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Questionable Genius

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 7:43 pm
Sage was excited that his mood had lifted, and by the kiss on her cheek. She wanted so badly to stop and kiss him, for a long time...
Time is what they didn't have. At that realization she picked up pace.
Sage giggled at Jets comment, admiring his smile.

"Perhaps you could...But I'm not in the mood for splinters." She smirked at her silly joke and stole a quick kiss on the corner of his mouth.

"Not all day, especially when you're going to meet grandma at practice tonight...Promise, when I get un-grounded-Which won't be any time soon, I'm sure... We will, on the weekend...We'll go for a long walk...How does that sound?"

She smiled brightly pleased that focusing on making him happy was working.

It was silent for a short moment before Jet spoke. It wasn't the response she expected...

"You look so beautiful when you smile, I want to always see you smile."

Those words imprinted themselves automatically in Sages mind as
she thought over them carefully. Then one thought turned into a resolution...
He's happy when I'm happy...

She silently vowed to never let Jet see her in pain. He wanted that, he needed that...It would make things easier on him. Sage cared for him so much that she was willing to endure and bottle up all of her pain...She knew full well it wouldn't stay that way when he wasn't with her... But she also knew that pain didn't amount to the thought of losing him not at all.
She smiled at him her warmest loving smile in response.
PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 10:44 pm
Jet's smile grew when she smiled back, though he was completely oblivious to the internal dialogue his comment had caused. He held her hand as they walked to school, completely content with the world as it was at this moment. The cold didn't matter, the fact that it had started snowing again didn't matter. All that mattered was that he was here, and she was with him. He made a vow then, walking with Sage: He would always be there when she needed him, no matter what for. He would do his best to make sure that she was happy, for he honestly believed she deserved it.  

Tir Malice


Questionable Genius

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:30 pm
((-Claps- YAY! I loved that post so much! Sorry I changed the order of things....))

Sage found her resolution hard to keep as they passed through the high school. She felt the heat of everyone's stares as they walked through the hall way, hand in hand. The gossip had not gone past her ears either.
whispers of how she was wearing the same cloths as yesterday.

A boy in her peripheral vision was trying to get her attention. She glanced at him, he mouthed the words Did you guys... You know....Then he made an obscene hand gesture with his hands... Sage by now had done a fantastic job keeping her face neutral , occasionally flashing warm smiles at Jet to distract him. Sage was shocked completely by the assumption... It hurt her feelings and it also hurt her to realize that their relationship can't go and farther than it has. Because he would never see her pain, she would make sure of it. Sage shook her head at him, like he should know better to think that of her.

The girls gave her the dirtiest looks, looks that shouted: What makes you think you're good enough for him? It was complete torture. Sage often obsessed over if people were judging her, scrutinizing her, and what they thought of her. Her delusions, were far nicer than what was being gossiped over aloud. Sage's expression never changed and the senior girls pretended to accidentally knock into her. Her smiles never faltered when Lauren Hensley, the principals Daughter and President of the drama club glared at Sage like she wanted to pounce for the kill. Sage let go of Jet's hand and sat on a metal fold out chair as soon as they entered the drama room.
They action seemed a little to hasty, so Sage smiled at Jet and indicated for him to take a seat next to her. A snort could be heard coming from Lauren's direction, apparently she had been watching... Sage Kept her eyes on Jet ,beaming up at him with a warm sincerity.
"So, That was the disapproval you were talking about, huh?" Sage whispered softly. "Thanks for the warning..."
PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 9:40 pm
Jet put an arm around her, not completely unaware of the stares, and his thoughts turned toward what she must be going through. His friends were staring at him. Rick was currently waving at him to come and talk. he scoped Raven and Bob walking into the room and motioned them with his head, hoping that they would understand that he was asking them to kind of "Protect" Sage while he left. He knew that people weren't stupid enough to do anything while he was around, but worried about what would happen when he wasn't, and based on the stares, it wouldn't be pretty.

Jet stood. "I'll be right back, I promise." He followed Rick out the door.

"What's up Rick?"

Rick shook his head. "What the heck where you thinking?"

Jet made a confused face, "What are you talking about?"

