Iconised Ghost

Edit: It is certainly not a complete and healthy diet to eat only fruit but it certainly isn't going to make you fat.

It would if you ate enough. A large banana is 125 cals ish. If you ate 24 bananas that would give you around 3000 cals. I know I would gain weight if I ate 3000 cals a day. Of course it wouldnt be healthy and Im not saying that many people out there that eat 24 bananas a day lol, but technically if you ate enough fruit it would make you gain weight just because you are eating more calories than you are expending

Eating more calories than you should be eating will make you fat though. No one says 'yes but too much cheese will make you fat'. And cheese would do it much faster. But people are wary of fruit for some reason. My uncle doesn't eat fruit because he's worried that it will hurt his weightloss, but the thing that makes him fat (and he is) is the six microwave dinners he eats a day.