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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:03 pm
"Apparantly..." Ceres had her arms crossed in her human form as she entered the Inn, surprisingly no questions asked. Her own sister was probably sleeping in the other room, Pharos was eating as best he could with his weak body and Adrian probably collapsed through exhaustion. Something felt...surprisingly odd about the town, they didn't ask anything when they entered and she found that a bit odd...and a town...in the middle of the desert what was that all about.
"I'd ask you to investigate but you've done enough for today." she explained walking to the bed and sitting on it, pondering a couple of things as she did, changing back into her Spirit form just so she could absorb as much sunlight as possible to keep her at maximum strenght. For the time being she just like Elizabeth lie on the floor with a pillow until she was consious; Ceres motioning Israel over beside her on the bed. "I haven't been paying much attention to you have I?" she smirked in terms of his physical appearance that she was unable to control since they have been on the move since about a year ago when....Jackel found them.

"Hmm..." As Theia was resting on the bed, both her hands were placed in two bowls of water while there was a oval like basin on the floor that was also filled with water. Her hands soaked up the pure freshness of the little bowl of water, rejuvenating her even a little to actually allow her mind to wake up and process what was going on. For now it was enough just to be awake. "Adrian...?" she turned her head to look around since moving too much was still painful and found Adrian collapsed on the side of the bed. Theia had barely realized how they had gotten there, also seeing Pharos eating despite his sickly condition. She'd rather him continue to eat and get well rather than acknowledge his mother's consiousness.
PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 7:00 pm
Israel followed Ceres into the room and lay next to her when she called him to the side of the bed, making sure to close the door behind him so no one could disturb them. He stepped over an unconcious Elizabeth to make his way to her and felt her run her hands through his hair. He closed his eyes, enjoying the attention he was recieving before turning over to give Ceres a soft kiss on the lips. "Not to worry my love... I don't mind at all..."

Adrian wasn't so much asleep as she was simply resting and her eyes opened quickly when she heard Theia's voice, her own strength becoming rejuvinated as Theia began to slowly heal. She turned her head to her left to see Theia looking at Pharos across the room, munching on a piece of fruit. Giving a soft smile, Adrian's voice was rather weak as she whispered to Theia, not wanting to disturb Pharos. "Yes... Theia?"

Spaniard The Last Angel


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 7:30 pm
Ceres continued on slowly running her fingers through his hair as she cut it with a small dagger she carried around just for little things like this. She and Theia of course cut their own hair if necessary, Theia cut Pharos' and Adrian's while Ceres just tended to Israel. The only reason it ever took her a while was because she enjoyed smoothening out his hair with her gentle flames, allowing it to become shiny, and silky before she messed it up just to give it that rugged look. When she finished an hour or two later she put the dagger on the side and embraced him from behind now his hair all neat and kept like it was supposed to be.
"You think it's about time we wake up the 'prisoner'?" she asked with her head turned to look at Elizabeth who was still on the floor unconsious. If they didn't do anything she'd probably stay that way and time was never really on their side.

"You brought us here didn't you..and you took care of Pharos....thank you." Theia responded softly, giving her a soft smile before forcing herself to sit up on the bed, and use what was left in the small bowl to move the water basin from the floor to the bed. At took a lot longer than it usually would - roughly three minutes or so only because it took her a lot of concentration to try not to spill the basin. Once it was on the bed however, she sat up and had her knees bent with both her feet in the basin, releasing a heavy sigh as if releasing a heavy burden off her shoulders. This still wasn't enough to compenstate for how much liquid she had lost but she knew she and Adrian were getting better.

Even with this bit of stirring Pharos ceased biting into his strange desert fruit and turned to his mother and Adrian who were surprisingly awake. Despite the fact Pharos was still down with an illness it was best he ate since he hadn't in almost a month. "Mom! Adrian!" he exclaimed when he saw them awake, running to the bed and crawling on, embracing his mother tightly, glad she was awake and looking much better than earlier.
Even though Pharos still had a fever and was still suffering from some malnurishment he was slowly getting better. He had a big bright smile on his face, although he and everyone in the group were in serious needs of bath and his curls began to grow a bit too long since Theia didn't have much time to tend to him or anyone else for that matter. "You're alright...I'm so glad.."