Rick looked around the corner, "I can't believe you slept with her!! The . . . " His voice dropped to a whisper. " . . . the freak!" He hissed.

Jet's jaw dropped. "Nothing happened!" His eyes narrowed. "And watch what you call her."

"Right, nothing happened, and based on the fact that she is still wearing the same clothes, I'm supposed to believe that!"

"Oh, give me a break, she spent the night, that doesn't mean anything happened. And what's it to you if we did?"

"Scandal, that's what, everyone else knows she's whacked out of her mind, why can't you see that?"

JEt shook his head. "My future isn't yours to decide." He attempted to head back into the room.

Rick reached out and grabbed his arm. "Jet . . . "

His voice got vicious. "Let . . . me . . . go . . . "

A commotion in the room grabbed his attention. He broke Rick's grip and walked into the room.  

Tir Malice


Questionable Genius

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 11:33 pm
Sage fought the urge to take hold of Jet's hand to make him stay. The heat of everybody’s stares were making her nervous. Of course no one would know it with how well she was holding it all in. Her expression never betrayed any of the overwhelming emotions that were swimming inside of her. Sage smiled at Bob and Raven as they walked over to sit next to her leaving Jet's seat open.

"Hiya Green...So you guy's are an item now. That's great Sage, Raven and I like Jet a lot."
Bob said in a very non nonchalant way like he was trying to ease the tension.

Apparently Lauren was listening as well.
She stood up slowly and walked over to stand right in front of Sage.
She had a very intimidating presence; it was laced in her voice movement and facial expression. A few second later her entourage of friends were standing behind her exuding the same intimidation.
Sage kept her mask on, not an ounce of fear was painted in her expressionless smile.

"So what, you boink guys on the first day?"
Sage raised her eyebrows in shock for a split second, then shook her head no...She had on an expression that simply stated: I am not going to dignify that question with an answer.
"You are wearing what you were wearing yesterday. Your grandma told mine that you stayed over at Jet Blacks House. You are such a slut! You don't deserve him you frumpy who-" Bob cut her off when he shouted at her his voice laced with anger and protectiveness.

"You shut your whore mouth Lauren! You are only spitting your venom at Sage cause he's not dating you...It's his choice to make...You and all your little Snakettes can just go and sit on your high horse some where else."

Bob glared at the group of blond populars his arms crossed over his chest in a casual pose. Raven interrupted Lauren right as she was going to respond, she stood up never breaking eye contact.

" And you have no room to call anyone a slut Lauren...You forget that I am your ex's little sister."

Sage snickered a little she knew exactly what Raven was implying .She was grateful that she had friends that stood up for her.
Lauren raised her hand to slap Raven; at the sound of Sages quiet laughter she turned her attention back to her target.
"What are you laughing at freak? You got a lot of nerve for someone who can't defend her self; you have to have body guards..."
Lauren glared at Raven like she wanted to tear out her throat.
"You haven't said one thing freak, speak up!"

"I spent the night, Lauren, but I didn't sleep with him. We hung out with Bob and Raven. But I ended up falling in the lake. I didn't wanna worry my grandmother 'cause she overprotective...So I stayed the night. This morning he asked me out...End of story."
The small lies floated out of her mouth very easily, because the whole time bob was shouting she had come up with a safe story...She knew she needed to explain even if they still hated her afterwards.

Laurens lips were tight...Every word Sage spoke sounded like the honest truth. It infuriated Lauren; she wanted a reason to hate her, a reason to hit her. Lauren was not the type to hold back her anger that's why she surrounded herself with her friends; they knew when she was going to explode. And when that happened nobody was safe.
Right before Jenna was going to suggest leaving; Lauren was in the air landing on Sage. The chair fell backwards with a loud crunching sound that echoed because of the theaters acoustics. Sages head hit the ground with a dull clunk every few seconds right after Lauren shrieked obscenities at her.
" You don't deserve him...You are...nothing...but ...a freak! Why...does...he ...like.... you ...and...Not....me!"

Bob and Raven as well as Laurens entourage were trying their hardest to pull Lauren off of Sage, but Lauren was running off of Adrenalin and jealousy.

