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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

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Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 10:49 pm


Have to write something
Skinwalker is stalking me
Please send help - Love Shehk

See her? That's my girl
The one with the cute a-- Oww!
Why did you hit me?!

Threats of violence
and of eating my organs --
Yeah, she so digs me.

Yes, I wrote it first
But why did you counter it?
You stalkerboyfriend.

I'm not a stalker!
Wait, did you just say 'boyfriend?'
Oh, nevermind then.

Oh crap! ABORT NOW!
Selective hearing in use
This all just got worse.

Why are you running?!
Am I suppose to catch you?!
Oh hey, found your dorm.

I must just run slow
Good thing I locked the door!
Now nowhere is safe.

I'm closing in! Wait...
I think you made a mistake,
The doorknob won't turn. ;;;


It's like hide-and-seek
Except infinitely worse
I repeat; Please send help.

Nuk then proceeds to make mopey faces at Shehk through her door, since he ran out of Haiku-slots.

Shehk is fully aware she's out of them too, but now needs to ponder how she's going to get out of her room now. :C
PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 4:39 pm

Shehk is an amazing artist. :<

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Beloved Werewolf


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:36 pm

Ha, ******** HA!! Shehk would surely get rid of Nukpana this way, right? RIGHT? Maybe... She marched boldly up to the board, glancing over the other posted ones with a bit of curiosity before taking a pin and tacking her own creation up onto it.

User Image


However, she stood there for a few minutes looking at it, before sighing, ripping it off and shoving it into her pocket... and then taking it back out..

and then just ripping off the half that had the picture on it. There. She'd just..umm...


She'd just uh.. leavethishere. Maybe he wouldn't see it. Maybe NOBODY would see it. That'd be super!!

User Image

User Image

In the morning, Shehk's card was vandalized.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 2:14 pm


Shehk was practically horrified upon seeing the 'singles' board had been..ahh... 'corrected' for everybody, looking at her card (or what -had- been her card.. had someone written on it?).. and then the one next to it, pausing to make the most puzzled of faces (okay, that was her handwriting on Nuk's card, but that was most definitely NOT his picture..), and then there was..Tristan's.

She'd gotten herself detention with NUKPANA and TRISTAN. Oh the woe, it could be plainly seen weighing on her shoulders, though it was less for the fact SHE would have to sit in the office like a bad-child (she certainly wasn't one and one little blemish on her record for something so STUPID certainly wouldn't garner any..ah... 'special treatment' towards her, she hoped), but she'd be stuck with a skinwalker trying to seduce her on one side...

and a wolf-demon trying to kill her with the scent of smoke on the other. Unless she found a way to surround herself with other people. Would that work out? She really hoped it would. Otherwise she was going to be sick.

And by sick, that meant likely leaving detention to go vomit from nasal-induced-disgust. (Sadly, she was pretty damn aware of the fact that she'd be half-inclined to just eat it again. But she'd never share that with anybody).


Sitting on her bed, a certain curious corrividus hopped over, seeming to look at the human-sized 'master' and how mostly only her rump fit into the dog-sized bed. Hmmm? Shehk sighed, reaching out to give the silver bird a perch, Precious taking it rather willingly and then again looking to Shehk and tilting it's head.

Funny how it seemed like it was questioning her... but really, Corrividus didn't 'talk', how would it 'converse' with her without being capable of humanoid thought. Sometimes people just considered them to be too.... human. Monster? Sentient? Yes.

Something like that.

"What do you think? Should I try to skip out on it, Precious?" she asked, the bird cawing and attempting to nibble at one of the Pricolici's fingers, the girl hissing at it and baring fangs in their general direction. Precious stopped immediately and ruffled her feathers in revolt.

Man.. she could have been at least productive if she'd had something to DO while in Detention. Homework or something like that, even. It would have been fantastic to have a distraction for all of that.. besides crayons and a piece of paper. She could only draw like a six-year-old for so long.


How she longed for.. Jackjackit. She wasn't even sure what she wanted besides to not have to go to detention where people smelled bad. Did she have enough air freshener to last her through all of that? It certainly would have been helpful to HER to have such a precious commodity. However, Precious didn't seem to have similar concerns to the Pricolici, making a shrieking 'caw' towards the open window before taking flight from Shehk's arm to flee out of it.



She would have liked some of that too. Sob.


Beloved Werewolf


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:22 pm

PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 10:22 am

She looked like a Jack-dammed-squirrel.

Shehk had taken to staring at her face, horrified by the colors she was, despite her best efforts to rub the gunk off of it. It really was the most disastrous of things she'd ever seen. Not to be mean to her fellow FEARleader/Werewolf/Canid, but truly she hadn't really been wanting to come out of a class looking like what she ate.

She'd even made a point to peel the contacts out of her eyes as soon as she could... though it was the only thing she was able to get rid of. Shehk's ears drooped as she continued to stare at herself, the very picture of woe. She just looked..

so unappetizing.

Which wasn't to make fun of her partner's skills at the action at all. It was more of the shape of the squirrel. It was so...stationary..... Hrrrnngh. The Pricolici frowned, leaning forward to look at the face in her reflection, rubbing one finger over a brow testingly. Well..that had -smudged- it a bit, but the paint seemed pretty insistent on staying how it was.


