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Spaniard The Last Angel

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 7:41 pm
Israel looked at Ceres, and noticed her aura. She was seculding herself from him, for she would usually just turn and answer him. Instead, she did not look at him, scolding him with that fact; that she was not able to look at him. Still, he had to do something, it was not only his job to make sure Ceres was well physically, but mentally as well, and he did not want her distressed in such a critical time. "I was just... checking up, is all... curious..."

Adrian was relieved that Theia had not taken offense to her words, and she calmed down again, vagely aware of Elizabeth's presence once again, save her soft breathing that Adrian could now hear as she rested on the matress, surrounded by her two reasons for living. Her stomache gave a growl as her eyes seemed to have trouble staying open. She wasn't sure which to do first, sleep or eat. Either way, she was not going to put her well being before Theia's, she would wait until the other was fully healed. "I suppose..." She looked over to Pharos for a moment. She was right, he was begining to look more and more like that traitor whom Adrian felt she should have killed from the begining. Deep inside, Adrian blamed herself for Theia's broken heart. "What are we going to do from here? I mean... after we are rested?"

Elizabeth stayed on the floor. She only moved so that instead of sitting up, she was laying down comfortably on the ground. Her body was used to this, Jackel never really allowed her any luxouries, which is most likely why she kept so silent at the time. Wanting to cause no more trouble for the group, she closed her eyes, despite how much she needed to be nurished and decided to sleep off her exhaustion and malnurishment. She was in safe hands, for now anyway.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 7:59 pm
Dumping that next basin of boiling water over her head, drenching her even more, she put it down and stood from the rock and walked over to him, fully drenched, without any clothes on, looking at him straight in the eye before speaking. "What are you really up to Israel?" she suspected with a slight glare, "You've never called me by my name, you never 'check up' on me and you've never been 'curious' to see if I was alright before...obviously being in the 'heat' is too much for you." engulfing her hand in flame she extended it towards him and shot a stream of fire from her hand out towards him, her arm drying in a moment's time. "When you have an explanation I'd like to hear it." she said more sternfully and more like a master while grabbing her towel and wrapping it around herself while stepping out of the bathroom, and letting her hair drip over the floor. It was obvious she had changed...slightly....very slightly. It was all because of Elizabeth, she was the one she blammed. If she had told Israel that she was jealous how would he see her? weak? unworthy of his services? unworthy of his love? what? In reality, Ceres was just afraid to be weak or seen as weak.

"Isn't it obvious?" Theia said looking up at Adrian to answer her question, "We're going to ask if they have a map or any idea how to get out of the desert. They should know someway to get out of the village. I can tell they get some of their supplies from far off....with their help we can finally move on to this....sanctuary Elizabeth keeps refering too....." Theia wanted to firmly believe that the others were still alive, and that they weren't the last. But she was also prepared to kill Elizabeth or....at least have something done with her if necessary. "I have informed the village leader of our journey and he understands we cannot stay long....he and the others are just happy to be in our presence." she continued on before sitting up and moving beside Pharos.
"You must be hungry I'm sure, unfortunately I don't have enough in me to sustain you, you may go out if you wish, but....perphaps take Elizabeth with you if you do..." she wrapped her arms around Pharos as he slept before she herself rested, her legs now out of the empty basin and back into the form of human legs.


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Spaniard The Last Angel

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:40 pm
Israel watched Ceres with a frown, not knowing what to say at being shot down by the other so quickly. He felt her rage, her fustration; how could he not? It bounced off her body like the steam from the water she used to drench herself with. He did not faulter though, even as her womanly image moved towards him, as his face flushed, as her fires came dangerously close to his face. And as she left, his pose was distorted from trying not to seem soft to Ceres. Turning quickly on his heel, Israel's hand caught Ceres' arm softly, though he did not force her to look at him. "Well, if you must know, its natural for one to be concerned for an other... is that not what you would want of me? Is this not apart of loving you, as you commanded me to do? As you wish for me to do?" Wow was it getting hot.

Adrian frowned when Theia moved to sit up and away from her, but her mind wandered off quickly when she was instructed to find some kind of nurishment. "But..." She looked to Theia with dim eyes before deciding to hold her tounge as she saw Theia moving to lay next to Pharos. She knew she should not bicker with Theia, not when she was still so weak. Deciding just to go with the flow, Adrian gave a sigh and with some effort, lifted herself from the bed to walk towards the still broken door. Her eyes glancing down to Elizabeth, she held out her hand to her, knowing she was watching her every movement even through closed eyes.

