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Cassidy Peterson


PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 7:27 am
"Hi S'iney. Hiiii S'iney. HI. Hihihihihihi~" Baby squished over to Kunzite and started bouncing enthusiastically.

"Okay! Okay, honey! Hush. Silly." Lady smiled, following after her son and laughing softly. She nodded to Caz and smiled, ignoring Squishington's snarls back at the bush. He could very well stay there and sulk if he wouldn't behave. "Hello there. My name is Lady Squishington. Is this your daughter? She's a very pretty little slime," she said politely. "My son noticed her while he was on the swings and decided - as you've probably noticed - to come say hi."

"HI S'INEY!!" Baby wiggled and bounced even closer to Kunzite. "Hi S'iney. You sparkle really pretty, uh-huh. How come you got sparkles like that?" He blinked expectantly, waiting for an answer, or at least a return greeting. (2)
PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 10:17 pm
ooc:baby squishington is so cute! <3 sorry i haven't posted in a while >.<

Kunzite blinked at the small, gray baby slimeh. And then she hurriedly hid behind her sire.

Caz didn't know whether he should be relieved or dismayed at his daughter's uncharacteristic behavior. Given her past temper tantrums, he half-expected her to be kicking and screaming.

He turned to the attractive pink slimeh and smiled. Since she seemed to be ignoring her mate's snarls, he figured it might be good to follow suit. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Squishington. And yes, this is my little girl. Her name is Kunzite." Then he turned to Kunzite. "What do you say when somebody compliments you?"

She blinked.

"We went through this just yesterday," he told her a trifle sternly.

"Thank you," she said reluctantly.

"And what do you say to young Squishington? He just said hello and he wants to know how you got sparkles."

Kunzite reluctantly squished out from behind her sire. "Hello," she said, glancing briefly at Baby Squishington.

"And?" Caz prodded.

She stuck out her lower lip. "I got sparkles because my mommy is very, very, very, very beautiful!"

Despite himself, Caz burst out laughing. He turned to both mother and son. "Her mother is a pink slimeh, and the deities explained that blue and pink slimehs may produce shinies," he explained.

Kunzite was obviously peeved at this answer and squished behind her sire again.

"I'm afraid she's a little shy and prone to bad moods," he said apologetically. He smiled at Baby Squishington before turning to Lady Squishington. "You have a wonderful little boy. And I take it the gray slimeh over there is...Lord Squishington?"




Cassidy Peterson


PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 11:09 pm
Lady laughed, nudging her son gently to discourage him from chasing Kunzite. He looked disappointed, as he'd been prepared to hop after her. She smiled, nodding at Caz. "I see. My mate and I are both Customs, so Baby doesn't possess any special traits aside from being astoundingly enthusiastic. About everything." She rolled her eyes sarcastically and laughed again.

Baby began wiggling again energetically, and started rocking from side to side a little. "My name's juft Baby. An' I'm grey 'cause my Daddy's big an' big an' grey an' big." He nodded decisively - which, in his case, also meant quite forcefully - and wound up doing a half-roll forward. He cheeped in dismay and rolled back upright, blinking as if startled. He shook himself to regain his senses, and smiled pleasantly.

Lady chuckled, giving her son an affectionate snuggle before turning her attention back to Cas. "Yes, that's Lord Squishington over there - my mate. You'll have to excuse his behaviour. He's always been very territorial, you see. We're the second-oldest Slimes in the Greenhouse. The oldest Slime, Wigglemeister, almost pushed us to the forefront when more Slimes began arriving. He ran things behind the scenes but we were always the ones who actually made the decisions, issued out new rules and such. I suppose I was content just having Wigglemeister and my mate nearby, but Squishington always seemed defensive when other Slimes approached me, especially males. Understandable, as I am smaller than most Slimes and the males do tend to be rowdier, at least in the Greenhouse. After Baby was born, he began treating me a bit less like a fragile object, but he became twice as obsessive over our son's well-being. And the other day he, well, he outright attacked Wigglemeister for getting too close." She sighed softly, casting a glance back at the larger grey. He was now fully under the bush and turning in circles worriedly.

Baby had been half-listening, and now he piped up in his gruff little lisp. "Daddy's really old an' cranky!"