Theia gave her son a gentle smile as she wrapped an arm around him and kissed his forehead, "I told you we'd be alright didn't I? put some faith in your mother next time Pharos." she said softly, almost tearing up at the thought of losing her one and only son. "But...you shouldn't thank me.." she added on putting a hand under his chin gently, "you should be thanking Adrian, she was the one who helped us get here in the first place." she explained while Pharos turned to Adrian and smiled, thanking her with the biggest enthusiasm he could manage.

"Hm...you're still not well....it might take a while, despite the fact you have inhuman capabilities. I still won't risk you staying sick too long...but I don't even know what medicine to give you...we usually have medical spirits to heal us. The only time I've ever been physically ill was when I was having you...." the situation was getting better but still pretty bad, especially since they also had Elizabeth and her sanity to worry about. "Finish eating, drink some water and come lie down here, I don't want you exherting too much effort so soon." Pharos was able to heal faster but not at an amazing rate like Spirits and Guardians. It would take time for him to properly heal over.

As Pharos nodded, doing so knowing his mother knew him better than anyone he finished up, drank a cup of water and crawlled into bed beside his mother, while she had her arm around him, gently stroking his hair to soothe him to sleep.

"Adrian..." Theia's voice spoke softly once again, "if you have the strenght...I would like to speak to my sister and your brother...they should probably bring Elizabeth as well since I don't want to leave her unattended...could you go to their room and do this for me, please?" she asked with a kind smile. If this wasn't important it could have waited but obviously there was something Theia wanted to discuss and discuss it now.
PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 8:41 pm
Adrian had her eyes closed as she listened to Theia and Pharos, feeling only slightly better than before. At least her breathing was back to normal. She mumbled something in audible to Theia when she called her name and gave a sigh, running a hand down her face, forcing her eyes awake. She knew what was to happen next. Forcing her self to sit up, there was a slight numbness in her body as she silently moved off the bed, not wanting to wake the sleeping Pharos. She was not healing as fast as Theia and Pharos were, but she would get there eventually. Her footsteps where actually audible, slightly of course, as she walked on the dried mud-brick floor towards the other room where she could smell the familuar scent of Israel.

Israel rolled his eyes at Ceres question, running a hand through his newly trimmed hair. "I suppose... its the human thing to do anyway... " Who was he kidding? He was ready to wake the poor woman up so he could finally find out what happened back in the forest a month ago. Instead, as he was getting up from the bed, he was stopped by a knock at the door, but he could already sense who it was. "Come in..." He said rather agressivly as he sat back down on the matress behind him. He was getting tired of waiting.

Entering slowly, Adrian kept her gaze down at the floor as she opened the door slowly, only poking her head inside the room. "Theia would like to see you... all of you..." This of course, meant Elizabeth as well as she stood there for a moment and then closed the door quickly, making her way back to Theia's room. She entered and went back to her position on the bed next to Theia, softly saying how Israel, Ceres and Elizbeth wouldd be on thier way before turning over to lay down, burying her face in the mattress below her.

Israel looked at his sister with a confused look but said nothing until she was out of the doorway. He then exchanged glances with Ceres and they quickly understood, Israel picking up Elizabeth rather resentfully before following Ceres into Theia's room, placing her once again on the floor before shutting the door behind them. He then crossed his arms as he watched Ceres give a silent look to him from across the room, herself seated in a chair near the window to possibly continue soaking rays from the sun. Deciding to lean against the wall, everything was silent as glances were exchanged between everyone before eventually falling on Adrian.

