Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 12:11 am
*Fallz from the sky and hitz the ground hard* ouch *looks up comfused*, where r we patamon
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:06 am
Amaterasu smiled and nodded, taking one of the treats out of his hand and handing it to Gatomon.
As Gatomon was eating, she answered his question. "Well, me and a Patamon would make a great team. Ya know, Angemon and Angewomon?"
Amaterasu laughed. "I showed her the first and second seasons of Digimon." She explained.
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 1:03 pm
"Let's just hope I don't get a Devimon, otherwise Imari and him would try to rival you all the time." Sago said chuckling as he knew he once had a Devimon which became Imari. Sago looked his digimon which were more leaned on the fifth season of digimon which made him prefer Ruin digimon.
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:18 pm
"Heh. Imagine that!" Amaterasu replied, laughing. "We'd all be in trouble then!"
Gatomon purred her agreement, and her big furry ears twitched.
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:30 pm
Sago looked up at the sky when he noticed the sun had moved quickly. "It seems time has flown by." Sago said as he leaned back and noticed he was suddenly on Rosemon's lap. "Lila... Whose thorns I only delight." Sago said as if he was trying to remember something, however he had seemed to forget and spoke a line out of a poem he had heard once long ago. Suddenly he noticed he was drifting around, so he apologized and looked at Amaterasu and Gatomon.
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 4:12 am
Amaterasu chuckled. "It's no trouble." She said, letting Gatomon rummage through her bag that was lying on the ground.
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 12:12 am
Sago looked at Gatomon curiously for a moment as he brought his left hand over and began scratching Gatomon behind the ear as he heard that there was a special spot behind Gatomon's ears that would make it purr in simple delight.
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 4:10 am
Gatomon purred loudly as he did so, her tail twisting and untwisting.
Amaterasu blinked. She grinned. "That's sure interesting."
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 5:53 pm
"Well, I have been in the digital world for..." Sago thought of the date as he continued scratching Gatomon's ears and remembered. "I have been here for almost three years now." Sago said as he had been brought there long ago when he decided to leave his home and said goodbye to his friends to come there. "But then again, time is slower around here it seems."
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:29 pm
Amaterasu blinked, shocked. "T-three years?!" She exclaimed, her eyes widening. "That's amazing, I've never met a human who lives in the Digital world permanantly!"
Gatomon blinked. "So how do you survive, Sago? Do you forage like us Digimon?" She asked.
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:33 pm
(I guess excal, Ricardo, and Toan are gone xD) Dax was currently taking a walk with Kotemon. "The matter of the Royal Knights is a serious one..." Dax said. Kotemon nodded. "However, we can take them. You have so much power on your side," Dax nodded. "Still, my chances thinned when I found out if I have more than three of my digimon out in mega form at a time, they could all die." dax said. Kotemon shrugged. "Seraphimon BM, UltimateChaosmon, and I shall do well enough" Dax nodded. He looked up to see a girl and a boy talking together not too far off. Dax pulled Kotemon behind a tree, examining the two closely. "I don't trust it. Apparently this guy has been here three years, but I've been here well over a year and havent seen him before..."
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:07 pm
((Yeah, I've been meaning to post to this, but I was planning on ditching you guys anyway xp ))
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:16 am
Sago smirked as he began telling them. "Not really Gatomon, every now and then I check in with the surrounding towns, made some friends along the way who help me." Sago said as he had first came as an adventurer, now he was one who just lived their lives with them, knowing he wouldn't be able to come back like them.
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 12:11 pm
Amaterasu blinked. "I can't imagine ever leaving my parents. I'm on school break right now, so I can stay here as long as I want. My parents know I'm here too." She said in thought.
Gatomon whipped her head around, her massive ears straining and twitching. "Did you hear that?" She hissed, her blue eyes darting back and forth.
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 8:19 pm
Sago's blue eyes lured as his personality switched as his eyes became an icy stare. "My parents died...so I was free to do as I wish..." Sago said as his Rosemon knelt to him as she whispered a disturbance in the bush. "Looks like we have company..." Sago muttered as his digimon disappeared into his digivice as he then turned to Amaterasu. "Shall we go?" He asked as he felt Dax's presence was becoming a threat.