Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 2:38 pm
The two Couch potatoes still were knocked out, even after Renamons Jest at Hagurumons Embarrassment of Affection.
"Keep It down Prisoner. You will get your chance to talk soon enough. Dominionmon Should Be almost ready to see you by now." says One of the Angemons as He Strikes the Roof of her cell with His Rod to Keep her quiet.
"Don't mind him, he is always grumpy. Now How about you tell us Why you Did a Stupid thing and Got yourself Caught Up in our war?" says The other Angemon, who sat Right on top of the Jail roof and by the window and spoke to her.
Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 2:55 pm
Renamon sighed and faded into the cell avoiding the force field that she could not see but was sure to be there. The female digimon walked over to the two sleeping boys and kneeled down next to the sofa, placing a hand on Kravens shoulder and trying to shake some life into him "Kraven? Wake up, you have to wake up now boy!"
Kaya leaned against the barrels and stared up at the sweetest of the angel digimons " The usual way, heartbreak and then revenge.." She tilted her head slightly " Ehm.. Tell me.. What do you guys normally do to trainers if they have been...ooh, how to put it.... "Bad"?"
Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 3:21 pm
Dominionmon stops in the reconfiguration of the data as He is notified of movement in Kravens Cell,"Brother Go check on our boy, he seems to have woken up. I'll Finish Up this Digiegg and Be with you momentarily." He says as He starts to reconfigure the data.
"Always got me running your errands eh brother?" say Seraphimon as He stops what he was doing and leaves the room and Dashes down the hallway.
Kraven groggily comes back to his senses,"Get off Me women, It feels like i got him by a truck......" he says as He leans Up, rubbing the back of his neck and squinting from the pain. "Where the hell Am I?" he asks as he looks at Renamon, only assuming it was either Kayas or one of his guards.
"Most unfortunate Circumstances I see. Well We have five various ways to deal with those who Do, as you say 'Bad things'. Two of which are very unpleasant. The other three are Imprisonment and Reformation, Make you come to terms and realize Your Wrong Ways, or Partner you with one our Palace guards so that they can alter you ways. would you like to hear the other two?" says the Angemon down towards the girl in the cell,"and I would Hold onto those bars for two long, they tend to give off Electric shocks when they feel to much pressure pushed upon them."
Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 3:32 pm
Kaya eyes widened and she immediately stepped away from the window "Oh" I see.. Thank you" She leaned against the wall near the window instead "Yes, i would love to hear the other two, it is not like i am busy or anything" The girl giggled slightly and looked up at the angel digimon with a smile
Renamon sighed in relief when she saw that he was finally awake but it did not last long because she could hear someone approaching the cell, she grabbed Kraven by the chin and forced him to look into her eyes "Listen boy, you are in the angels headquarters because one of the guardian vaccine digimons knocked you out and brought you here, Kaya turned herself in because she wanted to save you and i dont know what the angel digimons are going to do to her OR you for that matter! You have to escape as soon as you can, i will stay close and try to help you, make sure Hagurumon know this. And dont listen to anything the angels says they can tell lies as easily as the demon lords can" The digimon then faded away but she was not sure whether Seraphimon had hear her voice or not
Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 4:15 pm
Kraven Blinks a few times before the pain in the back of his neck sets in again . He grabs Hagurumon and shakes conscious, so atleast he would not be alone talking to himself anymore."Rise and Shine Metal Head, Looks Like we have gotten ourselves in some more trouble." says Kraven as He Gradually gets to his feet."Like we are never not in trouble." says Hagurumon as He flinches from the pain from his back.
"You realize that was a double negative right?" asks Kraven as Her surveys what looks to be his cell but looks more like an apartment than anything else. "You can Bite by shiny metal as-" begins Hagurumon who then was Promptly interrupted by Seraphimon."Now Now, no need for profanity. If Our Princes Would come, We have some Matters that Must be talked about. and Present Company Does not insure us a closed environment. SO follow me." he says as He opens the cell door as He stood at the threshold of it.
"Now what if we Don't comply?" says Kraven as He Stares down Seraphimon, trying to size him up.
"Come now, Must I Knock you down again?" says Seraphimon as He dedigivolves to MagnaAngemon briefly before digivolving back to Seraphimon, Sending what could only be described as a wave of fear through Kravens body."Okay dammit we are coming." he says as He picks up Hagurumon and walks out of the room and in front of Seraphimon, who told them where to go as they went through the passages.
"Our Last two methods are Execution and Memory removable and Memory placement." says Angemon,"Which are only used in the most extreme of cases, Kinda of like yours Oh Mistress of the Pit."
Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 4:28 pm
Kaya sighed " Boy aren't i lucky..." She backed away from the window, determine not to let the angel digimons see the tears of fear that was taking form in the corner of her eyes, what if they killed her, or what if they made her forget everything about the digital world and Kraven and Metamormon... She could not bare the thought of it and shuttered. The girl reached down and grabbed her digivice, there was still a flickering red light in it, which meant Kraven was close. She held the device tight to her chest Kraven..
" For the last time stay!" Renamon hissed at the little pinkish angle digimon who seemed to be very interested in getting closer to Seraphimon and is two "princes" but the female digimon grabbed the Marineangemons tail and held it back, somehow it had apparently talked to Kaya and wanted to make sure Kraven was alright.. Renamon held the little digimon like a child in her arms and followed the angle digimon and Hagurumon like a shadow, she was not sure what was gong on but one things was certain.. she was going to find out
Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 5:11 pm
"What did you Expect. Your Stole digieggs and elecmon from Toy And Tama town, forcing them to become dark digimon. You also forcibly sent many tamers back to the real world by unnecessary means and then beat there digimon back into digitama form. Also the Assination of Alphamon. Yes we Know about that. What You did Was Ruthless and Cold hearted. Punishment should be equal the pain and suffering you have caused." says the Angemon who was sitting on the roof.
"You Might have been overlooked by us if not for your sheer multitude of Crimes you have commit in your short stay here. and To bad for you, your Punishment begins Now. We just received our orders for you." says the other angemon as He bangs his Rod down on the roof again, this time puncturing it and dropping down inside it."Your time of Judgment has arrived, Dominionmon calls for you." says The Angemon as He Grabs Her roughly by her arm and throws her upward through the whole to the other Angemon who catches her bridal style."Please comply, I would hate to have to use force to bring you to him."
"Where are we going?" asks Kraven, only to Receive a hard blow to the back of the head, making him stumble forward from the force,"Ow!" he shouts as He Regains his balance and continues walking while holding the groggy Hagurumon over his shoulder. "Keep walking where i tell you to walk Prince." says Seraphimon as he glances behind him than up to the ceiling,"Were almost there just keep walking and keep quiet. Make a right at the next hallway and head into the door to your left." says Seraphimon as He stops in the middle of the passage way, attracting Kravens attention, "go Ahead, I'll be in shortly, my Brother should give you the warm welcome you desire and explain what you want Prince." He says as He turns around, at about the same time Kraven entered the door.
"For a Spy you are Very Loud? Been a Long Time Since I Felt Your Presence Morpher. Are You Here For the Prince? Or maybe Your Boyfriend the Hagurumon?" says Seraphimon loudly, after hearing the muffled voices and steps for sometime now but choosing to deem them insignificant until he recognized Who the Stalker was.
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 5:14 am
Renamon kept hidden in the shadows, burning with cold anger and hatred towards the angel digimon in front of her, she made sure to keep the MarineAngemon behind her "Pu!" The half fox stepped sideways to keep the young digimon away from Seraphimon " Perhaps i am loud for a spy high lord, but you are violent for an angel digimon!" Her voice was cold and emotionless " I am here for my own reasons angel, i wish to know why you kidnapped the boy and his digimon and brought them to this place"
Kaya thought about her options and in the end chose that even if she tried to escape she would have no hopes of getting out of the angels headquarters herself " Fine then.. just.. Don't drop me okay" She folded her arms around the digimons neck ..Metamormon where are you? This is getting worse by the second
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 10:36 am
"Yes I tend to get that alot. But even so, I have Survived Many Struggles over these Many Years as Ruler, And My Violent Behavior Does Not Come Without Reason." Says Seraphimon as He Widens His Legs a Bit and Holds His Hands together at the side of him,"You can say that Our Vigilante Prince is kind of a Pet Project of Ours, Especially Since The Captured Queen Spoke to him and Sent him here. But alas No more words need be spent on someone who Shant Live But a Moment." says Seraphimon as He charges his energy into his hands and than fires it down the hallway in the form of Seven Large spheres,"Seven Heavens!" He shouts as They are Fired Down the Hallway.
Dominionmon just finishes loading the data into the digiegg as Kraven arrives into the room,"AH yes the Renegade Prince. I see you have awoken. Come closer my boy." he says as He motions for Kraven to get closer.
