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Friendly Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 10:48 am
Kayonis decended the stairs and arrived at a bright room which seemingly floated in the middle of nowhere. "Whoa. What is this place? It's so hot. I feel heavier." He said. "That's why we are training here. You see, while in here, the further you go, the heavier and hotter it gets." Chaos explained. Kayonis took a step onto the floor and fell face first. "Man you're not kidding." He said. He strained under his own weight to pick himself up. He was already sweating under the strain. "While you are in here, you are on your own. I can't help you and no one else can either. This is where you will learn to control your powers." Chaos said. "If you can survive just one day in here, you will notice a distinct difference tomorrow when you leave here. Good luck." Chao said and left. "A year in this place. I've gotta be crazy, I can't do that." As soon as he said that, he clutched his head and fell to a knee. His power was going crazy. "No...I can't control it!" He said to himself. THen he thought to himself. "I have to. If I don't, all I love will die at my hands." He said starting to fight back. He regained control, but just barely and stood back up. "Ok. I've got to be more careful." He said. "I guess it's now or never." He said. "SImulation stage one." He said. "Beginning stage one. Army of swatbots from Dr. Robotnik." The mechanical voice called out. Soon Kayonis was surrounded be many swatbots. "This is level one?" He said to himself. He positioned himself and started to train rigourisly.  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 11:11 am
Sophie got checked by the doctor after she vomited in the toilet again, she felt fine but it had happened for the last few days. Flage waited on the balcony as the doctor checked Sophie.
"I will leave you to tell him," said the doctor as he left. Sophie came to the balcony putting a hand on Flage's thinking about how to break the news.
Flage waited knowing Sophie well enough to wait till she told him. After a few moments she could not think of the best way to tell the news...
"Flage, I am pregnant..." she said unsure what to expect from Flage.
Flage almost fainted from shock at that news. He was excited at the thought but also worried, he had no fear that Sophie would be a good mother, he was unsure of himself...

They decided not to tell the others yet and locked the front door thinking...  



Friendly Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 11:27 am
Three hours of training and Kayonis had moved towards the center of the room and was seen battling a small squad and incoming Egg carrier attacks. At this point, his shirt was torn almost completely off, his pants had several holes in them, he was bleeding from a cut to the forehead and was breathing quite hard. "Chaos Storm!" He yelled out. Suddenly, lightning rained down on top of the Eggcarrier and a flood started to cover the floor and destroying the army of bots. "Simulation ended." The voice called out. Kayonis not so much drifted as plummetted down to the floor. "Hah hah This is tough, but I have to keep going." He said. He was just starting to gain control over the power and his emoitions. He had been severly doubting after the first thirty minutes and nearly destroyed the romm, but recovered after seeing images in his mind of Sonia. He knew he still had a ways to go, but couldn't go on at the moment. He had to rest. Only three hours had past outside the room. Inside it had been several months already. He hadn't rested very much at all and he could tell a big difference in his power and control, but would it be enough when he is outside this training room?  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:10 pm
Sonia had rushed to Flage's and Sophie's house as she was worried about Kayonis who had been missing for quite a while now. She knocked on the door loudly and Flage not wanting to disturb the sleeping Sophie did a front flip off the balcony landing just beside Sonia.
"Can you help me find Kayonis," she asked with a worried look in her eye which Flage saw.
Flage chuckled a little and said,"Guess Sophie was right about you and Kayonis then," winking.
With that Flage started to walk with Sonia through the forest. Tails rushed up on them with some sort of energy tracker in his hand.
"Flage, I think we have a problem look at this," Tails said pointing to the tracker. A large amount of energy was coming from an old ruin about 3 miles north. Flage nodded and told Sonia to come and the 3 rushed there.
The ground shook a little cracking slightly.
Flage got in a battle stance expecting the worst telling Sonia and Tails to step behind him. The ground shook again and the cracks expanded.
Tails then said"Something of a huge amount of power is under there..."
With that Flage got ready to use his Chaos Emerald holding it in his back hand ready to fight or flee with the others in case of danger ....  