Sages’ vision was blurry and all she could see were the bright lights of the stage, and the form of Jet walking back into the room. Disappointment hit her harder than the thinly carpeted concrete that was bashing her over and over again. He was going to see her hurt, even worse being hurt. Several hands were around and on Sage trying to pry her head out of Laurens grip, and to soften the blows. When her head was free, it was set down carefully on the floor. Sage was suddenly aware of her right wrist as a sharp pain erupted from it, her fingers wouldn't move. It had gotten smashed under the chair and the force of the fall. A groan escaped her lips; her vision began to fade back and forth from darkest black to brightest white. She didn't move an inch and tried her best not to focus on the fact that every pair of eyes in the room were staring at her. She could feel it.

((If you're wondering Huber is late for class.))
PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 12:02 am
It wasn't the arms pulling her off that stopped her, it was the sound of Jet's voice. In fact, when Jet spoke, the whole room froze. It was the combination of the look on his face, the icy cool way in which he spoke, and the feeling of untold anger boiling underneath . . . more than that, it was the profound words which he spoke. A confrontation of the most popular guy in school, and the most popular girl . . .

"Lauren . . . " Jet did well to keep his voice level. A breath of air escaped his nostrils, tearing the air like steam leaving a train's brake line.

Lauren froze. She knew what had just happened . . . She looked slowly, the strength leaving her hands. "Uh . . . "

Bob and Raven looked at each other, unsure of what to do. Raven's hands were under Sage's head, stained in Sage's blood and completely sore. Bob and James where trying to pry Lauren's arms off of Sage, they let go.

"Release her . . . . now . . . " Jet's eyes were red. His hand's balled into fists.

Lauren backed off, her entourage helping her to her feet. Jet closed his eyes and breathed deep, cooling off a little before kneeling next to Sage. "How is she?"

Raven shook her head, indicating she didn't know. Sage looked around the room with eyes that didn't seem to be seeing.

Lauren stuttered. "Its her own fault . . . she . . . I mean . . . "

Jet shook his head. "Don't even try, I heard it. But let me tell you this, a person like you, would never deserve the attention of myself, or anyone, for that matter." He looked at her. "You are a vile person."

Jet had been known to be a very laid back person, always happy, and always nice. In the time that he had been at this school, he had not said one thing mean about anyone, this comment made the people in the room gasp.

Jet leaned over and gathered Sage into his arms. "Raven, could you support her head please?"

Raven nodded and did so as Jet stood up. He carried Sage out the door, glaring at Rick as he left. "I suppose that I was meant to date her? Hmm?"

Jet walked to the Nurse's office.


Bob smirked as Jet and Raven left the room. "Well . . . . I guess you blew your chances there? Didn't you?"

James shook his head, got on his hands and knees and started to clean the blood on the floor.

Lauren Glared at Bob. "You'd stick up for a freak . . . How fitting, considering your track record. You and the goth freak."

James stood up to get more paper towels. "Enough!! Both of you. You should be ashamed of yourself Lauren. Someone in your position should act more befitting. And instigating doesn't help anything." He looked from Lauren to Bob, then glared across the room at Rick and went back to work, this time being joined by a few of the other students.

Rick hung his head and turned around, resting his head on the wall, and watched Jet carry his girlfriend down the hall.  

Tir Malice


Questionable Genius

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 12:42 am
Sage was rendered a little more coherent by the familiar smell of Jets laundry detergent and shampoo. She was confused as to why she was moving so fast and why Raven was holding her head...Every thing was just so blurry.
First thing she did was smile up at Jet...Any thing she thought of saying would come of as cheesy, so she remained silent admiring Jet as he carried her to the nurses office. As soon as she saw the door she began to panic Her wrist it was hurt! She would be asked to pull up her sleeve!
...No...He'll see them....NO!

"NO! NO Nurse! No..."

She weakly tried to scramble out of Jets arms but was failing miserably....

"She hates the nurses office..." Raven told Jet.
"Sage honey you look really hurt." She stopped short because she probably shouldn't have said that in front of Jet.
"I mean you really need to go..To get better...Kay?"
Sage stopped her struggle, and looked Jet in the eye. She took a deep breath before she spoke.