Adrian could feel the stares linger on her, but she kept silent, not really wanting to have to deal with so much pressure as she kept her face buried in the matress, not wanting to look up. Eventually, however, she realized that she could not hide forever and so, ever so slowly, she moved to turn around on the bed, then moving to sit up, leaning against the wall to see everyone staring at her. Everyone except, the unconcious Elizabeth and sleeping Pharos of course.

"Well? Spit it out already, tell us all why it is still alive..." Israel motioned from his spot against the wall by the door as he kicked Elizabeth slightly in her side, a slight mumble coming from her but nothing else.

Adrian gave a frown at her brother's actions, but resisted the urge to say something, knowing very well she was in enough trouble as it was. "Shut up..." She exchanged mean glances with her brother before looking to Ceres and Theia with dim dark brown eyes. No, she still wasn't healed yet. "I-I... when you left us... in the clearing... um... Theia had told me not to kill Jackel... I remember that. But I knew what you all wanted us to do. S-so, I didn't want to disobey Theia and well... it made sense if me and Israel sort of, switched... So um... Israel went off to um, take care of Jackel and I was going to finish off Elizabeth but I..." She stopped speaking for a moment before looking down at her hands which were now fiddling with themselves, sweating slightly. "I-I couldn't do it... I wanted to, I really did but... I... " She moved her glance from her hands down to the floor before her where Elizabeth lay motionless save the long breaths she was taking.

Israel tsk'd in his spot and shook his head, his eyes closed as if amused by the whole thing. "I knew you wouldn't go through with it..."

"What the hell do you mean by that?! I was GOING to kill her, I was! But... I just... " Adrian's voice fell short , trying to find the right words to convey what had happened that day, but none came.

Israel spat at the ground and hissed. "And it doesn't explain why she was following us, either."

Adrian then looked just as confused as anyone would have been and nodded towards Elizabeth. "I'm not sure. I-I told her to run away... not to follow us. You'll have to ask her..."

Israel gave a smirk and bared a few teeth. "I think I will..." Taking a few steps forward, he bent down at his knees and pulled Elizabeth up by her hair, his head snapping immediatly in Adrian's direction.

At Israel's action, Adrian gave an involuntary growl, surprising even herself as her lips curled up on thier own, baring sharp teeth at Israel as her growl began to vibrate throughout the room, her eyes gaining a little bit of color, but not too much.

Spaniard The Last Angel


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 6:47 pm
Even though Theia knew quite well that Adrian wasn't very comfortable with talking about what happened a month a go it was still her responsability as her spirit master and somewhat of a sister to Adrian after all these years, their relationship wasn't as ..... 'romantic' and 'demanding' as Ceres and Israel.

As Adrian hide her face on the mattress as she returned she put a hand on Adrian's shoulder gently and tried to smile, sitting up with her feet still in the basin of water as her sister, guardian and Elizabeth arrived into the room, waiting for a respective answer. Although it wasn't clear on why Adrian didn't kill Elizabeth, Theia would rather cease the questioning before it hurt her anymore, only blaming herself and her own weakness in the lack of being able to command her guardian properly.
Before Theia could say anything she was interrupted by a conversation between the siblings as they argued over the fact Elizabeth was alive.

Little Pharos who was still resting to heal his illness, cuddled up closer to his mother for protection from Israel's constant yelling and Adrian's constant rebuttle.

Ceres however was just on the side, sitting by the window, soaking up the rays and listening to the two argue and Adrian try to explain her story but the fact still remained that they were being followed by an ex-enemy who was now dead and her question was why. Standing, after being annoyed for so long, she grabbed Elizabeth's chin and held it hard, tilting her head up to see her, "If you don't wake up and provide us with answers as to why you've been following us, after my sister's guardian decided to spare your life, you'll have a broken jaw and your fangs hanging out of your mouth.....how does that sound?" she released her hand and smirked devilishly stepping back to give Elizabeth a moment to recover.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 8:49 pm
There was a small shriek when Israel had grabbed Elizabeth and despite Adrian's silent protest, he did not let go. Ceres' warm touch is what really seemed to stir Elizabeth as her eyes flickered for a moment, as if responding to her words.

