New RN's. How bout it? |
I desire to serve the Mistress and her ladies unconditionally |
22% |
[ 10 ] |
I just want a drink |
35% |
[ 16 ] |
Say What? |
24% |
[ 11 ] |
Oh gawd. How am I going to walk in those heels? |
17% |
[ 8 ] |
Total Votes : 45 |
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 12:57 am
SP-O Wlm Dougherty *With their arms around each other, they walk down the hallway towards their bedroom.* I know that you are my heart and soul. I will not allow them to say who I can and cannot be with, and I will stand up for my rights. You M'dear are well worth fighting for. I love you so very much ...
*He pulls her in close to him and holds on tight for what seems like eternity, then he releases his hold on her* Now, what do you say we get some sleep? *He looks at her and gives her a smile* *She grins* Okay. *She goes over to her side of the bed, kicks off her shoes and strips down leaving her clothes in a pile on the floor because she's too tired to pick them up. She slides into bed and yawns as she waits for him.*
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 1:00 am
SP-O Wlm Dougherty (( *Grabs at Maune's booty*  There's a lot of bootys to grab tonight! xd )) ((Thanks for the grab Officer ^^)) ::Maune smiles and waves goodbye to Kits Rose after reutning the hug before she leaves and recaps the bottles of sake and puts the one that need to be chill away and the ones that don't away as well::
SP-O Wlm Dougherty rolled 5 6-sided dice:
4, 1, 1, 2, 2
Total: 10 (5-30)
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 1:05 am
Psyzapp *She grins* Okay. *She goes over to her side of the bed, kicks off her shoes and strips down leaving her clothes in a pile on the floor because she's too tired to pick them up. She slides into bed and yawns as she waits for him.* *He goes to his side of the bed, strips down, then slides into bed along side her and spoons her.* Goodnight, my love. *He wraps his arm around the front of her, then kisses her shoulder. He yawns as he lays his head down on the pillow. It is not long before she falls asleep in his arms, and he follows suit shortly thereafter.* (( Sorry, no action tonight! Just romantic gestures and needed sleep. Goodnight everyone!  ))
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 1:09 am
{{*giggles* Well, there is a difference between sex and romance. While the two can mix, they are independent of each other, meaning you can have sex without romance as well as have romance without sex. wink }}
Intellectual Conversationalist
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 1:22 am
((well I got to go for now all take care ^^)) ::Maune smiles as he starts to walk out of the bar and waves to everyone::
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 5:14 am
{{*cues wavy flashback effect to signal the Tes and Ryzan retropost sequence* I'm actually going to borrow a lot of Exor's posting style for this. You'll probably see why in a moment. Hooray for colors? For the sake of ease for both myself and readers, just pretend all the dialogue is in Drow. If you don't like long posts, I suggest you skip the whole thing. I just felt like writing... a lot.}}
*Saturday afternoon, after Ryzan had let the two of them into his quarters, they talked briefly, mostly to decide who will be sleeping in the bed. They soon part ways, Ryzan going to his room and Tes to the lounge. Since Ryzan had been more vocal about his sleeping problems it seemed best that he have the more comfortable accommodations. Once in the lounge, Tes takes off his tie and wristbands, then empties his pockets out onto a nearby table, making sure to place at the bottom of the pile the white ponytail he carries around so that it is not easily seen. He takes off his glasses and sets them next to the pile before removing his shoes and tucking them under the couch.
While taking some time to find a comfortable position to lay in, an image of Ryzan sleeping on the couch in Psyzapp's office flashes through his mind. His brow furrows, feeling irritated by the thought.* Why do I keep thinking about that? It's not like I haven't seen Ryzan sleeping before. Hell... I've been in bed with him before. What's the big deal? I don't get it... *He turns over several times, but no matter what, it seems no position is comfortable enough. Giving up on it, he just lays on his back and stares at the ceiling. Once again, his thoughts wander back to the other day in Psyzapp's office, causing him to let out a slight groan* It's Ryzan for crying out loud! He's a guy! I'm not into guys!
