Probably, just to teach her a lesson

Can I just ask... how is making her miserable teaching her a lesson? It sounds like petty revenge. If, as Tea pointed out, she is bullying people, being miserable will most likely just make her lash out more. So, in this sense I guess you do have a justification for claiming a sow-reap case. You make someone miserable, they make you miserable.

I also fail to see how its a lesson when she won't be learning anything. How many people do you think would believe that you caused it in this culture? Don't you think, saying she did believe you, that'd just make her hurt you more for hurting her? Hurting someone isn't going to 'teach them a lesson', and it can't 'teach them a lesson' that they already know - 'hurt or be hurt' 'might makes right' etc. - these seem to be the most likely conclusions that someone in that situation would come to, and if she bullys people, shes likely to be following these ideas anyway.

You want to hurt her because she's hurting you? Then claim revenge. You want to 'teach her a lesson', then report her to the authorities for bullying. Or beat her up, then she'd learn you're stronger than her. (I dislike violence, but this would teach her something).

If, on the other hand, you want her to stop, then send her healing. That might help. If she's happier in herself she might not feel the need to attack you. Pray she gets counselling - they might be able to help her balance herself out. Or, maybe, you could just do your best to avoid her. Be invisible to her.

If you really want to hurt her, and thats all you want, do it and take the consequences.

I'm currently coming to a conclusion, a personal philosophy; every bit of happiness we put out into the world increases the total amount of happiness to go round. So if you want to make the world even a little bit better, be nice instead of nasty, whenever you can. This tends to work for me.

Anyway, back to Tea's question, Help how?