Elizabeth was in fact watching Adrian, though not through her visable eyes. Elizabeth had somewhat of a sisth sense; the ability to see without acutally seeing, to smell without scent, and other such things. In short, she knew what was taking place around her without having actually observing it; making her an excellent watchmen. But there was nothing to watch here, and with an eyebrown raised, Elizabeth's eyes fluttered open to see Adrian's hand reaching for her. Not wanting to offend her, Elizabeth weakly reached up, and felt herself being easily pulled from the ground to stand next to Adrian. She was only taller than the other by a few inches, but it was very clear who was in charge.

With a stern look, Adrian turned her gaze away from Elizabeth and began to walk out of the room, hearing Elizabeth's soft, scrapping footsteps behind her. There was no way she was going to leave Theia and Pharos alone with her, even if she was weak. Then again, there was no way Adrian was just going to let Elizabeth starve. In silence, the two went out of the inn and into the town, trying thier best to stay out of the sun as merchants and other towns people stared at them in awe. This annoyed Adrian greatly, and it did not help that Elizabeth was walking rather slow. Eventally, they were offered a meal from an old woman and they accepted gratefully, listening the human's tales of the great Sand Spirit that lived with them years ago. A rustle moved about the town and as the sun began to set it was obvious that Theia's words were correct and that some festival were to take place later that night.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 3:54 pm
As she was walking, leaving the bathing area and walking towards the open window, her wrist was snagged by Israel as she turned and looked up at him, even though he didn't really force her too. She had to tone down her flare while looking at him - her heartbeat still very heavy and very hollow within her chest. After hearing his explanation she turned with her back to him before walking to grab her dress and to do her hair by the window and spoke. "If you only knew....Love isn't something I can command you to do, I may tell you to, but if your heart isn't in it and you don't love me as I am instead of your master...it's not love at all..." she muttered and walked to her bed and picked up her dress, pulling it over herself before sitting by the window. It was the first time in her life in which Ceres felt the flame in her heart slowly start to burn out in hollow pain. "If your love is nothing but an order from me then I'd rather not take pity on you...go...search the area for a way out of this village.." she spoke softly while looking out the window, just wanting him to leave however not sure if he would, keeping her soft red eyes staring out into the desert sands.

Many of the towns people, men and women were very busy preparing for the festival, lighting torches, setting up special tents and booths. It was a very special occasion, for the towns people and something to celebrate. Many of the young warriors, mostly male a few female approached Adrian and Elizabeth to question them, so fasinated after going so many years without seeing a single Spirit or Guardian.
"Is it difficult transforming into your Werewolf forms?"
"Do you Spirits make you fight often?"
"How are you treated among them?"
"Have you ever had to defy your Spirits?"
Many of them continued to ask the two guardians, without any knowledge that Elizabeth no longer HAD a Spirit to guard.


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Spaniard The Last Angel

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 8:37 pm
Israel put a hand up tp protest against Ceres before deciding it would be best to just leave her alone. Putting down his raised finger, Israel simply gave a silent nod and took a few steps back, looking at Ceres before finally turning on his heel slowly and leaving her alone to ponder. He too was thinking, and as he exited the in silently, not noticing the rumble that seemed to caress the village as the sun slowly began to set behind him. He kept walking, his boots digging into the both rough and soft terrian of the village streets and before he knew it, he wasn't even in the village anymore. He had to blink a few times to remember why he was even outside to begin with and he realized the village was not very large and had a simple one way road to lead in and out. When he looked up, he saw nothing but endless mounds of sand. He gave a sigh and slowly turned back to the inn. It seemed no matter where he went, there was always something out there to blind his vision of the road ahead.

Adrian and Eliabeth were quickly baffled by the onset of villagers who seemed to have found an interest in them. Adrian decided it was best not to answer so many questions descriptivly, in fear of passing valuable knowlage onto Raiders, but it would have been rude of them to not answer at all. Speaking under her breath in a voice low enough for only a Guardian to hear, dark brown eyes glared at Elizabeth's own as they sat across a table from eachother. "Do not speak. Simply nod and eat and then we will leave... Just because Israel is not here does not mean you are not under watch."

