Atomic Poppy
Atomic Poppy
Atomic Poppy
No scanner crying
xD So I usually do art for people on the computer. It always turns out rather *crappy*, but I made about 35k out of the art I've ever made xD And I've only made like 10 pieces of art during my time on Gaia lolz

I've had one joint art shop, quite a few months ago. Had one customer and I made 17k sweatdrop
If all else fails taking a picture would work, not the same quality as a scanner, but it still works ^^
17k for one piece of art? *3* Woooowie. The most I've made for one was 5k I tried making an art shop before, but I only one customer as well, but that person wasn't following to rules, so... yeah. sweatdrop

Its a pain when someone doesnt read your rules, even if they are just two simple ones..
at least its something though ^^
The only way I'd open another art shop anytime soon, would be with someone else so I could make them do most of the work xd (The'd get most of the profits too ^^)
The art I made was requested. I was browsing the art request forum and I found a few threads with paying people asking for art. Hehe

Nice ^^
Turns out me and a friend are opening an art shop at some point soon. (Dont know when exactly I think he wanted to finish another picture or two first)
I should really finish the one Im working on for it, actually I should update it soon..
Next time you have an art shop, tell them they wont get any art at all if they dont read your rules, should be helpful ^^