lol...no i dont get it im trying but its too complicated somewhat can u teach me?

Well as you may or may not know, 1337 is a form of language used by many nerds (but not all!!! In fact many more actually hate it!) in which letter are replaced by different punctuation characters and numbers. Some people mix in letters, spell things in shorthand, are inconsistant with their coding etc. It can be very hard but it's kind of like a magic eye puzzle. Relax your eyes and let the "letters" show themselves. I wanted to be a part of the whole 1337 thing so I asked some of my friends if they could teach me. I got a few different perspectives on it, some more reluctant to pass on the knowledge than others because of their hate for it. I will post here some examples of letters that you could use as a cipher but because the world of 1337 is so inconsistent it's best not to rely on a cipher and just try to make sense of what's in front of you. Most will be uppercase but sometimes not...

A: 4
B:8 13
C: ( [ {
D: |)
E: 3 (this is the most common character for e even though it is backwards, to find a different character used for e is very rare)
F: |=
G: 6 9
H: |-|
I: | (some use 1 but I use 1 for L because of the bottom bit)
J: _|
K: |< (this one is pretty consistent too)
L: 1 | |_
M: |V| ^^
N: |V
O: 0 ()
P: |*
Q: (I don't kno of any for Q, luckily it is not a common letter)
R: |2 |^
S: 5 (consistent)
T: 7 +
U: |_|
V: (I can't show V and W on here because the backslashes don't work... basically fwd slash, back slash... u get the idea...)
X: (Again, I don't kno of any)
Y: '/
Z: '/_

thanks druid