but it really made him happy. So he could only feel bad for the pair having been trapped somewhere for a long time. Though, dwelling on that would have to wait because then came the point of their appearances. Why did they seem so confused about his comment regarding Jake's appearance? He was, after all, in a a bear costume.

But... it was so obvious. He merely stared at Jake a before before cautiously reaching out, and poking at air a bit near his arm. To Akakio's it looked like he should have been meeting some form of plush, but there was nothing. A bit more staring and then he reached to grasp at the arm, finding his hand passing through the air and eventually meeting where Jake's arm actually was. Which... did not match at all. "Huh..." And then he let go, tilting his head a bit before moving toward one of Sherry's sides and reaching to wave a hand where he saw a wing... and there was nothing.

Maybe... did he not sleep enough? Or was this one of those things about the haunted house that made it dangerous? He merely stared confused as he watched his hand repeatedly going through what appeared solid wing and feather. "Mehbeh..." A pause before waving his own hand in front of his face a bit. No, that definitely appeared normal. "Ah dahno..." Because he honestly didn't have an answer and merely looked between the two confused. Those wings and that bear costume were still there, but it... obviously wasn't really there.

Though he did let the confusion go at the mention of good and bad. At least, it seemed, the pair didn't like hurting the nicer ones? So, it wasn't as if they were enemies... though. Jake did get something of an odd look. Even if he did sound a bit childish, Aki wasn't entirely a dunce, and... didn't that mean they'd still hurt them? Maybe? He wasn't angry, just concerned with the statement, but still. "Thahs guhd. Ah wohldan wahn havh tah rahn fruhm yah." Because he certainly didn't intend to attack them. They were his friends.



Kawaii Shoujo



Deus Sherry

PostPosted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 4:40 pm
Aki was clearly confused by each hunter’s response to his comments about a bear costume. Sherry’s own confusion grew in leaps and bounds as Aki reached out toward Jake, and seemed to be expecting to find something he didn’t. Sherry was suddenly reminded of when she was in school and they had random eye checks...and had been asked to look at a 3D fly and try to grab the thing. She had always found them frustrating. That’s what watching Aki reminded her of. Especially when he moved toward her. He didn’t touch her, but he tried to touch some to her side. What could he be looking for?

Sherry was just as confused as the demon, and maybe a little worried. This didn’t seem…normal. Not at all.

But then he seemed pleased again, as they talked about not hurting everyone.

“I wouldn’t want you to run from us, either, Aki.” Sherry smiled. She smiled and felt the confusion in her brain again. Aki was sweet and nice but still from Halloween…but as Jake had said, the nice ones were not priority targets. “I’m not sure all hunters feel that way, though, so you should be careful.” Didn’t most students run from them at sight? Or attack?

“Aki? What do you see when you look at us?” Was that why he hadn’t run at first? Did he even know what a hunter properly looked like?


{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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