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Decadent Delirium

Heroic Entrepreneur

PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 12:08 am
"Sounds good to me," the currently redheaded man said, pulling Harry towards him for another kiss. He looked around the room. "This is a pretty nifty place. I wonder if there's a shower around here. And a bathroom. Or maybe just a really nice bath. Baths are nice." Just as he was saying this aloud, a large, ornate tub appeared in the corner of the room, filled to the brim with slightly steaming water.

"This place is nifty," he said in awe as he watched the tub for a moment. "And apparently, this place thinks its bathtime, so get naked, love!" He paused here to untangle himself from Harry, kiss him again swiftly, and run over to the bath. He leaned over for a second and dipped his hand in the water. "Perfect!" Without further ado, he slipped into the water, heaving a long sigh of content.  
PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 1:52 pm
"It's why it's called the Room of Requirement," Harry said with a smile as he watched Gabriel slip into the bath. "You require it, the room will give it to you. Its convenient."

Grinning to himself as he slipped out of his shirt and boxers, he climbed into the rather large tub with Gabriel. "Not quite as fun as the prefects bathroom, but it's nice," he said cheekily.

((I do love stealing that word from you, Lupin. It's a great word.))  

Andromeda Black Tonks

Decadent Delirium

Heroic Entrepreneur

PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 1:55 pm
((I've just realized how ADHD a post-sex Gabriel is... for some reason, he seems more out there than normal. It's actually amusing me to no end))

Gabriel wrapped his arms around Harry. "I've never seen the prefects bathroom. Never was a prefect," he said. "Never dated one either. So no big bathroom for me." He paused, looking at Harry strangely. "And how do you know how big the prefects bathroom is anyway?" He splashed Harry playfully to show that he was merely joking and being his normal insane self.  
PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 2:09 pm
((Instead of post coital bliss, you get even more hyper.))

Harry laughed, "Fourth year. Cedric Diggory gave me the password to the prefects bathroom so I could mull over a clue from the Triwizard tournament alone. The bath is the size of the small pool and probably just as deep. It's fun."  

Andromeda Black Tonks

Decadent Delirium

Heroic Entrepreneur

PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 2:26 pm
((lol. I'm entirely too amused by this))

"Oh...," Gabriel said, for lack of anything better to say. Instead, he cupped some water in his hands and dropped it on Harry's head. He figured that was a good enough answer for him.

(Crap post... wheee!)  
PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 8:43 pm
(Sirius is going to kill you both if he finds out)
(Should just kill you both now.)
(Now, now.)

Making sure to kiss Sirius before he left, Remus wrapped a towel around his waist and walked back into the dormitory feeling refreshed, if not a bit tired and ready for another nap, but his fought the initial exhaustion and moved toward the bed, kneeling down to retrive the bags that they had gotten from Diagon Alley.

"Sirius, are you going to spend the rest of the evening in there?" he asked.

Sirius stumbled out of the bathroom with a towel just barely hanging on his waist as he attatched himself to Remus from behind and lazily pressed kisses on the back of the other man's neck.

"'M out," he stated, peering over Remus' shoulder.

"Love you, you're not going to put that on now are you?" he asked, pointing at the bags.

"Let's get the stairs taken care of, then we can be girls and start getting ready."

Remus smiled.

"Wasn't planning on putting them on just yet. I just wanted to get them out of the bags. Besides, I haven't seen your robes yet," he said tilting his head forward to allow Sirius better access. "But yes, the stairs. We'll need to get that done before they get back. Unless they're all ready back, then when they try to go down the stairs, it'll turn into a slide instead. I believe."

He thought for a moment and then nodded.

"We'll need to see if they're up in the dorms yet, first."

"Eh, you'll see 'em when I put 'em on," Sirius said, grabbing the bags out of Remus' hands and tossing them on the nearest bed.

"C'mon, where'd I put my pants? I'll go see if the brats are up in the dorms and then we'll get to work," Sirius said, glancing around the room for his pants while keeping his arms around Remus.

Chuckling to himself, Remus turned his head and pressed a soft kiss to Sirius' cheek.

"Your pants and trousers are on the floor where you left them," he said, motioning the pile of clothes. "Mine are over there. You'll have to let go of me if you want to put your clothes back on. I also need to put mine on. Can't be walking about in a towel.