Israel gave a growl from his throat, mostly in response to Adrian who had not calmed down yet, before turning to Elizabeth, his voice sharp and harsh. "Wake up you wench!" The vibration from Adrian grew louder, receiving glances from just about everyone in the room, but it stopped immediatly when a small gasp came from Elizabeth and her golden eyes shot open, watering slightly as Israel still held her by her hair. It was then that he let her go, letting her drop on the floor as if he were holding something disgusting before standing up and taking a step away. He watched as she turned over on the floor to lay on her back, seemingly out of breath. Gaining his composure, he looked down to Israel with a stern face. "Finally... now, its your turn to talk. Why were you following us?"

Elizabeth's weak eyes stared up at Israel who seemed towe over her like a giant, but she did not show any fear. Instead, she didn't seem to show any emotion at all. Breathing in to answer him, she coughed softly instead, bringing a hand to her throat, cluctching it softly. "I... told you already... I.... need... you..."

"Need who? What for? We don't want you in the first place!" Israel seemed very angry for some reason, mostly because Elizabeth should have been dead. If anything, he was angry at Adrian for not finishing the job.

"You..." Elizabeth managed to throw out at him as she held on tightly to her throat, wincing in pain at she tried to sit up, doing so slowly. She seemed to be gaining her energy back. It was then that she became aware of her surroundings and the people around her and she kept her gaze to Israel's shoes, not wanting to start anymore trouble than she knew she was already causing.

Israel bent down so that he was eyelevel to Elizabeth and gave her a hiss. "Why? The only good you are to me is meat... which doesn't sound like a bad idea right now..."

Elizabeth studdered for a moment, trying to get words to escape her mouth, but she couldn't. She was simply just tired and exhuasted and honestly did not want to put up with any arguing, especially from Israel. "Be-cause... you killed... him..." She stopped speaking again before swallowing hard, dehydrated from the long journey she had taken to find the group who now held her captive. "You killed him.... which means... you have... his powers.... starting... last week... on the full moon... you have his powers... so I will live longer... if I'm with you..."

Spaniard The Last Angel


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PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 9:00 am
Everyone except for Adrian was practically dumbfounded at the situation. They weren't going to have another one of these follow them around, especially if it was Elizabeth, regardless of the fact Israel was now...under circumstances her new 'master'. This has never been heard of before since usually when Spirits were killed their guardians were killed with them. This was beginning to prove difficult for the group, especially for Ceres who did not want any part of this.

"I don't believe this...someone kill her and get her out of my site I will not have this vile thing in my presence. It's YOUR master who's put us in such a position in which we had to kill him and now you're telling me you're going to thrive off my guardian! dream on...." The fire spirit was easily furiated, just glaring down at the already weak Elizabeth. She also turned her gaze to her sister making sure she didn't say anything to defend her guardian or Elizabeth for that matter. "And I don't want another word coming out of your mouth Theia, it was your guardian's incompetence that also put us in this situation. If she wasn't so soft we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place!"

Theia, unfortunately was blaming herself but she knew doing so over and over would prove nothing. "Sister please...Pharos is resting..." she tried to calm down her angered sister while her son slept through his illness. "Well we can't kill her, we're not about to become killers Ceres other than towards Raiders but you're right I don't trust her being around us....I don't know what she's thinking..."

"It doesn't matter what she's thinking Theia. She was/is part of the enemy." Obviously no one else was understanding that point, so in light of her anger she walked out, back to her own room and left the rest of them to contemplate the situation. In her own world however, just the thought of someone else being around Israel was not acceptable in her eyes and in a way she could have perphaps been jealous of Elizabeth. But she wouldn't sink that low...