Friendly Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:19 pm
A day had gone by and Kayonis was drained, but feeling very accomplished. He had achieved a power he couldn't have ever dreamed of. He started staggering out of the doorway. He saw Flage, Sonia, and Tails. "Hey, guys...sorry I've been gone awhile." He said. He tookd a step and fell face first to the ground falling asleep before hitting the ground. "Is he hurt?!" Sonia asked.  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:26 pm
Flage thought for a moment and then got out his Chaos Emerald activating Chaos Control but due to not having the emerald he gave to Sophie he had to use some of his own power but it got them to the castle. Flage fell to a knee from the power he drained from himself but recovered a moment later.
"Help me get him inside Tails," Flage said carrying Kayonis with Tails' help.
With that they placed Kayonis on a bed and before anyone could say anything Flage disappeared using Chaos Control to check on Sophie...
"I do not get it," said Tails thinking for a moment.
"Whats wrong Tails?" Sonia asked.
"The amount of power from that spot I thought there would be a few chaos emeralds there," said Tails trailing off unsure how Kayonis could have had so much power back there ...  



Friendly Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:41 pm
Kayonis awoke an hour later and felt Sonia place a cool rag on his head. "Morning." She said. Kayonis smiled and said "Morning beautiful." She smiled and sat on the bed next to him. "What've you been doing to get your clothes all torn?" She asked. "Training." He said and managed to sit up. "You know you weren't in any condition to train. You may have done more damage to your arm and ribs." She scolded. "I'm fine." He said. "I know, I'm just worried. You've got so much power now. I have to wonder what you've gotten yourself into. I mean, Chaos did try to destroy this place a long time ago. He may be using you to try to do it again." She said. Kayonis thought on this. It made sense, but it didn't seem right. Glass was heard shattering below and alarms went off. Kayonis rushed down and ran into Sally. "Kayonis...when did you get back. Never mind. An orangish creature just snatched the emerald we had and vanished. "Chiro!" Kayonis said and ran out only to be stopped by Sonia. "Manic and I will go. You get some rest tough guy." She said and ran off. Kayonis didn't want to listen.

"I'd listen to her. Look." Sally said. Kayonis looked down and saw he was bruised very badly at the rib cage. "I'll fix you something to eat and you can tell me what you were up to yesterday. We got back and saw you were missing and the next thing we know is Sonia was rushing off to find you." Sally said. A few minutes later, Kayonis was eating at the table and Sally had joined him. "You two are dating now aren't you?" She asked. Kayonis blushed. "I knew it, but that's not important. Where were you?" She asked. "I was training all day yesterday. I guess I over did it." He said. "Your mother and father were worried. They had called the castle and asked about you and when I told them about your injuries and you disappearing they got really worried. You need to tell us where you are going and doing." Sally said. "I'll keep that in mind." Kayonis said. Another smashing of windows and Manic and Sonia came flying into the kitchen. They weren't bad hurt, but were unconscious. Sally charged after Chiro who now had six Chaos Emeralds. He now looked exactly like a dragon. He had wings and everything. "WHERE'S THE OTHER CHAOS EMERALD?!" He demanded.  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 1:40 pm
"It seems the resent dimensional travel has made Mobius and Earth unstable slightly and put Chaos Emeralds in both of them," concluded "Eggman"
"With 14 Chaos Emeralds I would be unstoppable..."
With that the Egg Carrier launched into the moon's orbit with the battleships the plan had been delayed ...