He blinked confusedly as Lady started laughing again.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 4:13 pm
feel free to brick me as much as you want, cassidy (insert gonk here)

At the little one's outburst, Caz laughed. "Why hello, Baby Squishington," he said, smiling down at the enthusiastic baby slimeh. "Why, you really are cheerful about everything, aren't you?"

Kunzite shifted. Suddenly, having her sire talk to any other young slimeh aside from her irked her. But before she could open her mouth to say something, Caz continued talking to Lady Squishington.

"Well, I sure hope this Wigglemeister fellow is alright, after such a harrowing incident like that. I can understand how your mate is very protective of his family. I'd be quite upset if anything happens to Kunzite... or my mate," he added as a afterthought. "In a way, our families are actually quite similar. My mate and I were among the first slimehs to be brought to our settlement, The Basement. We used to be the ruling class, but I'm afraid there had been several changes," he finished a bit sheepishly.

"Our class is better than everybody else's!" Kunzite said suddenly.

At that, Caz was horrified. He looked at his daughter sternly. "We will have a long talk with your mother and aunts and uncles when we get home."

His displeased expression only increased Kunzite's displeasure. She sulked.

He turned back to Lady Squishington. "Part of me admits the changes have been for the better. Isn't it quite interesting, though, how slimehs from different settlements all agree that leaders are important?"




Cassidy Peterson


PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 12:18 am
"Class?" Lady Squishington blinked confusedly, frowning for a moment. "Ah, there are different categories of Slimes where you're from, too? We don't really have classes in the Greenhouse, just sets or groups. It all very much depends on what Cassi names us, and how. Although," the pink slime giggled, "she doesn't always quite seem sure herself. For now she's stating that fanSlimes are sets and originals are groups, but we'll see how that goes."

She blinked at Kunzite's outburst, then nodded at Caz. "Well, it really does make quite a bit of sense. While a certain level of unpredictability and lawlessness can be exciting... Well, things can only go so far without getting out of control entirely. Even if the system is flawed or downright broken, leadership and at least some level of politics are vital."

Baby squished a little closer to Kunzite, smiling in a slightly oblivious manner. He just wanted to see if he could touch the actual sparkles. Maybe he could take a sparkle home with him! The thought excited him very much, and he hopped even closer.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:54 am
As Baby Squishington came closer to Kunzite, she hid behind her sire even more and emitted a tiny whimper.

"I think Baby Squishington wants to play with you," Caz told her.

Kunzite blinked at the gray baby slimeh.

"Don't you like playing?"

Slowly, Kunzite edged away from Caz and towards Baby Squishington. Her wary gaze slowly became curious.

"That's a good girl," said Caz encouragingly. He turned back to Lady Squishington. "Yes, I suppose sets or groups will be another way of looking at them. Cardi, our owner, uses a particular naming scheme for each set of slimehs that come into The Basement. It just happened that the coffee slimehs--the set that my mate and I came in--was the first set. And... it went downhill from there. I suppose it was just politics gone bad in our case."

His gaze drifted towards Griever, Kahlua, and Garnet. He was taken aback to find the little fire slimeh enthusiastically bouncing towards them, with Griever not far behind. Kahlua hung back by the swings, as if reluctant to be so close to Caz again.




Cassidy Peterson


PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 1:45 pm
"Yes, the Slimes in the Greenhouse are all themed somehow as well." Lady nodded, looking thoughtful. "I think Cassi may actually be planning her own beverage Slimes. Nothing as specific as 'coffee' though. She does have many groups and sets, though. The Naruto Simes, Rainbow Brite Slimes, storm Slimes, music Slimes, Slimes named after their own color.... Wigglemeister is one of very few 'individual' Slimes. We've also got Compass, an explorer, and... Well, I think Wigglemeister and Compass are the only individuals we actually have currently. Everybody else is from a group or set, even if the full load hasn't arrived yet."

Baby cheeped and smiled at Kunzite warmly. "Wanna play in the sand? I bet I can makes a bigga sandpile'n you!"