Sirius grinned and ran his hands down Remus' sides. He hooked his thumbs underneath the towel.

"I don't mind your towel at all," he purred in Remus' ear before pulling the towel off and letting it drop to the floor. He kissed a bruise he left earlier on Remus neck, sliding his hands up and down Remus' sides.

"But if you insist," he said stepping away and towards his pile of clothing. He nudged it around with his foot and kicked up his jeans. His towel, which had already been on the edge of falling any ways, fell off. Sirius blinked and looked down at it.

"Oops," he said, before shrugging and starting to get dressed.

"Sirius!" retrieving his towel, Remus used it to swat the other man as he crossed the room to his own pile of clothes. "Honestly. You're impossible you know that?"

Kneeling down he picked up his own clothes and dressed, smoothing the old robes down carefully as he slid into them. Running his fingers absently through his hair, he made a mental note to cut it as soon as he got the chance. Then, with a shake of his head to get rid of the more irritating droplets, he retrieved Hogwarts, A History from where Sirius has dropped it when they had come up here.

Sirius pulled on his shirt and grinned at Remus.

"And you wouldn't have me any other way," he stated, moving towards the door.

"I'll be right back," he said, slipping out and bounding up the stairs with no shoes or socks on.

He stopped in front of Harry and Gabriel's dorm and knocked lightly before peering in. The dorm was empty and completely silent. Grinning, Sirius turned back around and burst back into his and Remus' dorm.

"They're gone!" he stated, panting slightly.

"Oh good," Remus said, flipping through the massive tome until he found the page that he had found the spells. He sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Wait," he looked up the book. "We left them downstairs during lunch. So they're probably wandering about the castle, then."

He shook his head.

"It doesn't matter, they're probably with Kathryn," he looked at Sirius, who was still panting. "Take a few deep breaths would you. Do you still have those hairs I asked you for?"

Sirius plopped down on one of the neatly made beds.

"Yeah, it's in one of the pockets of my robes," he said, motioning to the pile of clothing on the floor.

Remus nodded.

"All right, it's rather simple actually. Just a simple incantation. I can do it wordlessly and I need to have the hairs in my hand. It's...insanely simple. We could probably break into the girls' dormitory if we wanted. Easy."

"Normally I'd ask why we never thought of this back in school, but then again, remembering James obsession with getting in Lily's dorm, it's probably a good thing we never figured it out," Sirius replied, laying back with his hands under his head.

"So, do you need to be on the stairs, or can you do it right here?"

Remus smiled.

"Even if I could get into the girl's dormitory when we were in school, I wouldn't have had a reason to go up there. I was never interested in any of the girls," he said absently. "I can," he scanned the page carefully, "cast it right here."

Setting the books aside, he slid to the floor and picked up Sirius' robe, going through the pockets for the vial that Sirius has put the hairs in.

Sirius watched Remus in interest.

"It's not about liking the girls, it's about pranking the living hell out of them. Did you find it?"

Remus smiled, holding up the vial and returning to the bed and retrieving his wand from the bedside table and Hogwarts, A History from the bed.

"And what would you have done? Stolen their knickers and strung them up in the Great Hall like you did to the Slytherins in third year?" he asked, with a faint smile. "Or would you have put bubotuber pus in their sheets like you did to Pete in fifth year?"

He emptied the two hairs into his palm, closing his fist around them and then closed his eyes, executing the wand motion as he thought of the incantation. There was a brief sparkle of amber and blue magic and then nothing.

"Done," he said opening his palm to reveal that the strands of hair had disappeared.

"Forget the Great Hall, what about right over the entrance outside? That would've been priceless. Or maybe plant them all in the Slytherin boy's dorms. And who cares about bubotuber pus? Worms would've worked just as well," Sirius said with a grin. Remus cast the spell, and Sirius watched apprehensively before grinning.

"Well that was quick and painless, what time is it Moony?"

Remus chuckled, the sudden image of Gryffindor girl's knickers strung up throughout the Entrance Hall. It was a rather amusing image. He gazed around momentarily for his watch and found it lying on the floor beside his shoes, which he had yet to put on. Picking it up, he glanced at it.

"Just after five," he said. "Time certainly flies when one is having fun."

"Already?" Sirius yelped, jumping up. He snatched his bag off the other bed.

"I'm going to take over a different dorm," he said, going over to Remus and giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Love you."