Honestly, she wouldn't be able to eat squirrels for a -week- with how she looked. It was just...

Even with a quick check of how she looked in her natural form, she indeed still had the paint on her face..albeit it was horrible distorted across the rot of her snout and across her fur...her..beautiful..beautiful..fur. Oh, she could have just cried. She almost did cry.

As for Precious, the Corrividus landed on the canid's shoulder to look at the reflection of the Pricolici appraisingly, before looking at Shehk, then at her reflection before letting out a shrieking caw that was skin to the sound of laughter. Shehk snapped at the bird, causing it's feathers to ruffle and for it to take off out the window in a huff.

Hey, Shehk didn't think it was funny she looked like her lunch, to be honest.

Maybe a shower would get it all off. SHe'd have to try.... and be hopeful.


Beloved Werewolf


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:35 pm

Another letter. Another Jack-damned… ********. She hadn't opened the third one, she still hadn't finished the second one. But there was another letter, and it was a reply to the one she had sent to him first, the night everything had gone to hell. Technically, however, she hadn't intended for the letter to be sent in the first place.

She'd been tear-y, she'd been angry, and she'd just scrawled rage out on a paper.

I hate him.

I hope he dies.

I hope he dies and doesn't come back. I'd stab him in the chest myself if I could. I hate him. I hate this place. I hate everybody here.
she growled as her pen scratched angrily down on the paper, several rips forming in the surface of the page. She jabbed at it several times. Over and over and over and over again. Her rage could have been described as irrational, perhaps even over the top for what range of emotions she should have been feeling.

But there was hate.

She could only express one one-billion of the hate she felt in her heart. She crinkled her nose down at the page, jabbed the pen against the sheet of paper, then pulled the sheet away underneath it's force, ripping the paper in half. It had done her no good.

Shehk had crinkled up the page into a small ball of paper and left it on the desk. The next day, it had been gone. The pricolici hadn't even noticed the next day when she'd left her dorm, vanishing out the door in a huff, slamming it behind her. Hati had taken to cowering underneath the bed, watching in fear as the alpha begun what would be a week long tirade of rage and emotional rollercoastering. It was like PMS, only the cause of it was less exciting than an angry uterus.

There were no babies to be had in that way, so the functions of angry insides weren't applicable as an excuse for turbulent behavior.

He was just a boy. A stupid boy. A stupid worth nothing horrid nasty not worth her time boy. She should have just gotten over it, sucked it up, walked away, and left it at that. But Shehk couldn't just leave what felt like a stupid thing alone. Nuk was stupid, his reasoning was stupid, and she wanted to feel like thinking he was stupid would make her feel better.

It hadn't.

Precious returning with a letter hadn't made her feel that great either, and that was where the stand off began. That. Stupid. ********. ********. Shehk had ripped it open. Her lips curled as she read it over. That stupid vampire, and his stupid words and his stupid way of getting underneath her skin.

He was expression confusion and berating her over ruining a perfectly good piece of paper. He wanted to know who the 'boy' was, why she was pissed, and simply had to express just far too much curiosity in her rage.




She crumpled up the letter and sat down at her desk, nearly throwing her chair over as she sat, pulling out another piece of paper and writing hastily on it. Rage. More rage. Unhappiness;

Dear Daddy Long Legs

Stay the ******** out of my business. I don't know if you'd somehow bribed Precious into spying on me, but that page was my own personal business, and I had no intention of sharing it with you.
the letter went on, and eventually Shehk threw it at the minipet, before stomping over to her bed and collapsing on it. She just wanted to lay there

And sleep


Stop going to classes. Stop going out in public. Maybe she'd just let Nuk win. A series of ideas turmoiled through her head. Her head ached. There was a dull feeling in there, like something was trying to dig it's way out through her skull. It hurt. That small uncertainty that dug through her body and wanted out. That feeling she couldn't identify.

She would lay there for a long time before she finally moved again, her anger smoldering into a more tame and somber appearance. She felt lethargic. Her energy was gone. Shehk began going about her days with a mute enthusiasm. Even her exam lacked a lot of her more charming spark that would have driven her on a better day. The entire thing was enough to put on the façade of happiness for a while, but once she was by herself, alone again, and left to her own devices in her own room.

Another letter.

Shehk sighed, sitting down to look at it. The tone had been serious, perhaps even threatening. It outlined the fact that for the next couple of weeks, she just would have nothing in her power. He said he would attend that last dance for school, she would show her face to other people, and then after that she would come and visit him.

She wroke back to him with a singular word;


It was firm. She was refusing him. Then another letter came back within several days. Inside was scrawled a single sentence;

You will do as I am requesting, or I will come out there and drag you home myself

She wrote him back again.

Then make me.

The next letter had been serious. The second she had opened it, the contents burst into flame and sent Shehk shrieking to the other side of her room, hissing in the direction of it. What the hell was that?? Shehk had not written back to the vampire again. What she'd gotten instead was another letter before prom. It had a train ticket in it, and contained simple directions.

Where she was going.

How she was getting there.