Sighing heavily, Theia looked at Adrian and then back at Elizabeth turning her back to them while lying in bed with Pharos, "I have nothing more to say on the situation...it's up to you what we do with her...she's your responsability."
PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 7:31 pm
Israel began muttering under his breath, something about killing somebody with something something. But he didn't make his mummering last too long. He was upset that Ceres was upset and he wanted to go after her, but her orders were to do as he chose, and at the moment, he felt getting rid of Elizabeth would solve everything. At Theia's last words, he gave a frown and then a smirk. "Very well then... my responsibility? Then my desicion... she dies..."

Elizabeth's eyes shot wide as she watched Israel come closer to her, but she didn't move. Instead, she began pleading. "No-wait, I-I can help you..."

Israel stood over Elizabeth, his fangs growing large as he held a hand up, the back facing Elizabeth. He gave a growl from his chest, a frown across his face. "Shut up! I don't need your help..." He raised his hand higher, eyes glaring in anger as he made up his final decision.

"No!" From the bed, Adrian roared and then in a blink, went crashing into Israel's side. Even in weakness she was faster than him. Not only was she feeding energy off of a Spirit and her son, but now she was feeding off of her own willpower. Israel was slammed into the door behind him, but it wasn't strong enough for the force of the blow and it quickly cracked away, sending the two Guardians to tumble in the hallway. There were a few gasps around them, but neither paid attention.

"You DARE defend her?!" Israel roared as he landed with Adrian ontop of him. He quickly found his strength however and overcame her, flipping her over so that he was on top of her, holding down her wrists as he growled in her face. "Defend the one who once would have killed you?!"

Adrian growled back, trying her best to break her brother's hold, but he was too strong. "Not by her choice! It's just not right! We aren't killers! I won't let you hurt her..."

Israel made an angry growl before picking Adrian up and tossing her to the side, turning to see that she had landed safely on her feet. He saw her running back to him, but his well trained eye could see her coming and he ducked back in the room quickly out of her way, finding Elizabeth still on the floor. "There you are... time to end this..."

Elizabeth held her hands up over her head when she saw Israel come back in and she began backing away. "No... I mean it... I can help you... I know... where the others are..."

Spaniard The Last Angel


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PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 7:44 pm
Theia watched helplessly as the two argued and caused a big commotion within the inn room and then took the argument outside, causing an even bigger commotion, now they were really in trouble...soon to be kicked out because of this noise.

"Adrian stop let it go." she tried to call out in a lower voice to not wake Pharos, but instead found it difficult to keep everything under control so she got up and off the bed to try and pull the two off each other in the hopes that she didn't have to use her powers for anything. In an occasion like this it would be best if Ceres would actually show her face but she didn't want the inn burning down or anything...plus being in the desert she wasn't sure where her source of water was located. The two kept bickering until Israel, proving he was stronger for the time being rushed back in and was about to finish off Elizabeth before she spoke of 'the others'.

At that moment she stopped Adrian from charging in at the doorway while Ceres also appeared creating a gentle whip of fire and attaching itself to Israel's neck, gently pulling him back, with the flame barely enough to burn or harm him but enough to get his attention.
"Let her go Israel..." Ceres was still annoyed by the situation but was calm and collected enough to at least listen to what she had to say about the others.

"You speak of the others..." Theia entered the room again still keeping her distance from Elizabeth, sitting on her bed with Pharos, "You mean the other Spirits and Guardians?" it was what they had been searching for, for many years and to finally hear some good news was either a trick or a miracle. It was also as if Theia had lost hope and thought she and her family were the only ones that still remaind. "How are they still alive and why haven't we been in contact with any of them for so long?"
PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 8:34 pm
Israel growled when he felt the heat of the lasso around his neck, but he didn't move. Ceres was in the room now, and he was to remain silent unless spoken too now, especially after all the racket they had just made.

Adrian looked flustered as Theia stopped her from moving any closer into the room, blocking her from defending Elizabeth andy further. At Theia's command, she stopped trying to attack Israel and stood still, crouching with a bend in her knees to watch and listen to the Spirits intervine.