" I'll go but you and Raven can't go in with me OK? I'll go alone. But, wait out side Raven might have to take me to the... to the...Place...with the X-rays..."

Sage fought back the urge to wince and weakly smiled instead...
"I'll be fine, please just... wait here Jet, please?"
PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 1:06 am
Jet looked into Sage's eyes. They were dancing around a little and looked dilated. She likely had a conclusion, and by the way her hands and fingers were moving, it looked like one of her wrists might be broken. "Sweetheart, if I set you down, you'll fall over. Its ok, I'll stay right by your side the whole time. Its ok, my mind isn't going to change at the first sign of trouble."

Raven kind of smirked. She was glad that Jet was the kind of person he was. She was honestly happy for Sage. "Sage, he's right, you aren't in any condition to walk . . . " She eyed Sage's limp hand curiously, wondering why it caught her eye. As it to accentuate both her words and her thoughts, some of Sage's blood began to run down her arm. Lauren had really pulled a number on her.


Lauren watched the group clean the blood. She shook her head. "Fine, do what you want, I'm not going to be in a class with a whore." She stood and left the room, her fan club on her heels.

Bob smirked a little as he imagined Raven giving her a good hard slap to the face. He sat back on his heels, his hands were covered in blood. There was so much!

James shook his head. "I hope she's alright, man . . . what a mess!"

Rick came back into the room, his head hanging. "James . . . I . . . "

James shook his head. "Just let it go . . . "  

Tir Malice


Questionable Genius

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 1:24 am
"No! Okay You can carry me in, but leave immediately after."
Sage began struggling again pitifully pushing against Jet's chest.

Raven rose an eyebrow Sage was hiding something. And she didn't want Jet to find out about it. Raven love Sage like a sister...And she knew that it was important to her to keep her secret...

"Jet you should listen to her...Her wrist...It's broken, I caught that as soon as she mentioned X-ray's ...So I think we should wait out here while the nurse looks it over...Kay besides I'd like to talk to you...If you don't mind."

Sage let out a sigh of relief, she was glad Raven was on her side.
But she was slightly worried whether or not Raven knew why...

"Please Jet? Wait here."  
PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 1:59 am
Jet looked a little hurt. "Ok, I'll lay you inside and then I'll leave, but I'm not going anywhere else until I know you are ok, alright?"

Raven looked at the blood running down her arms, and almost knew she had it figured out.

Jet put Sage down and kissed her forehead. Raven tugged on his shirt and pulled him out the door.

The door shut behind them. Raven looked Jet over with a stern face. "Now look here, I didn't get a chance to say this last night, Sage is family to me, in every sense of the word. And if you ever, and I mean ever, hurt her, or break her heart, I'll break something of yours in half, got it?!"

Jet winced under the onslaught. "Umm . . . got it, don't worry, I don't intend to. This isn't my fault!"

"If you think I'm letting you off that easy . . . "
She stopped as she watched a drop of blood fall off her arm and land on the floor. In the sudden dead silence, it echoed down the hall. He face softened instantly."I know . . . I know it wasn't your fault." He clasped her blood soaked arm to her chest, not caring that she soiled her shirt. "Lauren is a total nutbar, she thinks that just because her father is the principal that she gets out of things." She shook her head. "Don't worry, I don't blame you for it, in fact . . . You . . . you are different then I expected. Sage deserves to have someone like you there for her." She clutched her arm tighter.

Jet reached out and put a hand on her shoulder. "Its ok, she'll be fine, I know it."

Then, much to Jet's surprise Raven broke down and started crying, burying her face in his chest. Jet just stood there, hands on her shoulders.

Bob walked up, also unusually somber.

"What's wrong with you two?! Act normal, please?"

Bob looked at Jet, and Jet could see he was hiding a smile. "Why? Sage is on her deathbed and You're stealing my girlfriend!"

Raven grew silent. Then turned around and slapped Bob across the face.

Bob stood silent for a moment. " . . . I'm sorry . . . even I knew that was out of line."

Raven wrapped him in a hug. "I know . . . its just how you deal with things."  