Lady smiled down at her son, then followed her gaze to the approaching Slimes. She smiled and nodded to them politely, as they weren't quite close enough yet to talk to without yelling.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 9:29 pm
Kunzite blinked. "Saa-aand?"

Caz nodded. "Playing in the sand with Baby Squishington will be fun, dear." He could only guess what Hue would say if she finds out about it. Dismayed shrieks of 'playing in the dirt!' would probably fill the greenhouse. Yet another thing to add in the long list of issues that Caz and Hue disagree about.

Kunzite blinked again. "Okay," she said tentatively.

"That's a good girl," Caz said approvingly before turning back to Lady Squishington. "Individual slimehs... why wouldn't that be wonderful. Currently we have themes such as coffee, alcohol, characters from some fantasy series, summon monsters, and minerals. From what I understand, Kunzite and Garnet are the first mineral slimehs. But individual ones... those are unheard of in The Basement..."

Just then, Garnet reached them. At the mention of his name, he turned curious eyes towards Caz.

"Ah, and here is Garnet now," Caz said. He managed an easy smile as Griever neared. "And this is his sire, Griever. Griever, Garnet, this is Lady Squishington and her little boy, Baby Squishington."

Garnet gazed at Baby Squishington with great interest. Aside from Kunzite, he had never seen other baby slimehs before. "Hi!" he said, brightening. Literally. He emitted a small gust of fire in his excitement.

"It is our pleasure to meet you, Lady Squishington, Baby Squishington," said Griever with a nod. He really didn't plan on approaching the small group, but his son was intent on joining because of the other baby slimehs.





PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 9:22 am
Slimy approached the playground, a little scared, since she never was the best at making friends, unlike her brother, Cuddles who screamed every half second. "Race ya to the swings!" Cuddles called to Slimy. They both bopped furiously to the swings. As always, Cuddles won. "Hey, you always get a head start!!"Slimy cried angrily. Cuddles and Slimy got in a fight and Slimy sadly went over to the slide. Loser...Loser...loser.. The words that Cuddles said echoed in her head.

I can never make friends, but why? She looked around the playground. She saw a baby slime and an adult slime and another slime at a corner, but she decided to not disturb them. She also saw Cuddles at one side but ignored him. Other than those slimes, the playground was deserted. "Phew, it's burning hot, I think I'll get an ice cream cone." She looked around, but there was none in sight. "Argghh!" She screamed angrily, but tried to contain herself. She went over to the sandbox and stayed there.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 12:12 pm
Little Kanishi Scutteled To The Swings Right After Asking"Mommy, Mommy Can I Go Play? "; " Yes , Okay Honey, Just Dont Be Rough", " Okey Dokey Momey!"Kanishi Scutteld Up To The Swing Right Next To Slimy And Said,"Hi My Name Is Kanishi, Who Are You?".



Cassidy Peterson


PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 4:19 am
Baby wiggled enthusiastically as Garnet approached. "You a burr Slime! Why you burr? You fall in fire?"

Lady giggled at her son, nudging him gently. "Don't ignore Kunzite just because you've met somebody new, dear."

"Yes Mama!" Baby cheeped and bounced happily, nodding. He smiled at Garnet. "Me an' Kunsit gonna play in th' sand. You wanna play too?"

Lady giggled again, then nodded politely to Griever. "It's very nice to meet you. Caz and I were just discussing the social structures of our respective homes. You seem to have an identification system very similar to the Greenhouse's, but I must admit I'm intrigued by the Basement's apparent heirarchy."

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 4:44 pm
Jazz wandered around until she came to a small park, although it was for babies, it looked like a nice place to stop and listen to her music. She sat down on a bench and turned her walkman up to full volume. Most slimes who listened to her music would be deaf, but Jazz was sure different.





PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:52 pm
Garnet was familiar with Baby Squishington's question. A lot of other slimehs in The Basement asked him the same thing. "I'm a fire elemental slimeh," he chirped as a means of explanation. He really had no idea what that meant, but that was what his parents told him. He bounced up and down. "Yay! Let's play in the sandbox!" And then he began to bounce off towards the sandbox. He noticed there was already another slimeh there. He bounced up and down more in anticipation.

