the dancing kitten
*whistles through her teeth as she talks*
Well, I'm a geezer too - I'll be 23 next month! Hurrah for adulthood!
For the first while when I was here on Gaia, it seemed like everyone was a 12 year old spastic whiner with the typing skills of a rheusis monkey - but then I noticed the rare geezer...
heart Welcome!
There are waaaayyyyy to many of that first category around gaia for certain!
But, like you I found a few real people here and there - then one of them told me about this place! You'll love it!
Here it is possible to have a discussion without having to reach for your "netspeak dictionary" or try to decipher some ancient dead language - only to discover that the fool is off their home keys and didn't bother to read or preview their post to notice it!
You are not required to wade through strings of profanity that don't even go together
sweatdrop (Kids, if you are going to swear, at least use phrases that actually work together!!!!).
One of the most rewarding things is that here we all bother to read what everyone says and even more amazing - people here actually care what their fellow geezers have to say!!
Hurray for geezers!!!