Not really. Youve been a good recolorer since we met, and now your doing custom sheets and bgs? Simply amazing.
Well thank you..You have no clue how much that makes me day to hear ( or read whatever =P) people saying such awesomely nice things about my work.
Thanks to your amazing sprite work I can get Fanbeemon as a extra partner without worrying about the sprites not being there. ^-^
Thats GREAT! Sci was saying that it was a problem. Glad I could be some help around here! =D That makes me so happy.
You've outdone yourself!
Your sprites are great keep up the wonderful work.
3nodding Thanks Dante, I'll certainly try! ( I always do, I've never learned how to not try
sweatdrop )
aww thanks Cherry!
Edit: TigerVespamon is being revealed later tonight! Stay tuned!