Tir Malice


Questionable Genius

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 7:25 am
Sage didn't like Jet's hurt expression...She could tell he really wanted to be there for her. Sage smiled weakly has he kiss her no the cheek...Then His was gone. Sage avoided looking around the room. Everything in nurses offices doctor offices and hospitals brought back to many painful memories. It was just safer just to stare at the wall, and to avoid breathing through her nose.

When the nurse came out of her office, Sage explained the situation.
Nurse Brown instinctively picked up the oxygen kit and fixed the apparatus to Sages face.
"Alright Miss Green first thinks first lets clean up all this blood.
Take off your shirt...Don't worry I have something you can wear to replace it, hope your not to attached I'm gonna have to cut it off of your arm."

Sage followed her instruction leaving her right arm sleeved, because it was too painful to try to remove it. Mrs. Brown snipped it the rest of the way off. The middle aged nurse gasped at the sight of Sages arms. Sage stole a look at her arm and was highly grateful Jet was not in the room. The reason there was so much blood was because her deep wound on top of her wrist has broken open as well as several other fresh cuts around the break. Through the blood Sage could see the break. Her wrist was dislocated from the socket and the bones around her wrist definitely looked broken...

The Nurse silently went to work cleaning Sage up and butterfly bandaging all of the open wounds...Sage was a wreck, she had no idea if Mrs. Brown would tell her grandma, even worse her dad, about her problem.
" How long has this been going on?" Nurse Brown pointed at the cuts that covered her lower arms. " Since The end of 8th grade..." Sage muttered.
"Okay well I want you to stop. You could really hurt yourself... That really complicates things." Mrs brown said softly, pointing at the large cut on top of Sages wrist.
"Um..I know...Umm Mrs Brown could you keep this Between us I don't want to Worry my father...And I don't want Grandma to know..."

" I will, only Because I know your grandma's reaction wouldn't be in your best interest...Promise me you will stop. Here is a pamphlet they'll help you out if you have trouble stopping. Now stand up and keep your arm at your side try not to move." Sage followed her instructions A wince crossed her face as she let her arm lay limp at her side...
"I promise I will..Just please don't tell anyone."

"Alright. I don't have any pain meds but this needs to be done now."
Sag closed her eyes tightly and thought of the good day she had with Jet...It helped distract her from the fact Nurse Brown was handling her wrist...She didn't make a noise until the nurse reset her hand in place. The screams that filled the room were riddled with pain and sobs.

After the crippling pain subsided Sage noticed her arm was splinted and in a brace. Nurse Brown helped Sage put on a gray Zip up sweat shirt. She helped Sage off of the table and on to a wheel chair. Nurse Brown opened the door and wheeled Sage out to her friends in the hall.

" She needs to go to the hospital, make sure this wheel chair makes it back to me. Bye Sage, I'll call you in from time to time, to check on you till you heal Kay. ...Make sure her wrist doesn't get bumped on anything. And you should Bring a bag for her, she may have a concussion And she's not gonna feel so hot if she does."
Sage caught the meaning behind the nurses words, she was gong to check on her to make sure that the cutting stopped. Sage knew she made a promise that she couldn't keep...She also knew that Mrs. Brown probably wouldn't ask to see her thighs. Sage shuddered inwardly at the fact she was actually coming up with ways to still be able to hurt herself. She felt a little ashamed but it didn't show in her brave expression.

"Hey guys."
PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 10:39 am
Jet rested against the wall next to the door. Everything was ok among the three until the screams started. Raven buried her head in Bob's shirt, sobbing uncontrollably. It was weird to Jet to see Raven acting so uncharacteristically, well . . . based on what he had known of her. Up until this point, she had been the most stoic person that he had ever met.

The screams drew onlookers. While they lasted only a few seconds, it felt to Jet like it was an excruciating eternity.

Eventually she was wheeled out by the nurse. Sage's already pale skin looking almost stark white. He head was wrapped in a bandage, and her right arm was in a splint. Jet nodded at the nurse's orders, took hold of the chair and started wheeling her out. By the time they reached the doors, crowds of students had gathered.

Bob smirked at the irony. "Well, I hope you two weren't hoping to be low key."