And who she was looking for. Her lips tightened. He meant business. He meant 'set her on fire if she didn't obey him' business. She was immediately intimidated. She didn't know what to expect in this guy. Was he just being hard on her because he wanted her to go out to see him that badly?


She was losing control of her life, and she didn't like any ounce of it. She had to get control somehow. She had to. But what options did she actually have at that point?

After a long pause, Shehk looked up at her reflection in the mirror..


No more sympathetic looks.

No more stupid letters.

She didn't want any more of it. The face that looked back at her was just so..sad. Forlorn, even. Shehk turned to walk away from the look that was staring back at her, just to trip over a canid that yelped as she went falling forward. Her head smashed into the corner of her desk as she went down, collapsing onto all fours.

Immediately she ******** s**t, HATI. BAD. YOU ARE A BAD DOG. WHY THE ******** DID YOU HAVE TO GET UNDER MY FEET" she hissed and the Celestial wolf backed off of her, the sharp pain in Shehk's head prompting her to get up and look at herself in the mirror. She could smell it before she even saw it.

She was bleeding.

She pressed her hand against her head to feel the damage that had been dealt to the top of her head. She looked at it long and hard for a moment, surveying the damage for a moment.


And then she dug her fingers into it.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 10:46 pm

Prom, Prom, Prom. Why had she just left it without telling Christof? She didn't know. But she was having a grand ol' time of making an idiot of herself lately and she got to stew in it the entire walk home. The only real 'luck' she had was that she had tied her dress up around her knees, so it didn't drag on the ground as she walked. And it was a long walk.

It felt like a long walk because she'd left her shoes in the auditorium and the ground hurt the bottoms of her feet. These human feet had such..fragile skin, that much was pain to her. But she didn't feel like morphing. She didn't feel like running out across the way. She just wanted to walk with herself… and think.

She would always think, and thinking was a lot of time and effort to leave to her own devices. Shehk's mind wandered to Nuk having a grand old time at prom, Christof running away from her, and her being a horrible friend and stomping off without talking to anybody as she ran off. She'd just left.

Left it at that. She'd let Nuk win again, she'd let him defeat her emotions. He had a power over her.

She liked it better when that power over her didn't make her feel like a batch of misery.

That had been an emotional waste of time. She shouldn't have said anything to Christof to begin with, she should have been a better person, and maybe she should have been less secure in thinking Nuk would love her no matter how emotionally deficit she was towards him. Then maybe she could have gone with him and had him being charming for her... and she wouldn't feel like she needed to remove her heart and put it in a jar.

She'd tried to remove her heart once. It hadn't been fun.

It had been..disasterous. And horrible..and she would have rather done that again then have been a prom. Shehk sighed as she walked into her room, not even bothering to turn the light on as she closed the door behind her, looking own at her (bare, oops) feet as she sat on the edge of her bed. Skoll and Hati edged over to sit next to her, keening in concern as she flopped back onto her bed. Even Nuk Jr seemed concerned as he walked over and licked her face. The pricolici pet him, before pulling the skinwalker down against her chest, sighing.

It was the only skinwalker action she was going to be getting for a long long time. Or possibly ever. Was she just fooling herself? Was this all some stupid trick she was playing on herself? There was a deep sigh as the Pricolici got up, continuing to hold the skeletal canine as she walked over to her desk where her phone sat, it's screen illuminated.

1 new text

Shehk picked it up, clicking lamely over to the new message she had recieved. It was from Sammy.

"Hey, I'll be at the station like we discussed. I'll bring your shoe's then. Get some rest, I'll see you then."

...Yeah, she'd be kind of grateful to get those shoes back, wouldn't she? She was pretty sure she would be. Though she wasn't sure what she'd do with them at her sire's house.

Shehk typed into the keypad;

"Sounds good. If you see Christof, tell him I'm sorry..." she sent back. There. The social aspect of her sudden vanishing was taken care of. At least part of it was, anyways. Shehk took a moment to put Nuk Jr down. The skinwalker seemed to whine, but settled in as Shehk slid the dress off of her shoulders. It settled around her ankles and she stepped out of it, picked it up, and put it on a hanger in her closet. She looked at it for a long time, before she closed the door.

Shehk didn't even bother getting dressed again, just walking back over to her bed and laying on top of the covers, wrapping her blanket around herself and then curling up. She still held onto the phone. For a moment, she wrote a text.

I miss you.

She stared at it for a long time, but closed her phone instead of sending it. He wouldn't have read it, would he? Of course not. He'd moved on to happier things than being near her...being a part of her life. Why had she let him take her over like that?

Shehk found herself sobbing again, burying her face into her pillow. The three pets in her care walked over and nuzzled their faces into the bed with her, tails wagging lamely at her.

They wanted her to cheer up.

Shehk just didn't have it in her. She'd rest now, maybe, and then she'd start packing in the morning...


Beloved Werewolf


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:54 pm

She was home.

The feeling of her bed underneath her was the most fabulous feeling in the world. She hadn’t been able to bring herself to linger with Sammy for long once the train had finally slowed to the longed for stop. Shehk could feel her butt starting to go numb as she finally got up and got off of that train to the Undead dorms.. but that climb of the steps and that final walk to her bed had been worth it. The only lingering thing she’d had to deal with was opening the door to her closet… and the subspace.

