I was raised with quasi-animism.
My Mother was very much of the Angels in Everything variety of religion.

It's simply a matter of respecting everything.
Now, mind you, respecting toilet paper isn't the same as respecting a book.
One you aught wipe your @$$ with, the other you aughtn't.
With the idea that everything has an angel/Spirit/Animus, also came the tag that all things have a purpose, and the general admonition that I aught treat objects as I would wish to be treated, if I were that object.
Vehicles should be propperly maintained and cleaned, this helps then do their job longer and with less difficulty. Animals aught be allowed to exist as they will. This doesn't mean that rabbit shouldn't be eaten, for it is prey, and that is teh nature of teh beast, but it should not be forced to be other than a rabbit, and it should be recognized as a discrete entity that deserves respect, even if that is just a quick kill and a wasteless meal.