"I-I... They are not on this land anymore... they traveled South... as South as they could go... and then they built boats... They exist on the most Southern island... and island with no name but with many of our kind... they call it the Sanctum.... I have only been once... and there were many..."

Spaniard The Last Angel


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 9:00 am
Theia and Ceres looked at each other for a moment, just as Ceres released her hold on Israel and Theia allowed Adrian to move forward. It would explain why there were no more Spirits or Guardians in any of the human regions but it didn't explain why they would gather in a new land so far away from that they were supposed to protect. Whether or not it was from the Raiders they had to venture there to find out the reason...and why they were not informed of it.

"Very well..." Ceres spoke turning her back to Elizabeth while keeping her hand on Israel's arm, "we will let you live...for the time being that is. But we're not responsible for your life and if you die it's not our problem. Unless there is more you could tell us but I doubt it.." she muttered the last two words and motioned Isreal out of her sister's room and back into their's to think about the matter more clearly and what could have driven their people all the way south without telling the two. Have the Raiders really struck that much fear into their eyes that they needed to run to survive.

Changing into her human form, Theia picked up the empty basin of water and headed for the door to refill it, to ale her still water starved body. She didn't care what they were going to do with Elizabeth as long as she didn't pose a real threat. "I'm going to get some more water and explore the village, Adrian, watch Pharos will you? I'll also try to find someone who can help with medicine for him." she instructed softly as she walked out of the inn room and weaved her way through the halls until she reached the doorway and found many villager, young, old, men, women, children and mostly elders just standing in a circle staring at Theia as she walked out with the basin.

One of the village elders approached with a large staff, decorated with feathers, painted different colours and clay faces circling the head of the staff walked forward and bowed.

"You are a Spirit, yes?" he asked, awaiting Theia's response.

Theia wasn't sure at this point whether to answer or to just run, but it didn't seem they had weapons or wanted to harm them, so in light of the situation she answered, "Yes....I am..." she said softly and sheepishly while reverting from her human form to her spirit form which was still rather weak in the hot and heavy sunlight while she still required water.

The villagers were in awe and bowed to her as the village elder bowed his head in her presence.
"We have been waiting for the return of your people Spirit of Water." he said softly and calmly, then clapped to his people as they despersed.
"I am Nahgiri, Village Head, and you and your family are our guests."
PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 7:54 pm
Israel snarled at Elizabeth for a moment before walking off with Ceres, into thier private room. This was all too akward for him. A Guardian having a Guardian... or was that it? Was Elizabeth inclined to protect Israel as she was with Jackel? Or was she simply using him so that she could live and prosper without her former master? Still, no matter how much he disliked the situation, Israel could not simply kill Elizabeth. She was an old friend, an aquaintence almost, seperated only by an act of nature. Israel could remember clearly growing up as young 'cubs' with Elizabeth, and even though they had both grown up differently, he could not kill her. This is of course besides the fact that Israel was simply not a killer. He never had been, and most likely will never be. The only time he ever killed anyone, was by Ceres' command. All this he was thinking on the short walk back to the room, and as he closed the door shut behind them, his back hit the wooden door and his eyes adjusted to see Ceres planting a firm, forceful kiss on his lips, her arms around his neck securly. And as she pulled away from him, she gave him a seductive stare that seemed to say 'you're mine, remember that'. It sent chills down his spine.

Adrian watched as Theia, Israel, and Ceres left the room, leaving her alone with Elizabeth and Pharos. Her orders were to keep an eye on Pharos, so she did not go after Theia when she left the room, yet she wished she had. She could feel Elizabeth's gaze on her, even as she turned away from the broken door way to see Pharos, who had gone back to sleep after everything had calmed down in his exhaustion. Moving silently towards the bed, Adrian felt her own exhaustion flood back again as she went to sit down on the soft matress, her head in her hands as she ruffled up her strands of black hair before giving a loud sigh.