It seemed odd to Elizabeth to be reciving orders from Adrian, yet she obeyed. In a sense, she did ot resist for long ago, Adrian had infact often ordered Elizabeth around the pack, subjecting her to chores and other things, but she was never so harsh. Elizabeth nodded her head in agreement and sighed. Adrian never used to be so... mean. Elizabeth remembered soft, liquid amber eyes of an innocent young girl who was too mature for her age and too young to have the responsibilites dumped on her by an abandoning mother and father. Now they sat across a table of a land they never once ventured before, enemies, slave and master. The loss of color in Adrian's eyes did not phase Elizabeth as much as the loss of her memory and Elizabeth was silently hurt, and greatly jealous. As she listened to the villagers ask questions about Spirits and Guardians, a thought struck Elizabeth that had been buried in the back of her mind. Theia. Was it Theia that owned Adrian's heart now? Is Theia the reason why Adrian seems to hate every ounce of Elizabeth's being as humanly possible? But then why did Adrian let her live? Placing the palm of her hand to rub her forehead, Elizabeth tried not to think so much as she began to eat, her dark brown eyes slowly turning back into the golden color they once owned before her weakness and her face seemed to gather more color. It was not long however, when Israel came walking through the streets mindlessly and recieved the attention of the group of villagers who had bombarded Adrian and Elizabeth. Immedatly, the villagers drifted over to Israel, wanting information from the only male Guardian and they all moved away in one large group before finally being split apart by a peacekeeper, instructing them to continue work on the night's festival.

Adrian didn't pay much attention to anything and she mindlessly answered the questions of the villagers, concentrating more on the food in front of her rather than the few words that escaped her mouth. Finally, the crowd drifted away and Adrian sat with a sigh, renergized and feeling even stronger as the crystal clear sky over head darkened and the presence of a bright moon could be felt to come just an hour or so from then. Looking over to Elizabeth, Adrian waited to see if she was finished as well, noticing how she too infact seemed healthier than before. Looking to the side, she saw a small table where a merchant sold his wears, and her eyes strayed off to a rather large mirror. Looking into it, Adrian could see her bright skin, wild strands of black hair, amber colored eyes, and... She blinked. This person in the mirror, this wasn't Adrian, was it? No, this couldn't be. Adrian did not feel as if this person was herself, staring back at her with an odd expression. Yet, she knew the reflection was real and she looked harder. She could not remeber an of her images from the past years. She could not rememeber the differences that changed within and throughout her body as she aged from a young, rebellious girl to a soft, defensive woman. Did she always look the same?

Israel, glad that the crowd had broken away from him, decided he did not want to see Ceres just yet, afriad that she did not wish to see him and simply sent him on an arrand to rid her of his presence. But he could still not understand why Ceres seemed to be acting so odd. It was all confusing him and he had no one to clear the mess up for him. Stopping at the door of the inn, Israel thought for a moment and then turned around, heading back towards the place where Adrian and Elizabeth sat quietly eating. "Adrian..." He watched as his twin sister seemed to have been torn out of a daydream or something of the like to give Israel a blank stare, wondering why he wasn't at the inn in the first place. "Could you go tell Ceres that the town seems to be in the middle of no where and we'll have to get directions later." His eyes seemed to tell her that he did not want an agrue at the moment and for fear of actually getting into another arguement, Israel was glad that Adrian stood up silently and nodded her head before walking away. Watching her go, it took Israel a moment to remember that Elizabeth was there as well. His eyes grew narrow as he watched her sit innocently, looking at him with a mixture of fear and interest. "You..." He tried not to make his voice so loud, wanting to avoid a scene in the village and balled his hands into fists. "Go back to the inn and stay there until I say so..." He watched as a rather nervous Elizabeth seemed to shake in her spot before standing up and obeying quickly, leaving Israel alone with his thoughts. He figured it would be okay to stay outside and wander the village so long as the two other Guardians were in the inn now. Kicking away a random stone, Israel kept wandering around the dirt roads, ignoring curious glances and not noticing that he was infact, walking in circles.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:07 pm
While spending some of her alone time alone, Ceres drifted into Theia's room, unnoticed since all the guardians were seeming out in town, doing their own thing. She loomed over her sister and nephew as they slept together to rest through their illness; a look over Ceres' face changing from her usual rough and cold state to a look of apathy and jealousy.
She slowly reached out toward the two, closer towards Pharos, before gently placing a hand on his puffy cheek as he slept. He may have been half human half spirit, and he may have been the son of a Raider...AND she did hate him for just existing, but never the less she was her sister's son, and was the product of the love two people could have for each other.

