
Okay...ummm. When I first posted Hoto wasn't a fleshed out character yet. I just knew i was in love with Vienna and Atreyu and wanted to play.

Now however I know exactly who Hoto is. Hoto is in his middle years as a stallion. He's not a young buck but he's not past his prime either. Rather in the think of it I suppose. Strong. Capable. Intelligent.

He's spent most of his life with his human companion serving as friend, transportation and protector. He's spent more time around humans than horses. Or at least wild horses. But he's not afraid to explore. He's fun, full of knowledge, a thrill-seeker and he's loyal.

Having had no interest in most mares, he's single. But he does like girls. It never occurred to him not to.

Currently Hoto is going through a rough batch. His human companion has been injured, immobilized because of it and in the care of pretty woman he's slowly falling for. This will end their carefree, wandering lifestyle and leave Hoto a little lost. So Hoto is currently exploring, wandering and waiting for his companion to heal. Sooner or later he'll get captured by harpies but there's a little wiggle room before this happens. And certainly after when said companion breaks him free.

Having just tapped all that....wow....

I'd love for Hoto to be a potential love interest for Vienna. Something about her. I don't know what. Because, in character, he's older could he an advice giving older male? Would she be interested in him?

As for Atreyu. I'd love to plot with him too and I'm sure he needs friends. But I have another stallion and three seathi girls he could play with too if you don't want to plot two Soqs with Hoto.