“Junior! Junior! You better get out here!” she beamed before she’d run over to her bed and jumped on it. The skinwalker came bounding out and jumped onto the bed, excited to see her. He licked her face repeatedly and Shehk snuggled her face into that fluff of fur he wore. Skoll and Hati barked and bounded about the room with the skinwalker. Barking followed. Shehk laid back on her bed, stretching out. Oh, it felt so nice. She nearly fell asleep right then without hesitation. But Nuk Jr jumped up onto the bed with her..and right onto her gut. It earned an ‘oomph’ noise as she lifted the skeletal canid off of her.

“Did you miss me? I’m sorry I went away so long. I’m sorry…” she baby talked at it, cooing adoringly. Jr just wagged his tail. When he was put down again he licked her face more. Shehk laughed and rolled over, but he just shoved his nose into one of her ears, snuffing and licking it. It tickled her. She swatted at him again.

“YOU, are naughty!” she laughed waving her hand in his direction. “Stop that!” Nuk Jr was far too excited to leave her alone, however, making a point to hound the Pricolici for a while, Shehk sat up, stretching out her limbs again. She felt stiff. Her entire body felt stiff. It had been a long break. Now she had to get ready to tackle reality again. With a pause, Shehk surveyed the room. It…really felt cold from her new perspective. Had she really left it this untouched? It was strange to think of it that way.

Perhaps she’d have to have Tristan help her fix it up a bit more. Maybe some time. The thought of ‘fixing it up’ spawned a thought as she got up and crossed her room and picked up one of the few precious possessions she had brought home with her from Shady Hollow. One hand went to the vial and pair of rings that hung around her neck on a chain, seeming to think as she looked at the jar she held in one hand. She’d been careful to make sure she’d grabbed this one thing. It was a small thing, but it was one thing she herself had made a point to pick up. It had been important enough to her.

As she thought a billow of fog flowed out of her nose, dissipating away. She was going to do it. She wasn’t sure it would leave the room ever, but she was going to be living with the fog forever… she may as well have embraced it even if other people wouldn’t like her room as much for it. Carefully Shehk unscrewed the lid of the glass jar which still contained the thick fog she had put in it a week before. It truly did act unnaturally. She never would have realized it if Marianne and Decebal hadn’t explained that much to her.

Once the lid was peeled off, she turned the jar over and held it out. Then she waited.

The fog didn’t flow out immediately like one would have expected, or even like Shehk had been expecting from it. It held its form like some sort of gelatinous genesis. Shehk shook it a few times, wondering if that would dislodge the shape from her jar. It remained there, steadfast. Shehk huffed and another billow of fog came from her mouth. She would be standing there for nearly 10 minutes willing the jarred fog to move before she just set the jar on its side on the floor.

It would do something when it was ready, she guessed.

Returning to her bed, Shehk curled back up on it. Nuk Jr had moved off of it to investigate the jar on the floor, rolling it about with one skeletal paw. It made no noise as it rolled across the carpet and Shehk was unbothered by him messing with it. Shehk just sighed and closed her eyes, snuggling her head against the pillow of her bed.

She didn’t fall asleep, but she laid there for a long period of time. It was possibly several hours later when she finally opened her eyes again, the room slightly darkened, but illuminated by the faint glow that came from her eyes. That light itself was diffused amongst the thick billow of white that had begun to coat her room. It wasn’t a lot, but she could barely see the floor now. Even the edges of her bed began to be eaten by the billowing whiteness.

Skoll and Hati made a confused noise from beneath her bed, and somewhere in the fog she could hear Nuk Jr running into things blindly. Shehk laughed, getting up off of the bed to walk to her window, throwing it open. She would have to wait to see if it would make her case of bedroom fog less severe, but once she’d done that she pulled something out of her closet she’d thrown into it weeks ago. She pulled the pelt up to her nose, taking a deep breath before she wrapped herself in it and threw herself onto the floor to coat herself in the fog. It smelled of Shady Hollow. It smelled of Hollow Creek.

She'd brought it all with her.

It would be a rather peaceful first night back in the dorm. Neither here nor there. Perhaps in the morning she would continue her redecorating.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 4:43 pm


Dear Shehk,
I have taken it upon myself to assume that your trip home on the train was safe and sound, as I have heard not word that the train crashed and that everybody inside of it was mangled. There has also been no word that you mysteriously vanished from your school, thus this seems like a safe conclusion to have made. I have written to check up on you and see how you are faring now that you’ve returned back. Are you acclimating to the change in scenery again?
Anyways, I would like it if you wrote back to me soon. Come back again next summer and bring a guest. Hopefully a sturdy one. Marianne misses having you as a play mate, though she would never admit to that. Stay safe.

Decebal Larentiu Iordanescu


Hey Shitface,

He’s lying when he says I miss you.

Mail call. It had become part of her daily schedule. As though she knew that a letter would come even if she tried to keep it away from her forever. Shehk laughed at the letter she’d received from her home-away-from-home. Where was home? She wasn’t sure which was which anymore, but she made a point to pick up some stationary the next time she was out as well as a nice writing pen and sat down to get to work.


