thats like my lulaby (sp?) i fal asleep to it at night lol *yawn*
haha mine too!
I feel hypocritical though. When I first heard the song, I hated it so much lol
But it's so deep when you really listen to the lyrics. That's why I fell in love with it.
(Plus it's not that hard to play on guitar, so that's a big plus ^^)
Wow... Almost dido exactly, 'cept I didn't hate it the first time I heard it... more like I was confuzed as hell! I was like ... "Wow, slow song".. then "Fast!" then "Slow..." .... I was lost, then I finally got better speakers and my friend was over so of course she was blasting it, and I heard the words perfectly and I think I nearly went "Awwwww" for 5 minutes because the words were so sweet!! It's a really loving song when you blast it so loud your neighbors wonder what the hell you're doing! (lol, but silent lulaby is fun too!)