If you think about it, Dumar is actually the one who allowed Dukat to LIVE. We all know that you don't fail the Domnion, and Dukat had just done that. He was expendable to them, having failed to live up to his promises. So when Dumar kills Ziyal, he does in fact do exactly what he meant to do, without realizing it.

And let's face it, Dukat=instability like vetigo said. He struggles for a return to the power he thought he had on Terok Nor, and he enjoys (like every good villan) the chance to lord his superiority over others. Why pick up Ziyal in the first place? Because he was trying to prove to Major Kira that he was an equally caring person. Why send Ziyal off to Bajor later? To prevent her from destroying his powerbase. Why get so mad at Ziyal for liking Garak? One: he's an enemy, and two: that takes away Dukat's power over HER.

Classic Dukat behavior: I want to feel good about myself, and the only way I can is to make sure SOMEONE understands how awesome I am, and how much they need me, and how much they ought to fear me.

Versus Dumar: I want to feel good about myself, so I'm either going to hit the bottle, or do something amazingly reckless and succeed.

Crazy crazy sci-fi people, one and all.

Ahh, Demar and hi Kanar!!!=) they should make a song for all the kanar he drinks...