"Be careful, Garnet," Griever called, hoping his son wouldn't try and touch the other slimehs, not with his sporadic gusts of fire. Then he turned back to Lady Squishington. The subject was quite awkward, especially since Caz was standing nearby. Ordinarily, Griever would not have cared much for Caz's discomfort, but it did not seem to be good for The Basement's morale for him to talk about the recent power struggles there. "Yes, we have quite an interesting hierarchy. It is not as apparent now as it used to be, due to some... changes."

Caz found himself irritated at the way Griever chose his words. Always being the bigger slimeh. You need not sound so somber. It was you who turned out smelling like roses after the whole fiasco. He knew his mental diatribe arose out of jealousy, but that did not make him feel better. He mentally braced himself and forced a cordial smile as he changed the subject. "Lady Squishington lives with her family and a population of slimes in The Greenhouse, where her family is quite prominent. Their human is named Cassi, and I do believe there's as many of them in The Greenhouse as there is of us in The Basement."

"Ah." Griever was grateful that Caz filled him in, but the tension between the two of them still did not suit him. Both male slimehs knew they couldn't stand each other. "I do believe we're quite blessed in that manner, Lady Squishington, being surrounded by several fellow slimehs. How do you like living amongst a large population of slimehs?"

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 6:09 am
Lady glanced from Caz to Griever, then flattened briefly. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize the Basement's heirarchy was a sensitive subject between the groups." She rose back up to her normal shape, nodding. "It's exciting living with so many other Slimes, but things can get a bit boisterous, and there are personality conflicts every so often. My own mate attacked a Slime the other day that he had previously treated as a friend."

She frowned toward the shrubs, where Squishington had started chewing the leaves off in frustration. He wasn't actually eating the entire leaves, so there was a ring of vegetation around him under a patch of increasingly bare branches. "My mate and I are the second-oldest Slimes in the Greenhouse, and the only ones ordered as an actual couples. Along with a green slime by the name of Wigglemeister we were given sociopolitical titles as part of our names - Lord and Lady Squishington, and Captain Wigglemeister. It's this more than anything that resulted in my mate and I 'ruling' the Greenhouse."

Baby followed Garnet enthusiastically, cheeping at Kunzite to keep up with them. The moment they got to the sandbox, he started wiggling furiously, furrowing himself into the sand. "I can builds a biggest hole!" he declared loudly, bouncing a little in the depression he'd already made.

Lady giggled, looking over at the sandbox briefly. "Play nice! Don't get in trouble!" she called. She then turned her attention back to the two adult males, ignoring her mate as he finally stopped mutilating the shrub and headed over. "Wigglemeister is the oldest Slime in the Basement, and a bit different from us. He seems more like the one known as Squishy in the Laboratory, actually. He's doesn't talk much - he can, he just doesn't, except when he's 'working' as a mediator. He's very patient, especially with the more exuberant Slimes."

"Wigglemeister served us loyally until recently, due to an... incident," came the deep voice of Squishington, looming up behind his mate. He cast a disparaging eye on the other two males. "I am Lord Squishington, and you both are...?"


Cassidy Peterson




PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 10:31 pm
Caz gave Lord Squishington his most engaging smile. "How do you do, Lord Squishington," he said, trying not to think about Lady Squishington's account of how the lord attacked their right-hand man. By now, it was clear to him that the lord was fiercely protective of his family. And up close, he seemed much bigger. "My name is Caz, and this here is... Griever. We live in The Basement."

Griever nodded. "It's a pleasure to meet you," he said absently, more fascinated by how the Lady Squishington briefly flattened herself. He reckoned it was another means of expression, one that nobody in The Basement had seen before. He was slightly relieved at the arrival of the Lord Squishington. It saved him, and perhaps Caz, from explaining the sensitivity of The Basement's hierarchy.

At the sandbox, Garnet followed Baby Squishington's suit and began burrowing himself in the sand also. "I'ma tunnel through aaa-aaall the way to..." he thought for a moment. "The Basement!"

Kunzite watched the show for a moment before jumping into the sandbox as well. "I'ma build the biggest tunnel of all!" she said excitedly. And when she wins, the adults will pet her even more! With that, she proceeded to burrow into the sand as fast as she could.

Silky Slime Laboratory

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