Dear Decebal,
Should I be calling you dad in these letters? That seems sort of silly to me. I think of you more like the strange not-uncle that is brought into the house and just wrecks havoc. In the most endearing and charmed way of course. By that I mean, I simply still cannot actually imagine you as my ‘father’ in any way of it. Well, outside of the care you’ve given me, but even that was a bit of a stretch. You know I miss you either way, though. Right?

I might even miss Marianne too. Maybe. I think it depends on if she sends me another letter with the nickname ‘shitface’ in it. I might miss her less if that happens again.

I’m sorry I haven’t written to you sooner! I was busy with getting settled back in. My best friend, Sammy, met me at the train station when I left. Isn’t that wild? I wasn’t expecting it, but she made the ride back to school a whole lot less boring, even if a week on the train was pretty hellish. I had no room to complain about it, however. Sammy had been on there for me for two weeks! I’m not sure how she didn’t lose her mind from the whole thing! Either way, we made it back to school safe and sound, fortunately.

School is handling well right now, nothing too major has happened yet, though Student Council campaigns are supposed to be going up relatively soon so I am going to try and get a position on it this year! I’m going to aim for Public Relations. I’m not sure if I’ll get it, but I am relatively..well known I hope, around the school so we’ll see what comes of that. However, I’m sure it is going to be a much more interesting school year this year, no matter what happens.

Matters with the boil are still up in the air, so I can’t report much on that front, but I’ve met a few new people already so far. They opened up slot machines here, so I..erm..dabbled in that for a bit. However, a nice reaper named Mot O’Boyle saved me from myself there. I hope to get more interactions with him in the future, he was very charming in a platonic way. Good to banter with. I also touched bases with a few of my friends from last year.

It sounds like they will be running for Student Council as well. One of them is Riley – who I think I mentioned to you once. I suspect someday she will rule the world. If she does, she’ll somehow manage it using nothing but sheer charisma. Truly stunning, that one. If my heart wasn’t already taken by another, I’d totally swoon on a constant basis when she walked into the room. I think I might already do just that.

Again, you will have to visit so I can introduce you to the variety of people I meet here. I could spend hours just writing about the ones I’ve met in just the last year. I hope to continue with that. There is a new club – movie club – as well. I am sure I will meet a lot of fabulous people through that too. I’m excited to expand my horizons a bit, so.. I will have a lot to write about!

And I will try to keep you updated on things instead of hanging this time.

As for next summer, I can make no promises as to if I’ll be coming back again this next year or not. I would like to, but if something crops up over here I’ll have to delay it. I’ll aim to bring back either Riley, Sammy, or Nuk with me. I’m really firing on Nuk for it, because I think you should at least meet the source of my grief, but I need to try and patch up things on that front first. Shoot. I should implement my battle plan for him soon. Maybe today even.

Which if I’m going to do that, I better get on that before I settle in for the night, so with that I will leave this letter at this point.

Please keep me updated on how things are going in Hollow Creek! Stay safe from Grinders! (For the love of Jack, please. Please please pleaseeee stay safe from grinders)

Shehk Strigoi Iordanescu


Beloved Werewolf


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:29 am

Dear Shehk,

Just ‘Decebal’ is fine. You are far too old to need to adopt any stranger mechanics than ‘Sire’ with me at this point. It is nice to hear that you’re taking your life by the horns more this school year. Public Relations? I believe you mentioned once that boil had that position previously. Was there a specific reason why you went after that position and is it related to the former statement? Well, either way I hope you find that it is something positive you can put your energies into.

How did that new club of yours handle itself? I would like to hear how that turned out for you. It has been quite a long time since I watched a movie. The last one I watched was ‘The Wolf Man” with my wife. I imagine you would quite like it, I hear they did a remake of it, though I am not sure if I would watch it.
Never mind all of that, though. I would enjoy hearing how things turn out with the club and the Student Council elections. Marianne isn’t here to write on this letter, she’s out sulking in the woods instead. There haven’t been any sightings of Grinder’s since you left.

Be safe!
Decebal Larentiu Iordanescu

Dear Decebal,

Thank goodness for clarification! Phew! One mystery solved. Our relationship is very hard to explain to people. Perhaps Sammy didn’t take to it because she thinks of you by the first letter I sent home where I was angry and hurt all over. For the record, if you lock me outside of the house again I’m going to break one of your windows and come in anyways. You can’t stop me! Okay, that’s a lie. You probably could, but not without a fight!

First of all, Movie club watched the movie ‘Shutter Island’. It wasn’t too bad of a film, for what it was. A little bit strange, if nothing else. It’s about some guy on an island trying to investigate something involving the patients of a medical ward. The guy keeps meeting people who flitter in and out of actually existence. And there was fire. The guy in that movie had a few dead-wife issues. Plus, there were lobotomy references in it. I’m not sure I’d ever want a lobotomy. In fact, I’m pretty sure I don’t want one. Dying was pretty damn close to that and it’s as close as I ever want to get. Peh, death. I will never meet it again.