"You're lucky you know that...to know your parents loved each other enough to have you...We Spirits don't really have biological parents, we're all born from the Father Tree..."

Sighing heavily she pulled her hand from her nephew's cheeks and walked to the window to watch the sunset beyond the horizon, crossing her arms and having her deep firey eyes begin to fade in colour. Ever since Pharos' exist was made clear to her, and that Spirits could love and create something from that love, she'd been thinking...not about having her own child like Theia of course not....but having Israel really love her. Theia's love for Adrian was much different, but their bond was strong and she knew the two of them loved each other in a different manner. She wondered if Israel loved her enough to care for her well-being without being asked, to be able to have a mind of his own and protect her, not because it was his duty but because he wanted to.

Maybe she was getting soft, and maybe she'd never be able to get her feelings across to Israel but despite that fact they had that mission to attend to....and whatever happened to them on the other side on that island didn't really concern her...it was the journey they all had to take there and the many centuries they had spent together to get that far.

"I've never seen you so distraught."

As Ceres turned her back to the dark red sky her twin sister sat up on the bed, her long lushious dark navy hair glowing in what light was left, as her eyes twinkled with tiny sparks of the stars. Her voice was as calm as the ocean on a clear night, echoing so gently. It seemed that Theia had been awake, either for some time or just long enough to hear her sister's heartfilled cries of wonder and sense of emptiness. "Things will change between you two...only if you wish it too. I think that if he loves you, he will love you through his own terms..." Theia reached out and held her sister's hand gently to soothe her emotions with a gentle smile, just as the door opened and Adrian appeared through it, the two releasing hands and Ceres sternly walking past her to her own room to wait and see if Israel had returned or....not returned.

"Adrian, finished so soon? or have I slept for far too long?" Theia asked looking out the window to see the sun setting as Pharos awoke as well, sitting up, yawning and streching to wake himself up, crawling over the sheets and his mother for a glass of water to quench his thrist. "How are the villagers and the preparations going? I hope it isn't....too overwhelming is it?" while Pharos was up she wrapped her arms around Pharos from behind, picked him up and placed him in her lap while waiting for her friend to answer. She and Pharos looked more rested than earlier, Pharos with a slight illness that could be ailed with the proper medicine and a bit more rest. At least being a half Spirit was contributing to his metabolic system and his immune system, allowing him to heal faster than a regular human.


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Spaniard The Last Angel

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:33 pm
Adrian stepped through the door quietly, her stance so much better than it had been before, as she watched Ceres leave behind her, turning around to tell her Israel's message before being called upon by Theia quickly. "Oh um... well, it's rather... festive, I can say that..." She made a sweatdrop expression as she thought about her answer, just now realizing all the sights and sounds she had unknowingly witnessed as she passed through the town. She had been so content on finding food that she did not give much attention to the events taking place around her. "But don't worry, I think they are all just over excited..." She tried to put on an expression that made it seem as if the event did not take too much effort to put together, but she knew it did. "Well, Israel sent me over here to tell Ceres something... " He thoughts had raveled through what she had done in the past hours before her eyes fell on the sleepy eyed Pharos. "How are you two doing? Do you need me to bring you something while I go talk to Ceres?"  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:54 pm
Theia looked down at her son who looked rather content, however hungry but he'd get one of the Inn tenants to get him some food. Looking back up at Adrian she stood and picked Pharos up with her while walking with her towards the door.
"I'll help Pharos fetch you some food and help wash you up. It'll be nice for all of us to look presentable. After all it isn't just the Spirits they are thankful to see but you Guardians as well. It was Sand Spirit Gevin and his guardian (forgot his name don't remember if I gave him a name) Elios who saved them so many years ago. They are just thankful to see that there are more Spirits and Guardians alive in the world." she motioned Adrian into the room and towards the bath with a smile. "Once I find us some food I'll take care of you, and then Pharos. Hopefully my sister does something about Israel and Elizabeth before then..." she muttered a bit of the last part while walking out with her son in arms.

"Adrian seems different..." Pharos said softly while being carried around the Inn by his mother. Even though he had been asleep this whole time he knew when something was wrong between all of them. After all he'd grown up with the four of them and had gotten to know Adrian very well over his childhood. She may not have been his guardian and he wasn't her master but there was still a bond the two shared which was probably through Theia. Even has a child when Theia couldn't take care of Pharos she'd ask Adrian to take care of him but that was such a long time ago....

