Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 2:17 pm
Sago jumped off the digimon with a slight thud as he landed and placed GrandLocomon into his digivice as Imari flew around. "What place is that my dear?" Sago asked as he looked at the tamer with a Gabumon then he turned to Amaterasu. "What is your name by the way?" Sago asked in a calming tone while his digimon landed on what seemed to be a perch of sorts before descending to her tamer.
Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 2:26 pm
Amaterasu laughed. "I guess I forgot to introduce myself." She said. "I'm Amaterasu, but I mainly go by Ammy. It's easier to pronounce." She said. "And this is Gatomon."
Gatomon raised a gloved paw. "Hello!"
Amaterasu thought for a moment. "We haven't decided where we were going yet, unfortunately. We're still thinking of it."
Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 4:34 pm
Sago gave a small smile as he bowed an introduced himself. "Sago is my name, and its a pleasure to meet you Ammy and Gatomon." Raising his head back to normal a large claw appeared around his neck which Sago didn't react much to as Sago smiled and chuckled slightly. "This is Imari, my LadyDevimon who's been around me for a long time." Imari gave a wicked smile as she brought her claw down, however Sago didn't notice she had just ripped the back of his pants a little. Sago looked a bit north as he figured out the two possible paths. "North of here leads to Gear Savannah, while the everywhere else leads us to the Tropical Jungle."
Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 6:41 pm
Amaterasu nodded. "Nice to meet you, Sago and LadyDevimon." She said. She wasn't nervous around the dark Digimon, not as much as Gatomon was. As a holy digimon, Gatomon had a natural instinct to be wary around dark digimon.
Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 11:20 pm
Imari yawned as her nemesis was close by as Gatomon would become Angewomon, which would rival her. Sago took out his digivice and asked Imari if she was tired. Nodding with a dark grin, Imari disappeared into her digivice and Sago decided to let loose his other digimon. "Blossom, Lily." Sago said as his digivice glowed until his Rosemon came out with a dark aura about her.
Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 3:59 am
"A Rosemon?" Amaterasu asked curiously. "How many Digimon do you have, Sago?" She chuckled.
Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:05 pm
[[Dax, Moon, Dritt and Toan's Digimon enter from File Mountain]] "That was one long a** walk." Dritt said as the group finally entered Toy and Tama Town. He turned to Shadow and Zero and gave a wave as they left. "Thanks for the escort guys!"
"So what now?" Divide asked.
"Well, about that." Dritt turned to Moon and Dax. "So Dax, is there an inn somewhere in this town? Maybe someplace to eat?"
Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 3:42 pm
"Yes, there's Tama Town Hotel about half a mile north east of him" Dax confirmed. The only digimon that was out of his/her digivice right now was Gwen, whom was still caring for the little baby digimon that Dax had.
Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:05 pm
"Well, now that that's over, Let go Shadow. I heard Mairi was in town! let pay her a visit before we leave!" Zero said with a little too much enthusiasm. Shadow rolled his eyes but didn't say anything as he followed Zero.
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 12:16 am
"Let me check..." Sago said with a smile as his digivice glowed brightly as all his digimon had been unleashed as Sago smiled at them. A Shinegreymon with an ominous glow as it was in Ruin mode appeared behind Sago as the Rosemon from before was now in its true form, Ruin Mode, while its counterpart a Rosemon Burst Mode was also out. Above Sago's head lied the demons of the sky as they were Sago's Ravemon Ruin Mode and Lady Devimon. Closely, but far away lied Sago's Granlocomon and Ancient Beetlemon which were his heavy artillery digimon, and Sago's most dangerous digimon was running around, his Ex-tyrannomon. "Let's see, Kadaj the Shinegreymon, Imari the Lady Devimon, Lily the Rosemon, Lila the other Rosemon, Locobust the Granlocomon, Nera the Ravemon, Khepri the Ancient Beetlemon, and finally Barney, the Ex-tyrannomon. So that is eight digimon actually." Sago said with a smile as they returned to his digivice except for Lily who was one of his favorites.
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 5:46 am
"Woah!" Amaterasu exclaimed, her eyes widening. "I only have Gatomon!" She said, looking down at the feline in her arms. "But I'm okay with that." She added.
Gatomon grinned in response.
[Although, in Digimon World Dawn, I have an Angewomon, MagnaAngemon, WereGarurumon, MetalGreymon, and a couple mega level. xD]
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 1:17 pm
Dax rolled his eyes and shrugged Moon and Dritt over as he began walking.
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 1:39 pm
"Well, I'm proud to have all these digimon, cause they keep me company when I need them." Sago said with a smile as he looked at the Gatomon in Amaterasu's lap and then Amaterasu herself. "One day, you'll find a digimon who wishes to join you, and when you do, you'll be glad you will have someone to accompany you through this world."Sago said as he looked at the sky and noticed that Rosemon was still in her Ruin Mode form which Sago decided to stop as he commanded her to de-digivolve, which she replied as she became Lilamon. "Don't worry me like that, you know if we go too far, you'll become a digi-egg..." Sago said as he sat down with his digimon standing behind him.
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 6:50 pm
"I wonder when that day will come.." Amaterasu mused.
Gatomon flicked her tail. "I hope we get to find a Patamon." She said, looking up.
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 11:38 pm
"Why is that?" Sago asked, yet knowing the answer probably as he took out a small flower petal-like treat and handed it to his Rosemon which gladly accepted the treat. "Would you like one?" Sago asked as he held his hand out with two more in his hand.