On a lighter note, right now, we’re waiting on results for the Student Council elections. I’m not sure what is going to come of them. There are a lot of good candidates running against me. However, I think I still have a pretty good shot at it. I know a lot of people if nothing else! Then again, I won’t be disappointed if I fail. There is only one reason I am running, and that is so I can stand at that podium and say something in front of everybody that I have neglected to say for too long. Perhaps it is a test for myself to try and prove to myself that I am a better person than I thought I was before everything happened.

You might have just changed me a little bit, Decebal. It seems strange to confess that when I hardly know you even now.

What do you do for a living? It’s been driving me nuts trying to figure it out. Marianne wouldn’t tell me, and you spent almost the entire 15 weeks I was out there at home with me. I can’t imagine that you inherited that house out in the middle of the woods. You have to do something to contribute to society. What is it? What is it? What do you do? I need to know!

Also, you talk about your wife so vaguely. What was she like? Was she the woman in your scrapbook? I know I wasn’t supposed to look in it, but I couldn’t help it. I did it anyways. Please tell me. I don’t even know your favorite color, book.. I’m going to guess you enjoy ‘The Wolf Man’ film, if I go out on a limb. Do you like Werewolves, Decebal? That seems like it would make sense.

I have one last question; Was my name ‘Shehk’ when I was alive? I’ve never seen that name written anywhere, so I have to wonder where it came from. It’s unique, if nothing else.

Please don’t avoid answering my questions. I’m really tired of answering questions about you with ‘I don’t know’. I mean, I know how old (kinda) you are and that you’re a vampire..and I guess that you like Werewolves. Is there a reason you like them? I’m going to ask these questions every time until you answer them for me. I don’t care how long it takes. We’re both undead, Decebal. You can’t take these answers to your grave.

On a lighter note, I’ve started to actually implement my plan! I don’t know if it will work, but I have to try it. Even if it is just reverse engineering everything that Nuk did when it was his plan. Clearly it has to work, right? Okay, so maybe part of that is that I can’t come up with anything better. Decebal, how does wooing work? I don’t know how to do this!


Shehk Strigoi Iordanescu

It wasn’t the most articulate letter she’d ever written to the vampire, but the questions had begun plaguing her after somebody had asked about it. So now, she’d had to pry into it. Did she really expect for the vampire to answer her? Not really, but Shehk had stared at the end of her letter for a long time before she’d finally signed her name, triple checking the spelling of her new surname before she wrote it out.

She really had to get used to writing ‘Iordanescu’ out. Maybe she’d just sit down and write it repeatedly.

With the letter written, she handed it off to Precious and the corrividus was back out the window with it.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 9:55 pm

She was hungry. It was stupid, really, to be hungry when even she knew she didn't require food at this point - it was a luxury. A luxury and she was utterly addicted to it, perhaps even one of her greatest distractions. Even so, somehow she'd kept herself from eating everything she caught in the couple of weeks she'd been back at the school from her summer excursion. No, she'd held onto them and managed to carry them from the point of capture to the dorms. But not just any dorms - Shehk had actually allowed herself to be seen in her humanoid form walking across campus with a squirrel in one hand towards the monster dorms.

Now if she could allow herself to walk through the door of the building without staring it down in hesitation. But somehow, she always hesitated there for several minutes, feeling like there was a rock sunk in her stomach that she needed to fight against before she could get anywhere.

She never quite got it out, but even with the sinking feeling in her stomach she'd make it inside. Somehow. Even that day she walked in, leaving one slightly bloody set of fingerprints on the front door in her wake. A turmoil of worries went through her mind even as she went up the stairs. She'd walked up those stairs so many times, it seemed strange that now they made her nervous. What if she was caught doing what she was doing? What did she say if they ran into each other while she was up to her little task?

What if Nukpana had realized that the timing with which she left things outside of his door was very methodical and made a point of waiting to tell her to leave him the hell alone because she was wasting her time?

Oh man, she didn't want to think about that. She didn't want to think about it at all. The doubt caused her to pause in the stairwell and actually consider turning around and booking it back out the door. She could eat the squirrel herself and not think about it any more. But.... it was impossible for the Pricolici to put her thoughts to rest to easily.

The nerves were interrupted by a single deep breath. No.



She had to continue on up the stairs, but even at the top she hesitated.

"Okay. I'll go over, I'll leave it, and then I'll run away." she told herself - it was how she always did it. Leave it, then run away. She didn't actually need to confirm if it got through the door or not. Right? She'd just..hope..it did. Once she'd pumped herself up enough, Shehk took several long strides down the hall, making a point to walk quickly, double-checking the door of her targetted choice, before she left the rodent just at the crook of it, underneath the handle.


It was left.


Why couldn't she pry herself from that spot now?

Somehow, her feet had become planted in that very place even against her own will. But still, staring at the door with a sad look on her face was all she could find it in herself to do. The idea of crying also passed through Shehk's mind, but she at least managed to pry herself from that spot to leave - she had to get out of there before someone saw her and asked her what she was doing.

She didn't want to have to explain.


Beloved Werewolf


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 6:53 pm

Shehk’s letter this week sounded slight more irate than normal from the vampire, but she had probably brought it on herself.


