( Stylewars.hu ) it gives you a canvas to paint on, and every week is a battle on a single word. The more points you have the more paints you unlock. Kinda cool. But you actually have to know what your doing with styles etc.

at the end of the day real practice is best. sketching etc.

So I'm doing my piece, finishing the outline and I run out of paint... WTF!? Why the hell did they put a paint limit on virtual cans!?!?!?!? That was the only thing I didn't like about it... Overall it's a pretty cool site... I ended up busting a quickie, with some old school flava... lol.. search for SOEP ONE

If that's the case, I'd definitely have more cans than that. I mob with a duffel bag.... lol
Lol, its to make it "more realistic" XD