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Do you have a friend you could stay with for a while? Know anyone looking for a roommate? Know anything about student housing at your school?

You might be able to get a student loan to help you pay for a place, even if it's just fees for school housing. Or if you have a friend who has the space, maybe you could crash there and look for a job.

Your parents are clearly being abusive towards you. You need to get out of that situation for your own benefit.

This hits a little close to home. My parents weren't physically abusive, and luckily my mom was nice to me... but my dad refused to let me learn a lot of aspects of being a self-sufficient adult. I wasn't allowed to learn finances or anything because he didn't want my mom showing me the household budget. He assumed I was learning it in school, which of course I wasn't. Then when I was 18 and home for the summer after my first year of college, he set all these rules for me about when I had to be out of the house looking for a job, without ever teaching me anything about finding a job.

I don't understand why so many parents refuse to teach their kids how to take care of themselves and then suddenly want to push them out of the house as soon as they turn 18.