Kraven Cautiously follow the Large angels Instructions, keeping atleast an arms distance from the Angel just to be causious. He continues walking until he comes around the side of the room, when he notices a digiegg on the ground in front of Dominionmon. He Is surprised at it being in the room but then turns his attention to Dominionmon,"Now what do you want me for?" says Kraven in a serious and Defiant tone, which makes Dominionmon laugh.
"I was told you would be Melancholy to the end but I didn't think all the reports on you would be so accurate." says Dominionmon as he laughs again, Making Kraven Give a deep glare, to which He notices,"Now now, so touchy Vigilante Prince, You want to know why Have you here correct? It is because of this Digiegg here that you came to be in this world. and For this Digiegg did We bring you here."
"Whose digiegg is it?" says kraven as he looks at the egg, somewhat drawn to it."Marsmon, The God of war, your original Partner." says Dominionmon, much to the shock and surprise of Kraven who snaps to his senses and Looks at the digiegg and then at hagurumon,"What?!"
"Hold on lady." says Angemon as he takes off, followed by the other angemon closely in toe. He Flies over a few roofs as he makes his way to the castle, to which he lands on the roof,"Now you first through the door."
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:03 am
Renamon leaped toward MarineAngemon and held him as tight as possible before jumping of the wall and landing on the hallway, she managed to shift into Lucemon but had no time to shift further into his falldown mode " Grand Cross!" The attack managed to hit the other angel digimons attack and the a massive explosion pushed all the digimons bacwards in each direction. Lucemon landed on his back and snarled in pain before getting up, his left shoulder was burning with pain but he got up as fast as possible and ran down another hallway in an attempt to escape Seraphimons anger, he still held the MarineAngemon close to his chest as he shifted into Fall down mode and took flight "Dammit where did the boy go!!"
Kaya nodded and stared at the door, taking her time before she carefully placed her hand on the door knob.. Then she pushed it open and entered
Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 4:07 pm
"She Believes that she Can Run From Me?" says Seraphimon as He was about to give chase to Renamon but stopped in mid-motion as He heard a Voice in his head Calling him back to Kraven and Dominionmons Room."Yes,Yes Brother I know. I was Just having a Bit Of fun With A Spy.... Yes I know we Have Important Matters With the Bo-....... You SOund Like Mother now. I'll Be right there......." said Seraphimon as He Sighs and Walks Down the Corridor to the room Kraven Entered.
The Door Kaya Opened led to a small stairwell, which looked very old, unlike the rest of the castle. The Meaner Angemon prods Her With the end of his staff to bid her to move faster as the descend the Stairwell as it seemingly went on forever.
"It may be hard for you to believe, but he was not to be your partner. But alas Certain Situations Have dealt us a Disagreeable hand. Marsmons Digiegg was Injured during the battle as Therefore has been kept here as Me and My brother." He says pointing to the door, on which seraphimon was leaning against. Much to Kravens Surprise sense he Had not heard a sound as He entered the room.
"You will Carry this Digiegg around with you, Sense its Regeneration is now fully complete. And To answer your Question, Hagurumon will not be taken away from you, such things are not of our ways, especially since you to have grown oh so fond of each other in the small portion of time. Though May I ask You a Question, Why Did You do Such a Thing to an Innocent Girl?" asks Dominionmon as He looked into Kravens eyes, who was Utterly frightened by the Large Angels perception and knowledge of his and kayas past dealings.
".... I don't know..... Maybe I didn't care.... Maybe I didn't want to be Cared For....... Or maybe I was Just to Full of Myself To Accept help from a willing human....... So how much do You know about me and her." Says Kraven as He peers into His eyes, trying to get some idea of the Angels thoughts.
"I know and Understand More about Your Feelings than Even You know, That I can say to be true. Even So, You realize that Now Things will become increasingly difficult for you all to meet. So renegade Prince, I have a Proposition for you, Agree with it and Your Girls Crimes SHall be Forgiven. If Not, We will have to do just punishment upon her." says Dominionmon as He sits down on a large stone sculptures footing.
Kraven Looks at Seraphimon and DOminionmon for a few moments before thinking to himself quietly for a few more, trying to weight the pros and cons of the Dilemma he was in. After a Breif moment of silence the answer was clear,"Your Renegade Prince Is Here To Serve, What is this Proposition You Speak Of?"
"The Renegade Prince, Capture Queen, and the Blood Soaked Princess. Remember these Words Well Boy, Because these Will Determine whether or not You and Your Friend will be able to Live as You do now, in Between a war of Angels and Demons." says Seraphimon as He pushes off the wall and Approaches Kraven.