*Frustrated, he tries to flood his mind with memories of women he had been with to drown out the recurring images. It doesn't take long before he gets to Miro, the high elf woman. Due to how long they had known each other, memories with her were the most vivid, but were also immediately followed by the feeling of guilt realizing what all had come to pass because of his interactions with her. He shakes his head and tries to think only of his life on this world to escape the guilt, but aside from being stalked, teased, and flirted with he can't remember actually being with someone.* Dammit. There had to have been someone somewhere along the line. I could practically have my pick of whoever I wanted if Ryzan wasn't here. If he had just gone home, I wouldn't have all this pent up frustration in the first place. I would have found someone already, even if just for a night or two.
*Rubs his face with both hands, starting to become angry at Ryzan. As he drags his hands up and down his face, he feels his wedding band against his cheek. Resting his right hand on his forehead, he pulls his left hand away and looks at it, focusing in on his ring. Letting out a sigh, he starts to calm down.* Who am I trying to fool? I've been wearing this the whole time. I never took it off... I didn't want to. I... I still don't want to. I don't want anyone to be with me. I'll only feel bad about it...
*Twirls his ring around his finger.* So I'm just supposed to stay celibate for the rest of my life or something? The only person I don't feel guilty with is Ryzan... but... I can't... *Thinks again about the other day.* I can't... it doesn't feel right... or at least... *Remembers how he admired the feel of Ryzan's skin when he didn't realize it was Ryzan that he was touching* ... it never did before...
*Groans and rubs his forehead* What am I thinking!? There's just no way! This... this is all probably just some kind of phase. It'll go away soon enough on it's own and if I do something, I'm just going to feel like an idiot later. *Hears Katana's voice in his memory as if she were right there in the room with him* I think you're just scared. Scared? Why the hell would you say that? Because you're not going after what you want. Some rogue you are. *Lays still for a moment, running the dialogue through his head over and over.* She must have just said that to try to get me to humiliate myself even more than I already had. She doesn't know anything about this. She doesn't know what she's talking about. *Despite his efforts to disregard her statement, the words still ring in his head*
After a while of thinking everything over, he grabs his pocket watch off the table and checks the time, discovering several hours had passed and he was still awake* Dammit! My schedule is going to be all screwed up. *Plops back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling again. His mind finally begins to calm as he listens to the silence around him* .... I wonder if Ryzan is sleeping.... *He sets his watch back down on the table and quietly walks over to Ryzan's room. He starts to reach for the doorknob, but hesitates* He's asleep. I know he is. But... what if he isn't? What would I say? What am I even doing? *Swallows hard and slowly opens the door. Ryzan is laying in bed with his back turned toward the door, making it difficult to tell by seeing if he is asleep. Tes closes the door behind him, trying not to make a sound then walks up to the side of the bed. He speaks in a whisper, loud enough to hear but quiet enough to hopefully not wake Ryzan if he is in fact asleep* "R'zn... are you awake? R'zn?" *Waits for a moment, but doesn't get an answer or even a stir from Ryzan.*
Suddenly feeling nervous, he forces himself to take deep breaths* You've been in his bed before. He won't think anything of it. And you can't sleep on that couch. If he asks... just say that couch wasn't comfortable. That's not untrue... *Carefully, he slides into bed, being sure to make as little movement as possible to avoid waking Ryzan. Like in the lounge, he lays there on his back, staring at the ceiling* Just calm down. It's only Ryzan. This isn't anything new. *Gradually he starts to relax, feeling that maybe now he can get some rest. He closes his eyes and clears his head, trying to sleep.
Before long, Ryzan begins to stir causing a feeling of panic.* Shu shu shu shu shu! He's waking up! I need to get out of here! This was a stupid idea! *Starts edging away, but before he can get very far, Ryzan has his arm draped over him. His eye twitches as he looks over at him. Relieved that he's still asleep, he tries again to calm down, assuring himself that he'll be awake and gone before Ryzan even knew he was there. He returns to a clear mind and closes his eyes again when he notices Ryzan's scent.* He... he really does smell good... *Breathes it in, the smell somehow causing him to experience a deeper level of relaxation.* What is this...? Why does it feel so.... soothing? It's... it's..... nice....