"Yes all-" Remus stopped as Sirius jumped up, grabbing his bag and kissed him quickly. "Love you, too. You're not going to take forty minutes to get ready are you?"

"Forty minutes? I thought I had an hour and a half at the very least!" Sirius cried.

"Well, I'm off," he said, giving Remus another kiss and going out of the dorm and entering the next one down, cautiously treading on the stairs, just in case.

"Forty minutes. Hour and a half. Whatever. Who needs that long to get ready for a ball?" Remus muttered as Sirius disappeared out the door. With a sigh, he retrieved his own bag, going through the day robes and setting them aside carefully, and then taking out the dress robes and laying them on the bed.

"Honestly," he muttered more to himself than anyone else since he was alone. "It shouldn't take forty minutes for anyone to do anything. Unless it's shagging and that's only if you take your time."

Catching himself rambling, he shut his mouth and set about removing his robes and putting on the dress robes.

Sirius entered the dorms and immediately locked the door. He pulled out the navy dress robes that he had bought that day and hung them up carefully on one of the four poster beds. He then went to the bathroom and started a bath, muttering out a list of things to do.

"Bathe to relax, brush teeth, wash face, brush and perfect hair, I'll have to do something about my nails," he looked around frantically for a tooth brush and sighed in relief as one appeared before going on his list again while stripping and stepping carefully into the steaming tub.

It wasn't very difficult getting ready. First step was of course to remove his robes. He then wandered into the bathroom dressed only in his pants. There he washed his face and brushed his teeth, and then a few fingers through hair to straighten it. He made another mental note to cut as soon as possible since it was starting to get into his eyes.

Moving back into the dormity, Remus put on the dress robes. Getting used to the feel of the material, soft and not worn out like his usual robes, he glanced at his watch lying on the bed. Ten minutes.

Now what?

Sirius relaxed happily in the tub, he immersed himself under the water so that his hair fanned out, and stayed there for a while until his lungs decided that if he didn't take in air, they were going to start a nuclear war with his heart, and hopefully sign a treaty with a his stomach to get it to help out. He lifted up and gasped for air, and glanced lazily at the bathroom clock.

10 minutes down, 20 to go.

Remus sighed. Sirius was probably going to take as much time as was possible to get ready. Which left him to find his own way of passing the time. Alone. He stood awkwardly in the middle of the dorm, looking about for his bag. The bag had been with him since his fifth year. It had held together and he seemed to have lost it in the small room that he and Sirius had taken over.

It was another ten minutes of cursing and nearly crawling underneath the bed until he found it. Brushing away dust bunnies from his dress robes, he opened his bag, pulling out the few books he had bothered to take with him.

Animagus Winter by Ellis Graveworthy.

Sirius' copy in fact, Remus thought with a smile as he opened the cover to read the scrawled signature and address (the flat they had shared twenty years before) on the front page where the owner's name belonged. He had never bothered to read anything by Graveworthy (and he had listened to Sirius fawn over the man for years), but since he had all ready memorize Lord of the Rings, there wasn't much of an excuse not to.

That and he didn't have to look at the book as some sort of keepsake from a dead man. Sitting carefully on the bed so as to avoid ruining the dress robes further, he opened the book and started reading.

(And if Sirius ever complains that Remus hasn't read anything by Ellis Graveworthy, Remus will now have every right to throw a book at him. Also a salute to the inspiring fanfiction god, Samvimes, who created Ellis Graveworthy. Gah, I'm tired. To bed I go. If I made any mistakes, correct them for me Pads if you get to this first.)
(*salutes* Aye, aye Captain! Just a code error I think. *fixes* )  

Ex-Professor Remus Lupin

Andromeda Black Tonks

PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 6:05 pm
Wiping water out of his eyes, Harry suddenly wished he had his glasses. Most of the object further than a few feet away from his were blurry. Thankfully, Gabriel was not, but it was starting to get a headache from all of it. Sticking his tongue out at Gabriel, he ducked under the water for a moment and then came back up. "This is the only way to get my hair to lay flat, I've decided. I need to keep it wet all the time. Or I could grow it out like Sirius, but I'd probably look stupid," he said absently, not really knowing what else to talk about.