Raven frowned " . . . vultures."

She was hearing the rumor mill from here. Everything from how the two might have ended up together, to how Sage insulted Lauren, starting a fight, all lies and speculation, a lot of it probably started by Lauren herself. Jet reached down and gave Sage's shoulder a squeeze. He would never tell anyone the sad truth . . .

As much as this incident hurt Sage's reputation, in only boosted his . . .

Jet . . . how he said yes so as not to break the loner's heart . . .

. . . how he is such a kind person . . .

. . . how he heroically broke up the fight . . .

Jet grew sick to his stomach. The scowl on his face must have shown, as Raven put a hand on his arm and shook her head.

Jet's frown dissappeared. "OK Sage, let's get you to the hospital."  

Tir Malice


Questionable Genius

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:33 pm
Sage was still quite out of it since the nurse removed the oxygen mask...Now everything was swirly colors again...Every thing was overly amorphous and vibrant overly pronounced and every sound was deafeningly loud all at the same time...

Sage looked up, every thing seemed to be moving but him. Jet stayed in one spot, clear as day. Sage tried to contemplate what the expression on his face meant. Before she could finish the thought, the wheel chair stuck on the groove in between the doorway, the pain in her arm flared up again and she lost all thought. She had enough lucidity to hold back the urge to gasp... The pain that should have been on her face was invisible under the veneer of her mask. She looked out of it that was for sure, but not in pain at all...

The whole trip to the hospital was a blur to Sage. She convinced the doctor she was going to quit like she had with Nurse Brown. He had the same catch as Mrs brown as well...Regular check ups... Then he gave her some morphine for the pain... Her veins were burning...Then every thing was a little more clearer and loads more bearable. They pinned her bones, sewed her up, and put her in a cast...Then her Dad had to be called for payment...

A pained look cast Gary Greens' face, as Sages friends came to view wheeling his baby over to him. She Had a bruise near her temple and her arm was in a cast on a sling...But when her face was with in viewing distance you'd think she was just in there for a check up. She kept smiling at the boy pushing the wheel chair...It looked like he was telling jokes to make her laugh...The other two laughed at his jokes as well.
"Daddy!" Sage exclaimed as she climbed out of the wheel chair. She Ran into in a left handed half hug on account of her other one was wrapped like a mummy.

" Sage honey, are you okay? Are you in pain? I already filled the script for the pain meds...They'll be ready in fifteen minutes...Did they give you morphine? Do you want me to ask for a shot for the road? 'Cause I can, ya know..."

"Yes honey?"

"I'm fine! Man I thought parents were supposed to keep their kids away from drugs..."

Sage laughed and kissed her father on the cheek. She knew he always melted like butter when she did so. He needed to be pretty soft for what she was about to do.
"Daddy this is my boyfriend...Jet black." She motioned for the boy to come over.
Gary Grunted right before he cleared his throat.
" Gary Green, nice to meet you." He motioned his head in Jet's direction as he spoke.

"Dad be nice..."

"SO! Sage ready to go home?
Is your drama partner coming over later?"

Jet is my Drama partner...."

"Oh...Okay then, do you want a ride Jet? Or do you want to come over later?"
Gary said followed by a sigh of defeat. He wanted to dislike the kid, but he couldn't...Sage was the happiest he had ever seen her since...before his wife died. And it was apparent this boyfriend was a big part of the sudden change in Sage. He wanted nothing more than for Sage to be happy.So, Gary decided to embrace this boyfriend thing with out a fight, for now. He had to get to know Jet to be sure.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 10:29 pm
The Doctor's visit was over in 2 hours. Over the course of which time Raven, Bob, and Jet all got to know each other better. A number of times, Jet would get confused as they seemed to agree on something unsaid, looking at eachother and nodding. He began to feel that he was being interrogated without actually knowing about it.

Sage was wheeled out afterwords, he arm in a sling and, though her eyes still had a glazed look to them, even though she seemed more aware now.

Raven took control and asked all the questions. Yes, she had a concussion, no, it wasn't serious, yes, her arm suffered multiple fractures, no, the back of her head didn't need stitches, yes, she will be on pain killers . . .