Dear Shehk,

That movie sounds rather sad, if I were to be honest. I am not sure why spousal death is always so interesting to people who watch it in movies, but in reality it is not so nice. You should know about this. For the record, yes – Helvetica was the one with me in my pictures back from my school days. It was nice of you to confess you were going through my things while you were here. I will make note to hide it better next summer.

It sounds like your club activities are lending you some useful skills, if nothing else. Are you in more clubs than just the FEARleading you mentioned and this movie club of yours? By now, I should assume that your Student Council results are in, I’d also like to know how that turned out for you.

Tell me.

/Decebal has made a note in his body of text to not answer any of Shehk’s questions from the previous letter outside of the ones explicitly answered in this./

In life, your name was not Shehk. It was a name you had liked in life and that you seemed to cling to even in death. You chose to keep it, which is why that is now your name. Not many get a chance to name themselves, Shehk. You should appreciate your name – I would like to think nobody else will ever have it.

You should write more back to me in your letters. I’d like to at last get two pages from you. Am I writing too often for much to happen to you? Either way, I’d like to hear more than you’re telling me.

-- Decebal Larentiu Iordanescu


Dear Decebal,

Thanks for answering…one of my questions. How can I write more to you when I don’t know what I should be writing to you in the first place? I can answer questions about clubs and classes and stuff, but I’d like it better if we had something to relate about. It kind of feels like the only person who is benefitting from these exchanges we have is you – and you sounded slightly miffed in your last letter. I didn’t appreciate it at all.

I would have just not written back, but I actually do enjoy writing. Even if I don’t have anything to talk about when I do. For now, I will just write what I can for you.

Student Council results came in at a horrible time of the morning. I was still awake, but a lot of the other dorms were not and they were not pleased to hear that I was now officially the holder of the position of Public Relations for this year’s Student Council at four in the morning! Whoops! I’ve already been asked to deal with that problem. I have a feeling it will involve me beating up some gnomes – which I can deal with. Beating up gnomes is a very social activity and it brings many students together of all species.

I’ll admit that I’d normally be out prowling at that hour, so the timing for me wasn’t very convenient either. I almost missed it. I was halfway out the door when the PA system came on and started talking. Despite the good news, I still went out hunting afterwards. It seems there isn’t as much for me to catch here. It makes me miss home already. Not to say I haven’t made some..adaptations to my room to accommodate how it felt to be out there, it just isn’t the same. I almost miss being thrown out of the bed at random intervals in the morning.


I don’t want Marianne in my room. She’d probably try to eat Nuk Jr. Don’t try to convince me otherwise, you know she would. Just like she tried to eat Skoll and Hati. They haven’t been the same ever since, you know! They growl and whine at all new visitors. So thank her for mentally scarring my dogs. No really, get up from reading this right now and go tell her. You can even show her the letter. Ready, go!

Done? Okay good. I guess we can resume this letter now. If you didn’t actually go do it, then I guess I’ll never know. Well, unless you tell me you didn’t do it. Or Marianne tells me you didn’t do it. However, I imagine a letter from her would be more like her reminding me to stop failing and stay alive or something like that. It sounds like the kind of letter she’d write to me.


Now, I am going to ask these again. Please answer them this time. I wasn’t lying when I said I’d keep asking for the answers to them. Well, I think that’s about what I said. If it wasn’t, you can now know that I will wait forever for the answers.

1) What do you do for a living?
2) Please tell me about your wife! She sounds like she was a lovely lady – would she have been my mother through the adoption if she were still alive? I’d like to be able to talk about both ‘parents’ in context.

I’m not going to have much to write back to you about if you don’t answer those questions. Look! I even took the time to fill more than one page with my inquiries. So it isn’t like I’m not trying to get to a middle ground here with you. Please meet me halfway. I’m not asking for much. You haven’t even justified the fact I asked with even a ‘I don’t feel right answering that’.


Whatever. Be safe. I’m going to head out squirrel hunting again to see what I can find for my daily offering then try to find a way to distract myself a bit. Maybe I’ll ask Riley to make out with me to ease my suffering heart. (Note: This is a joke. I’m not really suffering that much.)

Stay away from Grinders.

Shehk Strigoi Iordanescu

Another letter. Shehk huffed a bit as she folded it up in the foggy room, a single fog light inside on her desk to allow her to keep at the tasks she needed to do such as writing and reading. Not to say she didn’t attempt to strain her eyes to read some days. It was a matter of convenience and what time it was.

Again, it was handed off to Precious, who was awarded with a treat, before the Corrividus headed off. One less distraction from what she needed to do that day.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:00 pm

Waking up in the Nurse's Office had been a horrible thing. Truly so. Shehk had laid there for a while, her body still feeling numb....cold even. Having never touched the island that had ingrained fear into her classmates, the Pricolici had suffered a gut reaction of it at the hands of Marianne over the summer.

This feeling was somehow worse than all of those other feelings. This was a feeling similar to when that horrible headless beast had finally stepped out of the fog and flung itself upon her. It was a cold feeling in her stomach. That feeling was colder than any other part of her felt. She couldn't feel her fingers, or any of her flesh, when she'd woken. Her skin had lingered on a lifeless color, even as she rubbed them together to try and gain warmth again. Even wrapping herself up into a ball had no helped. The nurse herself had regarded both of her wards with the smallest of curiosities.

