Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 11:41 am
Doranak Half Lion Kid VividAutumn Quick question; Are you required to get a Digimon as soon as you enter the guild? See the one I'd like is Limited, and I'm not sure which one I'd like to get besides that one. ^_^" Oh & when it says you have to win it in a contest, does that mean you have to wait for a particular contest to come around or just any contest... Was that confusing or am I just weird? =D Please ask in Q&A and You have to wait for a particular contest. Oh sorry.
Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 12:15 pm
Gaia name: Ceche Digimon: Renamon Registration fee:1000g Status:[Paid]
Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 1:32 pm
[IMG]http://i532.photobucket.com/albums/ee322/Sunny-Little-One/CecheRena.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i532.photobucket.com/albums/ee322/Sunny-Little-One/BrianVee.jpg[/IMG]
Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 1:39 pm
Gaia name: VividAutumn Digimon: Hawkmon Registration Fee: 1000 G Status:Sent Trade
Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 1:53 pm
Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 1:56 pm
Hakari Niko [IMG]http://i532.photobucket.com/albums/ee322/Sunny-Little-One/VividHawk.jpg[/IMG] Thank you very much!
Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 5:24 pm
Gaia name: Mister_ fahrenheit Digimon:Strabimon[R] Registration fee:1000g Status:[Paid/Sent Trade/Not Paid] Sent trade
Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:17 pm
Gaia name:sorceror kikyoku Digimon: renamon[T] Registration fee:1000g Status: edited: IN JAIL (DO NOT MAKE ART)
Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 8:39 pm
Mister_Fahrenheit Gaia name: Mister_ fahrenheit Digimon:Strabimon[R] Registration fee:1000g Status:[Paid/Sent Trade/Not Paid] Sent trade Strabimon is not on the list. Please choose another digimon. Sorceror, do you want Viximon, Renamon's In-Training form, or Renamon, the rookie? I was confused by your order.
Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 12:29 am
Gaia name:sakura123222 Digimon biggrin arkRizamon [C]
I press donate and i gave 110gp to this guild! biggrin stauts razz AID TODAY I THINK please dont kick me out.I'm trying to earn money.
((pls do not make art))
Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:26 am
*Edited* Gaia name: Ichigo_KurosakiXx Digimon: Guilmon (please nickname him Giga) Registration fee:1000g Status:paid
i really wanted gaomon but...since he's limited *sighs* i'll take guilmon
Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:16 am
Ichigo_KurosakiXx Gaia name: Ichigo_KurosakiXx Digimon: Gaomon Registration fee:1000g Status:[Paid/Sent Trade/Not Paid]sent trade READ THE LIST & RULES PLEASE!!!! stressed
Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 10:41 am
Gaia name: iWaffl3z Digimon: Veemon Registration fee:1000g
Sent trade.
Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 1:41 pm
sakura123222 Gaia name:sakura123222 Digimon biggrin arkRizamon [C] I press donate and i gave 110gp to this guild! biggrin stauts razz AID TODAY I THINK please dont kick me out.I'm trying to earn money. ((pls do not make art)) I cannot make your art for two reasons. A) You're in Starmon's cell. B) DarkRizamon is a Champion.
Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 1:44 pm
Gaia Name : VictoryKitty Digimon : Chibomon [F]
How do I give a donation? =D