Theia was surprised he noticed her slight change in attitude and put him down on the floor and kneeled in front of him, "I wouldn't worry too much about it, besides that's why I'm going to talk to her in the bath. Your job is to get better for the festival tonight...it'll be your first one so I hope you had enough rest." with her sweet and motherly smile she kissed her son's forehead while holding his hand and walking to find the Inn tenants that could bring them some food. She was glad she wasn't the only one who saw the slight change in Adrian's attitude. Even though it was slight, Theia was still close enough to notice it.

After she'd found food and returned with Pharos she walked into the bathroom while taking her dress off so it wouldn't get too wet and too ruined. "Ready for your bath?" she smiled while sitting on a flat rock waiting for Adrian with a water sphere floating beside her.


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Spaniard The Last Angel

PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:54 pm
Elizabeth walked into the Inn shortly after Adrian, not wanting to disturb her in any way that would anger her. She had caused enough trouble for one day. Just as Theia had left Pharos with the tenants, Elizabeth entered the inn, looking around with curiosity. Her golden eyes were still a little dim, but the more she took it easy the more she was likely to heal, especially now since she was in the same area as Israel. Walking over to where Pharos sat, she kept her head low, watching him eat as she moved locs of her hair behind her ears. "H-how are you f-feeling?..."

Adrian knew she still had to relay Israel's message to Ceres, but she wasn't going to deny a direct request from Theia. She held up a finger to the other to protest, but it seemed Theia had other things on her mind, so she dropped it. Ceres would live. Finding herself to have been pushed into the bathroom, Adrian gave a shrug and undressed only partially, not really caring if her clothes were wet since they needed a wash as well and were very simple to begin with. As Theia walked back into the room, Adrian turned with an embarrassed look on her face as she sat in the middle of a pool of water, soaking wet and seeming to have been splashing around. "Uh..."
PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:14 pm
While Pharos was sitting in a chair at a wooden table eating his stew and ripping a small loaf of bread, he noticed Elizabeth walk into the inn and kept his head down. He thought that maybe if he was quiet enough she wouldn't hear him but unfortunately she walked over, keeping her head low as well but still watching him while he ate, moving locks of her short blonde hair behind her ears. He continued to eat quietly and keep his head low, just before she asked how he was feeling. Pharos knew he didn't like Jackel that's for sure...but he wasn't so sure about Elizabeth. She was kinda wierd...like Israel and Ceres in a way, he wasn't sure if they liked him or hated him and he wasn't sure he liked or hated them. He was quiet a moment in pondering before poking his head up to her with his large sea blue eyes that resembled his mother's before speaking. "Better...I've been sleeping with mother and she makes me feel better...." he said softly reaching over to her and putting his small hand on her forehead, "are you better?" not really knowing her for very long he was a little bit oblivious to how she'd gotten with the group other than little flashes of his eyes opening to see her while his mother or Adrian was moving him around while he was resting through his fever. Although he didn't know her very well he could still read her face quiet well and could tell something was wrong.

"You're not shy are you Adrian?" Theia asked while washing her hair and her body as best as she could to be able to get her ready for the festival that evening. It had been a while since any of them really had a proper bath...especially after Ceres lead them blindly into the desert just because she thought going south was a good idea. Theia's hair was a little uncontrollable but at least she cut it when she was better and had washed up a bit herself. When she was done with Adrian she too managed to cut her hair back to the way it was with the little dagger she carried around that was usually never used other than things like this.

When she finished cutting Adrian's hair she poured another sphere of water over her before giving her a towel and standing up, drying herself off and putting her own clothes back on. "I don't want my sister thinking I don't take care of you.." she whispered and winked back to her guardian while helping her dry off as well. But while she did she embraced Adrian from behind, closing her eyes and smiling to herself, "Thank you...for always taking care of Pharos and I...our survival would never have been possible."


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Spaniard The Last Angel

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:04 pm
Elizabeth cringed slightly when Pharos reached out to touch her, but she new better than to object. Taken back by his question, she had to think about her answer before she actually said anything. No one had ever asked about her well-being before. Well, at least during Jackle's rein anyway. "I-I'm, fine... thank you..." She looked up from her gaze at the table to look into the young boy's blue eyes, and for a moment she was reminded of Theia. Mixed feelings over came her before she blinked and the image faded away into nothing but an innocent boy.