Flage checked on Sophie finding her safe his head quickly shot up in the direction of the castle. He sensed trouble...
He instantly flew there to see Chiro with 6 emeralds yelling for another but to Flage that meant there was 8 how strange he thought ....
He landed infront of Chiro and simply said, "You can not have this emerald," holding it in front of him. Then he spread his arms palms facing to Chiro. Power flowed through Flage to the gem and then a light shot from Flage into the emerald.
The light covered the emerald and expanded into a figure. It was Cruge's soul but holding a sheathed sword.
"Evil will never win," said Cruge as he unsheathed the sword. With a might slash Cruge attacked Chiro knocking him back and then Cruge was gone.
Flage fell to a knee from the power drain as Cruge shot back into him. He then used even more of his power and everyone in the area including Sophie and except Chiro was transported to Angel Island safe for now...
Sophie had awoken and looked around then she saw Flage collapse from the power he used and she yelled his name as she rushed to help him...  


William Sstrider

Shirtless Gawker

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 2:14 pm
"So this is Angel Island nice place." Desseger said to himself. "That Chrio guy should really go into anger managment." he joked only to relize that he was alone.  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 2:23 pm
Rasu and Dessenger were relentless in their attacks on Chris, never stopping unless Chris fell to a knee. But finally after about 20 more minutes Chris was finally able to hold them off for a minute. "Yes! I did it!" Chris said panting. Chris' eyes went blank, and he fell to the ground unconcious. "Poor guy, he over did it." Rasu picked him up and was walking back to the castle when Chiro appeared. "That's...the creature from that one time!" Rasu thought remembering when Chiro stole his first emerald. Rasu remembered he still had the blue one in his coat pocket. "He won't take it from me!" He thought. Before he could do anything, though, he was instantly on Angel Island. "What?! What am I doing here?!" Rasu looked around but he couldn't find Dessenger. "Hang on Chris we'll go to Uncle's place." Rasu said. He pulled out the blue chaos emerald and activated chaos control teleporting to Uncle's house. When they arrived Rasu ran into Uncle's house. "Hey Uncle! I need you to take care of Chris." Rasu said. "What happened to him?" Uncle asked. "Don't worry, he was just training really hard and is unconcious right now." Uncle looked at Rasu. "You seem like you still have something that you need to do." Uncle said. "Your right, please take care of Chris." With that, Rasu activated chaos control and went back to Angel Island. He looked around more and found Kayonis. "Hey! Kayonis! What happened?!" Rasu asked.  



PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 2:25 pm
Sophie looked after Flage as he rested from the sheer amount of power he had used which he should not have had....
"Chao Chao," said Chaoloca sadly trying to help Sophie who was looking VERY pale.
"I am fine Chaoloca," Sophie lied who was feeling like she might vomit any moment but she kept by Flage's side doing what she could...  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 2:35 pm
Kayonis looked around. He was home. "How...did I get here?" He asked. He looked down below and saw Chiro on a rampge. "He's looking for the loast Emerald." He said. "If he gets that last one, we're done for." Sonia said getting up now. "Hey. You ok?" Kayonis asked. "Just a slight bump on the head." She said. "Nothing to worry about." She said. "Good." Kayonis said. He walked towards the edge and watched glaring at the beast. "It's one thing to mess with me, but when you mess with my friends, you're just asking for trouble." He said. "YOU HEAR ME CHIRO?!" He yelled. "He's pissed." Manic said. "You're not kidding." Tails said.  


Friendly Shapeshifter

William Sstrider

Shirtless Gawker

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 2:36 pm
Dessenger slowly pick his way through the forest he had been warped to. The going was slow for he did not know the geography of the island. "Well at least i know basic survival skills." he reassuerd himself as he headed towards Tails watch beacon.  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 2:46 pm
Sophie was feeling faint but she kept looking after Flage who had still not got up. The amount of power he used almost killed him but he did not even mean to use it as to him it was a reflex. He had meant to blast Chiro back with Chaos Spear which he learnt from Cruge's soul but something went wrong ...
Sophie did not know how long it would be till Flage woke up but she was not sure what to do and just waited by Flage's side almost in tears at the fact Flage had almost died (AGAIN)
She was worried he had no control of his power or that he would go over his limits further killing himself from the power ...  


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