"And Now, This Where the Grand Stages Curtain Opens, and the Play Of Armeggeon Begins......." says Domionionmon in a soft voice.
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 1:19 pm
" Your really starting to annoy me little digimon" Lucemon said with a cold and soft voice, holding on to the little digimon who kept trying to get away. He flapped the feathered angel wings aswell as the dark demon wings on his back in pure irritation but MarineAngemon refused to keep quiet " PU! PU-PUUU!!" The stronger digimon shook his head and grabbed the little flying digimon, cradling it to his chest as if it was a human child and the angel seemingly relaxed " Now be quiet, i will not accept yet another outburst, do you understand?" The digimon nodded and nuzzled against the demon lords chest like a kitten seeking warmth and safety. Metamormon twitched but did not snarl at the young digimon even though he wanted to, Kaya would most certainly be angry at him was she ever to find out he had done such a thing. It seemed as if they had been walking forever, the injury he had gotten from his short fight with the strong angel digimon had healed a long time ago he felt exhausted, but not in his body. The angels headquarters were so filled with light energy that it made him rather drowsy, he was not sure that it was the light-energy alone, but either way it had an effect on him he would rather have been without. He yawned silently and then spun around facing the wall, the digimon stopped and so did his heart, a familiar scent was in the air.. Blood and roses, the smell of his tamer. He smirked, she was very close. The pink MarineAngemon lifted its head very slowly "Pu?" Lucemon walked over to the wall and leaned against it, feeling incredible tired and almost kneeling down to rest -only for a minute- but regained control before it happened. He could hear voices, one of them was Kayas
" No need to poke me with that thing, I'm not walking any faster than this! There really is no need to be in such a hurry, these steps are really.." And with that she slipped and fell backwards with a shocked scream
Lucemon was about to blow up the wall when he heard Kayas scream but chose not to. Kaya wanted him to find Kraven not her... But she was in danger.. he had to stay close to her, WANTED to stay close to his tamer, but he could not find Kraven again while keeping an eye on the girl.. GOD! He was so tired! Lucemon sighed and ran his fingers through his hair while trying to decide what he should do.. " Pu!" The demonic digimon looked down at the young child digimon and smiled " Good idea."
MarineAngemon phased through a wall and floated into the room.. So this was the boy the red haired girl had been so worried about, he looked sweet. Perhaps he liked strawberries? Strawberries were sweet to, but only when it was summer and the boy looked more like a winter type, perhaps he was more sweet like sugar then? or cotton candy!! "PU!"
Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:40 pm
[[ I have so many post to do to hatch this damn egg, an i have been neglecting you.... Sorry love...]]
Kravens attention was immediately Turned to the loud song which he had heard coming from the direction of the far wall."What in the hell?...." sid Kraven as He begins to regain his composure after the sudden Appearance of Marine Angemon,"Is that a giant Pink Furball With Wings? Is He with you Guys?" says Kraven as He looks over to Dominionmon and Seraphimon, the later already being on top of MarineAngemon, holding it in the air by its wings.
"You should Know Little One that this room is off limits to everyone but me and my brother. Now expain yourself." Says Seraphimon in a stern tone.
"Ah yes Please do, because your intrusion could not be at a more inopportune moment even if tried upon." says Dominionmon as He crosses his arms and waits for MArineAngemons answer.
The two Angemon Jump back for a second as Kaya Begins to fall, the Angry one regains his composure and Jumps down after Her, and the Nicer one following after about a minute.
"Prisoner!!!" shouts Paul[ Angry angemon], as he nose dives down toward Kaya, his wings closed to his back so that he could free fall down after her. he reaches out His Hand, as He Tries to Grip onto her Hand Or shirt sleeve.
"Paul Hurry! We dont know where this leads!" shouts John as He descends also, bringing up the rear of the group
Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 3:43 pm
" Pu.." The little digimon replied with a delighted smile /Which means: I just wanted to see if the boy was okay.. The red haired girl was really worried about him and she´s so nice so i promised i would find him for her, and then i met her partner digimon and she was really nice until she became a Fall down Lucemon because then he started being a little angry at me, he found his partner and send me of to find the boy, and i did.. and..i.. cant feel my wings anymore.. YOU know i once tried that when it was snowing and my wings almost froze off, that wasn't very nice either, have you ever tried being in a snowball fight Dominimon? I'm sure you would be REALLY good at it!/
Kaya was to shocked to scream, she could see that one of the Angemons reached out for her but she was falling to quickly into the depths of darkness. It was rather funny.. She had heard that when you are about to die your life and memories flashes in front of your eyes but there was really nothing, she wondered if Lord Lucemon would be mad at her for dying like this and not in battle? And if Kraven and Metamormon would miss her? That was a yes to both questions. The girl closed her eyes and tried not to think of what would happen when her body hit the bottom and she would break like a princess of glass.