In fact, she almost seemed to have not cared at all about it. Shehk would have suspected that at the very least if it hadn't been for the fact that the ghostly woman had gotten a blanket - and not just some flimsy thing, and wrapped it around her patient's shoulders. It hadn't really helped. In fact, no matter how Shehk tried, it seemed to linger.

Cricket hadn't said anything about it, but she had a suspicion that in her own silent way, the nurse was trying to tell her something. This wasn't natural cold - it was FEAR. It lingered on because of it. Was it because she herself had become afraid because of it? That was possible... even probable. But still, she felt lame - not in that sense that you were like 'hurr durr, lame', but useless perhaps. No matter her own attempts to help herself, nothing seemed to work. It was unnatural.

But she kept moving, rubbing her arms and flexing her fingers and toes in an attempt to feel them again. Just that dark nothing of suddenly vanishing had been intimidating. What had happened..she'd only remembered going down from the cold. It had been awful. Why hadn't anybody moved?? Had they even been trying to leave? Had she wasted her attempts to get them out of harm's way just to end up like this?

Or had they left after she'd...she'd...she wasn't even sure what had happened, entirely. All she knew was that whatever had happened between Arel and Red, she had a feeling she'd be finding out more about it in the near future. Somehow.

But first, she needed to get warmed up and functioning again.


Beloved Werewolf


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 7:19 pm


The pain curled up in her stomach again, growling and tightening in upon itself as it once again expressed that it had been feeling particularly neglected by the pricolici. It had been a pain that she hadn't quite been able to sate no matter what it was she forced herself to eat. Even eating had become a painful process - an unnessecary one, yet everything in her being had begun threatening to destroy her if she did not give it what it wanted. She'd fallen back to normal things, such as squirrels as she always had, yet it just made her wretch. Curling up into a corner and taking deep breaths helped sometimes, but she found herself truly only craving one thing:

Thick. Dark. Red......Blood. The kind of elixir that was constantly denied her. One didn't, or rather wasn't supposed to, eat humans after all.

And yet, she absolutely ached when she wasn't actually teeth-deep into whatever bag of the thick red fluid she could find, pandering from source to source for whatever she could get. It was slightly harder to bite through when she was missing her fangs, though, just a little harder..

Fingers wrapping around the plastic container she was currently ripping apart with her teeth, a vision of a red haired hunter - a petite girl - flashed through her head and Shehk ripped the container from her mouth, the plastic straining underneath her hold before pulling apart, sending blood spilling down the front of her clothes. A hiss of annoyance followed as she licked her lips, then her fingers. Hati jumped onto the bed, whining as she set about cleaning the pricolici up. Shehk shoved her away gently with one hand. "Mine." she asserted. Hati whined again and slunk back to sit by Skoll.

The blood down her front soaked through her clothing and into her bedding, joining several other stains that had gone unwashed. Shehk paid it no mind, and instead remained consumed with devouring what contents were left. Only after she'd turned the bag inside out and licked the now-outside clean was she content, setting the bag aside and instead cradling her arms around her middle. Waiting. Waiting for it to start hurting again.

She couldn't recall the last time she'd had a clear thought in her head - she remembered sorrow, she remembered cursing the hunters for taking everybody away from her, and she remembered giving herself to Red..... but she couldn't, for any reason, actually remember why she'd felt that way. Caelius flashed through her head, just for a moment, and a new surge of hunger welled up inside of her stomach. Only barely a thought of a human sent her desiring a real meal. Passing a glance towards the meager-to-begin-with stash of blood she'd begun stockpiling, however, caused Shehk to whine, a high pitched noise that was suddenly echoed in the distress of her celestial wolves. Grabbing a fistful of her bedding, she shoved one of the dark stains on it into her mouth and began to suck on it, half wrapping herself in the blanket as she did so.

It had the barest of iron taste, and it only made her guts make an even louder noise as they mutinied against the lack of true substance. It was a false prophet of blood. Not something worth eating. It only made the pangs more and more desperate. For a moment she eyed the stains on the floor, giving them a great amount of consideration, before she looked away, brows knitting together. It took a great deal of effort to not look back at it another time as she smoothed out the sheets on her bed, fingers lingering for a minute on top of that singular wet spot where she'd attempted to regain the blood that would likely never even wash from the blankets. A grim reminder that her wasteful ways were going to make her suffer. Even a glance down at her own clothing, still wet with the original slickness of the blood, was a reminder of how she somehow would make herself suffer.

She ran her fingers across her neck and then licked the blood off, the small amount appeasing just a tiny bit of the pain, before she looked towards the door.

If she continued to hunger, she would continue to make herself helpless. If there was anything she didn't want to be - and had been trying to not be - it was helpless. Yet to devour what she needed, there was nobody there on campus she felt she could turn to. Not reasonably. But there was one person off of campus she knew she could go to. She shouldn't have been so willing to trust, but....

Grabbing the door, she swung it open, blood still freshly stained down her front, and began to make her walk towards one safe place - and one safe person.
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