Damn you... Ryzan....
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 6:37 am
*After laying in bed for a while, taking in the scent, he begins to question if Ryzan was also as soft as he remembered from that day or if he was dreaming it.* Don't even think about it! Just don't! You would have noticed before if you actually liked it.... I think. Or maybe... I didn't want to like it... *Opens his eyes and watches Ryzan sleep for a few moments before curiosity gets the better of him. He reaches up and very lightly brushes his fingertips over Ryzan's cheek* ... it -is- soft. I wonder..... I wonder what else is...
*Combs his fingers through Ryzan's hair as if it's for the first time. For once, he actually pays attention to the texture of it and how it glides smoothly between his fingers.* Skin... hair... *Gulps as he watches Ryzan, his heart beginning to pound harder as he moves his hand back to his cheek* .... lips? *Slowly and gently traces his thumb along the crease of Ryzan's lips, blushing at the quiet, unexpected whimper he lets out in his sleep. Too enamored to think, he gives in to temptation, moving his thumb out of the way and replacing it with his lips.* Holy shu! What the hell are you doing!? I... I did this just the other day... or week... or.. something. What's the difference? You know the difference! Cut it out before he wakes up! I..... don't care.... I don't care if he wakes up... I don't care anymore...
*Breath becomes heavier as he holds Ryzan in place, kissing him more intensely*
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 6:46 am
((I KNEW IT! rofl 3nodding xd ))
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 6:49 am
{{ rofl But wait! There's more! .... yeah, I've got issues...}}
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 6:51 am
{{Still in "flashback mode" wink }}
*believing the act is taking place in his dream, he returns the kiss without realizing Tes is actually in bed with him. As it grows more passionate, he starts to whimper*
Intellectual Conversationalist
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 6:59 am
(( OMG did I pick the right time to come on or what??? rofl rofl rofl ))
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 6:59 am
(( Poor Ryzan! cry WHY DO YOU HAVE TO TORTURE RYZAN SO!! scream evil ))
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 7:19 am
{{He likes it twisted }}
*With Ryzan getting into it, he decides to take it further. He turns to his side to face him, letting his hand move down to unbutton Ryzan's pajama shirt. After reaching the last one, he slips his hand in, gliding it over his chest for a moment before pushing him onto his back and rolling over on top of him, settling in between his thighs while kissing his neck* Are you crazy!? There's no way you can do this! You know you're going to back out. You always do! Just stop! *Ignoring his thoughts, he takes his own shirt off then pushes Ryzan's open, trailing kisses down his neck and chest. Upon reaching the scar over his heart, he rubs his lips against it, his breath hot and heavy. He pulls up just a little and licks his lips before dragging his tongue along the length of the scar*
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 7:30 am
{{Gi ussta! *fans self* redface }}
*waking up a bit more, he starts to become aware that something is actually taking place, but isn't sure what. After some effort, he manages to get his eyes open just a little.*
Wha..... Wha.... What.... What.. is... happening...?
*shuts his eyes tightly, hoping that will somehow clear up his vision, then reopens them... this time recognizing what he sees as Tes on top of him, licking his chest. Instantly, he starts to pant and blush profusely*
Qu.... Qu.... QUORTEK!... Wha... What-are-you-doing?
Intellectual Conversationalist
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 7:49 am
"Nothing, R'zn" *Undoes his pants and starts kissing Ryzan behind the ear* "You're just dreaming. Go back to sleep." *Softly bites his earlobe while pressing their hips together.* Why? *Feels Ryzan's chest and stomach* Why? *Bites down on Ryzan's neck, leaving a mark* WHY? *Slides his hands down Ryzan's sides, tucking his fingertips just underneath the waistband of his pajama bottoms and undergarments* .... why do I want this so much? *Slowly begins to pull them down*