Suddenly it seemed that one of the angels had picked up speed and had managed to get a hold on her left hand, she didn't see it but felt it.. She had no idea if its was the good or the bad Angemon or one of the angemons at all who had caught here, because she was still to scared to open her eyes. Apparently she was supposed to live a little longer, just a little longer.
Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:03 pm
Seraphimon and Dominionmon look at one another for a few seconds before turning back to the tiny digimon and says,"Blood Soaked Princess has come for her prince. Looks like the roles of this play have reversed. Alas She Must Die to the Person she is now, If she ever wishes to Live happily, for on her skin is the color not a golden tan, but a pallid of the deepest red. As If one drenched in blood." says Dominionmon as He motions for Serpahimon to release MarineAngemon, which he does before backing away.
"Should I get rid of This Lucemon in the castle my Brother?" says Serphimon as begins to turn towards the door.
"No, it is but a mere imposter Brother, if it Again SHows Itself unkindly in the plans which we set forth, then and only then will we move towards The shapeshifters Destruction."
Kraven Recognizes the 'shapeshifter' comment in Dominionmon's sentence and Immediately registers it as Metamormon, He also Registers Kaya being the blood soaked princess, to which he grimaced at the title,"What are you guys talking about?! Are they here?! Why Does anyone Have to Die?!" Shouts Kraven as He Rushes Up to dominionmon, holding out his digivice, letting him and Hagurumon Biomerge to HiAndromon.
In his New Form He Attempts to pick up dominionmon up by the collar but is knocked into the far wall by a strong Punch from Seraphimon, who dashed from the door and Drove a strong Jab into HiAndromon's Chest, denting his chest plate,"Now Prince, Anger will only bring you misery. Think of Her Death as A Test For You. If the one you love dies, WIll your resolve leave you? WIll you become broken and incomplete? Or WIll you become stronger because of loss?, Only you can know that........ Now Watch Her , Watch her final moments." says Seraphimon as he snaps his fingers and a small monitor appears up in the air, visible to everyone around the room. It showed Kaya as the floor gave way and she began to fall. the sight of it sent a shrill and cold streak up HiAndromons Spine. Tears of Oil began t fell up in his eyes as He watched Her fall. any thing that he may have hoped for was falling with her.....
Why now..... Why..........Am I Destined to stay alone........ to close my heart and let it freeze over?........... WHy when I want something........ Its always taken away....... I Guess I just wasn't meant to feel the Joy and Warmth of Anothers Affection........I'm Sorry Kaya........... I couldnt Help you...... Thought HiAndromon in his head, his mental distress causing his Biomerge to fail and He became Hagurumon and Kraven again, both of which stared up at the Screen, the floor becoming increasingly closer to Kaya as She fell , causing Kraven to weep openly, the tears Rolling down his eyes and across his face, which was distorted because of continued resistance to the cold Loneliness and Helplessness he felt. Just as the Floor came into Full View, the monitor shut off,causing Kraven to jump up and Slug Seraphimon across his face with a punch before he collapsed to the floor Crying harder than before,"You can't even Grant me the Ability to see her as she Dies?!" He Shouts at him as he cries.
"Why should we? This Way You wont ever fall, You will forever stand on that tiny bit of hope that one of the Guards we had assigned to her saved her. Or maybe she lived through the fall and still is alive enough for the Angemon to fix her up. Keep that Hope of life in your Heart Broken Prince. The Tamer Of the God Of War will not survive if he looses all hope. but he also can't win when all He Does is Hope and Dream."
"Why Not! I was happy then!!! My hopes and Dreams Made Me feel Alive!! Why Must I become ColdHearted once more?!" SHouts Kraven as He continues Crying on his knees,
"Because You Gained Compassion and Love for your enemies, it made you soft...... It made you reckless...... These things we Can not have.To be Our War Prince, Compassion for the Enemy is only given in death by your hand. Love Should not exist on the battlefield, For it clouds Judgement and Dulls reflexes. For these reasons you now must die unto your new self. and again become the God of War we Saw you as when you entered the Digital World." Says Seraphimon as He stands ABove Kraven and Grips his SHirt hard and Pulls his to his feet,"Time For grieving has ended, Time For Glory and Battle has Come!." he shouts with Zeal in his voice.