Elizabeth, had nothing more to say, nothing more to do and she felt that she greatly overstayed her welcome just by showing her face to the group. Here was a group of Spirits and Guardians who worked together to achieve a goal; who did not corrupt the lands as Jackel had once had. Elizabeth was a good person at heart, soft and shy and caring, but nature forced her to do Jackel's bidding, no matter how much she deeply resented it. Now, she was free of her chains. Now, Elizabeth had a chance to start over, to live her life the way she was meant to, and not to be ruled by a power-hungry lunatic. Her expression as she sat on the mud-dried floor of the room was frightened. Adrian's refusal to look at her, even after declaring that she would not allow any harm to come to her, seemed to wound Elizabeth. She watched silently, and as she watched Adrian sit on the matress, she could hold her silence no longer. "I'm sorry... "

Adrian's head snapped to attention, staring with dark pools of brown eyes at the other, her expression caught between fear and anger. "For what..." She turned back to look down at the floor beneath her, making sure her voice was not loud enough to wake Pharos who slept next to her peacefully, even with the heating sun right outside the window. "...I'm the one who should have killed you..."

"And I shoudn't have followed you... there, we're equal..." Elizabeth's golden eyes looked to Adrian, hoping for a light change of conversation, but her expression quickly changed to a saddened one when there was no answer.

After a while, Adrian grew bored of the silence. Laying down next to Pharos, Adrian breathed out heavily before realizing something critical. "What's taking Theia so long?"

Spaniard The Last Angel


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:01 pm
After kissing him deeply and pulling away, Ceres looked into his eyes and turned away towards the window and walked over to bathe in the glow of the afternoon sun, just standing by the window with her arms crossed and her eyes closed. She felt a deep resentment for Elizabeth and how this was making Israel feel. When she kissed him, she only felt his nervousness for some odd apparant reason. However she tried not to let that phase her as she kept her glance to him, avoiding any reference to what had just happened.

While she was leaning against the window she noticed a large swarm of people in front and around the inn and then disperse into their own homes.

"What's going on...?" she wondered while turning from the window and leaving the room without saying another word to Israel and heading to the front to find her sister.

Walking back through the door after having a talk with one of the village elders, she bumped into her sister who was surprised to see her in her spirit form instead of her human form. "Ceres, it's the most wonderful yet odd thing! These villagers know about us and our guardians and they want to throw a celebration in our honour." It was rather strange to expose herself to humans who didn't want to kill her or sell her off to the raiders and she thought this information could possibly be useful in getting the villagers to help them get out of the village and towards the southern islands.

Ceres was just as shocked as Theia was when she first heard, not really sure she could trust these humans, much less Elizabeth. She explained to her sister how she didn't want to trust these humans so easily based on what they said and what they claimed...it was too risky....then again she didn't really trust anyone. She didn't trust Jackel, she didn't trust Michael she didn't trust, she still doesn't trust Pharos, or Elizabeth and she definately wasn't going to trust these humans with personal Spirit only information.

"I don't like this...do what you want then Theia but I'm not going to get us killed..." she said turning and walking back to the room leaving her sister hanging in the hall. It was pretty obvious she was in a horrible mood but wouldn't admit it to anyone, even Israel who right now was having his own issues. For the time being she headed to the baths to clean up, and leave herself in her own thoughts, constantly boiling water and throwing it over her to try and clear her mind.

Watching her sister walk off, Theia headed back into her room to find Pharos asleep, Adrian on the mattress and Elizabeth still on the floor, the two seemed to be having a tense moment and it would be worse if Pharos was awake. Walking over to Adrian with the filled basin she sat beside her, still dipping her feet in, in her human form, her legs now turning to water to fuse with the water within the basin.