((It's such a transition from Severus to Harry))  
PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 6:57 pm
((I can imagine the pain))

Gabriel giggled at the image of Harry with long hair. "No," he said. "I think its cute just the way it is." He noticed that Harry was squinting slightly. "You okay? Need your glasses or something?" He looked around and nearly groaned when he realized that the glasses were on the other side of the room.  

Decadent Delirium

Heroic Entrepreneur

Andromeda Black Tonks

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 2:35 pm
Harry waved off the questions. "No, it's fine. I'm used to it by now. My friend Hermione keeps telling me about using magic to fix my eyesight but I don't know. I know she did it with her teeth and everything...she used to have buckteeth...but I'd be afraid they'd screw it up and I'd end up blind."

((I was sort of clueless on how to reply to this.))  
PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 9:56 am
"Hmm... Hermione... Hermione..." he muttered to himself, trying to remember the girl. Oh yeah, the bushy haired bossy girl he had briefly met outside the Great Hall the night before. She used to have buckteeth? That was news. "Oh. Okay."

Deciding he didn't really want to think about anyone else at the moment, Gabriel wrapped his arms around Harry and brought him closer to his body. Once he was satisfied with the distance between them, the redhead grabbed a bottle of shampoo that was conviently sitting by the bathtub and poured some onto his hand. Grinning, he began to wash Harry's hair.

((Yay for change of topic. I definitely didn't know how to reply to that.))  

Decadent Delirium

Heroic Entrepreneur


PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 2:58 am
Kathryn had safely reached her dorm without backing out. She knew that going to the ball had it's first step which, sadly enough, was getting dressed into something formal. Just as she thought, the parcel containing her dress robes was lying innocently on her bed, tucked away in the far corner of the dormitory. She took pride in the fact that she didn't succumb to fashion or short skirts or anything feminine, yet here she was opening the brown packaging to reveal dress robes. Something which she thought she would never were. Kathryn held it up to the mirror and hoped that the woman's advice was correct and she would not look too stupid or tacky in it.

Kathryn quickly flung on the dress robes, thinking that the quicker she got it on the quicker she could adapt the the odd fabric and feel to it. It was merely a white dress to her knees with a tuxedo-esque coat over the top, the colour matching her eyes. It was adorned with big gold buttons and had a gold seam running through it and around to the bottom of the tails where an odd metallic clamp/pendant was. Kathryn turned her body as the tails flicked around her. It was highly amusing. She pulled on some brown boots, which incidentally were her riding boots, and walked over towards the mirror and looked at her somewhat dissapointing looking hair.

"Ah well, it's not like I've got anyone to go with so I mind aswell look natural" She told herself firmly, she didn't want to appear unnatural. She took a comb and untangled the various knots before plaiting it.

(This is the actual dress robes... I'm so unimaginitive Formalwear)  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 1:41 pm
((It's cute, Lunar))

Harry leaned back into Gabriel as he began washing his hair. He had never had anyone wash his hair but he quickly decided that it was one of the top things to do in a bath. He closed his eyes. "Having fun?"  

Andromeda Black Tonks

Decadent Delirium

Heroic Entrepreneur

PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 4:12 pm
(I like the dress robes, Luna)

Gabriel nodded enthusiastically before realizing that Harry couldn't see him with his back turned. Blushing a bit, he said aloud, "Yup." He massaged Harry's scalp for a few more minutes before saying, "There." Without further ado, he dunked Harry into the water to make the shampoo wash out, letting him back up after half a second under.  
PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 8:32 am
Spitting water out of his mouth, Harry ducked back under the water to get the rest of the shampoo out. Coming back up, he turning and sent a mock glare in Gabriel's direction. "Trying to drown me all ready?" he asked in amusement.

((Now onto more important things...like the 7RP.))  

Andromeda Black Tonks

Decadent Delirium

Heroic Entrepreneur

PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 12:46 pm
Gabriel was busy lathering up his own hair. "Not drown you, persay, just making you hurry up," he said. "We only have a bit before the formal begins."

He grinned and dunked his own head under the water. He came back up, shaking the water droplets off.

"All right, let's get out before we go to this ball thing as prunes, rather than as people," he teased.

Without really waiting for a response, Gabriel got up and grabbed one of the towels that had appeared with the tub, he quickly dried his body off and wrapped it around his waist. He grabbed another towel off the stack of four and began to work on drying off his hair.

Turning back to Harry, he grinned. "You gonna stay in there all day?"

((Yay! We can move forward once again... kinda))  
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