Adrian blushed the entire time Theia cared for her and did not speak, only smirking slightly when Theia mentioned how much of a pretty boy Ceres had made Israel. Running a hand through her freshly tamed hair, she felt Theia's warm arms wrap around her in an embrace and her blushing stopped and her voice fell low. "No, thank you, for you..."
PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:14 pm
Pulling away slightly, Pharos continued to sit in his chair close to her, eyeing her strangely before continuing to eat. The two of them were rather silent but nothing could be changed about that, they were just very awkward for a while that's all. When he was finished he turned back to her and began to speak again, "Do you like being here better than being with Jackel?" he asked quietly hoping not to tread in waters too deep for him to handle.

Theia found Adrian's response a little odd and pulled away slowly with a smile on her face, "I've really done nothing to help you...and our jouney might end when we reach that island Elizabeth was refering to....only time will tell...." she muttered softly while walking out of the bathroom and leaving to look for her son who had wandered off to find food.

Lounging around in her room Ceres wondered where Israel had run off to, hiding under the covers since it was getting dark, lighting a couple of candles to keep the heat in the room while she lit a finger a blaze to see if she could sense him somewhere out in the desert.


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Spaniard The Last Angel

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:20 pm
Elizabeth looked surprised at the young boy and his question, but she had fear in her and that fear kept her from becoming emotional and offended. "I, um... am not sure... I suppose, yes... I haven't been harmed yet, if that is a factor..." Not physicaly anyway...

Adrian watched Theia walk out of the room, and without thinking, rushed out after her, her footsteps inaudible as she gently grabbed Theia by the back of her arm. "What do you mean, 'Our journey might end'?"

Israel continued to walk around the desert streets for a while, enjoying the sights and sounds of the on-coming festival gather around him like a small boy. He, like Pharos, had never been to an actual festival, save the small parties for Ceres back in Deus. There was a sudden numbing in the back of his head and his thoughts transformed over to Ceres and he realized how long he had left her back at the inn. In no hurry, he began making his way to the inn, leaping into her room through the open window to find her laying in bed with a few candles lit.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 3:13 pm
To Pharos there was no such thing as an in between or a maybe answer...it had to be a yes or a no and she was definately leaning towards a no...Thinking to himself he got off his chair, standing at just her waist line looking up at her before speaking again, "I like it here...everyone seems nicer." well obviously his mother and Adrian would be and even though Ceres and Israel had their moments they were still nicer. Pharos was a simple little boy with simple pleasures in life. He didn't think anything was difficult to understand and that people were easy to understand. He liked his mother, her guardian but he certainly didn't like Jackel...he didn't mind Elizabeth now that she was calm...maybe like he did, Elizabeth wasn't sure about how she felt towards Jackel. Walking off he went down the halls to find his mother looking for him.

Theia saw Pharos down the hall and was about to go to him when she felt a tug at her hand, stopping in place before turning around to see Adrian again. She questioned the simple fact that their journey might end, sounding unsettled by that fact. "It's a simple matter..." Theia said softly turning and putting a hand on hers, "once we reach that island there might be no use for you to be my guardian if I am reunited with my people...but even I don't know what that future has. When the time comes you and your brother might have to leave us and rejoin your clan and things will go back to the way it was before...I don't know I can only wonder..."

"You're back." The Fire Spirit said sitting up and turning her gaze to him while putting the flames out in her hands. "So...any way out of this desolate place, I don't want to overstay my welcome and besides I miss some of the action." she did truthfully miss it but didn't mind being in the desert in peace for a bit, she was just trying to make up conversation between the two to keep things from getting awkward.


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Spaniard The Last Angel

PostPosted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 6:10 pm
Adrian raised an eyebrow at Theia's statement and frowned. "Theia... being a Guardian is not something we choose, its nature, science! You can't just expect it to stop, can you? It's not even a matter of sense, it-it... consists of chemicals and, and... territorial aspects... animal instinct-" She looked up quickly when she heard Pharos' footsteps enter the hallway in which the two stood and so she lowered her voice to a whisper. "...you can't just quit nature..."

Elizabeth watched with a questionable expression as Pharos took his mysterious leave. For such a simple boy, he sure was complicated. Looking back to the table, she saw a few slices of unfinished food and scooped them up slowly before taking a seat, sensing a great deal of tension somewhere in the building and not wanting to interfere.

Israel walked deeper into the room slowly before taking a seat at the edge of the bed, turning his head so that he could see Ceres. "There's just one road in this town... one way in, one way out, surrounded by dessert... but I am sure at least one of these villagers knows how to get out of here..."
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