"It's alright to be yourself in front of these villagers. They told me of Gerin, one of the old Sand Spirits and his Guardian, they used to live here with the people, keeping their village safe from sandstorms, the only reason they had to leave was because the raiders were searching for them and would find out about the unmapped town if they had come. They're going to throw a festival on our honour....well...the survival of our races..." she explained, so happy and so thrilled to hear about it, finally not having to run away from the humans for the first time in her life after Michael of course.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:38 pm
Israel watched in silence as Ceres seemed to be in her own little world. He knew better than to disturb her while she was in her thoughts. Hell, he knew better than to disturb her period. But after a while, when she went out of the room and then passed by the room again to dissapper in the bathroom, he couldn't hold on to his curiosity. Besides, the silence in the room was killing him. Walking towards the bathe room with a bit of a thump to his step, Israel knocked on the door as quietly as possible, which wasn't very successful. "Um... Ceres?"

Adrian's eyes looked up as Theia entered the room and she moved over a bit so that she could sit down comfortably, glad that there was someone else in the room to ease the tension in the air. Theia's scent automatically seemed to calm her as entered the room, and a heavy wieght seemed to lift off of her chest. Seemed to anyway. She listened as she spoke, forgetting for a moment that Elizabeth was even in the room. "Oh really? Sounds wonderful Theia! Still... we should be careful... you remember what happened the la-" She had to catch herself before continuing her sentence, not meaning any intention to insult or offend Theia at all. The words seemed to simply slip her tounge. "I'm... sorry, I didn't mean that..." It made her more uncomfortable that the spawn of that last fateful trust in humans, slept softly beside her.

Elizabeth listened as Theia came in, rasing an eyebrow at how Adrian's attutude seemed to change when Theia entered the room. Then, she frowned, confused at exactly what the two on the bed were talking about. Still, she knew it was not her place to say anything, so she remained quiet, not wanting to cause anymore drama for the day.

Spaniard The Last Angel


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:50 pm
Looking up from the wooden rock she was sitting on, her firey coloured damp hair, dripping town her back as she turned her gaze to him, putting the wooden basin down in front of her while refilling it with water. It was the first time she'd ever heard Israel call her by her name before...to her it seemed rather odd and she wasn't sure if she liked it, however for him to disturb her must have meant he wanted something...
"What is it Israel?" she asked her back still to him, sitting on that stone rock in the bathing corner of the bathroom, heating up the water in the wooden basin to a boil before pouring it over her head and using a hard rock or two to srcub her skin of any kind of dirt and dead skin that she couldn't just burn off or shed like a lizard. It was quite an effort not to look at him but right now she was alone with her thoughts...at least she wanted to be and not to think about him or Elizabeth for the time being.

Smiling at Adrian, Theia positioned her body so that the majority was lying in Adrian's arms, leaning against her for support. She was glad that Adrian was happy about the news of the villagers but was still concerned about humans none the less. Adrian also mentioned the last time Theia decided to trust a human it backfired in the end....However that was only because of Theia's mistake and her own fear of trusting her ex-husband with the truth about herself...afraid he'd turn into a Raider, kill her or something more...by lying she was able to create a simple life....if it wasn't for her free willing spirit that was too pure to hide such a secret from a human that she loved.

"It's alright Adrian..." Theia put her soft hand against Adrian's and smiled up at her, "I don't mind if you talk about him...it's my own fault that things turned out this way, I can only blame myself.." she muttered before releasing her hand and looking at Pharos as he slept, gently resting her hand on his forehead to mesure his fever. "...No matter how much I try to fight it...Pharos looks more and more like Michael everytime I look at him..." she said quietly to herself before releasing her hand and looking back at Adrian and speaking, "this is different, I know we can believe them and it'll only be for a while...maybe a night or two, just to make sure we're all rested up and well. They are just glad to know Gerin wasn't the last of his kind which was in itself a few human years back..." she explained, "if you don't want too I'm not forcing you. But this is the first human contact Pharos will be able to have...and I want him to at least enjoy it while he can..."
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