The questions kept coming as Jet tended to Sage, and Bob pretended to read a magazine.

Jet played with her hair, much of it was matted with blood, and was kind of a mess. He leaned over and kissed her face. "Lets get you home, they called your Dad, and he is on his way."

. . . shortly after, Jet found himself telling jokes about this and that . . . and then . . . "Daddy!"

He felt the chair jerk, and watched her run, though not very straight, or very steady, over to a man walking toward them. Jet kept pushing the chair until they stood near to them.

"Daddy, this is my boyfriend . . . Jet Black."

Her father cleared his throat, and so did Bob.

" Gary Green, nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine, Mr. Green."

"Dad be nice..."

Jet thought it would be best to keep quiet. Raven nudged his side. "Don't worry, anyone that Sage like's that much will pass her dad with flying colors . . . "

Jet looked confused. "What do you mean . . . ?"

"Oh...Okay then, do you want a ride Jet? Or do you want to come over later?"

Jet looked back at her father quickly. "Uh . . . I wouldn't mind riding over with you . . . but . . . only if Sage is sure she feels up to it." He looked at Sage, his expression serious. "I mean it, don't push yourself . . ."  

Tir Malice


Questionable Genius

PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:06 pm
Sage opened her mouth to respond. But her father beat her to the punch.
Gary rubbed the back of his neck occasionally as he spoke, it was sore from overworking.
"You know what? It doesn't matter if she's up to practicing or not. Because You can come over either way. Sage you, are not grounded tonight.Well sweetheart, I mean you had a really bad day already.And I don't want to be the one to put Salt on a wound. The day is too short to break your first bone,and be grounded."

Sage hugged her Father once again, a beaming smile shined off of her face.

"Thank you Dad...You're the best.
You have no idea how much this means to me."

"I think I do, and I'm happy for you. He seems like a good kid...Just promise me something...Be careful...Because love can hurt sometimes too." His response was whispered in sages ear towards the end he sounded a tinge emotional...He carefully hugged Sage and kissed her on top of her head.

" I promise, and I know... dad." Sage replied, her mask faltered a little when her fathers last words sent ghost pains toward her arms. Something about the breaking in his voice and the look of his expression..He meant losing love. He meant losing Mom.
By the look in her eyes Gary knew that Sage meant she knew how that hurt felt.

Gary pulled away from the embrace to dry his eyes and to quickly gather up most of his composure.
" But you are grounded for the rest of the week, you're free on Monday. It wouldn't be fair to grandma if I let you off the hook that easy."

"I figured as much. It's okay Dad, 'cause Jet can still come over for practice right?" Sage smiled brightly at Jet when she said is name.

"Nope. Changed my mind." There was an odd silence throughout the group after a while, Gary couldn't hold back his smile, and it gave away that he was trying to be funny.
"Dad! Don't tease me like that!"
" Sorry couldn't resist... Alright lets get going."

"Mr. Green wait!"

Raven called right as he turned to walk to his car.

" Uh Yeah?"
" Um Is It okay if I take Sage shopping tonight around six? It's only A quarter to three right now...She has money so..Yeah I think it'll be fun, besides she's been wearing the same cloths since freshman year!"

Sage had a look of horror on her face. She knew exactly what Raven was up to...
She was going to a victim of a make over...

She groaned and was about to protest but yet again Gary interrupted her.

" I know all about that money; she's saving it for a guitar...You talk loud on the phone hon. Any how I'm gonna give you the money to buy Sage some new cloths...What money she doesn't spend on cloths give it back to her.Here... See you at six."

"Really? Thanks, you rock! See you at six Sage!"Raven shouted ,as she made a mad dash for her car, clutching the money in her pocket. Bob was close behind her.
" Don't worry buddy I'll come back for you wheel chair go ahead and go!"
"Oh! And don't tell her how much I gave you!"
Gary yelled in Raven's direction.

Sage let out a defeated sigh as she claimed Into the back seat of her fathers black Chevy Cobalt LS. She rested her head on the window and stared out at nothing. She still felt weird from the morphine.

"You coming Jet?" Gary Called through the open drivers side window.
03 One-on-One RPs

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