Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:37 pm
Like the title now says. When next I'm on I'll be posting a story I wrote today. I wrote it because the teacher was having people write stories using the topics of the research papers we had written. I'll be putting a list of the topics here. I think.
Like: Elvis Tupac Lamon Hunt John Jones Jane Goodall Walmart Tombstone Happiness Autism AIDS Ku Klux Klan Werewolves, though it was actually about wolves dinosaurs and a couple other ones. Can't remember what they were, but I know I used all of these one's in my story.
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 7:48 pm
My friends! The deaths of Tupac and Elvis are not true! I come with a story from the West, a story told of the future.
In Tombstone, there is a Walmart. The manager of which is Jim Jones, and as a cashier Jane Goodall as well. She is the apple of many eyes there, but two in particular. In this time Elvis rides, a mighty Tyranasaurus Rex his steed. He rides alongside Big Foot on a wooly mammoth, and Lamon Hunt atop a triceratops. When he sat dying on his toilet Jane Goodall had come to him,and saved him from this near death experience. Also in this future is Tupac. Atop a motorcycle he leads a gang of werewolves performing good deeds across the west. THe day he was shot Jane Goodall had been there to save him, and now both he and Elvis were unhappy when she was out of sight. A showdown between the groups at High Noon was set outside the Walmart she worked in. The victor would take her hand in marriage. As they sat outside the gates, Elvis on his T-Rex, Tupac atop his bike, the wind started to blow. The groups took up their weapons, and the battle of the bands commenced. As Rock Ballads were thrown and rhymes were busted a darkness settled upon the conflict. Nelson Mendela attacked. Nelson Mendela, backed by twenty score Ku Klux Klan members, all in a feverish rage. They were there to kill or die, they had nothing to live for any more, that morning they had all been proven positive for AIDS. They had come to kill the music. As this third force erupted into the conflict the battle became intense. On the falling of night all sides went to their camps. Elvis and Tupac met outside Walmart. They formed a harmony between their groups. They decided to fight together, in order to run the KKK out of Tombstone. Jim Jones came out into the night, and offered his help. Though his autism would surely hurt him in the battle on the oming morning, he knew he needed to help. The following morning the armies amassed to face eachother on opposite sided of the parking lot. Tupac walked to the front of the line, he turned to look at the men and werewolves helping their cause. He said only this, "Musicians! The size of the enemy that seeks to destroy us is immense! They seek to destroy that which we have brought here! The music that is as essential to us as our hearts! Our souls! And even if we die here, even if we fail to defend this town! They shall all know that musicians fought here! That musicians came and fought to protect the music they love! To protect their right to Rock! To Rap! Musicians! Tonight we dine in Walmart!" And with this cry the forces charged against eachother. The wind roared, but the cries of the werewolves were louder. The pavement was hard, but the resolve of the musicians was harder. The sun was fierce, but the dinosaurs were fiercer. As the cries and dust of battle cleared, only one yet remained. Jane Goodall had come out of Walmart when the cries had stopped. She came to see what was left. She came, and saw that none had survived. And she was moved, she began to sing a lament for the musicians that had died. This future we may never see, this battle of Tombstone may never come to be. Yet this is still a story for all, a story we all know and wish we had to tell. A story that gives the hope that even though we may strive, even though we fight hard, we may yet fail, but even in failure our purpose holds, and hope endures.
Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 9:30 am
Does anyone have an opinion on this odd story.
Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 9:53 am
Not at all Its kind of funny
Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 1:32 pm
Glad you thought it was funny. My class was laughing through it. I think they weren't expecting it either. I don't talk in public.
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 8:40 am
With my new machinedramon I can try to claim a millenniumon! And then I shall rule the digital world!!!! Hahahahahahhahaha! Muhuhuhuhuhwahahahahaha!
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 2:29 pm
Has anyone seen my COOKIES?? The evil flying monkeys stole them. crying WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH*runs out of the room in a crying fit* crying
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 7:21 am
It is all fun and games, until the fllying monkeys come and take your cookies.
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 12:29 pm
Wow, I must not have made much of an impression on anyone that goes to these threads. No one ever really posts in it.
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 2:26 pm
Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 4:57 pm
My plan for a millenniumon can succeed!!!! All I need is someone with kimeramon and for the dna digivolution to finish getting set up! I have the permission I looked for. All that is left is the creation!!
Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 7:17 pm
Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 7:19 pm
Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 8:54 pm
Marth:That someone around the corner might try and stop you! *glomps Yin* Helloz! Xd
Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:02 pm
g5ng-drag0n Watch kind of scary movies have you seen so far? I'm planning the alternate way for my veemon. AHH ur siggy veemon is sooo cute!!! I just wanna squeeze it! whee 4laugh Ohhh boy xp