
Alright, then. Glad you like it, but don't feel obligated to give me anything. I know I owe you art still... 3nodding

rofl I completely forgot about that xDD
You don't owe me anything; I gave you that donation to be kind. Now if you want to make me some that's a different story, but don't feel obligated (:

Hey, I already played that card! Don't trump it. D:
Lol, I'ma do it because I want to. Even though my art is... pretty lame. I just installed my tablet a few days ago, so why not?

my art is lame too woot! *high five*
Aha, no but seriously, thanks ^.^

You're welcome. Just let me know what you'd like me to draw. :o
I've been told my one-panel avi comics are nice.

you can do that then :'D

I'm off to bed girls, night ~